Article METROPOLITAN LODGE, No, 1507. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL HANOVER LODGE, No. 1777, HOUNSLOW. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL HANOVER LODGE, No. 1777, HOUNSLOW. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Metropolitan Lodge, No, 1507.
Bros . Clemow personally superintended the service , and although they had tho capabilities of their establishment fairly tested , proved they were equal to tho task demanded of them . One thing the W . M . mentioned previous to proposing the toasts was that during his year of office brevity would bo observed by the chah * , and be hoped followed by members . If the speeches on this occasion aro a
criterion of what may be expected in tbe future , we may assume tbe remarks of the W . M . will bo acted on thoroughly . The usual first three toast were quickly disposed of , Bro . Douglass proposed the health of the W . M ., merely remarking that the present was tho first occasion ou which Bro . Scales had been thus honoured , and he ( Bro . Douglass ) hoped therefore that the response would be a hearty one .
Bro . Scales thanked the brethren for the compliment they had paid him , aud then proposed the health of the Immediate Past Master . Bro . Douglass had , he said , by installing him that evening , conferred ou him tbe greatest hononr it was possible to receive from a Lodge . He had very great pleasure in carrying out tho wishes of the brethren and investing Bro . Douglass with the Past Master's jewel which
had been voted from the Lodge Funds . Bro . Douglass in acknowledgment tendered his hearty thanks . If the way in which ho had performed tho ceremony of installation that evening had met the approval of the Lodge he was highly gratified . Ho hoped the brethren wero satisfied with what he had done for the Lodge dnring tho past twelvemonths ; tho very handsome jewel thoy bad presented
to him led him to believe that such was tho case ; and for it and their support during the term of his Mastership , ho tendered the heartiest thanks . Bro . Scales now proposed the health of tho Past Masters ; the toast was one that had been so often proposed , and the brethren it included were so well known , it was quite unnecessary to dilate longon their merits ; hohoped tho brethren who had occupied the
chair of the Lodge in years past would for a long time to come be found in their respective places iu the Lodge , where they would always command , and , he felt sure , receive the greatest respect . Bro . Willing in replying tendered his congratulations to Bro . Scales on his promotion to the chair of his Mother Lodge and likewise tbe Lodge on having so early
initiated a brother who had proved himself capable in performing tho various duties he had undertaken . It was a great satisfaction to the Past Masters to see tho brethren thoy had initiated fill the chairs of tbe Lodge . Bro . Michael considered that his office of Secretary was one requiring him to write rather than speak . He was pleased to see the Lodgo in the position to which it had
risen , and pointed onfc tho great credit that attached to tho members in having so zealously supported the Charities on each opportunity that had arisen since tho Lodge was consecrated . He thought the idea of giving up one of tho banquets , aud devoting the money that would thus havo been spent was a good one , and hoped that , shonld the present Master see fit to adopt such a
course during his year of office , tho members would attend in as great a number as usual , and show they were really sincere in their support of tho Institutions . He should ask each brother , on some future occasion , to put a few shillings towards making the Lodgo a Vice-President of the variona Charities . Bro . Kingham followed ; in a few words mainly supporting Bro . Michael ' s plan
for placing the Lodge in the proud position of Vice-President of the Institutions . Bro . Scales now proposed the health of the initiates . Tho two received that evening were worthy brethren , and likely to advance tho interests of the Lodge . Bro . Rooks thanked the members ; he greatly appreciated the compliment that had been paid him in receiving him into the Lodge . Bro . Connolly likewise
thanked the brethren . The W . M . proposed the health of the Visitors , calling upon Bro . Dubois to respond . That brother , on behalf of himself and fellow Visitors , expressed the gratification they felt at hearing that tho rule in the Lodge had been for each Master to iustal his suecessor ; ho considered such a course was of great benefit to a Lodge , and any brother who thus
finished his year of office was entitled to greater honour than could otherwise accrue to him . Bro . Brown followed , complimenting the Lodge on its efficient Officers ; ho should endeavour to emulate their example , and point them out as a pattern for young brethren to copy . Bro . Cherry also replied . The toast of the Charities followed , Bro . Terry responding .
He urged the brethren to support their Master in the laudable endeavour he had promised to make to place the Lodge among the V .-P . ' s of the Benevolent Institution , this * was a position attained by only 30 of the 1845 Lodges on the roll of English Grand Lodge , and the fact of so young a Lodge as the Metropolitan qualifying itself would reflect the greatest credit on all connected with it . The next
toast was that of the Treasurer , Secretary , and other Officers of the Lodge , which was heartily proposed and responded to by each of the Officers there present , all of whom expressed their intention to work in their new offices aa much for the benefit of the Lodgo as was possible . The Tyler ' s toast followed , and thus tho proceedings terminated .
Royal Hanover Lodge, No. 1777, Hounslow.
THE installation meeting of this Lodge was held iu the Town Hall , Hounslow , on Saturday , the 11 th inst . The Lodge was opened at half-past four o ' clock , by the W . M . Bro . H . A . Dubois Prov . J . G . W . P . M . P . Z ., i _ c ., supported by Bros . H . Lovegrovo S . W ., G . Clark jun . J . W ., XV . Ramsey Hon . I . P . M ., H . B . Marshall Treas ., H . Clark S . D ., 0 . C . Cruikshanks J . D ., F . J . Perks D . C , G . S .
Graham Organist , J . Daly Tyler ; also Bros . M . S . Larlham P . M ., Heelis , Gritten , W . S . Dnnkley , C . A . White , Wood , Villars , & c , members of the Lodge ; and Bros . J . V . Wenst P . M . 753 , XV . Browne Kidder P . M . 12 , G . W . Dixon P . M . 209 P . P . G . D . C Berks and Bucks , E . W . Dubois 1216 , J . 0 . Carter P . M . 209 P . P . G . D . C . Berks aud Bucks , Bassett Keeling , and W , M . Stiles W . M . 1732 , Visitors .
Royal Hanover Lodge, No. 1777, Hounslow.
After tho reading of tho minutes of tho last regular meeting and an emergency meeting , and confirmation of the same , tbe ballot was taken for Bros . E . W . Dubois and Cannon as joining members ; tho ballot was then taken for four gentlemen for initiation—Messrs . Elliott , Thorn , Holliday , and Boyle , which being unanimous they were admitted , aud duly initiated into the-mysteries and privileges of
ancient Freemasonry . Considerable interest attached to the initiation of Mr . Boyle , who is the Consul representing the Republic of Liberia at Sierra Leone , and is a native of the latter colony . The W . M . then left the chair , which was taken by Bro . Mark S . Larlham P . M . M . E . Z ., for the purpose of proceeding with the installation . Bro . Dubois AV . M . then presented Bro . H . Lovegrovo S . W . W . M . elect , who assented to the usual charges , and having been obligated , the
brethren below tho rank of Installed Master retired . A Board of Installed Masters was then formed , with Bros . Dixon as S . W ., Stiles aa J . W ., Ramsey as I . G . ; and Bro . Henry Lovogrove was installed into the chair of K . S . according to ancient form . The now W . M . having declared tho Board of Installed Masters closed , tho brethren -were admitted , and saluted him in tho throe degrees , after which tho addresses wero very ably given by tho Installing Officer . The Officers were then invested as follows * . —Bros . G . Clark
jun . S . W . . Harry Clark J . W ., C . C . Cruikshanks S . D ., F . J . Perks J . D ., XV . S . Dnnkley I . G ., W . Heelis D . C , T . G . W . Wood W . S ., G . S . Graham Org ., and J . Daly Tyler . The retiring W . M . was invested as I . P . M ., and Bro . H . B . Marshall , CO ., F . R . G . S . was invested aa Treasurer , the W . M . alluding to his re-election to that office , and his liberality to tho Masonic Charities during the past year , A letter
was read from Bro . H . C . Levander Prov . Grand Secretary , announcing that the M . W . Pro . Grand Master had consented to the removal of the Lodge to tho Albany Hotel , at Twickenham , an announcement -which was received with much pleasure by the brethren . After receiving some names for initiation , and passing a vote of thanks to the Installing Officer for his services , the Lodge was closed in duo
form . The retiring W . M . declined to accept any recognition of his services until the Lodge had been longer established . At seven o ' clock the members and visitors assembled at the banquet at tho Red Lion Hotel . The printed list of toasts was appropriately embellished with texts from Shakspearc , arranged by tho W . M . Tho nsnal Loyal and Masonic toasts wero given by the W . M . Bro .
H . Lovegrovo . . Those of the Prov . G . M . Col . F . Burdett aud tho Provincial Grand Lodgo being especially well received . The latter was responded to by the I . P . M ., who , owing to the meetings of other Lodges , was the only Provincial Grand Officer present . The health of tho W . M . was proposed by tbe I . P . M . who alluded to the energy shown by him in the formation and working of the Lodge . The
W . M . thanked the brethren for tho hearty manner in which thoy had received the toast , and proposed that of tho I . P . M ., who had skillfully managed tho affairs of tho Lodge . Bro . G . Clavk S . W . suitably responded for the Officers . In proposing the health of tho initiates , tho W . M . made some pleasing remarks about their private life , ns two of them had been known to him for some years , and ( heir
initiate from Africa for over sixteen years . Bro . Stile ? W . M . of the Kings Cross Lodge responded on behalf of the- Visitors , and congra . tnlated the W . M . on his advancement , also on the Officers who hud been appointed by him . As the time for the departure of the last train approached , the Tyler ' s toast was given , and the brethren do . parted after spending a very pleasant evening .
Venerable Order of St . Laurence , Ebor Lodge—A meeting of this Lodgo was held at York on Thnrsday evening , at which were present Bros . G . Simpson R . W . M ., , 7 . S . Cumberland S . W ., T . B . Whytehead F . M . as J . W ., M . Millington S . D ., T . Humphries I . G ., W . P . Husband K . of G ., A . T . B . Turner Sec , L . Murphy , S . F . Bousfield , P . Pearson Tyler . The degree was
conferred upon Bro . J . J . Wilkes , Restoration Lodge No . Ill , Darlington . Bro . T . B . Whytehead gave a report of the proceedings at a meeting he had attended at the Alexandra Palace on the 9 th August , for the purpose of forming a Council of Side Degrees . The Lodgo expressed its general approval of the course adopted , and after some conversation and snggostions relating to tho government of the Order of St . Laurence , the Lodge was closed .
THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE , A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence . Sanctioned by the Grand Lodge of England . THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE will be supplied direct from the Office , post free to Subscribers only , for 13 s 6 d per annum , payable in advance . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable to XV . XV . MORGAN , at Barbican Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . " SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS , Per Page £ 8 0 0 Back Page £ 10 0 0 Births , Marriages and Deaths , b'd per line . General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & c . single column , 5 s per inch . Double Column Advertisements la per line . Special Terms for a Series of Insertions on application . Advertisers will find THE FKEEMASON ' CHRONICLE an exceptionall y good medium for Advertisements of every class .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Metropolitan Lodge, No, 1507.
Bros . Clemow personally superintended the service , and although they had tho capabilities of their establishment fairly tested , proved they were equal to tho task demanded of them . One thing the W . M . mentioned previous to proposing the toasts was that during his year of office brevity would bo observed by the chah * , and be hoped followed by members . If the speeches on this occasion aro a
criterion of what may be expected in tbe future , we may assume tbe remarks of the W . M . will bo acted on thoroughly . The usual first three toast were quickly disposed of , Bro . Douglass proposed the health of the W . M ., merely remarking that the present was tho first occasion ou which Bro . Scales had been thus honoured , and he ( Bro . Douglass ) hoped therefore that the response would be a hearty one .
Bro . Scales thanked the brethren for the compliment they had paid him , aud then proposed the health of the Immediate Past Master . Bro . Douglass had , he said , by installing him that evening , conferred ou him tbe greatest hononr it was possible to receive from a Lodge . He had very great pleasure in carrying out tho wishes of the brethren and investing Bro . Douglass with the Past Master's jewel which
had been voted from the Lodge Funds . Bro . Douglass in acknowledgment tendered his hearty thanks . If the way in which ho had performed tho ceremony of installation that evening had met the approval of the Lodge he was highly gratified . Ho hoped the brethren wero satisfied with what he had done for the Lodge dnring tho past twelvemonths ; tho very handsome jewel thoy bad presented
to him led him to believe that such was tho case ; and for it and their support during the term of his Mastership , ho tendered the heartiest thanks . Bro . Scales now proposed the health of tho Past Masters ; the toast was one that had been so often proposed , and the brethren it included were so well known , it was quite unnecessary to dilate longon their merits ; hohoped tho brethren who had occupied the
chair of the Lodge in years past would for a long time to come be found in their respective places iu the Lodge , where they would always command , and , he felt sure , receive the greatest respect . Bro . Willing in replying tendered his congratulations to Bro . Scales on his promotion to the chair of his Mother Lodge and likewise tbe Lodge on having so early
initiated a brother who had proved himself capable in performing tho various duties he had undertaken . It was a great satisfaction to the Past Masters to see tho brethren thoy had initiated fill the chairs of tbe Lodge . Bro . Michael considered that his office of Secretary was one requiring him to write rather than speak . He was pleased to see the Lodgo in the position to which it had
risen , and pointed onfc tho great credit that attached to tho members in having so zealously supported the Charities on each opportunity that had arisen since tho Lodge was consecrated . He thought the idea of giving up one of tho banquets , aud devoting the money that would thus havo been spent was a good one , and hoped that , shonld the present Master see fit to adopt such a
course during his year of office , tho members would attend in as great a number as usual , and show they were really sincere in their support of tho Institutions . He should ask each brother , on some future occasion , to put a few shillings towards making the Lodgo a Vice-President of the variona Charities . Bro . Kingham followed ; in a few words mainly supporting Bro . Michael ' s plan
for placing the Lodge in the proud position of Vice-President of the Institutions . Bro . Scales now proposed the health of the initiates . Tho two received that evening were worthy brethren , and likely to advance tho interests of the Lodge . Bro . Rooks thanked the members ; he greatly appreciated the compliment that had been paid him in receiving him into the Lodge . Bro . Connolly likewise
thanked the brethren . The W . M . proposed the health of the Visitors , calling upon Bro . Dubois to respond . That brother , on behalf of himself and fellow Visitors , expressed the gratification they felt at hearing that tho rule in the Lodge had been for each Master to iustal his suecessor ; ho considered such a course was of great benefit to a Lodge , and any brother who thus
finished his year of office was entitled to greater honour than could otherwise accrue to him . Bro . Brown followed , complimenting the Lodge on its efficient Officers ; ho should endeavour to emulate their example , and point them out as a pattern for young brethren to copy . Bro . Cherry also replied . The toast of the Charities followed , Bro . Terry responding .
He urged the brethren to support their Master in the laudable endeavour he had promised to make to place the Lodge among the V .-P . ' s of the Benevolent Institution , this * was a position attained by only 30 of the 1845 Lodges on the roll of English Grand Lodge , and the fact of so young a Lodge as the Metropolitan qualifying itself would reflect the greatest credit on all connected with it . The next
toast was that of the Treasurer , Secretary , and other Officers of the Lodge , which was heartily proposed and responded to by each of the Officers there present , all of whom expressed their intention to work in their new offices aa much for the benefit of the Lodgo as was possible . The Tyler ' s toast followed , and thus tho proceedings terminated .
Royal Hanover Lodge, No. 1777, Hounslow.
THE installation meeting of this Lodge was held iu the Town Hall , Hounslow , on Saturday , the 11 th inst . The Lodge was opened at half-past four o ' clock , by the W . M . Bro . H . A . Dubois Prov . J . G . W . P . M . P . Z ., i _ c ., supported by Bros . H . Lovegrovo S . W ., G . Clark jun . J . W ., XV . Ramsey Hon . I . P . M ., H . B . Marshall Treas ., H . Clark S . D ., 0 . C . Cruikshanks J . D ., F . J . Perks D . C , G . S .
Graham Organist , J . Daly Tyler ; also Bros . M . S . Larlham P . M ., Heelis , Gritten , W . S . Dnnkley , C . A . White , Wood , Villars , & c , members of the Lodge ; and Bros . J . V . Wenst P . M . 753 , XV . Browne Kidder P . M . 12 , G . W . Dixon P . M . 209 P . P . G . D . C Berks and Bucks , E . W . Dubois 1216 , J . 0 . Carter P . M . 209 P . P . G . D . C . Berks aud Bucks , Bassett Keeling , and W , M . Stiles W . M . 1732 , Visitors .
Royal Hanover Lodge, No. 1777, Hounslow.
After tho reading of tho minutes of tho last regular meeting and an emergency meeting , and confirmation of the same , tbe ballot was taken for Bros . E . W . Dubois and Cannon as joining members ; tho ballot was then taken for four gentlemen for initiation—Messrs . Elliott , Thorn , Holliday , and Boyle , which being unanimous they were admitted , aud duly initiated into the-mysteries and privileges of
ancient Freemasonry . Considerable interest attached to the initiation of Mr . Boyle , who is the Consul representing the Republic of Liberia at Sierra Leone , and is a native of the latter colony . The W . M . then left the chair , which was taken by Bro . Mark S . Larlham P . M . M . E . Z ., for the purpose of proceeding with the installation . Bro . Dubois AV . M . then presented Bro . H . Lovegrovo S . W . W . M . elect , who assented to the usual charges , and having been obligated , the
brethren below tho rank of Installed Master retired . A Board of Installed Masters was then formed , with Bros . Dixon as S . W ., Stiles aa J . W ., Ramsey as I . G . ; and Bro . Henry Lovogrove was installed into the chair of K . S . according to ancient form . The now W . M . having declared tho Board of Installed Masters closed , tho brethren -were admitted , and saluted him in tho throe degrees , after which tho addresses wero very ably given by tho Installing Officer . The Officers were then invested as follows * . —Bros . G . Clark
jun . S . W . . Harry Clark J . W ., C . C . Cruikshanks S . D ., F . J . Perks J . D ., XV . S . Dnnkley I . G ., W . Heelis D . C , T . G . W . Wood W . S ., G . S . Graham Org ., and J . Daly Tyler . The retiring W . M . was invested as I . P . M ., and Bro . H . B . Marshall , CO ., F . R . G . S . was invested aa Treasurer , the W . M . alluding to his re-election to that office , and his liberality to tho Masonic Charities during the past year , A letter
was read from Bro . H . C . Levander Prov . Grand Secretary , announcing that the M . W . Pro . Grand Master had consented to the removal of the Lodge to tho Albany Hotel , at Twickenham , an announcement -which was received with much pleasure by the brethren . After receiving some names for initiation , and passing a vote of thanks to the Installing Officer for his services , the Lodge was closed in duo
form . The retiring W . M . declined to accept any recognition of his services until the Lodge had been longer established . At seven o ' clock the members and visitors assembled at the banquet at tho Red Lion Hotel . The printed list of toasts was appropriately embellished with texts from Shakspearc , arranged by tho W . M . Tho nsnal Loyal and Masonic toasts wero given by the W . M . Bro .
H . Lovegrovo . . Those of the Prov . G . M . Col . F . Burdett aud tho Provincial Grand Lodgo being especially well received . The latter was responded to by the I . P . M ., who , owing to the meetings of other Lodges , was the only Provincial Grand Officer present . The health of tho W . M . was proposed by tbe I . P . M . who alluded to the energy shown by him in the formation and working of the Lodge . The
W . M . thanked the brethren for tho hearty manner in which thoy had received the toast , and proposed that of tho I . P . M ., who had skillfully managed tho affairs of tho Lodge . Bro . G . Clavk S . W . suitably responded for the Officers . In proposing the health of tho initiates , tho W . M . made some pleasing remarks about their private life , ns two of them had been known to him for some years , and ( heir
initiate from Africa for over sixteen years . Bro . Stile ? W . M . of the Kings Cross Lodge responded on behalf of the- Visitors , and congra . tnlated the W . M . on his advancement , also on the Officers who hud been appointed by him . As the time for the departure of the last train approached , the Tyler ' s toast was given , and the brethren do . parted after spending a very pleasant evening .
Venerable Order of St . Laurence , Ebor Lodge—A meeting of this Lodgo was held at York on Thnrsday evening , at which were present Bros . G . Simpson R . W . M ., , 7 . S . Cumberland S . W ., T . B . Whytehead F . M . as J . W ., M . Millington S . D ., T . Humphries I . G ., W . P . Husband K . of G ., A . T . B . Turner Sec , L . Murphy , S . F . Bousfield , P . Pearson Tyler . The degree was
conferred upon Bro . J . J . Wilkes , Restoration Lodge No . Ill , Darlington . Bro . T . B . Whytehead gave a report of the proceedings at a meeting he had attended at the Alexandra Palace on the 9 th August , for the purpose of forming a Council of Side Degrees . The Lodgo expressed its general approval of the course adopted , and after some conversation and snggostions relating to tho government of the Order of St . Laurence , the Lodge was closed .
THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE , A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence . Sanctioned by the Grand Lodge of England . THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE will be supplied direct from the Office , post free to Subscribers only , for 13 s 6 d per annum , payable in advance . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable to XV . XV . MORGAN , at Barbican Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . " SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS , Per Page £ 8 0 0 Back Page £ 10 0 0 Births , Marriages and Deaths , b'd per line . General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & c . single column , 5 s per inch . Double Column Advertisements la per line . Special Terms for a Series of Insertions on application . Advertisers will find THE FKEEMASON ' CHRONICLE an exceptionall y good medium for Advertisements of every class .