Article ROYAL MILITARY LODGE, No. 1449. ← Page 2 of 2 Article WEST MIDDLESEX LODGE, No. 1612. Page 1 of 1 Article WEST MIDDLESEX LODGE, No. 1612. Page 1 of 1 Article UNITY LODGE, No. 1637. Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Military Lodge, No. 1449.
Lodgo whoso funds wero taken care of by so painstaking a brother as Past Master Naylor . Ho was gratified that the brethren had recorded their votes in favour of Bro . Naylor's re-election , and ho hoped that for many years to come not only that a similar compliment would bo paid , but that Bro . Naylor would be among them and able to perform the duties attached to tho office . Bro . Naylor , in the
course of his reply , detailed tho various items in connection with the accounts of the Lodge , and pointed out to tho brethren their financial position in regard to tho Masonic Temple that was in course of constrtction in tho city . Ho heartily thanked them for thoir kind expressions , aud hoped ho might bo among them and retain their confidence for many years to come . Bro .
Naylor then proposed success to tho Press , both Local and Masonic , coupling with the toast tho names of Bro . Cattelle , as representative of tho Local , and of Bro . Morgan , in connection with tho Masonic journals . Each of these brethren replied , assuring the brethren that they wore at all times happy to do any thing likely to advance Freemasonry or tho interests of its members .
Bro . Senior Warden proposed tho health of tho host , Bro . Shaxby , and that brother having briefly replied , tho toast of the Officers was given from the chair . Tho WiM . felt assured that be mightroly on all of the brethren who had that day been appointed to office , and hoped that , in duo course , they would each be elected to the proud position ho then occupied . Iu reply to the toast , Bro . Blamiors , the S . W ., tendered a few words of thanks on behalf of himself and fellow
Officers . This concluded the various items usually observed at Masonic gatherings , and accordingly the Tyler was called , and he proposed the usual closing toast . In addition to those already mentioned there were present , Bros . Major Philip H . Knight P . M . 31 , E . Plntne P . M . 972 , II . Minoll P . M ., W . J . Greenwood P . M . 1419 P . P . G . P ., 0 . Holttum P . M . 31 P . P . G . Supt of Works , several members , and the following visitors : ~ Bros . John Overy Eve I . P . M . 1209 , Geo . Page P . M .
1209 P . P . G . J . D ., H . E . Fuhr P . M . 1208 , J . H . Higgins 972 , H . F
Pringuer 972 , R . Ewell 31 , John Wilson 972 , XV . H . Vile S . W . 972 , C . J . Ayton W . M . 1209 , H . Ward 586 , 622 , 1112 , G . Pitcher P . M . 972 , John Socra P . M . 972 , A . Moulding 072 , J . Holmes P . M . 120 S , Davies 1013 , G . Fred . Harris P . M ., & c , H . Sutton 1110 , A . Taylor I . P . M .
1110 , J . Welsh P . M . 972 , G . H . Choxfield W . M . 127 , J . A . Goldfinch P . M . 1273 , R . W . Philpott J . W . 1208 , W . XV . Morgan jun . 1385 , Alf . Cattelle J . D . 31 , & c .
West Middlesex Lodge, No. 1612.
IN our youthful days wo were deeply impressed with the livo ' y doings of an old gentleman whose qualities wore always summed up by those of his acquaintance with whom wo associated in the one expression— " He is a capital fellow for a dinner parly . " We may perhaps be pardoned if wc attempt to trace a resemblance of expression and idea in flip remark we hear frequently now-a-days ,
that So and So is tbe brother for an installation meeting . Well , Brother So and So has had a good time of it this past week , ns onr record of Installation Meetings will testify . But the printer ' s " devil " is at onr elbow , and tells us we mnst " cut it , short , " as ' the paper is already overset . " Well , " devil , " we'll leave onr " damnable faces " and begin . The place of assembly on Saturday last was at the
Ealmg Institute , where the brethren congregated at 2 . 30 . Thochairwas taken by Bro . Thomas Kingston , who was supported by Bro . A . Beasley I . P . M ., all the Officers of the Lodge , and the following Visitors : — Samuel T . Kingston S . D . 1269 , Walter Goss P . M . 780 , H . J . Alexander W . M . 1423 , A . E . Hannis D . C . 771 , D . W . Harrison S . D . 1681 , W . W . Trueman J . D . 1566 , T . Yonens W . M . 1287 , T . Brown
P . M . 7 S 0 , E . Hopgood P . M . 946 , J . Hamilton Townend P . M . 1426 , W . W . Morgan Sec . 211 , W . Gardiner P . M . 780 , Alexander Emmerson 780 , W . H . Underbill P . M . 59 , J . C . Wheeler 1310 . Lodgo was opened , and the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . The Auditors presented their report , which was adopted . The installa - tion ceremony was performed by tho outgoing Master , who placed
Bro . Henry Kasner into the chair with the customary formalities The XVM . was in dne course saluted by the brefchen , and he made the following appointments : —Bros . A . J . Bun * S . W ., J . Green J . W ., H . E . Tucker Treasurer , J . Chambers Roe P . M . Secretary , Dyer and XV . Seward jun . Deacons , Fisher I . G ., Delcvante Organist , Wright Steward , and Harrison Tyler . ' - * - * ballot was successfully
taken for two candidates for initiation—Messrs . Marmaduke Wolverton Wyville , proposed by Bro . Tucker Treasurer , seconded b y Bro . Roe Secretary ; and Mr . Frederick Millsom , proposed by Bro . Stephens , seconded by Bro . Tucker Treasurer . These gentlemen were present , as likewise was Mr . C . P . Bellerby , who had been ballotted for at au earlier meeting . It is the custom in this
Lodge to initiate ali candidates separately ; accordingly Mr . Bellerby was the first who was introduced , and Bro . Kasner carefully performed tho ceremony in his favour . Bro . W . Seward admirably fulfilled his duties as Deacon . Bro . Kasner next signified his willingness to receive Mr . Wyville , and here Bro . Tucker acted as Deacon . Bro . Kingston I . P . M . performed the ceremony in favour
of tho third candidate . The W . M . then resumed the chair , and proceeded with routine work . A proposal to raise a fund for presenting a popular member of the Lodge with a tangible mark of appreciation , was entertained , and several energetic members undertook to r . id in carrying out this proposition . After the tendering of congratulations and good wishes from the Visitors , Lodge was closed . The numerical strength of the membership in
this Lodge has so greatly exceeded what was anticipated , that the brethren have to look abont thetn for quarters wherein to hold their installation banquets ; however , ou this occasion they were singularl y fortunate , as the Christ Chnrch School-room had been placed at the disposal of the W . M ., aud a moro comfortable apartment for the purpose it would have been difficult to find . To Bro . Stephens had been entrusted the providing of tho banquet , aud he had secured the
West Middlesex Lodge, No. 1612.
goodly help of Messrs . Chisnall , of Hammersmith , and tho efforts of these worthy caterers were eminently successful . After full consideration had been given to tho discussion of tho good things provided , the W . M . rose to propose tho toasts . The first one— " The Qneon and the Craft , " mot with a hearty reception , and a musical party , whoso services Bro . Dolevante had secured , sang the National
Anthem . In proposing the health of tho M . W . the Grand Master , Bro . Kasner referred to the period of anxiety that followed tho resignation of tho Marquis of Ripon . Tho Princo of Wales had kindly stepped into tho breach thus created , and tho many qualities be brought to bear on his government of the Craft wero fully recognised by all Englishmen , wherever located . After "God
Bless the Prince of Wales had been sung , tho W . M . proposed tho third toast — "The Pro Grand Master , the Deputy Grand Master , and the Grand Officers Past and Present . " The part-song , "Tho Cloud Capp'd Towers , " was here capitally rendered , and Bro . I . P . M . Kingston rose , and , in a few manly remarks , proposed tho health of the W . M . Bro . Kasner had been associated with them
in the active work of the Lectge since its consecration , and all had greeted with pleasure the announcement of his election to tho chair . Hero Bro . Beasley sang most artistically " Yon'll remember mo . " Bro . Kasner , on rising to reply , said ho scarcely know how to express the pleasure he felt at the hearty way in which Bro . Kingston had offered tho toast , and tbe kind way in which it bad been received .
He felt extremely proud at being in tho position of Master of this Lodge , a position to which he was elected by tho unanimous vote of tlije members . Indeed , bo should havo felt it somewhat of a barren seat if tho brethren had not been unanimous . Bro . Kasner remarked that long speeches were not in his lino ; there were many distinguished Masons present who would like to have an opportunity of
addressing tho brethren , and ho would , therefore , conclude by again thanking them for having placed him in his present position . In giving tho toast of tho Past Masters , Bro . Kasner referred to tho very appropriate motto which was associated with tho toast on tho list , —which , by the way , was a most artistic production . Tho brothren might well ho proud of Bro . Kingston ; no better Master could
have been wished for , while no better Mason breathed , lie had infinite pleasure in presenting him with the jewel which the brethren had voted him . After this gift , which was much admired , had been acknowledged bv Bro . Kingston , the W . M . gavo the toast of the Initiates , and thoso threo newly-made brethren acknowledged tho compliment . The other toasts comprised the Visitors , tho Treasurer
and Secretary , the Officers of the Lodge , Ac . In speaking to tho toast of the Treasurer and Secretary , Bro . Kasner directed the attention of tho members to the responsibility of the respective duties of thoso Officers , and reminded tho members that each had a laudable aspiration for the post of W . M ., a post for which they had special claims which he nrered the members not to overlook . The several
replies wore torso , and offered in adesire for brevity which characterised tho proceedings . The final toast was then called fur , nnd the brethren separated . The musical party we have already referred to , but we must not for _ ot to tender thanks to Miss Delcvante for tbe ability she displayed throughout tho evening .
Unity Lodge, No. 1637.
UNITY LODGE , No . 1637 .
THE installation meeting was held on Saturday , tho 11 th inst ., at the Abercorn Arms , Great Stanmore . Carriages wero waiting at Harrow and Edgowaro Stations to convoy the brethren to their destination . The Lodge was opened by Bros . W . Stephens P . M ' P . G . D . Middlesex , C . J . Davis P . G . S . S . W ., W . Grist J . W ., E . C . Woodward P . M . Treas ., W . Coombes P . P . G . S . B . Middlesex Sec , S . A . Cooper S . D ., T . XV . Cooper J . D ., Atkins I . G ., Varley P . M . The
minutes of tho former and emergency meetings were read and confirmed . Mr . XV . R . Bristow was balloted for , and duly initiated into the Order by the W . M ., whoso working was perfect . A Board of Installed Masters was opened , and Bro . C . J . Davis P . M . P . G . S . was presented to the Lodge , and inducted into the chair by the retiring W . M ,, in the presence of sixteen W . M . 's and P . M . ' s . Bro . Stephens
well merited tho encomiums passed on him at tho conclusion of the ceremony . On the re-admission of the brethren , the W . M . appointed and invested his Officers—W . Stephens I . P . M ., W . Grist S . W ., S . A . Cooper J . W ., XV . Stephens P . G . D . Treas . and Sec , T . W . Cooper S . D ., Atkins J . D ., Slyman I . G ., G . Penn P . M . D . C , Linscott W . S ., Oldrey Assist . W . S ., Middleton Tyler . The W . M . addressed the . newly .
appointed Officers , who alt received the congratulations of those present . Hearty good wishes were given from the Visitors . Referring to the resignation of the post of Secretary , Bro . Woodward P . M . said ho regretted the decision Bro . Coombes had arrived at ; his loss in that capacity wonld be felt , but ho would propose that he be made an honorary member . Bro . Hendricks seconded the proposition ,
which was supported by Bro . W . Stephens P . M ., who hoped the members would present Bro . Coombes with a Secretary ' s jewel , as every one who knew him respected him . The W . M . addressed a few pertinent remarks , and then the proposition was carried unanimously . The W . M . said he would defer the appointment of a Scoretary until the next meeting . A letter of apology was read from
Col . Bnrdett Prov . G . M ., regretting not being present owing to the death of his son-in-law . The report of the audit committee was read and adopted , it showed that , the furniture , & c , was paid for , and that the Lodge was in a flourishing state . A deserved compliment was paid to Bro . Coombes for tho excellent manner in which tho accounts were kept . The Lodge was then closed until tho second tintardny in
April 1880 . Tho brethren sat down to a very simple and recherche . banquet and dessert 'provided by Bro . Veal . The wines and viands were of first-rate quality . Grace having been sung by Bros . Cantle and Knight-Smith , the W . M . said that many Brethren had to return to town , and necessarily his speeches would bo short , but lie hoped bis remarks would be to the purpose . He then gave the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Military Lodge, No. 1449.
Lodgo whoso funds wero taken care of by so painstaking a brother as Past Master Naylor . Ho was gratified that the brethren had recorded their votes in favour of Bro . Naylor's re-election , and ho hoped that for many years to come not only that a similar compliment would bo paid , but that Bro . Naylor would be among them and able to perform the duties attached to tho office . Bro . Naylor , in the
course of his reply , detailed tho various items in connection with the accounts of the Lodge , and pointed out to tho brethren their financial position in regard to tho Masonic Temple that was in course of constrtction in tho city . Ho heartily thanked them for thoir kind expressions , aud hoped ho might bo among them and retain their confidence for many years to come . Bro .
Naylor then proposed success to tho Press , both Local and Masonic , coupling with the toast tho names of Bro . Cattelle , as representative of tho Local , and of Bro . Morgan , in connection with tho Masonic journals . Each of these brethren replied , assuring the brethren that they wore at all times happy to do any thing likely to advance Freemasonry or tho interests of its members .
Bro . Senior Warden proposed tho health of tho host , Bro . Shaxby , and that brother having briefly replied , tho toast of the Officers was given from the chair . Tho WiM . felt assured that be mightroly on all of the brethren who had that day been appointed to office , and hoped that , in duo course , they would each be elected to the proud position ho then occupied . Iu reply to the toast , Bro . Blamiors , the S . W ., tendered a few words of thanks on behalf of himself and fellow
Officers . This concluded the various items usually observed at Masonic gatherings , and accordingly the Tyler was called , and he proposed the usual closing toast . In addition to those already mentioned there were present , Bros . Major Philip H . Knight P . M . 31 , E . Plntne P . M . 972 , II . Minoll P . M ., W . J . Greenwood P . M . 1419 P . P . G . P ., 0 . Holttum P . M . 31 P . P . G . Supt of Works , several members , and the following visitors : ~ Bros . John Overy Eve I . P . M . 1209 , Geo . Page P . M .
1209 P . P . G . J . D ., H . E . Fuhr P . M . 1208 , J . H . Higgins 972 , H . F
Pringuer 972 , R . Ewell 31 , John Wilson 972 , XV . H . Vile S . W . 972 , C . J . Ayton W . M . 1209 , H . Ward 586 , 622 , 1112 , G . Pitcher P . M . 972 , John Socra P . M . 972 , A . Moulding 072 , J . Holmes P . M . 120 S , Davies 1013 , G . Fred . Harris P . M ., & c , H . Sutton 1110 , A . Taylor I . P . M .
1110 , J . Welsh P . M . 972 , G . H . Choxfield W . M . 127 , J . A . Goldfinch P . M . 1273 , R . W . Philpott J . W . 1208 , W . XV . Morgan jun . 1385 , Alf . Cattelle J . D . 31 , & c .
West Middlesex Lodge, No. 1612.
IN our youthful days wo were deeply impressed with the livo ' y doings of an old gentleman whose qualities wore always summed up by those of his acquaintance with whom wo associated in the one expression— " He is a capital fellow for a dinner parly . " We may perhaps be pardoned if wc attempt to trace a resemblance of expression and idea in flip remark we hear frequently now-a-days ,
that So and So is tbe brother for an installation meeting . Well , Brother So and So has had a good time of it this past week , ns onr record of Installation Meetings will testify . But the printer ' s " devil " is at onr elbow , and tells us we mnst " cut it , short , " as ' the paper is already overset . " Well , " devil , " we'll leave onr " damnable faces " and begin . The place of assembly on Saturday last was at the
Ealmg Institute , where the brethren congregated at 2 . 30 . Thochairwas taken by Bro . Thomas Kingston , who was supported by Bro . A . Beasley I . P . M ., all the Officers of the Lodge , and the following Visitors : — Samuel T . Kingston S . D . 1269 , Walter Goss P . M . 780 , H . J . Alexander W . M . 1423 , A . E . Hannis D . C . 771 , D . W . Harrison S . D . 1681 , W . W . Trueman J . D . 1566 , T . Yonens W . M . 1287 , T . Brown
P . M . 7 S 0 , E . Hopgood P . M . 946 , J . Hamilton Townend P . M . 1426 , W . W . Morgan Sec . 211 , W . Gardiner P . M . 780 , Alexander Emmerson 780 , W . H . Underbill P . M . 59 , J . C . Wheeler 1310 . Lodgo was opened , and the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . The Auditors presented their report , which was adopted . The installa - tion ceremony was performed by tho outgoing Master , who placed
Bro . Henry Kasner into the chair with the customary formalities The XVM . was in dne course saluted by the brefchen , and he made the following appointments : —Bros . A . J . Bun * S . W ., J . Green J . W ., H . E . Tucker Treasurer , J . Chambers Roe P . M . Secretary , Dyer and XV . Seward jun . Deacons , Fisher I . G ., Delcvante Organist , Wright Steward , and Harrison Tyler . ' - * - * ballot was successfully
taken for two candidates for initiation—Messrs . Marmaduke Wolverton Wyville , proposed by Bro . Tucker Treasurer , seconded b y Bro . Roe Secretary ; and Mr . Frederick Millsom , proposed by Bro . Stephens , seconded by Bro . Tucker Treasurer . These gentlemen were present , as likewise was Mr . C . P . Bellerby , who had been ballotted for at au earlier meeting . It is the custom in this
Lodge to initiate ali candidates separately ; accordingly Mr . Bellerby was the first who was introduced , and Bro . Kasner carefully performed tho ceremony in his favour . Bro . W . Seward admirably fulfilled his duties as Deacon . Bro . Kasner next signified his willingness to receive Mr . Wyville , and here Bro . Tucker acted as Deacon . Bro . Kingston I . P . M . performed the ceremony in favour
of tho third candidate . The W . M . then resumed the chair , and proceeded with routine work . A proposal to raise a fund for presenting a popular member of the Lodge with a tangible mark of appreciation , was entertained , and several energetic members undertook to r . id in carrying out this proposition . After the tendering of congratulations and good wishes from the Visitors , Lodge was closed . The numerical strength of the membership in
this Lodge has so greatly exceeded what was anticipated , that the brethren have to look abont thetn for quarters wherein to hold their installation banquets ; however , ou this occasion they were singularl y fortunate , as the Christ Chnrch School-room had been placed at the disposal of the W . M ., aud a moro comfortable apartment for the purpose it would have been difficult to find . To Bro . Stephens had been entrusted the providing of tho banquet , aud he had secured the
West Middlesex Lodge, No. 1612.
goodly help of Messrs . Chisnall , of Hammersmith , and tho efforts of these worthy caterers were eminently successful . After full consideration had been given to tho discussion of tho good things provided , the W . M . rose to propose tho toasts . The first one— " The Qneon and the Craft , " mot with a hearty reception , and a musical party , whoso services Bro . Dolevante had secured , sang the National
Anthem . In proposing the health of tho M . W . the Grand Master , Bro . Kasner referred to the period of anxiety that followed tho resignation of tho Marquis of Ripon . Tho Princo of Wales had kindly stepped into tho breach thus created , and tho many qualities be brought to bear on his government of the Craft wero fully recognised by all Englishmen , wherever located . After "God
Bless the Prince of Wales had been sung , tho W . M . proposed tho third toast — "The Pro Grand Master , the Deputy Grand Master , and the Grand Officers Past and Present . " The part-song , "Tho Cloud Capp'd Towers , " was here capitally rendered , and Bro . I . P . M . Kingston rose , and , in a few manly remarks , proposed tho health of the W . M . Bro . Kasner had been associated with them
in the active work of the Lectge since its consecration , and all had greeted with pleasure the announcement of his election to tho chair . Hero Bro . Beasley sang most artistically " Yon'll remember mo . " Bro . Kasner , on rising to reply , said ho scarcely know how to express the pleasure he felt at the hearty way in which Bro . Kingston had offered tho toast , and tbe kind way in which it bad been received .
He felt extremely proud at being in tho position of Master of this Lodge , a position to which he was elected by tho unanimous vote of tlije members . Indeed , bo should havo felt it somewhat of a barren seat if tho brethren had not been unanimous . Bro . Kasner remarked that long speeches were not in his lino ; there were many distinguished Masons present who would like to have an opportunity of
addressing tho brethren , and ho would , therefore , conclude by again thanking them for having placed him in his present position . In giving tho toast of tho Past Masters , Bro . Kasner referred to tho very appropriate motto which was associated with tho toast on tho list , —which , by the way , was a most artistic production . Tho brothren might well ho proud of Bro . Kingston ; no better Master could
have been wished for , while no better Mason breathed , lie had infinite pleasure in presenting him with the jewel which the brethren had voted him . After this gift , which was much admired , had been acknowledged bv Bro . Kingston , the W . M . gavo the toast of the Initiates , and thoso threo newly-made brethren acknowledged tho compliment . The other toasts comprised the Visitors , tho Treasurer
and Secretary , the Officers of the Lodge , Ac . In speaking to tho toast of the Treasurer and Secretary , Bro . Kasner directed the attention of tho members to the responsibility of the respective duties of thoso Officers , and reminded tho members that each had a laudable aspiration for the post of W . M ., a post for which they had special claims which he nrered the members not to overlook . The several
replies wore torso , and offered in adesire for brevity which characterised tho proceedings . The final toast was then called fur , nnd the brethren separated . The musical party we have already referred to , but we must not for _ ot to tender thanks to Miss Delcvante for tbe ability she displayed throughout tho evening .
Unity Lodge, No. 1637.
UNITY LODGE , No . 1637 .
THE installation meeting was held on Saturday , tho 11 th inst ., at the Abercorn Arms , Great Stanmore . Carriages wero waiting at Harrow and Edgowaro Stations to convoy the brethren to their destination . The Lodge was opened by Bros . W . Stephens P . M ' P . G . D . Middlesex , C . J . Davis P . G . S . S . W ., W . Grist J . W ., E . C . Woodward P . M . Treas ., W . Coombes P . P . G . S . B . Middlesex Sec , S . A . Cooper S . D ., T . XV . Cooper J . D ., Atkins I . G ., Varley P . M . The
minutes of tho former and emergency meetings were read and confirmed . Mr . XV . R . Bristow was balloted for , and duly initiated into the Order by the W . M ., whoso working was perfect . A Board of Installed Masters was opened , and Bro . C . J . Davis P . M . P . G . S . was presented to the Lodge , and inducted into the chair by the retiring W . M ,, in the presence of sixteen W . M . 's and P . M . ' s . Bro . Stephens
well merited tho encomiums passed on him at tho conclusion of the ceremony . On the re-admission of the brethren , the W . M . appointed and invested his Officers—W . Stephens I . P . M ., W . Grist S . W ., S . A . Cooper J . W ., XV . Stephens P . G . D . Treas . and Sec , T . W . Cooper S . D ., Atkins J . D ., Slyman I . G ., G . Penn P . M . D . C , Linscott W . S ., Oldrey Assist . W . S ., Middleton Tyler . The W . M . addressed the . newly .
appointed Officers , who alt received the congratulations of those present . Hearty good wishes were given from the Visitors . Referring to the resignation of the post of Secretary , Bro . Woodward P . M . said ho regretted the decision Bro . Coombes had arrived at ; his loss in that capacity wonld be felt , but ho would propose that he be made an honorary member . Bro . Hendricks seconded the proposition ,
which was supported by Bro . W . Stephens P . M ., who hoped the members would present Bro . Coombes with a Secretary ' s jewel , as every one who knew him respected him . The W . M . addressed a few pertinent remarks , and then the proposition was carried unanimously . The W . M . said he would defer the appointment of a Scoretary until the next meeting . A letter of apology was read from
Col . Bnrdett Prov . G . M ., regretting not being present owing to the death of his son-in-law . The report of the audit committee was read and adopted , it showed that , the furniture , & c , was paid for , and that the Lodge was in a flourishing state . A deserved compliment was paid to Bro . Coombes for tho excellent manner in which tho accounts were kept . The Lodge was then closed until tho second tintardny in
April 1880 . Tho brethren sat down to a very simple and recherche . banquet and dessert 'provided by Bro . Veal . The wines and viands were of first-rate quality . Grace having been sung by Bros . Cantle and Knight-Smith , the W . M . said that many Brethren had to return to town , and necessarily his speeches would bo short , but lie hoped bis remarks would be to the purpose . He then gave the