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Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
47 * Bem > ett , Sarah Jane ... - — — 6 38 * Deacon , Emily — — 2 28 * Drake , Mary Cranch ... - — — 1 37 * Crow , Caroline Ada . . .. — — — * Indicates first application .
Votes of thanks to the Scrutineers of votes , and to Col . Creaton for presiding , closed the proceedings .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
THE Quarterly Meeting of tho Governors and Subscribers of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys was held in the large Hall at Freemasons' Tavern , on Monday , Bro . Col . Creaton , Grand Treasurer , in the chair . The motion by Bro . Thos . Meggy , Vice-Patron : — " That a committee be appointed to consider the manner in which the scrutiny of the votes shall be made , both for the election of candidates and for other purposes , and to report to tho next General Court , "
was lirst discussed . Bro . Meggy submitted that inaccuracies had been discovered on several occasions in the work of the Scrutineers , and he wished a Committee to inquire whether a mode of scrutiny of votes differing from the present xaode conld not bo adopted . The Rev . A . F . A . Woodford thought there was the great objection to the motion that it bad been rejected on Saturday in the Girls'
Institution , and it was desirable that there should be uniformity in all the Masonic Charities . Bro . Raynham Stewart bore testimony to the care , honesty and fairness with which the Scrutineers had always performed their work . Bro . A . H . Tattershall thought that parties bringing forward such a motion should act as Scrutineers themselves , and see how the work was generally done . Mistakes occurred
sometimes , but they generally arose from new brethren being on the scrutiny who were not used to the work . Bro . Meggy said he wished to be a Scrutineer himself , and it was in consequence of that that he had brought forward this motion . On a division the motion was lost . The Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , in the absence of Bro . F . C . Matier , moved the omission of the word " consecutive" after the word
" seven in Law 55 of the Institution , line 3 . The motion being intended to qualify a candidate if his father should have subscribed to ono or other of the Masonio Institutions seven years in all , instead of seven consecutive years as at present laid down by the rnles of the Institution . Bro . Woodford said that , without going into this question , as the Girls' School allowed tho subscription for seven
years to be for an aggregate seven , it was not advisable that there should be a different system in the Boys' School . On the ground of tbe desirability of uniformity he brought forward this motion . Bro . R . B . Webster seconded tho motion . Bro . W . Roebuck opposed it on the principle that the Boys' School and tho Girls' School were in different positions , there being more candidates and fewer vacancies in
the former than there wero in tho latter . Many Masons attended Lodge for four or five years , and then did not belong to any Lodge at all for many years before their death . The children of such Masons frequently pushed out the children of deserving and energetic Masons at these elections . The Rev . A . F . A . Woodford said it did not
follow , because there were moro candidates and fewer vacancies now in the Boys' School than in the Girls' that it wonld alwnys be so . There had been occasions when the contrary was the case , and it might happen again . The motion was then carried by a majority of 19 . Bro . James A . Birch moved an alteration of Rule 71 , sub-scction 2 , as follows : —
" * " The election and removal of the Secretary shall be vested in tbe General Committee ; the voting to be by balloting papers duly forwarded to each qualified member not less than fourteen days before the date of election j such balloting papers must bo signed by the party entitled thereto , and may be presented by a member of the General Committee , on his or her behalf , at the timo of the election . "
After repeating his statements made at the Quarterly Conrt of the Girls' School on Saturday , he said the Province of East Lancashire trusted it wonld be many years before they would be called upon to exercise the privilege they sought , for the eloquent advocacy of Bro . Binckes had tended to extend the prosperity of this and other Institutions . He had awakened in the hearts of the brethren the
feelings which led to tbe prosperity of the Masonic Institutions , and he trusted that it would be many years before he was removed from the office of Secretary by any cause . Bro . Binckes sincerely sympathised with the afflictions of the fatherless and widows , and there was no one more eloquent or able to plead their cause . Bro . Raynham Stewart thought it inexpedient to make any alteration in the
present law , after it shonld be framed by a committee with due consideration . Bro . H . Smith Provincial Grand Secretary of West Yorkshire , supported the proposition of Bro . Birch , and said that the privilege , if granted , would be used with caution , and that the London brethren , while taking nothing from themselves , wonld b-3 giving a great deal to the Provinces . Bro . Binckes , replying to Bro .
Stewart , said the expense of printing and posting the balloting papers would perhaps be £ 25 , but as the election of Secretary would not be likely to recur every year he did not think the question of expense should be allowed to weigh in the consideration of the question . Bro . James A . Birch , in summing up , said the benefits of the
Institution were not confined to any locality , and the interest felt in the Institution should be co-extensive with its benefits . The provincial brethren wished to exercise a privilege for the benefit of the Institution without the additional tax of tho journey to Loudon and the loss of two days' time being imposed on them , The motion was then
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
pnt , and earned by a majority of 28 votes . The election of sixteen boys then took place , and at tho declaration of the poll the following was fonnd to be the result : —
SUCCESSFUL . N \ ist Num 0 Forward To-ilay Total 43 Stone , Percy Herbert ... 512 1303 1816 60 Johnson , John Charles ... — 1734 1734 45 Garstin , PaulBelmore ... 861 836 1697 21 Beckett . Ernest Georgo ... 919 714 1633 3 Wait , Emanuel .... 541 1070 1611 56 Healey , William Henry ... — 1603 1603 20 Hounslow , Herbert Rich - . - 614 954 1568 52 Aspden , Albert Grice ... — 1555 1555 54 Godfrey , Frederick F . — 1528 1528 2 Wilkinson , Percy Charles - . 1289 234 1523 30 Wagstaff , Charles C 199 1320 1519 58 Young , John Alfred ... . — 1510 1510 23 Henderson , John .... 929 575 1504 49 Murgatroyd , John Roebuck - - — 1474 1474 16 Bazley , William Henry ... 400 1067 1467 5 Allin , Charles James Fox - - - 1219 238 1457
UNSUCCESSFUL . 24 Thomas , John M . Alex . 575 881 1456 7 Parker , George Shadwell - . . 1255 194 1449 9 Spalding , Edmund Purcell - - - 765 678 1443 29 Colbeck , Frank ... . 1065 318 1413 22 Norrish , Herbert .... 819 454 1273
18 Brooks , George Bertie ... 619 470 1089 10 Black , William .... 2 1073 1075 42 Seddon , James Albert ... 313 713 1026 62 Moore , Ernest Stambler ... — 785 785 6 Barclay , Henry G . Haokett . - 676 51 727 72 Gouprh , E . A . Brinsmead . .. — 623 623
11 Scott , John Sreppard ... 375 242 617 19 Grave , Richard Arthur ... 358 234 592 27 Fellows , Herbert M 49 512 591 38 Kennedy , Arthur James ... 316 169 485 61 Smith , William Henry ... — 428 428 17 Ganntlett , George Fredk . ... 377 13 390
44 Shrapnel , A . E . Scropo ... 158 203 351 57 Saville , William James ... — 356 356 51 Knott , Herbert Wilfred ... — 351 351 32 Brown , Walter Boston ... 16 300 316 55 Hobbs , Robert Norton ... — 310 310 73 Gee . Arthur Alban .... — 263 263
4 Ridpeth , Lovell Hope - - - 234 19 253 15 Tracy , William .... 135 116 251 41 Coo , Albert Edward .... 102 142 244 30 Unwin , Fras . Arthur - - - - 57 185 242 13 Marshall , Philipson .... 101 122 223
69 Estlin , Charles Nathaniel ... — 222 222 26 Wilton , Ernst Colville C . - - - 166 40 206 39 Neville , Fredk . John ... 106 98 204 33 Fellows , Arthur .... 103 84 187
50 Thomas , Frank Robert ... — 182 182 54 Richardson , Sidney Wm . F . - - — 180 ISO 25 Crane , Harry Samnel J . - 142 27 169 35 Goldsbrough , Jno . Tom ... 79 86 165 48 Lee . Sidnev Edward .... — 153 153
76 Wilson , William Leslie ... — 135 135 46 Woolons , Walter H 84 34 118 75 Gnnnell , William Pearso ... — 106 106 1 Cole , Alfred Thomas . . . 42 49 91 74 Lucas , Edmund Charles ... — 88 88 28 Steinhauer . Georce W . 5 70 75
68 Ibbs , Robert Leigh .... — 56 56 70 Watson , William Renwick ... — 45 45 77 Frost , James Bray ... . — 41 41 65 Ball , Edward Thomas ... — 27 27 59 Webb , Charles Edward . . . — 24 24
8 liell , James Herbert .... 22 — 22 12 Gay , Georgo John .... 15 3 18 14 Read , John 2 2 4 66 Granger , Ernest Bloomer ... — 4 4 71 Loveridgc , Sydney Earle ... — 3 3
34 Barker , Arthur — 2 2 31 Hawke , Edwin Ernest . — 1 1 67 Laing , Herbert Lawson ... — 1 1 37 Foot , William Robert D . ... — — — 47 Mey , George ... . — — — 53 Pike , William Thomas ... — — — 40 Pratt , Robt . Williamson ... — - — 63 Sparks , Albert Edward ... — — —
The proceedings of tho day were brought to a termination with votes of thanks to the Scrutineers and Chairman .
It is gratifying to us to be able to state that H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , Past Senior Grand Warden , so far sympathises with the objects contemplated by the promoters of the Royal Masonic Pupils' Assistance Fund that he has forwarded a donation of - £ 20 in aid of tho movement .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
47 * Bem > ett , Sarah Jane ... - — — 6 38 * Deacon , Emily — — 2 28 * Drake , Mary Cranch ... - — — 1 37 * Crow , Caroline Ada . . .. — — — * Indicates first application .
Votes of thanks to the Scrutineers of votes , and to Col . Creaton for presiding , closed the proceedings .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
THE Quarterly Meeting of tho Governors and Subscribers of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys was held in the large Hall at Freemasons' Tavern , on Monday , Bro . Col . Creaton , Grand Treasurer , in the chair . The motion by Bro . Thos . Meggy , Vice-Patron : — " That a committee be appointed to consider the manner in which the scrutiny of the votes shall be made , both for the election of candidates and for other purposes , and to report to tho next General Court , "
was lirst discussed . Bro . Meggy submitted that inaccuracies had been discovered on several occasions in the work of the Scrutineers , and he wished a Committee to inquire whether a mode of scrutiny of votes differing from the present xaode conld not bo adopted . The Rev . A . F . A . Woodford thought there was the great objection to the motion that it bad been rejected on Saturday in the Girls'
Institution , and it was desirable that there should be uniformity in all the Masonic Charities . Bro . Raynham Stewart bore testimony to the care , honesty and fairness with which the Scrutineers had always performed their work . Bro . A . H . Tattershall thought that parties bringing forward such a motion should act as Scrutineers themselves , and see how the work was generally done . Mistakes occurred
sometimes , but they generally arose from new brethren being on the scrutiny who were not used to the work . Bro . Meggy said he wished to be a Scrutineer himself , and it was in consequence of that that he had brought forward this motion . On a division the motion was lost . The Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , in the absence of Bro . F . C . Matier , moved the omission of the word " consecutive" after the word
" seven in Law 55 of the Institution , line 3 . The motion being intended to qualify a candidate if his father should have subscribed to ono or other of the Masonio Institutions seven years in all , instead of seven consecutive years as at present laid down by the rnles of the Institution . Bro . Woodford said that , without going into this question , as the Girls' School allowed tho subscription for seven
years to be for an aggregate seven , it was not advisable that there should be a different system in the Boys' School . On the ground of tbe desirability of uniformity he brought forward this motion . Bro . R . B . Webster seconded tho motion . Bro . W . Roebuck opposed it on the principle that the Boys' School and tho Girls' School were in different positions , there being more candidates and fewer vacancies in
the former than there wero in tho latter . Many Masons attended Lodge for four or five years , and then did not belong to any Lodge at all for many years before their death . The children of such Masons frequently pushed out the children of deserving and energetic Masons at these elections . The Rev . A . F . A . Woodford said it did not
follow , because there were moro candidates and fewer vacancies now in the Boys' School than in the Girls' that it wonld alwnys be so . There had been occasions when the contrary was the case , and it might happen again . The motion was then carried by a majority of 19 . Bro . James A . Birch moved an alteration of Rule 71 , sub-scction 2 , as follows : —
" * " The election and removal of the Secretary shall be vested in tbe General Committee ; the voting to be by balloting papers duly forwarded to each qualified member not less than fourteen days before the date of election j such balloting papers must bo signed by the party entitled thereto , and may be presented by a member of the General Committee , on his or her behalf , at the timo of the election . "
After repeating his statements made at the Quarterly Conrt of the Girls' School on Saturday , he said the Province of East Lancashire trusted it wonld be many years before they would be called upon to exercise the privilege they sought , for the eloquent advocacy of Bro . Binckes had tended to extend the prosperity of this and other Institutions . He had awakened in the hearts of the brethren the
feelings which led to tbe prosperity of the Masonic Institutions , and he trusted that it would be many years before he was removed from the office of Secretary by any cause . Bro . Binckes sincerely sympathised with the afflictions of the fatherless and widows , and there was no one more eloquent or able to plead their cause . Bro . Raynham Stewart thought it inexpedient to make any alteration in the
present law , after it shonld be framed by a committee with due consideration . Bro . H . Smith Provincial Grand Secretary of West Yorkshire , supported the proposition of Bro . Birch , and said that the privilege , if granted , would be used with caution , and that the London brethren , while taking nothing from themselves , wonld b-3 giving a great deal to the Provinces . Bro . Binckes , replying to Bro .
Stewart , said the expense of printing and posting the balloting papers would perhaps be £ 25 , but as the election of Secretary would not be likely to recur every year he did not think the question of expense should be allowed to weigh in the consideration of the question . Bro . James A . Birch , in summing up , said the benefits of the
Institution were not confined to any locality , and the interest felt in the Institution should be co-extensive with its benefits . The provincial brethren wished to exercise a privilege for the benefit of the Institution without the additional tax of tho journey to Loudon and the loss of two days' time being imposed on them , The motion was then
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
pnt , and earned by a majority of 28 votes . The election of sixteen boys then took place , and at tho declaration of the poll the following was fonnd to be the result : —
SUCCESSFUL . N \ ist Num 0 Forward To-ilay Total 43 Stone , Percy Herbert ... 512 1303 1816 60 Johnson , John Charles ... — 1734 1734 45 Garstin , PaulBelmore ... 861 836 1697 21 Beckett . Ernest Georgo ... 919 714 1633 3 Wait , Emanuel .... 541 1070 1611 56 Healey , William Henry ... — 1603 1603 20 Hounslow , Herbert Rich - . - 614 954 1568 52 Aspden , Albert Grice ... — 1555 1555 54 Godfrey , Frederick F . — 1528 1528 2 Wilkinson , Percy Charles - . 1289 234 1523 30 Wagstaff , Charles C 199 1320 1519 58 Young , John Alfred ... . — 1510 1510 23 Henderson , John .... 929 575 1504 49 Murgatroyd , John Roebuck - - — 1474 1474 16 Bazley , William Henry ... 400 1067 1467 5 Allin , Charles James Fox - - - 1219 238 1457
UNSUCCESSFUL . 24 Thomas , John M . Alex . 575 881 1456 7 Parker , George Shadwell - . . 1255 194 1449 9 Spalding , Edmund Purcell - - - 765 678 1443 29 Colbeck , Frank ... . 1065 318 1413 22 Norrish , Herbert .... 819 454 1273
18 Brooks , George Bertie ... 619 470 1089 10 Black , William .... 2 1073 1075 42 Seddon , James Albert ... 313 713 1026 62 Moore , Ernest Stambler ... — 785 785 6 Barclay , Henry G . Haokett . - 676 51 727 72 Gouprh , E . A . Brinsmead . .. — 623 623
11 Scott , John Sreppard ... 375 242 617 19 Grave , Richard Arthur ... 358 234 592 27 Fellows , Herbert M 49 512 591 38 Kennedy , Arthur James ... 316 169 485 61 Smith , William Henry ... — 428 428 17 Ganntlett , George Fredk . ... 377 13 390
44 Shrapnel , A . E . Scropo ... 158 203 351 57 Saville , William James ... — 356 356 51 Knott , Herbert Wilfred ... — 351 351 32 Brown , Walter Boston ... 16 300 316 55 Hobbs , Robert Norton ... — 310 310 73 Gee . Arthur Alban .... — 263 263
4 Ridpeth , Lovell Hope - - - 234 19 253 15 Tracy , William .... 135 116 251 41 Coo , Albert Edward .... 102 142 244 30 Unwin , Fras . Arthur - - - - 57 185 242 13 Marshall , Philipson .... 101 122 223
69 Estlin , Charles Nathaniel ... — 222 222 26 Wilton , Ernst Colville C . - - - 166 40 206 39 Neville , Fredk . John ... 106 98 204 33 Fellows , Arthur .... 103 84 187
50 Thomas , Frank Robert ... — 182 182 54 Richardson , Sidney Wm . F . - - — 180 ISO 25 Crane , Harry Samnel J . - 142 27 169 35 Goldsbrough , Jno . Tom ... 79 86 165 48 Lee . Sidnev Edward .... — 153 153
76 Wilson , William Leslie ... — 135 135 46 Woolons , Walter H 84 34 118 75 Gnnnell , William Pearso ... — 106 106 1 Cole , Alfred Thomas . . . 42 49 91 74 Lucas , Edmund Charles ... — 88 88 28 Steinhauer . Georce W . 5 70 75
68 Ibbs , Robert Leigh .... — 56 56 70 Watson , William Renwick ... — 45 45 77 Frost , James Bray ... . — 41 41 65 Ball , Edward Thomas ... — 27 27 59 Webb , Charles Edward . . . — 24 24
8 liell , James Herbert .... 22 — 22 12 Gay , Georgo John .... 15 3 18 14 Read , John 2 2 4 66 Granger , Ernest Bloomer ... — 4 4 71 Loveridgc , Sydney Earle ... — 3 3
34 Barker , Arthur — 2 2 31 Hawke , Edwin Ernest . — 1 1 67 Laing , Herbert Lawson ... — 1 1 37 Foot , William Robert D . ... — — — 47 Mey , George ... . — — — 53 Pike , William Thomas ... — — — 40 Pratt , Robt . Williamson ... — - — 63 Sparks , Albert Edward ... — — —
The proceedings of tho day were brought to a termination with votes of thanks to the Scrutineers and Chairman .
It is gratifying to us to be able to state that H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , Past Senior Grand Warden , so far sympathises with the objects contemplated by the promoters of the Royal Masonic Pupils' Assistance Fund that he has forwarded a donation of - £ 20 in aid of tho movement .