Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry At Falmouth.
covered during tho evoniug that his great , great grandfather , the celebrated historian aud antiquary of tho county , was initiated as a member of the Lodgo in 175 L , and was its first Chaplain . Several votes , expressive of the character of tho meeting , to bo recorded on tho minutes , wero duly passod , and all united ia considering tho event as one not surpassed in importance in the annals of the Lodge , tho whole
of the proceedings having atforded the utmost satisfaction . 1 he following wore present iu honour of tho occasion , viz . . *—Bros . W . J . Hughan P . S . G . D . of England , Colonel J . W . Peard D . P . G . M . of Cornwall , William C . Borlase , P . S . A ., P . P . G . S . W ., John Vivian P . P . G . S . B ., W . F . Newman P . P . G . S . D ., F . Dennis P . P . G . P ., T . 0 . Polglase P . P . G . A . D . C , Michael Little P . M . 75 , W . H . Dunstan P . P . S . of \ V .,
Harry Tilly P . G . Rog ., W . L . Fox WM . 75 , John II . Miohell P . M . 589 , J . Wallace S . W . 75 , XV . D . Rigors J . W ., Richard Carter P . P . G . Organist aud Sec . 75 , and visitors frem Lodges beyond the county , as also a largo number of the members of No . 75 . At tho supper several happy speeches were made , and much regret was expressed at tho unavoidable absence of the P . G . M ., tho Earl of Mount Edgcmnbo .
We extract the following from the Norwich Argus : — The Craft in Norwich have at length fallen upon what thoy consider comfortable quarters away from tho contaminating influence of hotels and taverns . Tho residence of tho late Mr . H . Bolingbroke , situate at 23 St . Giles ' -street , coming to tho hammer , a couple of speculating Masons wont in for tho purchase thereof , and with Bro .
II . A . Woostor Reeves as Secretary , and " having the cordial support of R . W . Prov . G . M . Lord Suftiold , a Masonic Club has been started with all the usual facilities of such places . Subscription , ono guiuea per annum . " It remains to bo seen how this will succeed . Anyhow , three Lodges havo already located themselves at No . 23 for their usual monthly meetings— Walpolo taking the initiative ( with a
splendid opening last Thursday evening ) , followed by Cabbell and Perseverance , and it is expected Social and Sincerity will como in shortly , and , may be , the aristocratic Union ; this latter , however , we doubt , nnlcss his lordship smiles benignly and says yes . Provincial Grand Lodgo this year is also to bo held in this houso , aud as the ruling powers are going in strictly for economy , and do not intend advertising in the local press , wo give their announcement free , gratis ,
for nothing . Major Peurioe , D . P . G . M ., is uuacconufcably averse to newspaper reports of Masonic banquets , and expressed himself to that effect at the opening of tho now North Walshatn ( Suffield ) Lodge the other day , aud yet half a column appeared in our non-Masonic daily contemporary—full of inaccuracies , we admit , nevertheless it must havo been supplied by a brother standing well iu tho Craft . How was this ? Here is tho circular above alluded to : —
" PROVINCIAL GKA . VD LODOK OF NOIU-OLK . " —Tho Right Honourable Lord Sulliold , K . C . B ., R . W . G . M ., Major Pounce D . P . G . M . —Annual Provincial Grand Lodge of Ancient , Free , and Accepted Masous of this Province will bo holden at No . 215 St . Giles ' -street , Norwich , on Friday , 17 th Octobsr 187 'J , at half-past twelve o ' clock precisely , when and where the provincial Grand Officers , Past Officers , with the
Worshipfnl Masters , Past Masters , and Wardens are summoned to attend , aud at which all Master Masons arc invited to bo present . [ Here follows tho agenda . ] At half-past threo o ' clock tho brethren will assemble iu tho Sohool-rooni in the Cathedral Cloisters , and from thence proceed , iu their Masonic Clothing , to the Cathedral , for Divine Service , at four o'clock , when the Rov . 11 . T . Griffith ,
Feluiingham Rectory , P . G . C , will preach a sermon . H . G . Barwell P . G . Seo . A . Banquet at Cooper's Restaurant , Bank-plain , Norwich , at 6 o ' clock , at which tho ll . W . Prov . G . M . will preside . Tickets 11 / each ( to include half a bottle of champagne ) , to be obtained of XV . Bro . James Dansford P . P . G . S . D ., St . Giles ' -street , Norwich , aud of Bro . H . A . Wooster Eeeves , No . 23 St . Gilos ' -streot , Norwich , not later than Tuesday , the 14 th inst . "
Touching this migration to " Cooper ' s , we have received a letter from " A Mason , " protesting against holding a Masonic banquet " under the roof of tho greatest Atheist iu the Eastern Counties , when lto havo such respectable hotels in our m . dst . " These hotels are
many of them Lodgo houses , held by brethren , who naturally leel aggrieved that thoy should bo passed ovor in favour of one—however good a caterer—who reviles at religion , aud holds Freemasonry iu contempt . The matter has created some stir among the Craft in the Province .
The Fifteen Sections
Will be worked as it inter : At the Wellington Lodge of Instruction , i \ o . 548 , Whito Swan Hotel , High-street , Doptford , on Monday , 20 th October . Bro . Marti 1 , of the Southwark 1 ' urk Lodge , No . 871 ) , will occupy the chair ot W . M . on this occasion , and the Lodge will bo opened at seven p . m .
At the La Tolerance Lodge of Instruction , No . 538 , Green Drago . i , Maddox-sUeet , W ., on Wednesday , 22 nd October . Bros . J . 11 tin I til I . G . 13 16 W . M ., E . Farwig W . M . ISO S . W ., W . J . Burgess I . G . 1-1 ' .. - _ J . W . Friisc LECTURE—Bros . L . U . Langdou , U . A . Gundy , T . U . Coopcr , E . Child , J . Paul , C A . Woods , E . White . SECOND LKCTUR _ —
Bros . A . Ginger , W . J . Burgess , XV . C . Smith , E . Farwig , R . F . Pottor . Timto Lac-TUKK—Bros . J . Hemming , G . Festa , D . M . Belfrag . * , Lodge will be opened at seven p . m . At the Egyptian Lodge of Instruction , No . 27 , Hercules Tavcivt ,
Leadenhall-street , E . G ., on Thursday , 23 rd October . Bro . Ellis ; : , 933 , in tho chair . Bros . Webb P . M . KJ 07 Preceptor S . W ., Musto P . M . 13-10 J . W ., T . J . Barnes l' . M . 551 , 1133 I . P . M . FIRST LECI uit _ —Bro > . Valentine , Da fa'ilva , Voa ) , McDonald , D . Moss , Slaiter , Wahb . S _ co :- *_
The Fifteen Sections
LECTURE—Bros . King , Forss , Grammer , XV . Hogg , Musto . THIRD LECTURE—Bros . I . P . Cohon , Maidwell , West . At seven precisely . At tho Metropolitan Lodgo of Instruction , No . 105 ( 5 , tho Portugal Hotel , 155 Fleet-street , " E . G ., on Friday , 24 th October . Bros .
Squirrel I W . M . 20 fJ W . M ., Gush I . G . 15 U S . W ., Woods S . D . 145 J . W ., Fox 201 I . G . FIRST LECTURE—Bros . Radford , Kearney , Smith , Abell , Suelling , Gush , Tate . SECOMD LECTURE—Bros . Morgan , Fox , Larchin , Woods . M'Culloch . THIRD LECTURE—Bros . Briggs , Larduer , Croak . At six p . m . precisely .
At tho Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 , Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , N ., on Saturday , 25 th October . Bros . Lardner 1625 W . M ., D . Moss 1275 S . W ., J . A . Powell S . W . 1 SS J . W ., R . Pearcy W . M . 228
Preceptor . FIRST LECTURE—Bros . Giller , J . Lorkin , XV . B irtle , A . VV . Fonnor , C . Lorkin , Slaiter , J . A . Powoll . SECOND LECTURE—Bros . J . Gibbs , D . Moss , A . McfcUU-ur , II . R . Hallam . sen ., J . Garrod . THIRD LECTURE—Bros . A . Trewinnard , II . Hall , F . Brasted . At seven p . m . At the Dalh'iusie Lodge of Instruction , Sisters' Tavern , Powuallroad , Dalston , on Tuesday , 28 th October . Bros . Moss 1275 W . M .,
Webb P . M . 1607 S . W ., Brasted J . W . 1521 J . W ., Wallington P . M . 860
I . P . M . FIRST LECTURE—Bros . Giller , Greenwood , Carr , Christian , Forss , Lardner , Slaiter . SECOND LECTURE—Bros . Wardell , Webb , Taylor , C . Lorkin , Stephens . THIRD LECTURE—Bros . Brasted , J . Lorkin , W . Wallington . At seven p . m . precisely . At tho Groat Northern Lodgo of Instruction , No . 1287 , Berwick
Arms , Berners-street , XV ., on Thursday , 30 th October . Bros . E . Farwig W . M . 180 W . M ., XV . Cloghorn I . G . 1287 S . W ., G . West W . M . 1287 J . W . FIRST LECTURE—Bros . Cane , Jnpo , Tribbel , West , Staton , Kerrill , Christie . SECOND LECTURE—Bros , ltood , Burgess Forbes , Cloghorn , Adair . THIRD LECTURE—Bros . Hemming , Paul , Lancaster . At seven p . m .
At the Manchester Lodgo of Instruction , No . 179 , Yorkshire Grey , London-streoc . Fitzroy-square , on Saturday , 1 st November . Bro . Koester P . M will take the chair , assisted by Bros . Kew P . M . as S . W . and G . Baker P . M . as J . W . At seven precisely .
The Ceremony of Installation will bo rehearsed by Bro . Geo . King P . BI . Preceptor , at the Royal Arthur Lodgo of Instruction , No . 1360 , at Bro . Wright's Prince ' s Head , York-road , Battersea , on Tuesday , 21 st September , at seven p . m . Brethren are invited to attend . Bro . A . Withers W . M . 211 Hon . Sec .
The nuptials of Bro . T . O . Bnss , No . 147 , of 33 Hatton Garden , and Miss Elluu Roberts , were celebrated on Monday , 13 th iustaut , at St . Andrews Chnrch , Holborn , in presence of a numerous assemblage of private 1 ' rioiuls and brethren , by tho Rev . Mr . Blunt . Mendelssohu ' s M . 'iruti was play . d ou the departure of tlie wed-ling parlv , who , tinrty-two in all , wore conveyed in seven carriages to too Crystal
Palace , where thoy sat down to a sumptuous dejoiiatu * an I . ItHserc , provided by Bros . B . rtraui aud Roberts . Bro . Has ,, biidegri im , in appropriate terms , . * osp nded to tlio toast of tho orid . ) and bridegroom . Bro . S . R-wloy , P . M . 171 , made wnny comp . ' tmjur . u-y ; -einarks in reooimau ^ his early association , with , ami kno . vlodge of Bro . Buss ' s good qualities ; but to know him wis to respect nun an a
good and charitab ; u mill . Ho hop - id the step be had taken would open a source of Happiness to him and his brido . Bro . II . , \ 1 . L-vy responded to the u > . i _ fc of tlio bridesmaids , and Bro . i . It . Siv .-a-. oy for tno Visitors . As another old friend of Bro . Buss , ho bo-. 'o testimony to his excellent qualities . Tuo health of Bro . Riy , who had the control of the day ' - proceo lings , which gavo great satisfaction , met
with a hearty reception . Several ladies and gontluraen contributed to tbe amusomjiit of tae oouipiiy , particularly Mrs . Bladen aud Bro . Thomas , and , amidst a shovor of rice , the bride and bridegroom departed on their » voddiug trip , and the guests returned to town . Among tbe comp toy wero Bros . John Coutts , S . Rawley , J . R . Svvea . iey , A . Thompson , Blake , Weathorly , Simpson , Hubberfc , Stanton , Biadeu , H . M . Levy , & c .
Ancient Carthage Lodge, No. 1717, At Tunis, North Africa.
' I lHE installation meeting of this Lodge took place on the 4 th X October . Present—W . Bro . A . BI . Bcoadley D . D . G . M . W . M ., Bros . J . 11 . titt-vena S . W ,, Dr . Periui J . W ., A . Blanch Trews ., M . Lumoroso doc , V . 0 . Clement D . of C , G . Pentecost S . D ., V . Fiazi as J . U ., Proiessor t > . Senator Interpreter , J . Lumbroso Org ., M . de uanais i . u ., and J . Fiyiuou Tyler . Hon . P . M . ' s Sulenia and Maunniai , a . - _
more than fifty brethren . Visitors— \ V . Bro . Vais 33 ° , aud _* r _ l __ * _ * r Aji-a leprosonting tne Italian l . oc ' ge Risorgi . nento ; liro . Uui-iooto J . V \ . IbJo F . C , and others . Tlio uuuutes buying been comn-uio . J , iv . Bro . T . F . Ready F . D . U . G . M . J-gypt aud P . M . lObS H . C , Bntisn Political Agout aud Uonaui Genera , at Tunis , was uuuui . luutiiy
elected u member ot the Loilgc . Tho D . D . G . M . tnou proceeded to . natal liro . Dr . Fermi as W . M . for the ousting year , in - .. liui-u ,. lurui . ti . o W . M . toon appointed aud invested lie following br . Liu . u us Uulcers : — W . Bio . A . M . Broadie ; I . P . M . and Hon oec , Bros . Proiessor bonnier is . W ., G . Pentecost J . W ., Blaucli Ireas ., . iiosut- Assiat .
- _ -., General Lhua Musah interpreter , 1 . Ben Zaineb Assist , luuiroruior , A . Bukobsa U . ot C , B . Paloi A . D . of C , M . D . IJaiiais O . i ) ., V . i'iuzi J . D ., Uiisaur , Jcssol and Pa . eologo Stewards , a _ d J . Luuioroao Organist , 'lne ceremony of installation concluded , Bro . J .
_ . _> mon was elected and invested as . lyier . Tho curreut business of . u-j Lodge was tliuu transacted , aud the lion . Sec iiauuuit to tho . ' . -usurer £ o , voteu by the D . G . lodge of Malta iu aid of tlie widow ut a deceased brother , the auuud bauquoc was fixed i ' or tne lath liisL , to which clay tho Lodge was aajoarnuci .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry At Falmouth.
covered during tho evoniug that his great , great grandfather , the celebrated historian aud antiquary of tho county , was initiated as a member of the Lodgo in 175 L , and was its first Chaplain . Several votes , expressive of the character of tho meeting , to bo recorded on tho minutes , wero duly passod , and all united ia considering tho event as one not surpassed in importance in the annals of the Lodge , tho whole
of the proceedings having atforded the utmost satisfaction . 1 he following wore present iu honour of tho occasion , viz . . *—Bros . W . J . Hughan P . S . G . D . of England , Colonel J . W . Peard D . P . G . M . of Cornwall , William C . Borlase , P . S . A ., P . P . G . S . W ., John Vivian P . P . G . S . B ., W . F . Newman P . P . G . S . D ., F . Dennis P . P . G . P ., T . 0 . Polglase P . P . G . A . D . C , Michael Little P . M . 75 , W . H . Dunstan P . P . S . of \ V .,
Harry Tilly P . G . Rog ., W . L . Fox WM . 75 , John II . Miohell P . M . 589 , J . Wallace S . W . 75 , XV . D . Rigors J . W ., Richard Carter P . P . G . Organist aud Sec . 75 , and visitors frem Lodges beyond the county , as also a largo number of the members of No . 75 . At tho supper several happy speeches were made , and much regret was expressed at tho unavoidable absence of the P . G . M ., tho Earl of Mount Edgcmnbo .
We extract the following from the Norwich Argus : — The Craft in Norwich have at length fallen upon what thoy consider comfortable quarters away from tho contaminating influence of hotels and taverns . Tho residence of tho late Mr . H . Bolingbroke , situate at 23 St . Giles ' -street , coming to tho hammer , a couple of speculating Masons wont in for tho purchase thereof , and with Bro .
II . A . Woostor Reeves as Secretary , and " having the cordial support of R . W . Prov . G . M . Lord Suftiold , a Masonic Club has been started with all the usual facilities of such places . Subscription , ono guiuea per annum . " It remains to bo seen how this will succeed . Anyhow , three Lodges havo already located themselves at No . 23 for their usual monthly meetings— Walpolo taking the initiative ( with a
splendid opening last Thursday evening ) , followed by Cabbell and Perseverance , and it is expected Social and Sincerity will como in shortly , and , may be , the aristocratic Union ; this latter , however , we doubt , nnlcss his lordship smiles benignly and says yes . Provincial Grand Lodgo this year is also to bo held in this houso , aud as the ruling powers are going in strictly for economy , and do not intend advertising in the local press , wo give their announcement free , gratis ,
for nothing . Major Peurioe , D . P . G . M ., is uuacconufcably averse to newspaper reports of Masonic banquets , and expressed himself to that effect at the opening of tho now North Walshatn ( Suffield ) Lodge the other day , aud yet half a column appeared in our non-Masonic daily contemporary—full of inaccuracies , we admit , nevertheless it must havo been supplied by a brother standing well iu tho Craft . How was this ? Here is tho circular above alluded to : —
" PROVINCIAL GKA . VD LODOK OF NOIU-OLK . " —Tho Right Honourable Lord Sulliold , K . C . B ., R . W . G . M ., Major Pounce D . P . G . M . —Annual Provincial Grand Lodge of Ancient , Free , and Accepted Masous of this Province will bo holden at No . 215 St . Giles ' -street , Norwich , on Friday , 17 th Octobsr 187 'J , at half-past twelve o ' clock precisely , when and where the provincial Grand Officers , Past Officers , with the
Worshipfnl Masters , Past Masters , and Wardens are summoned to attend , aud at which all Master Masons arc invited to bo present . [ Here follows tho agenda . ] At half-past threo o ' clock tho brethren will assemble iu tho Sohool-rooni in the Cathedral Cloisters , and from thence proceed , iu their Masonic Clothing , to the Cathedral , for Divine Service , at four o'clock , when the Rov . 11 . T . Griffith ,
Feluiingham Rectory , P . G . C , will preach a sermon . H . G . Barwell P . G . Seo . A . Banquet at Cooper's Restaurant , Bank-plain , Norwich , at 6 o ' clock , at which tho ll . W . Prov . G . M . will preside . Tickets 11 / each ( to include half a bottle of champagne ) , to be obtained of XV . Bro . James Dansford P . P . G . S . D ., St . Giles ' -street , Norwich , aud of Bro . H . A . Wooster Eeeves , No . 23 St . Gilos ' -streot , Norwich , not later than Tuesday , the 14 th inst . "
Touching this migration to " Cooper ' s , we have received a letter from " A Mason , " protesting against holding a Masonic banquet " under the roof of tho greatest Atheist iu the Eastern Counties , when lto havo such respectable hotels in our m . dst . " These hotels are
many of them Lodgo houses , held by brethren , who naturally leel aggrieved that thoy should bo passed ovor in favour of one—however good a caterer—who reviles at religion , aud holds Freemasonry iu contempt . The matter has created some stir among the Craft in the Province .
The Fifteen Sections
Will be worked as it inter : At the Wellington Lodge of Instruction , i \ o . 548 , Whito Swan Hotel , High-street , Doptford , on Monday , 20 th October . Bro . Marti 1 , of the Southwark 1 ' urk Lodge , No . 871 ) , will occupy the chair ot W . M . on this occasion , and the Lodge will bo opened at seven p . m .
At the La Tolerance Lodge of Instruction , No . 538 , Green Drago . i , Maddox-sUeet , W ., on Wednesday , 22 nd October . Bros . J . 11 tin I til I . G . 13 16 W . M ., E . Farwig W . M . ISO S . W ., W . J . Burgess I . G . 1-1 ' .. - _ J . W . Friisc LECTURE—Bros . L . U . Langdou , U . A . Gundy , T . U . Coopcr , E . Child , J . Paul , C A . Woods , E . White . SECOND LKCTUR _ —
Bros . A . Ginger , W . J . Burgess , XV . C . Smith , E . Farwig , R . F . Pottor . Timto Lac-TUKK—Bros . J . Hemming , G . Festa , D . M . Belfrag . * , Lodge will be opened at seven p . m . At the Egyptian Lodge of Instruction , No . 27 , Hercules Tavcivt ,
Leadenhall-street , E . G ., on Thursday , 23 rd October . Bro . Ellis ; : , 933 , in tho chair . Bros . Webb P . M . KJ 07 Preceptor S . W ., Musto P . M . 13-10 J . W ., T . J . Barnes l' . M . 551 , 1133 I . P . M . FIRST LECI uit _ —Bro > . Valentine , Da fa'ilva , Voa ) , McDonald , D . Moss , Slaiter , Wahb . S _ co :- *_
The Fifteen Sections
LECTURE—Bros . King , Forss , Grammer , XV . Hogg , Musto . THIRD LECTURE—Bros . I . P . Cohon , Maidwell , West . At seven precisely . At tho Metropolitan Lodgo of Instruction , No . 105 ( 5 , tho Portugal Hotel , 155 Fleet-street , " E . G ., on Friday , 24 th October . Bros .
Squirrel I W . M . 20 fJ W . M ., Gush I . G . 15 U S . W ., Woods S . D . 145 J . W ., Fox 201 I . G . FIRST LECTURE—Bros . Radford , Kearney , Smith , Abell , Suelling , Gush , Tate . SECOMD LECTURE—Bros . Morgan , Fox , Larchin , Woods . M'Culloch . THIRD LECTURE—Bros . Briggs , Larduer , Croak . At six p . m . precisely .
At tho Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 , Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , N ., on Saturday , 25 th October . Bros . Lardner 1625 W . M ., D . Moss 1275 S . W ., J . A . Powell S . W . 1 SS J . W ., R . Pearcy W . M . 228
Preceptor . FIRST LECTURE—Bros . Giller , J . Lorkin , XV . B irtle , A . VV . Fonnor , C . Lorkin , Slaiter , J . A . Powoll . SECOND LECTURE—Bros . J . Gibbs , D . Moss , A . McfcUU-ur , II . R . Hallam . sen ., J . Garrod . THIRD LECTURE—Bros . A . Trewinnard , II . Hall , F . Brasted . At seven p . m . At the Dalh'iusie Lodge of Instruction , Sisters' Tavern , Powuallroad , Dalston , on Tuesday , 28 th October . Bros . Moss 1275 W . M .,
Webb P . M . 1607 S . W ., Brasted J . W . 1521 J . W ., Wallington P . M . 860
I . P . M . FIRST LECTURE—Bros . Giller , Greenwood , Carr , Christian , Forss , Lardner , Slaiter . SECOND LECTURE—Bros . Wardell , Webb , Taylor , C . Lorkin , Stephens . THIRD LECTURE—Bros . Brasted , J . Lorkin , W . Wallington . At seven p . m . precisely . At tho Groat Northern Lodgo of Instruction , No . 1287 , Berwick
Arms , Berners-street , XV ., on Thursday , 30 th October . Bros . E . Farwig W . M . 180 W . M ., XV . Cloghorn I . G . 1287 S . W ., G . West W . M . 1287 J . W . FIRST LECTURE—Bros . Cane , Jnpo , Tribbel , West , Staton , Kerrill , Christie . SECOND LECTURE—Bros , ltood , Burgess Forbes , Cloghorn , Adair . THIRD LECTURE—Bros . Hemming , Paul , Lancaster . At seven p . m .
At the Manchester Lodgo of Instruction , No . 179 , Yorkshire Grey , London-streoc . Fitzroy-square , on Saturday , 1 st November . Bro . Koester P . M will take the chair , assisted by Bros . Kew P . M . as S . W . and G . Baker P . M . as J . W . At seven precisely .
The Ceremony of Installation will bo rehearsed by Bro . Geo . King P . BI . Preceptor , at the Royal Arthur Lodgo of Instruction , No . 1360 , at Bro . Wright's Prince ' s Head , York-road , Battersea , on Tuesday , 21 st September , at seven p . m . Brethren are invited to attend . Bro . A . Withers W . M . 211 Hon . Sec .
The nuptials of Bro . T . O . Bnss , No . 147 , of 33 Hatton Garden , and Miss Elluu Roberts , were celebrated on Monday , 13 th iustaut , at St . Andrews Chnrch , Holborn , in presence of a numerous assemblage of private 1 ' rioiuls and brethren , by tho Rev . Mr . Blunt . Mendelssohu ' s M . 'iruti was play . d ou the departure of tlie wed-ling parlv , who , tinrty-two in all , wore conveyed in seven carriages to too Crystal
Palace , where thoy sat down to a sumptuous dejoiiatu * an I . ItHserc , provided by Bros . B . rtraui aud Roberts . Bro . Has ,, biidegri im , in appropriate terms , . * osp nded to tlio toast of tho orid . ) and bridegroom . Bro . S . R-wloy , P . M . 171 , made wnny comp . ' tmjur . u-y ; -einarks in reooimau ^ his early association , with , ami kno . vlodge of Bro . Buss ' s good qualities ; but to know him wis to respect nun an a
good and charitab ; u mill . Ho hop - id the step be had taken would open a source of Happiness to him and his brido . Bro . II . , \ 1 . L-vy responded to the u > . i _ fc of tlio bridesmaids , and Bro . i . It . Siv .-a-. oy for tno Visitors . As another old friend of Bro . Buss , ho bo-. 'o testimony to his excellent qualities . Tuo health of Bro . Riy , who had the control of the day ' - proceo lings , which gavo great satisfaction , met
with a hearty reception . Several ladies and gontluraen contributed to tbe amusomjiit of tae oouipiiy , particularly Mrs . Bladen aud Bro . Thomas , and , amidst a shovor of rice , the bride and bridegroom departed on their » voddiug trip , and the guests returned to town . Among tbe comp toy wero Bros . John Coutts , S . Rawley , J . R . Svvea . iey , A . Thompson , Blake , Weathorly , Simpson , Hubberfc , Stanton , Biadeu , H . M . Levy , & c .
Ancient Carthage Lodge, No. 1717, At Tunis, North Africa.
' I lHE installation meeting of this Lodge took place on the 4 th X October . Present—W . Bro . A . BI . Bcoadley D . D . G . M . W . M ., Bros . J . 11 . titt-vena S . W ,, Dr . Periui J . W ., A . Blanch Trews ., M . Lumoroso doc , V . 0 . Clement D . of C , G . Pentecost S . D ., V . Fiazi as J . U ., Proiessor t > . Senator Interpreter , J . Lumbroso Org ., M . de uanais i . u ., and J . Fiyiuou Tyler . Hon . P . M . ' s Sulenia and Maunniai , a . - _
more than fifty brethren . Visitors— \ V . Bro . Vais 33 ° , aud _* r _ l __ * _ * r Aji-a leprosonting tne Italian l . oc ' ge Risorgi . nento ; liro . Uui-iooto J . V \ . IbJo F . C , and others . Tlio uuuutes buying been comn-uio . J , iv . Bro . T . F . Ready F . D . U . G . M . J-gypt aud P . M . lObS H . C , Bntisn Political Agout aud Uonaui Genera , at Tunis , was uuuui . luutiiy
elected u member ot the Loilgc . Tho D . D . G . M . tnou proceeded to . natal liro . Dr . Fermi as W . M . for the ousting year , in - .. liui-u ,. lurui . ti . o W . M . toon appointed aud invested lie following br . Liu . u us Uulcers : — W . Bio . A . M . Broadie ; I . P . M . and Hon oec , Bros . Proiessor bonnier is . W ., G . Pentecost J . W ., Blaucli Ireas ., . iiosut- Assiat .
- _ -., General Lhua Musah interpreter , 1 . Ben Zaineb Assist , luuiroruior , A . Bukobsa U . ot C , B . Paloi A . D . of C , M . D . IJaiiais O . i ) ., V . i'iuzi J . D ., Uiisaur , Jcssol and Pa . eologo Stewards , a _ d J . Luuioroao Organist , 'lne ceremony of installation concluded , Bro . J .
_ . _> mon was elected and invested as . lyier . Tho curreut business of . u-j Lodge was tliuu transacted , aud the lion . Sec iiauuuit to tho . ' . -usurer £ o , voteu by the D . G . lodge of Malta iu aid of tlie widow ut a deceased brother , the auuud bauquoc was fixed i ' or tne lath liisL , to which clay tho Lodge was aajoarnuci .