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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
gcrgnf itemiit fitstituttoii far ( girls , ST . JOHN'S HILL , BATTERSEA RISE , S . W . AT A QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of this Institution held at Freemasons' T-. u-evn , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s-inn-fields , W . C . on Saturday , 11 th October 187 'J . COLONEL , TOHN CREATON , Treasurer and Trustee , in the Chair . After tlio general business was disposed of , the Governors and Subscribers proceeded to tlie Election , by Hallot , of IS children into the Institution , from n list of t , S approved candidates , when tho following wore declared duly Kleeted : — On List . On ™ „„ 5 . Tlcelcy , Ap-ncR A . ... ... 1 i ™? 48 . Iiladon , Maud Kvn . ... ... ... 2 l . ) o 2 17 . Fellows . 0 . A . ( last ) ... ... ... 3 l- 'W 20 . Kivko . Alice Clara ... ... - •* } - ' ?_ 2 ( 1 . Tipper , M . Harrison ... ... ¦•• 5 l- ' *' : iO . Rovers , Beatrice A . ... ... ... <> l- , i ;» 21 . _ , aiis * . MfU-fliretK . ... ... - 7 I- ' - * ' * 1 . Sampson , M . J . ( last ) ... - ¦ * * 12 W 15 . Dawson , Alio May ... ... - '•* vl * l a . Keiu'hly , If . G . ( last ) ' ... ... 10 1 --- > 1 !> . Hicks , Kdith ... ..- H 1- tl , ! 7 . Hart , Kvu O . K . ... ... ... 12 119 . 13 . Hill , Kmily S . U . ... ... ... 13 , ¦ } ' ¦• 1 . Allison , Ethel P . W . ... ... U -il-W 40 . White , A . Louisa ... ... ... !•> 1 UH 41 . Wilson , . lessie D . ... ... ... 1 « HOI 2 . - 1 . Pratt , Clara ... ... 17 J 072 14 . Wain , Fanny K . ... ... ... IS 1 " - H Tho nimilior of votes recorded for unsuccessful candidates can bo obtained on application at tho Secretary ' s Office , and will be duly carried forward at the next Election , if eligible . F . R , XV . HEDGES , Secretary . Office : —5 Freemasons' Hnll , Great Queen Street , W . C .
& opI Pasarnc ftrstitotimi for § 0 j ) S , °° WOOD GREEN , LONDON , W . Office * . 6 Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , W . C . Patron : IIKR MOST GKACIOIJS MAJESTY THE QUEKX . President : His Eov . tr , IIidK . VKss THE PKINCE OF WALES K . G ., M . W . G . M .
AT A QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of the Governors and Subscribers held at Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , Lincolu'sinn-tields , Loudon , on Monday , 13 th of October 187 !) . V . W . Bro . Col . Jno . Creaton ( P . G . D . ) , G . Treasurer , V . P ., Trustee , in the Chair . A Xf-illot took place for tho Election of Sixteen Boys from an approved list of Sovonty-scvcu candidates , at the close of which the following wero declared duly elected : — Totes Votes Polled Polled 1 . Stone , Percy Herbert ... J Ml 5 !> . Godfrey , F . l- ' rankl-ind ... l . V . s 2 . Johnson , John Charles ... 17 . 11 Id . Wilkinson , Percy ( J l ~ > -3 , 'i . Garstoii , 1 ' , -iul Tielmorc ... Kill ? 11 . Waj ^ talY , C . Cni ' miisiun ... )" -l !> 4 . iiuvkctt , tiniest Itcmizo ... Ml : } 12 . Yoiui £ r , . 1 no . Alfred l . ' ilii 5 . Wail .. . Emanuel lull l ::. lluiid- * rson , John l- " . ( i £ - « . Ilcaley , Willi mi JU'iirv ... liin . i II-. Mun-iitrovd , . 1 no . It . ... 1171 7 . llouiislow , Herbert I . ' . ' ... I . " ilis l . l . lia-zluy , \ V . H 1 HI 7 S . Arpdun , Alliert G lo ' oj J 115 . Allii ) , ' l . 'h ; i , s . . 1 . V HJ 7 List of Candidates , successful and unsuccessful , with full particulars of polling , & c , may be had on application at the OJlice . , , ' •• .-.., -. FREDERICK BINCKES V . I' ., P . G . Steward , Scrixturi / . "'• ¦¦ 13 th October 1 S 79 .
MRS . HOUNSLOW begs leave to tender her sincere thanks to the numerous friends to whose kindly aid is due the election of her son Herbert Richard Hou _ . low , to ono of the vacancies in the Royal Masonic Institution for Hoys at the | ioll on Monday , the 13 th instant . He stood 7 th , with 15 U 3 votes .
BRO . C . II . WEBB , P . M . 1 G 07 , tenders his sincere thanks to those brethren who so kindly helped him iu advancing the candidature of Mary Ann Amelia Wyatt . Though unsuccessful at the election on . Saturday last , Uro . Wehh is none the less mindful of the strenuous exertions made by those who worked for this case .
A GERMAN BROTHER , in pecuniary difficulties , wishes to dispose , in one lot or separately , of about 500 line ami starcc copperplate -Sngraviiigs , all dillerent , ol ' -niiwals siuil hunting . sketches , by ono of the most ctistiuguislied Gcn ' naii Engravers . Address , " Oormanicus , " care of Dates , Hendy anil Co ., 4 Old Jewry , E . G .
VITRUVIAN LODGE , No . 87 . BRO . ISAAC , whr > has for some time past provided for the requiremerits of this Lodge , begs to announce tint he has obtained permission for the removal of his license to the lielvcdero-road , and that he is about to erect commodious premises there . These will comprise . A . S _? . A . CIOTTS MASOITIC IHT-A . __ , __ . . WITH ANTI- ROOMS , LARGK RANQUKTTING HALT ,, Together with every convenience for Masonic gatherings . Applications I ' nim Secretaries and others for accommodation to be addressed G . ISAAC , " Warn-: HART , " Coi . i . rrii : STHKKT , Lunu . nt , boxoos , S . I- ' ..
Prico 2 s , Crown Svo , still" paper covers 2 s ( Id cloth lettered . TOtaiity of p . n < uuu . c tyWwwl mid ® h $ m \\ m , With extracts froi ' n the Masonic- rulilicntions and MSS . letters of distinguished . Masons ; Jtumiiiir I ' oemf , and other interesting in format ion . i ! y BRO . JAMES STEVENS P . M . P . Z ., & e . London : W . W . MOBGASf , 67 Barbican , E . C . Or from tha Author , lis High Street , I'tophum , S . W .
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GHEAT QUEEN STHEET . LONDON W . C . The admirable and unrivalled accommodation provided at this Establishment for J _ Z _ -A . SOJ-TXC B _ A _ 3 _ rQTJ- ___ TS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , Ac . Is too well known to need comment . The entire management has been changed , and the Establishment in all its branches thoroughly re-onranlsed . The attention ot the Masonic Body Is rtlvected to the many advantages oflerert . CTJISIJSTJT ! OTP THTG HIGHEST CHAKACTER " WINES PJEKFJBCT IIV CONDITION AXD QJJAHTT . N . B .-DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3-. RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS The fullest measure of public confidence and support ensured . ALFRED BEST , PROPRIETOR .
SAWYER'S ( LATE STATION ) RESTAURANT , 5 RAILWAY PLACE , FENCHURCH STREET , E . C . ENGLISH , FRENCH A GERMAN CUISINE . Hot and Cold I _ i-itich . eoi _ s * on tVie G-rcrand ITloor ; This Room will accommodate 100 persons . CHOPS , STEAKS , & c , " FROM THE GRILL ; The drill Boom will Meat 150 pcr . soit * -. REIO'S TREBLE STOUT . WORTHINCTON'S ALES , BERLIJST TIVOLI BEER . TEA AND COFFEE ALWAYS READY . CHAMPAGNES OP THE BEST BRANDS . OLD BOTTLED PORTS . SHERRIES AND OTHER WINES OF THE BEST QUALITY . Bro . F . J . SAWYER , Proprietor . Lnto of Pimm ' s , and tho Crystal Palace .
SilSRSPfi ft S'ROM THE JOINT ' fromTWKLVE to THREE o ' clock . 8 IS W P H __ CH 0 I ' S md STEAKS Irom tho GRILL till FIVE o'clock , a 9 _ Iu E _ a I % ? T . MAIDWULI , Hercules Tavern , Lc-adenhall-st ., City , E . C . FISH DINNERS IN PERFECTION OS EACH , itieludiiig- Soups , Entrees , Ton I try , Joints , Choose , Salad , 4 Served from 12 to i daily—GEORGE TAVERN , lHllin ^ sgato Market . Sole Proprietor , GEORGE SMITH , from Anderton ' s Hotel .
fflfl &! JE _ l !_ - -. lot ! & u __ 0 uL PUK BQi & i 1 NOTTING HILL SQUARE , W . rilllE SCHOOL li . ts been established to jirovido it High Class JL Education to sons of Freemasons mid others , ou mndurnto forms . There arc scholarships of the annual value of . CIO to £ 20 , and Exhibitions of £ 20 . Terms for sons of Freemasons from I to 7 guineas per term , for other pupils from 5 to S guineas per term . For further particulars apply to the Secretary , or to E . PASSAWER , LL . D . Head Master .
W «_ VW _ W * _ -M W ^ Em * mVMMd (& 67 BAEBIOAN , E . O .
Freemasonry At Falmouth.
A Meeting of unusual importance and interest was held on Monday evening in the Masonic Hall , Falmouth , by the Lodge of Love and Honour , No . 75 , in celebration of tho Centenary of the "Freemasons' Hall Fnnd , " established in 177 . 9 , to which this ancient Lodge subscribed so liberally that the Grand Lodge presented the members with a silver medal , to be worn by tho W . M . for the time
being so long as the Lodge lasted . This distinction has been conferred on only three other Lodges out of London , the nearest of which is No . II , Bath , and the . other two are 154 , Wakefield , and 237 , Swansea . The medal has been quite lost sight of for many years , and on inquiry cannot , now bo found , so a duplicate has been obtained ,
and the W . M . was invested therewith for the first time on the overling of the celebration of tho Centenary . Bro . Hughan was called upon to furnish a sketch of the medal and its historical associations , which ho did most readily , and Colonel J . W .
Pcml , the newly-appointed D . Prov . G . M ., congratulated the members on being the possessors of so rare and hi g hly-valued a souvenir from the Grand Lodge of England . The D . P . G . M . was warmly received , and unanimously elected an honorary member of the Lodge . Bro . W . C . Borlase , F . S . A ., added his congratulations , audit was dis-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
gcrgnf itemiit fitstituttoii far ( girls , ST . JOHN'S HILL , BATTERSEA RISE , S . W . AT A QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of this Institution held at Freemasons' T-. u-evn , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s-inn-fields , W . C . on Saturday , 11 th October 187 'J . COLONEL , TOHN CREATON , Treasurer and Trustee , in the Chair . After tlio general business was disposed of , the Governors and Subscribers proceeded to tlie Election , by Hallot , of IS children into the Institution , from n list of t , S approved candidates , when tho following wore declared duly Kleeted : — On List . On ™ „„ 5 . Tlcelcy , Ap-ncR A . ... ... 1 i ™? 48 . Iiladon , Maud Kvn . ... ... ... 2 l . ) o 2 17 . Fellows . 0 . A . ( last ) ... ... ... 3 l- 'W 20 . Kivko . Alice Clara ... ... - •* } - ' ?_ 2 ( 1 . Tipper , M . Harrison ... ... ¦•• 5 l- ' *' : iO . Rovers , Beatrice A . ... ... ... <> l- , i ;» 21 . _ , aiis * . MfU-fliretK . ... ... - 7 I- ' - * ' * 1 . Sampson , M . J . ( last ) ... - ¦ * * 12 W 15 . Dawson , Alio May ... ... - '•* vl * l a . Keiu'hly , If . G . ( last ) ' ... ... 10 1 --- > 1 !> . Hicks , Kdith ... ..- H 1- tl , ! 7 . Hart , Kvu O . K . ... ... ... 12 119 . 13 . Hill , Kmily S . U . ... ... ... 13 , ¦ } ' ¦• 1 . Allison , Ethel P . W . ... ... U -il-W 40 . White , A . Louisa ... ... ... !•> 1 UH 41 . Wilson , . lessie D . ... ... ... 1 « HOI 2 . - 1 . Pratt , Clara ... ... 17 J 072 14 . Wain , Fanny K . ... ... ... IS 1 " - H Tho nimilior of votes recorded for unsuccessful candidates can bo obtained on application at tho Secretary ' s Office , and will be duly carried forward at the next Election , if eligible . F . R , XV . HEDGES , Secretary . Office : —5 Freemasons' Hnll , Great Queen Street , W . C .
& opI Pasarnc ftrstitotimi for § 0 j ) S , °° WOOD GREEN , LONDON , W . Office * . 6 Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , W . C . Patron : IIKR MOST GKACIOIJS MAJESTY THE QUEKX . President : His Eov . tr , IIidK . VKss THE PKINCE OF WALES K . G ., M . W . G . M .
AT A QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of the Governors and Subscribers held at Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , Lincolu'sinn-tields , Loudon , on Monday , 13 th of October 187 !) . V . W . Bro . Col . Jno . Creaton ( P . G . D . ) , G . Treasurer , V . P ., Trustee , in the Chair . A Xf-illot took place for tho Election of Sixteen Boys from an approved list of Sovonty-scvcu candidates , at the close of which the following wero declared duly elected : — Totes Votes Polled Polled 1 . Stone , Percy Herbert ... J Ml 5 !> . Godfrey , F . l- ' rankl-ind ... l . V . s 2 . Johnson , John Charles ... 17 . 11 Id . Wilkinson , Percy ( J l ~ > -3 , 'i . Garstoii , 1 ' , -iul Tielmorc ... Kill ? 11 . Waj ^ talY , C . Cni ' miisiun ... )" -l !> 4 . iiuvkctt , tiniest Itcmizo ... Ml : } 12 . Yoiui £ r , . 1 no . Alfred l . ' ilii 5 . Wail .. . Emanuel lull l ::. lluiid- * rson , John l- " . ( i £ - « . Ilcaley , Willi mi JU'iirv ... liin . i II-. Mun-iitrovd , . 1 no . It . ... 1171 7 . llouiislow , Herbert I . ' . ' ... I . " ilis l . l . lia-zluy , \ V . H 1 HI 7 S . Arpdun , Alliert G lo ' oj J 115 . Allii ) , ' l . 'h ; i , s . . 1 . V HJ 7 List of Candidates , successful and unsuccessful , with full particulars of polling , & c , may be had on application at the OJlice . , , ' •• .-.., -. FREDERICK BINCKES V . I' ., P . G . Steward , Scrixturi / . "'• ¦¦ 13 th October 1 S 79 .
MRS . HOUNSLOW begs leave to tender her sincere thanks to the numerous friends to whose kindly aid is due the election of her son Herbert Richard Hou _ . low , to ono of the vacancies in the Royal Masonic Institution for Hoys at the | ioll on Monday , the 13 th instant . He stood 7 th , with 15 U 3 votes .
BRO . C . II . WEBB , P . M . 1 G 07 , tenders his sincere thanks to those brethren who so kindly helped him iu advancing the candidature of Mary Ann Amelia Wyatt . Though unsuccessful at the election on . Saturday last , Uro . Wehh is none the less mindful of the strenuous exertions made by those who worked for this case .
A GERMAN BROTHER , in pecuniary difficulties , wishes to dispose , in one lot or separately , of about 500 line ami starcc copperplate -Sngraviiigs , all dillerent , ol ' -niiwals siuil hunting . sketches , by ono of the most ctistiuguislied Gcn ' naii Engravers . Address , " Oormanicus , " care of Dates , Hendy anil Co ., 4 Old Jewry , E . G .
VITRUVIAN LODGE , No . 87 . BRO . ISAAC , whr > has for some time past provided for the requiremerits of this Lodge , begs to announce tint he has obtained permission for the removal of his license to the lielvcdero-road , and that he is about to erect commodious premises there . These will comprise . A . S _? . A . CIOTTS MASOITIC IHT-A . __ , __ . . WITH ANTI- ROOMS , LARGK RANQUKTTING HALT ,, Together with every convenience for Masonic gatherings . Applications I ' nim Secretaries and others for accommodation to be addressed G . ISAAC , " Warn-: HART , " Coi . i . rrii : STHKKT , Lunu . nt , boxoos , S . I- ' ..
Prico 2 s , Crown Svo , still" paper covers 2 s ( Id cloth lettered . TOtaiity of p . n < uuu . c tyWwwl mid ® h $ m \\ m , With extracts froi ' n the Masonic- rulilicntions and MSS . letters of distinguished . Masons ; Jtumiiiir I ' oemf , and other interesting in format ion . i ! y BRO . JAMES STEVENS P . M . P . Z ., & e . London : W . W . MOBGASf , 67 Barbican , E . C . Or from tha Author , lis High Street , I'tophum , S . W .
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GHEAT QUEEN STHEET . LONDON W . C . The admirable and unrivalled accommodation provided at this Establishment for J _ Z _ -A . SOJ-TXC B _ A _ 3 _ rQTJ- ___ TS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , Ac . Is too well known to need comment . The entire management has been changed , and the Establishment in all its branches thoroughly re-onranlsed . The attention ot the Masonic Body Is rtlvected to the many advantages oflerert . CTJISIJSTJT ! OTP THTG HIGHEST CHAKACTER " WINES PJEKFJBCT IIV CONDITION AXD QJJAHTT . N . B .-DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3-. RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS The fullest measure of public confidence and support ensured . ALFRED BEST , PROPRIETOR .
SAWYER'S ( LATE STATION ) RESTAURANT , 5 RAILWAY PLACE , FENCHURCH STREET , E . C . ENGLISH , FRENCH A GERMAN CUISINE . Hot and Cold I _ i-itich . eoi _ s * on tVie G-rcrand ITloor ; This Room will accommodate 100 persons . CHOPS , STEAKS , & c , " FROM THE GRILL ; The drill Boom will Meat 150 pcr . soit * -. REIO'S TREBLE STOUT . WORTHINCTON'S ALES , BERLIJST TIVOLI BEER . TEA AND COFFEE ALWAYS READY . CHAMPAGNES OP THE BEST BRANDS . OLD BOTTLED PORTS . SHERRIES AND OTHER WINES OF THE BEST QUALITY . Bro . F . J . SAWYER , Proprietor . Lnto of Pimm ' s , and tho Crystal Palace .
SilSRSPfi ft S'ROM THE JOINT ' fromTWKLVE to THREE o ' clock . 8 IS W P H __ CH 0 I ' S md STEAKS Irom tho GRILL till FIVE o'clock , a 9 _ Iu E _ a I % ? T . MAIDWULI , Hercules Tavern , Lc-adenhall-st ., City , E . C . FISH DINNERS IN PERFECTION OS EACH , itieludiiig- Soups , Entrees , Ton I try , Joints , Choose , Salad , 4 Served from 12 to i daily—GEORGE TAVERN , lHllin ^ sgato Market . Sole Proprietor , GEORGE SMITH , from Anderton ' s Hotel .
fflfl &! JE _ l !_ - -. lot ! & u __ 0 uL PUK BQi & i 1 NOTTING HILL SQUARE , W . rilllE SCHOOL li . ts been established to jirovido it High Class JL Education to sons of Freemasons mid others , ou mndurnto forms . There arc scholarships of the annual value of . CIO to £ 20 , and Exhibitions of £ 20 . Terms for sons of Freemasons from I to 7 guineas per term , for other pupils from 5 to S guineas per term . For further particulars apply to the Secretary , or to E . PASSAWER , LL . D . Head Master .
W «_ VW _ W * _ -M W ^ Em * mVMMd (& 67 BAEBIOAN , E . O .
Freemasonry At Falmouth.
A Meeting of unusual importance and interest was held on Monday evening in the Masonic Hall , Falmouth , by the Lodge of Love and Honour , No . 75 , in celebration of tho Centenary of the "Freemasons' Hall Fnnd , " established in 177 . 9 , to which this ancient Lodge subscribed so liberally that the Grand Lodge presented the members with a silver medal , to be worn by tho W . M . for the time
being so long as the Lodge lasted . This distinction has been conferred on only three other Lodges out of London , the nearest of which is No . II , Bath , and the . other two are 154 , Wakefield , and 237 , Swansea . The medal has been quite lost sight of for many years , and on inquiry cannot , now bo found , so a duplicate has been obtained ,
and the W . M . was invested therewith for the first time on the overling of the celebration of tho Centenary . Bro . Hughan was called upon to furnish a sketch of the medal and its historical associations , which ho did most readily , and Colonel J . W .
Pcml , the newly-appointed D . Prov . G . M ., congratulated the members on being the possessors of so rare and hi g hly-valued a souvenir from the Grand Lodge of England . The D . P . G . M . was warmly received , and unanimously elected an honorary member of the Lodge . Bro . W . C . Borlase , F . S . A ., added his congratulations , audit was dis-