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life ; but , "leaning onl y on the hope of God's heavenly grace , " he has gone to " that rest which remaineth for the people of God . " Such was Lord Carbery ; and his memory will long live in the hearts and affections of all who knew him . LONDONDERRY , June 2 . —No . 93 . —The absUrd custom of electing a Alaster every six months was observed . The following resolution by the
Chaplain was most unanimously received by the Brethren : " That this Lodge do apply for a dispensation to enable our AVorshipful Master Brother Grant to fill the presidential chair for the usual pei'iotl : anil that we consider our distinguished Brother Grant , in acceding to our request , be considered as conferring a high compliment on the Lodge . " After this , the following resolution by Bro . the Rev . AIoore O'Connor , was most cordially and unanimously adopted : " That wethe members
, of Lodge 93 , Free and Accepted Alasons , feel it to be a very pleasing duty to render to our revered and beloved Master , Alexander Grant , this humble expression of our warmest gratitude , ancl most heartfelt respect , for the zeal and ability he has on all occasions evinced in promoting the great interests of Alasonry . That we believe that other Brethren , in common with the Brethren of this Lodge , are under the deepest and most lasting obligations to that able and talented Brother ,
for the devotion , ability , and inflexibility of principle , which have so eminently distinguished him since his first accession to the presidential chair of 93 . Further , that while we beg thus inadequately to express our high gratification ancl delight , we cannot but render to him our most unbounded confidence in , and unmeasured approbation of , the wise and judicious appropriation of the funds , in the purchase of the various ornaments and furniture of the Lodge . " . The Lodge has determined to meet monthly for work , and quarterly for refreshment .
$ 2 ^ Bro . Robert Chalmers , No . 8 , Great St . James ' s-street , Alontreal , is an Agent for the " Freemasons' Quarterly Review , " and will execute all communications . AA ' e confidently refer our subscribers , therefore , to our respected Brother . PARIS . —The Grand Orient has issued warrants for the following
Lodges : —Bildah , in Algiers , the Atlas ; St . John d'Angely , Equality Regenerated ; Bazas , Friends of Humanity ; Corfu , the Phoenix . App lications for warrants have been received from Calais , for the Lodge of Perseverance ; Nimes , Philanthropy ; Mons , Friends of Worth . The funds in hand of the Grand Orient , at last meeting , amounted to 39 , 624 f . 36 c . The number of Lodges under the Supreme Council , is greatly in-VOL . III . N N
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life ; but , "leaning onl y on the hope of God's heavenly grace , " he has gone to " that rest which remaineth for the people of God . " Such was Lord Carbery ; and his memory will long live in the hearts and affections of all who knew him . LONDONDERRY , June 2 . —No . 93 . —The absUrd custom of electing a Alaster every six months was observed . The following resolution by the
Chaplain was most unanimously received by the Brethren : " That this Lodge do apply for a dispensation to enable our AVorshipful Master Brother Grant to fill the presidential chair for the usual pei'iotl : anil that we consider our distinguished Brother Grant , in acceding to our request , be considered as conferring a high compliment on the Lodge . " After this , the following resolution by Bro . the Rev . AIoore O'Connor , was most cordially and unanimously adopted : " That wethe members
, of Lodge 93 , Free and Accepted Alasons , feel it to be a very pleasing duty to render to our revered and beloved Master , Alexander Grant , this humble expression of our warmest gratitude , ancl most heartfelt respect , for the zeal and ability he has on all occasions evinced in promoting the great interests of Alasonry . That we believe that other Brethren , in common with the Brethren of this Lodge , are under the deepest and most lasting obligations to that able and talented Brother ,
for the devotion , ability , and inflexibility of principle , which have so eminently distinguished him since his first accession to the presidential chair of 93 . Further , that while we beg thus inadequately to express our high gratification ancl delight , we cannot but render to him our most unbounded confidence in , and unmeasured approbation of , the wise and judicious appropriation of the funds , in the purchase of the various ornaments and furniture of the Lodge . " . The Lodge has determined to meet monthly for work , and quarterly for refreshment .
$ 2 ^ Bro . Robert Chalmers , No . 8 , Great St . James ' s-street , Alontreal , is an Agent for the " Freemasons' Quarterly Review , " and will execute all communications . AA ' e confidently refer our subscribers , therefore , to our respected Brother . PARIS . —The Grand Orient has issued warrants for the following
Lodges : —Bildah , in Algiers , the Atlas ; St . John d'Angely , Equality Regenerated ; Bazas , Friends of Humanity ; Corfu , the Phoenix . App lications for warrants have been received from Calais , for the Lodge of Perseverance ; Nimes , Philanthropy ; Mons , Friends of Worth . The funds in hand of the Grand Orient , at last meeting , amounted to 39 , 624 f . 36 c . The number of Lodges under the Supreme Council , is greatly in-VOL . III . N N