Article FREEMASONRY IN CHINA.* ← Page 3 of 8 →
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Freemasonry In China.*
( or each with a drawn sword ) , reads thc articles of the oath , to every one "f which an affirmative response is given by the new iiiemher , : after which lie cuts off the head of a cock , which is the usual form of a Chinese oath , intimating— " thus let perish all who divulge the secret . " But it is said the grancl ceremony can only be performed where there is a considerable number of members present . They worship heaven ancl earth on those occasions , and sometimes , when the place is sufficiently secluded , perform tlic initiatory rites in the open air .
SECRET SIGNS . The members recognize each other by mystic numbers ; the chief of which is the number three , probably from their name , * ' the Triad Society ; " and adopt odd rather than even numbers , when it can be done . They say three , three times ten , three hundred , three thousand , three myriads , rather than two , four times ten , & c . The word Hung , before-mentioned , contains the number three hundred and twenty-one , and is often used by them for particular purposes . Certain motions of the fingers constitute a second class of signs ; e . g .
using three of the fingers in taking up any thing . If a member happens to be in company , and wishes to discover whether there be a brothelpresent , he takes up his tca-ciip or its cover ( Chinese tea-cups have always a cover ) , with the thumb , the fore , and middle fingers , or with ihe fore , middle , and third fingers , ancl which , if perceived by an initiated person , is answered by a corresponding sign . It does not , however , follow from this that every Chinese who uses three fingersin taking up ,
, or holding , his tea-cup , is a member of the San ho hwuy , for many of them do it from mere habit . But there is a certain way of doing it by the initiated , which they themselves only know . In lifting any thing that requires both hands , they use three fingers of each hand . They also have recourse to odes iind pieces of poetry , as secret marks .
TUB SEAL is a quinrjuangular figure : this , as above noticed , is one of the Society ' s mystical numbers . From the manner in which some characters on the seal were written , it is not improbable that some of them have" been erroneously explained . The following is submitted as . the best explanation we can give of the characters at the five corners of the seal . — 1 . Toothe earth planeti . e . Saturn ; whichaccording to the
, , , Chinese , especially regards ancl influences the centre of the earth ; also one of the five elements . 2 . Midi , the wood planet , i . e . Jupiter , or that planet which reigns in the eastern part of the heavens . 3 . Shwuy , the water planet , i . e . Mercury , to which the dominion of the northern hemisphere is confided . 4 . Kin , the metal planet , i . e . Venus , to which the care of the west
is confided . 5 . Ho , the fire planet , i . e . Mars , to which the southern hemisphere is assigned . A ^ . B . The reasons ( or some of the reasons ) why these planets are placed at the corners of this seal , may be , because they are the basis of Chinese' astrological science , and because they are considered the extreme , points of all created things . VOL . in . Z
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Freemasonry In China.*
( or each with a drawn sword ) , reads thc articles of the oath , to every one "f which an affirmative response is given by the new iiiemher , : after which lie cuts off the head of a cock , which is the usual form of a Chinese oath , intimating— " thus let perish all who divulge the secret . " But it is said the grancl ceremony can only be performed where there is a considerable number of members present . They worship heaven ancl earth on those occasions , and sometimes , when the place is sufficiently secluded , perform tlic initiatory rites in the open air .
SECRET SIGNS . The members recognize each other by mystic numbers ; the chief of which is the number three , probably from their name , * ' the Triad Society ; " and adopt odd rather than even numbers , when it can be done . They say three , three times ten , three hundred , three thousand , three myriads , rather than two , four times ten , & c . The word Hung , before-mentioned , contains the number three hundred and twenty-one , and is often used by them for particular purposes . Certain motions of the fingers constitute a second class of signs ; e . g .
using three of the fingers in taking up any thing . If a member happens to be in company , and wishes to discover whether there be a brothelpresent , he takes up his tca-ciip or its cover ( Chinese tea-cups have always a cover ) , with the thumb , the fore , and middle fingers , or with ihe fore , middle , and third fingers , ancl which , if perceived by an initiated person , is answered by a corresponding sign . It does not , however , follow from this that every Chinese who uses three fingersin taking up ,
, or holding , his tea-cup , is a member of the San ho hwuy , for many of them do it from mere habit . But there is a certain way of doing it by the initiated , which they themselves only know . In lifting any thing that requires both hands , they use three fingers of each hand . They also have recourse to odes iind pieces of poetry , as secret marks .
TUB SEAL is a quinrjuangular figure : this , as above noticed , is one of the Society ' s mystical numbers . From the manner in which some characters on the seal were written , it is not improbable that some of them have" been erroneously explained . The following is submitted as . the best explanation we can give of the characters at the five corners of the seal . — 1 . Toothe earth planeti . e . Saturn ; whichaccording to the
, , , Chinese , especially regards ancl influences the centre of the earth ; also one of the five elements . 2 . Midi , the wood planet , i . e . Jupiter , or that planet which reigns in the eastern part of the heavens . 3 . Shwuy , the water planet , i . e . Mercury , to which the dominion of the northern hemisphere is confided . 4 . Kin , the metal planet , i . e . Venus , to which the care of the west
is confided . 5 . Ho , the fire planet , i . e . Mars , to which the southern hemisphere is assigned . A ^ . B . The reasons ( or some of the reasons ) why these planets are placed at the corners of this seal , may be , because they are the basis of Chinese' astrological science , and because they are considered the extreme , points of all created things . VOL . in . Z