Article ESPECIAL GRAND LODGE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article UNITED GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND. Page 1 of 2 →
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Especial Grand Lodge.
to render the addresses from the Noble Chairman , ancl from other Brethren perfectly unaudible . We the more regret this , as that ofthe Grand Master was a very admirable illustration ofthe principles of Freemasonry , ancl deserved to have been listened to , as much from the excellence of the subject as emanating from so distinguished an authority . His Lordship , however , bore up against the clamour with the greatest urbanity and kindness . Bro . Humfry , the President of the Boarcl of
Grand Stewards , in returning thanks for the compliment paid to the Boarcl for their liberality , took occasion to allude to the untoward circumstance , ancl , in regretting that better order had not been preserved , hoped future Stewards would profit by their misfortune , and render the Festival of 1846 as remarkable for its rational entertainment as the present had been for some departure from a well honoured custom . The ladies' room presented a most animated scene , to which the attention of the Grand Stewards mainly contributed .
United Grand Lodge Of England.
COMMITTEE OP MASTERS . The Quarter ! v Committee of Masters was held on Wednesday the 28 th May , R . W . Bro . W . H . Smith , in the chair . Present—Bros . P . Thomson , Norris , Goldsworthy , and Burmeister . The Report of the Committee of General Purposes was read . It contained allegations of misconduct against two Brethren .
The Report of the Annuity Fund was read . The amount of the balance in the hands ofthe Treasurer , on account of the Board of General Purposes , was 1 , 589 / ., 700 / . of which it recommended should be funded . Three Scrutineers were appointed . The list of Candidates to serve on the Board of General Purposes was read . No new notice of motion was given . Those of Bro . Dr . Crucefix and
Bro . Edward Brewster were read , pro forma . The Committee then resolved itself into a Board of Benevolence , and the cases of a number of Brethren were relieved . CIRCULAR . — Freemasons' Hall , 12 th May , 1845 . —W . MASTER , I am commanded by the M . W . Grand Master , the Earl of Zetland , to acquaint you that at the last Quarterl y Communication a motion was proposed in the following wordsand the questions being put thereon
, it passed in the affirmative , viz . — " That the rule or regulation in the book of Constitutions , page 111 , respecting the quarterly contributions of members , shall be altered so as to increase the amount by Sixpence per quarter , or Two Shillings per annum , and shall stand thus : —Every Member of each Lodge within the London District shall pay towards the Fund for Masonic BenevolenceOne Shilling and Sixpence per quarter or Six Shillings
, per annum , and every Member of each Country and Military Lodge , One Shilling per quarter or Four Shillings per annum . " By article 9 , page 27 , Book of Constitutions , the said proposition requires confirmation before it becomes a law ; the M . W . Grand Master , therefore , deems it proper to make you acquainted with the circumstance .
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Especial Grand Lodge.
to render the addresses from the Noble Chairman , ancl from other Brethren perfectly unaudible . We the more regret this , as that ofthe Grand Master was a very admirable illustration ofthe principles of Freemasonry , ancl deserved to have been listened to , as much from the excellence of the subject as emanating from so distinguished an authority . His Lordship , however , bore up against the clamour with the greatest urbanity and kindness . Bro . Humfry , the President of the Boarcl of
Grand Stewards , in returning thanks for the compliment paid to the Boarcl for their liberality , took occasion to allude to the untoward circumstance , ancl , in regretting that better order had not been preserved , hoped future Stewards would profit by their misfortune , and render the Festival of 1846 as remarkable for its rational entertainment as the present had been for some departure from a well honoured custom . The ladies' room presented a most animated scene , to which the attention of the Grand Stewards mainly contributed .
United Grand Lodge Of England.
COMMITTEE OP MASTERS . The Quarter ! v Committee of Masters was held on Wednesday the 28 th May , R . W . Bro . W . H . Smith , in the chair . Present—Bros . P . Thomson , Norris , Goldsworthy , and Burmeister . The Report of the Committee of General Purposes was read . It contained allegations of misconduct against two Brethren .
The Report of the Annuity Fund was read . The amount of the balance in the hands ofthe Treasurer , on account of the Board of General Purposes , was 1 , 589 / ., 700 / . of which it recommended should be funded . Three Scrutineers were appointed . The list of Candidates to serve on the Board of General Purposes was read . No new notice of motion was given . Those of Bro . Dr . Crucefix and
Bro . Edward Brewster were read , pro forma . The Committee then resolved itself into a Board of Benevolence , and the cases of a number of Brethren were relieved . CIRCULAR . — Freemasons' Hall , 12 th May , 1845 . —W . MASTER , I am commanded by the M . W . Grand Master , the Earl of Zetland , to acquaint you that at the last Quarterl y Communication a motion was proposed in the following wordsand the questions being put thereon
, it passed in the affirmative , viz . — " That the rule or regulation in the book of Constitutions , page 111 , respecting the quarterly contributions of members , shall be altered so as to increase the amount by Sixpence per quarter , or Two Shillings per annum , and shall stand thus : —Every Member of each Lodge within the London District shall pay towards the Fund for Masonic BenevolenceOne Shilling and Sixpence per quarter or Six Shillings
, per annum , and every Member of each Country and Military Lodge , One Shilling per quarter or Four Shillings per annum . " By article 9 , page 27 , Book of Constitutions , the said proposition requires confirmation before it becomes a law ; the M . W . Grand Master , therefore , deems it proper to make you acquainted with the circumstance .