Article FllEOIAJONIlY. ASYLUM FOR AGED FREEMASON... Page 1 of 1 Article EREEJIASONRY. Lately published, price Is... Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY. "D BOTHER ROBERT C. TATE, J... Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY. BROTHER J. P. AC K LAM, MAS... Page 1 of 1
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Flleoiajonily. Asylum For Aged Freemason...
FllEOIAJONIlY . ASYLUM FOR AGED FREEMASONS . rpilli ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Governors and Subscribers to - * - this Institution will be held at the NEW LONDON H OTEL ( Radley ' s ) , New Bridge street , Blackfriars , on Wednesday , thc 9 TII OV JULY , at seven o ' clock , for die transaction
of General Business , receiving Reports , and electing Officers . The Chair will be taken at Seven o ' clock precisely . ROBERT FIELD , Secretary . 25 , Tibberton Square , Islington . Subscriptions received by the Bankers , Messrs . Preseott and Co ., Thvcadnced' . o-strcct ; and by the Treasurer , Dr . Crucefix , the Grove , Gravesend .
Ereejiasonry. Lately Published, Price Is...
EREEJIASONRY . Lately published , price Is . T > EJECTED LETTERS . Exposure of the "Tablet" v . Freemasonry—Odd Fellows - ^ ¦—Rechabites ( Temperance)—Ancient Druids , and other Convivial and Charitable —so called " Secret Societies . " Excommunication—and extraordinary Assumption of ECCLESIASTICAL
CENSORSHIP by a CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER . Letter the First . Second edition . By , 1 CATHOLIC . In the press Letter the Second . Printed and Sold by J . Cleave , Shoe-lane , Fleet-street , London : and by Dolman , 61 , New Bond-street ; Jones , 63 , Paternoster-vow ; Little , Henrietta-street , Covent Garden ; Spencer , 311 , High Holborn ; Battersby , Parliament-street ; Grant and Co ., Grafton-street , Dublin ; and by all Catholic Booksellers .
Freemasonry. "D Bother Robert C. Tate, J...
FREEMASONRY . "D BOTHER ROBERT C . TATE , Jeweller and Manufacturer of Masonic Clothing - * - * and Jewels , No . 204 , Regent Street , opposite Conduit Street , begs to express his grateful acknowledgments to the Brethren for their liberal support and patronage , and begs to acquaint them that he lias always hand wellselected stock of
on a - Aprons , Collars , Jewels , & c . & c , both for Craft " and Royal Arch Masonry . All orders from the Country or Colonies will meet with prompt attention , ancl drawings for Presentation and other Medals will be sent by post when required . Every article will be of the first quality and workmanship .
Freemasonry. Brother J. P. Ac K Lam, Mas...
FREEMASONRY . BROTHER J . P . AC K LAM , MASONIC JEWEL , FURNITURE , AND CLOTHING MANUFACTURER , T > ESPECTFULLY solicits the Orders and Patronage of the Craft . He has always *¦ *• ready on sale a Collection of Jewels and Clothing , for Craft , Royal Arcli Masonry ,
Knight Templars , & c . As he is the real maker , and every article is manufactured on his premises , and under his personal inspection , tbe Fraternity may rely on being furnished in precise conformity with the authorised Constitutions of the different Orders . 138 , Strand , opposite Catherine street .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Flleoiajonily. Asylum For Aged Freemason...
FllEOIAJONIlY . ASYLUM FOR AGED FREEMASONS . rpilli ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Governors and Subscribers to - * - this Institution will be held at the NEW LONDON H OTEL ( Radley ' s ) , New Bridge street , Blackfriars , on Wednesday , thc 9 TII OV JULY , at seven o ' clock , for die transaction
of General Business , receiving Reports , and electing Officers . The Chair will be taken at Seven o ' clock precisely . ROBERT FIELD , Secretary . 25 , Tibberton Square , Islington . Subscriptions received by the Bankers , Messrs . Preseott and Co ., Thvcadnced' . o-strcct ; and by the Treasurer , Dr . Crucefix , the Grove , Gravesend .
Ereejiasonry. Lately Published, Price Is...
EREEJIASONRY . Lately published , price Is . T > EJECTED LETTERS . Exposure of the "Tablet" v . Freemasonry—Odd Fellows - ^ ¦—Rechabites ( Temperance)—Ancient Druids , and other Convivial and Charitable —so called " Secret Societies . " Excommunication—and extraordinary Assumption of ECCLESIASTICAL
CENSORSHIP by a CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER . Letter the First . Second edition . By , 1 CATHOLIC . In the press Letter the Second . Printed and Sold by J . Cleave , Shoe-lane , Fleet-street , London : and by Dolman , 61 , New Bond-street ; Jones , 63 , Paternoster-vow ; Little , Henrietta-street , Covent Garden ; Spencer , 311 , High Holborn ; Battersby , Parliament-street ; Grant and Co ., Grafton-street , Dublin ; and by all Catholic Booksellers .
Freemasonry. "D Bother Robert C. Tate, J...
FREEMASONRY . "D BOTHER ROBERT C . TATE , Jeweller and Manufacturer of Masonic Clothing - * - * and Jewels , No . 204 , Regent Street , opposite Conduit Street , begs to express his grateful acknowledgments to the Brethren for their liberal support and patronage , and begs to acquaint them that he lias always hand wellselected stock of
on a - Aprons , Collars , Jewels , & c . & c , both for Craft " and Royal Arch Masonry . All orders from the Country or Colonies will meet with prompt attention , ancl drawings for Presentation and other Medals will be sent by post when required . Every article will be of the first quality and workmanship .
Freemasonry. Brother J. P. Ac K Lam, Mas...
FREEMASONRY . BROTHER J . P . AC K LAM , MASONIC JEWEL , FURNITURE , AND CLOTHING MANUFACTURER , T > ESPECTFULLY solicits the Orders and Patronage of the Craft . He has always *¦ *• ready on sale a Collection of Jewels and Clothing , for Craft , Royal Arcli Masonry ,
Knight Templars , & c . As he is the real maker , and every article is manufactured on his premises , and under his personal inspection , tbe Fraternity may rely on being furnished in precise conformity with the authorised Constitutions of the different Orders . 138 , Strand , opposite Catherine street .