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one glorious ancl uninterrupted stream . ( Cheers ) . Could his own wishes have been carried out as regards Henley he should then have had the pleasure of speaking of another stream and describing them as a " tria juncta in uno . " ( Cheers ) . Bro . MF . REIHTH returned thanks , and assured the P . G . M . that he was proud in having officers under him , who stood by him ancl rendered every assistance in their poiver . It was true the Apollo Lodge was a
fluctuating body—the members were " here to-day , and gone tomorrow ; " and , therefore , they were prevented from making that progress which they desired : but if it were a permanent body , he doubted not , from the zeal of his Officers and Brethren , they might stand equall y high in Alasonry with their sister Lodge . The P . G . M . then gave "The Stewards . " ( Cheers ) . The P . G . AT . then gave , as the parting toast , " Success to the Alasonic Charities "
Some excellent songs and other speeches were given , but our space has compelled us to be brief . TOWCESTER , Jane 11 . —The Provincial Grand Lodge for Northampton ancl Huntingdonshire was held this day , by the 11 . AV . the Earl of Aboyn . The meeting was most respectably attended , and passed off with true Alasonic harmony and unanimity .
BURSLEM , May 28 . —The Sutherland Lodge having had a warrant granted for a Royal Arch Chapter , the same was consecrated at the George Hotel , Burslem . The ceremony of consecration was performed by the Comp . A . Le'Veau , M . E . Z ., of Chapter 674 , and who also installed the principals , having had the valuable assistance of Comp . John Savage , P . Z . of No . 7 . Comp . George Baker was installed Z . ; Comp . AA'ickling , J . ; Comp . AA'ood , P . Z ., of 115 ; and there were
present , the AVorshipful the Mayor of Newcastle-under-Lyme , Comp . R . Fenton , Esq ., S . E ., C 74 ; Comp . AA' . Alason , IL , of ( 574 ; Comp . Turner , and many other Companions . Eight Bros , of Lodge 660 , were exalted , and one and all expressed their gratification at the manner in which the ceremony was performed by Comp . Le'Veau . The banquet took place at 7 o ' clock , where harmony and Masonic goocl feeling prevailed . Comp . Evans , . of Great Newport-street , London , furnished tbe Chapter paraphernalia , in his usual style , and which gave considerable satisfaction .
AVOLVEUIIAMPTON , June . —Presentation of a Testimonial to the V . W . Bro . the Rev . Dr . Slade , D . P . G . M . pro . tern ., P . G . Chaplain , Principal II . of St . Peter ' s R . A . Chapter , and P . M . of St . Peter ' s Iiodge . —Since the expiration of the late \ V . Al . ' s tenure of office , after having held the chair for two years , the extent permitted hy the constitutions , it has been contemplated by the Af embers of St . Peter ' s Lodge to present him with some token of their personal respect and estimation
of his valuable services in the cause of Alasonry in general , and of St . Peter ' s Lodge in particular . The Testimonial determined upon as most appropriate and consonant to the taste of the worthy Doctor , was a richly embellished P . M . jewel , set in gold , of a very classical and unique pattern , upon the obverse side of which appears the following inscription : — " To the Rev . Doctor Slade , P . G . C . This Jewel was presented by the Officers and Brethren of St . Peter ' s Lodge , as a token of their sincere esteem for his Masonic excellence . A . D . 1845 . "
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one glorious ancl uninterrupted stream . ( Cheers ) . Could his own wishes have been carried out as regards Henley he should then have had the pleasure of speaking of another stream and describing them as a " tria juncta in uno . " ( Cheers ) . Bro . MF . REIHTH returned thanks , and assured the P . G . M . that he was proud in having officers under him , who stood by him ancl rendered every assistance in their poiver . It was true the Apollo Lodge was a
fluctuating body—the members were " here to-day , and gone tomorrow ; " and , therefore , they were prevented from making that progress which they desired : but if it were a permanent body , he doubted not , from the zeal of his Officers and Brethren , they might stand equall y high in Alasonry with their sister Lodge . The P . G . M . then gave "The Stewards . " ( Cheers ) . The P . G . AT . then gave , as the parting toast , " Success to the Alasonic Charities "
Some excellent songs and other speeches were given , but our space has compelled us to be brief . TOWCESTER , Jane 11 . —The Provincial Grand Lodge for Northampton ancl Huntingdonshire was held this day , by the 11 . AV . the Earl of Aboyn . The meeting was most respectably attended , and passed off with true Alasonic harmony and unanimity .
BURSLEM , May 28 . —The Sutherland Lodge having had a warrant granted for a Royal Arch Chapter , the same was consecrated at the George Hotel , Burslem . The ceremony of consecration was performed by the Comp . A . Le'Veau , M . E . Z ., of Chapter 674 , and who also installed the principals , having had the valuable assistance of Comp . John Savage , P . Z . of No . 7 . Comp . George Baker was installed Z . ; Comp . AA'ickling , J . ; Comp . AA'ood , P . Z ., of 115 ; and there were
present , the AVorshipful the Mayor of Newcastle-under-Lyme , Comp . R . Fenton , Esq ., S . E ., C 74 ; Comp . AA' . Alason , IL , of ( 574 ; Comp . Turner , and many other Companions . Eight Bros , of Lodge 660 , were exalted , and one and all expressed their gratification at the manner in which the ceremony was performed by Comp . Le'Veau . The banquet took place at 7 o ' clock , where harmony and Masonic goocl feeling prevailed . Comp . Evans , . of Great Newport-street , London , furnished tbe Chapter paraphernalia , in his usual style , and which gave considerable satisfaction .
AVOLVEUIIAMPTON , June . —Presentation of a Testimonial to the V . W . Bro . the Rev . Dr . Slade , D . P . G . M . pro . tern ., P . G . Chaplain , Principal II . of St . Peter ' s R . A . Chapter , and P . M . of St . Peter ' s Iiodge . —Since the expiration of the late \ V . Al . ' s tenure of office , after having held the chair for two years , the extent permitted hy the constitutions , it has been contemplated by the Af embers of St . Peter ' s Lodge to present him with some token of their personal respect and estimation
of his valuable services in the cause of Alasonry in general , and of St . Peter ' s Lodge in particular . The Testimonial determined upon as most appropriate and consonant to the taste of the worthy Doctor , was a richly embellished P . M . jewel , set in gold , of a very classical and unique pattern , upon the obverse side of which appears the following inscription : — " To the Rev . Doctor Slade , P . G . C . This Jewel was presented by the Officers and Brethren of St . Peter ' s Lodge , as a token of their sincere esteem for his Masonic excellence . A . D . 1845 . "