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SCHWEEDINTZ . —The Brethren have established and endowed a Sunday school , the Master of the Lodge for the time being having tbe controul . AAfsMAR . —Two charities have been founded here by the Masonic Lodge . The first is a weekly stipend for the orphans of members of the Lodge , the other a loan fund for Alasons ; to the latter , an
annonymous Brother has liberally contributed . KINGSTON , CANADA , Dec 27 . — Grand Masonic Bait . —The annals of Canadian festivity afford no instance of a scene so interesting ancl imposing as that of the Alasonic Ball which took place this evening . Those who had enjoyed similar pleasure in Europe were surprised ; they had witnessed those in the Rotunda at Dublin , when the Vice-royal Governor gave a grace aud the beauty of the metropolis a charmand in many
, other cities , but the palm was conceded to this display , whether viewed simply as an entertainment generally , or one in which decorative art , instrumental music , or beauty and fashion , were separately considered . There was a chivalrous gallantry that tended to awaken the most bewitching impulse . Sir Richard Bonnycastle with his Masonic cohort was surpassingly graceful , in addressing , from the Oriental Chair , Sir Richard Armstrong , commanding in Canada-west , ancl presented him
with the " Gloves of Innocence , " to be by him presented in public to the lady of his choice . The reply of the gallant soldier was equally appropriate ; he presented the gloves to his daughter , Mrs . Captain Mayne , as emblems of affection and purity , under the certainty that they would be most worthily enshrined . The Mayor received a similar compliment and direction , and presented the gloves to Mrs . Robinson . But there was something most touchingly sublime in the presentation of
the Rose of Beauty and the Spotless Gloves to Mrs . Mackenzie Frazer , as the daughter of an honoured name , the niece of the hero of the 19 th . century . Colonel Mackenzie Frazer acknowledged the elegant compliment in a manly and noble manner . The arrangements of the evening were admirable ; we have seen a programme of this deli ghtful evening , printed in gold on satin , containing also the addresses and replies—a work of Colonial art , not to be exceeded in the metropolis of the world . LONDON , CANADA . —A Masonic Ball was given on the same evening , that reflected honour on the Craft , and greatly delighted a very numer ^ ous assemblage of beautiful women .
America, (United States).
CHARLESTOWN . —Bunker Hill Monument . —King Solomon ' s Lodge . —The Seventieth Anniversary of the battle will be celebrated on the 24 th instead ofthe 17 th of June ; on which occasion there will be a grand MASONIC FESTIVAL , to-which the Grand Lodge has been invited to perform the services of dedicating the monument ; the invitation has been accepted , and the subordinate Lodges have received notice to attend .
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SCHWEEDINTZ . —The Brethren have established and endowed a Sunday school , the Master of the Lodge for the time being having tbe controul . AAfsMAR . —Two charities have been founded here by the Masonic Lodge . The first is a weekly stipend for the orphans of members of the Lodge , the other a loan fund for Alasons ; to the latter , an
annonymous Brother has liberally contributed . KINGSTON , CANADA , Dec 27 . — Grand Masonic Bait . —The annals of Canadian festivity afford no instance of a scene so interesting ancl imposing as that of the Alasonic Ball which took place this evening . Those who had enjoyed similar pleasure in Europe were surprised ; they had witnessed those in the Rotunda at Dublin , when the Vice-royal Governor gave a grace aud the beauty of the metropolis a charmand in many
, other cities , but the palm was conceded to this display , whether viewed simply as an entertainment generally , or one in which decorative art , instrumental music , or beauty and fashion , were separately considered . There was a chivalrous gallantry that tended to awaken the most bewitching impulse . Sir Richard Bonnycastle with his Masonic cohort was surpassingly graceful , in addressing , from the Oriental Chair , Sir Richard Armstrong , commanding in Canada-west , ancl presented him
with the " Gloves of Innocence , " to be by him presented in public to the lady of his choice . The reply of the gallant soldier was equally appropriate ; he presented the gloves to his daughter , Mrs . Captain Mayne , as emblems of affection and purity , under the certainty that they would be most worthily enshrined . The Mayor received a similar compliment and direction , and presented the gloves to Mrs . Robinson . But there was something most touchingly sublime in the presentation of
the Rose of Beauty and the Spotless Gloves to Mrs . Mackenzie Frazer , as the daughter of an honoured name , the niece of the hero of the 19 th . century . Colonel Mackenzie Frazer acknowledged the elegant compliment in a manly and noble manner . The arrangements of the evening were admirable ; we have seen a programme of this deli ghtful evening , printed in gold on satin , containing also the addresses and replies—a work of Colonial art , not to be exceeded in the metropolis of the world . LONDON , CANADA . —A Masonic Ball was given on the same evening , that reflected honour on the Craft , and greatly delighted a very numer ^ ous assemblage of beautiful women .
America, (United States).
CHARLESTOWN . —Bunker Hill Monument . —King Solomon ' s Lodge . —The Seventieth Anniversary of the battle will be celebrated on the 24 th instead ofthe 17 th of June ; on which occasion there will be a grand MASONIC FESTIVAL , to-which the Grand Lodge has been invited to perform the services of dedicating the monument ; the invitation has been accepted , and the subordinate Lodges have received notice to attend .