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Harmony at Hohenstein has transferred itself to this place , and the members of the two Lodges will in future meet at Chemnitz . COBLENTZ . —After some difficulties and cessations , a new Alasonic Hall has been opened here , the name of the Lodge meeting in it is " Frederick in the Love of Fatherland . " DUSSELDORF . —On the last St . John ' s daythe Lodge of the " United
, Three " issued a circular letter , containing a statement of the monetary and Alasonic affairs of the year . Among other matters therein stated , is the report of the clothing of twenty-two orphan , or partly orphan , children , of which two were 3 SWISH , ( 1 ) and the whole of them , together with their friends , dined with the members of the Lodge . The Brethren voted a sum of money for a poor resident in the town , having heard that , although himself in the lowest grade of poverty , he
received into his hut a fellow-creature who had fallen at his door from want and disease . He had , for many months , nursed and supported this poor creature out of his precarious means , ivithout assistance from any one , and ivithout making it public . These facts coming to the knowledge of the Craft , the Lodge , as above stated , forwarded a voluntary contribution . The same Lodge has added itself to the eighteen united Lodges of the Rhine , for the purpose of alleviating the distresses of the inhabitants of the Silesian mountains .
FRANKFORT . —The disputes about the eclectic union have given rise to the publication of eight or nine pamphlets for and against the measure ; some censuring , others approving , of the steps taken by the Lodge of " the Rising Light . " Some of the pamphlets are issued by Lodges , others by private individuals . AVe shall probably on some future occasion allude fully to the subject . GASSLAR . —The asylum for watching over the orphans of Freemasons , commenced by the Lodge " Hercymia of the Burning Star , " in 1843 , has commenced operations .
. LAUBAN . —Bro . Ramming having , by his will , left 500 rix thaler towards founding a fund for the relief of widows of Freemasons , the Lodge Isis of this place has added 200 rix thaler , making about £ 100 sterling ; ancl thus established the much needed charity . LUXEMBURG . —Bishop Laurent has given positive instructions to his clergy to refuse Christian burial , the sacrament , and all other church advantages , to such Catholics as belonged to the Masonic fraternity ! And to be particularly careful to ascertain which of their parishioners were Freemasons .
MARIENBURG . — The Lodges from the neighbouring towns were invited to join the Victoria on St . John ' s day , and a numerous meeting took place on the occasion , at the Three Steeples , the Brethren from Elbing and Brounsberg attending . MERSEBERG . —The " Golden Cross " Lodge has instituted a benevolent fund for supporting widows and orphans when in extreme distress ; as soon as the relieved are enabled to maintain themselves , the relief ceases . In NEISS . a similar fund , and rules of the same description , have been established .
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Harmony at Hohenstein has transferred itself to this place , and the members of the two Lodges will in future meet at Chemnitz . COBLENTZ . —After some difficulties and cessations , a new Alasonic Hall has been opened here , the name of the Lodge meeting in it is " Frederick in the Love of Fatherland . " DUSSELDORF . —On the last St . John ' s daythe Lodge of the " United
, Three " issued a circular letter , containing a statement of the monetary and Alasonic affairs of the year . Among other matters therein stated , is the report of the clothing of twenty-two orphan , or partly orphan , children , of which two were 3 SWISH , ( 1 ) and the whole of them , together with their friends , dined with the members of the Lodge . The Brethren voted a sum of money for a poor resident in the town , having heard that , although himself in the lowest grade of poverty , he
received into his hut a fellow-creature who had fallen at his door from want and disease . He had , for many months , nursed and supported this poor creature out of his precarious means , ivithout assistance from any one , and ivithout making it public . These facts coming to the knowledge of the Craft , the Lodge , as above stated , forwarded a voluntary contribution . The same Lodge has added itself to the eighteen united Lodges of the Rhine , for the purpose of alleviating the distresses of the inhabitants of the Silesian mountains .
FRANKFORT . —The disputes about the eclectic union have given rise to the publication of eight or nine pamphlets for and against the measure ; some censuring , others approving , of the steps taken by the Lodge of " the Rising Light . " Some of the pamphlets are issued by Lodges , others by private individuals . AVe shall probably on some future occasion allude fully to the subject . GASSLAR . —The asylum for watching over the orphans of Freemasons , commenced by the Lodge " Hercymia of the Burning Star , " in 1843 , has commenced operations .
. LAUBAN . —Bro . Ramming having , by his will , left 500 rix thaler towards founding a fund for the relief of widows of Freemasons , the Lodge Isis of this place has added 200 rix thaler , making about £ 100 sterling ; ancl thus established the much needed charity . LUXEMBURG . —Bishop Laurent has given positive instructions to his clergy to refuse Christian burial , the sacrament , and all other church advantages , to such Catholics as belonged to the Masonic fraternity ! And to be particularly careful to ascertain which of their parishioners were Freemasons .
MARIENBURG . — The Lodges from the neighbouring towns were invited to join the Victoria on St . John ' s day , and a numerous meeting took place on the occasion , at the Three Steeples , the Brethren from Elbing and Brounsberg attending . MERSEBERG . —The " Golden Cross " Lodge has instituted a benevolent fund for supporting widows and orphans when in extreme distress ; as soon as the relieved are enabled to maintain themselves , the relief ceases . In NEISS . a similar fund , and rules of the same description , have been established .