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Portraits Of Celebrated Freemasons.
ON SALE AT BROTHER SPENCERS MASONIC LIBRARY , 314 , HIGH HOLBORN . npHE HON . MRS . ALDWORTH ( the Female Freemason , of Doneraile , Ireland ) , ¦ *• in her Masonic costume ; a fine copper-plate engraving , in aquatint , size 16 A b y 12 j inches ; originally published in Cork , and engraved from the only known Portrait taken of her . A short Biography accompanies this Portrait , containing authentic particulars of her Initiation , & c . ; with a f ' ac-simile engraving of the Masonic Jewel worn by herprinted on a large sheet as a broadside ( this broadside sold separate price Gd )
, . price lGs . in a Portfolio . 2 . His late R . H . the DUKE OF SUSSEX , as M . G . W . M ., in full Masonic costume ; engraved on stone by Bro . J . Harris ; size 195- by 14 inches . Price 15 s . ( Very few remain , and the stone destroyed ) . 3 . GEORGE THE FOURTH , when Prince of Wales , engraved in Masonic costume , by E . Scott , and dedicated to the Grand Lodge of England ; size 19 by lo inches .
Price 7 s . Gd . N . B . This Portrait was originally published at . £ 2 2 s . 4 . The Earl of MOIRA , as Acting Grand Master , in Masonic Costume ; painted by J . Ramsay , and dedicated to Geo . IV ., a fine copper-plate engraving by C . Turner , size 20 by 14 i inches . Prints , price 6 * ., Proofs , 10 * . Gd ., a few choice Proofs , 15 * ., originally published " at 1 / . lls . Qd . 5 . Bno . PETER GILKESP . M . of tbe Globe Lodge & c & c , ( the late Masonic
, , , Instructor ) . A fine copper-plate line engraving , from a Portrait by Bro . J . Harris , size 15 by 12 inches . Price 5 s . ; India Paper Proofs 7 s . 6 d . " A very striking likeness of the late Bro . P . Gilkes . "—Freemasons' Quarterly Review . 6 . Bro . GEORGE AARONS , P . M . of No . 19 , No . 158 , & c . & c . ( The Masonic Instructor ) an excellent likeness , in full Masonic Craft Costume , engraved on copper by Bro . H . Meyer , size 12 | by 10 ^ inches . Price 5 * . Prints , 7 s . JProofs , and first Proofs 10 * . Gd ., very few remain and the copper-plate is destroyed .
7 . Rev . GEORGE OLIVER , B . D ., Past D . P . G . M . for Lincoln ; taken from the life by Bro . O . G . Rejlander ; engraved on stone by the Artist ; and pronounced a most excellent likeness of this highly gifted Masonic historian . Price 5 s . plain , 7 s . Gd . India paper . 8 . The late Bro . RICHARD SMITH , D . P . G . M . for Bristol ; engraved on stone from Branwhite ' s Portrait in Freemasons' Hall , Bristol . Price 5 s . on India paper . 9 . Bro . A . \ ISABELLE , ( du Havre ) Ancien Gerant du Journal Maconnique Le Globe , Grand Chevalier Kadosch , & c . & c . ; engraved on stone bv A . Ratti . Price 3 s . 6 d .
Bro . R . SPENCER begs to inform the Subscribers to the FREEMASONS' QUARTERLY REVIEW , he has now ready , Masonic Gilt Cloth Cases for binding up the various Years of the Review , from 1834 to 1844 inclusive , price Is . each , or 10 s . 6 d . the set . R . S . has on sale a complete set of the First Series of the "Freemasons Quarterly Review , " 9 vols ., viz ., from 1834 to 1842 , price £ 5 . 8 s ., bound in blue watered Masonic gilt cloth ; also the New Series , 1843 , price IGs ., and 1844 , price 13 s ., in -Masonic gilt cloth boards .
N . B . Very few complete sets of the First Series of this Review remain . Bro . R . SPENCER has just published the first volume of Dr . OLIVER ' HISTORICAL LANDMARKS , demy 8 vo ., price 17 s ., in Masonic gilt cloth boards ; or royal 8 yo ., price 28 s ., with the plates on India paper . N . B . The gilt cloth case sold separate , price Is . , June 31 , 1845 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Portraits Of Celebrated Freemasons.
ON SALE AT BROTHER SPENCERS MASONIC LIBRARY , 314 , HIGH HOLBORN . npHE HON . MRS . ALDWORTH ( the Female Freemason , of Doneraile , Ireland ) , ¦ *• in her Masonic costume ; a fine copper-plate engraving , in aquatint , size 16 A b y 12 j inches ; originally published in Cork , and engraved from the only known Portrait taken of her . A short Biography accompanies this Portrait , containing authentic particulars of her Initiation , & c . ; with a f ' ac-simile engraving of the Masonic Jewel worn by herprinted on a large sheet as a broadside ( this broadside sold separate price Gd )
, . price lGs . in a Portfolio . 2 . His late R . H . the DUKE OF SUSSEX , as M . G . W . M ., in full Masonic costume ; engraved on stone by Bro . J . Harris ; size 195- by 14 inches . Price 15 s . ( Very few remain , and the stone destroyed ) . 3 . GEORGE THE FOURTH , when Prince of Wales , engraved in Masonic costume , by E . Scott , and dedicated to the Grand Lodge of England ; size 19 by lo inches .
Price 7 s . Gd . N . B . This Portrait was originally published at . £ 2 2 s . 4 . The Earl of MOIRA , as Acting Grand Master , in Masonic Costume ; painted by J . Ramsay , and dedicated to Geo . IV ., a fine copper-plate engraving by C . Turner , size 20 by 14 i inches . Prints , price 6 * ., Proofs , 10 * . Gd ., a few choice Proofs , 15 * ., originally published " at 1 / . lls . Qd . 5 . Bno . PETER GILKESP . M . of tbe Globe Lodge & c & c , ( the late Masonic
, , , Instructor ) . A fine copper-plate line engraving , from a Portrait by Bro . J . Harris , size 15 by 12 inches . Price 5 s . ; India Paper Proofs 7 s . 6 d . " A very striking likeness of the late Bro . P . Gilkes . "—Freemasons' Quarterly Review . 6 . Bro . GEORGE AARONS , P . M . of No . 19 , No . 158 , & c . & c . ( The Masonic Instructor ) an excellent likeness , in full Masonic Craft Costume , engraved on copper by Bro . H . Meyer , size 12 | by 10 ^ inches . Price 5 * . Prints , 7 s . JProofs , and first Proofs 10 * . Gd ., very few remain and the copper-plate is destroyed .
7 . Rev . GEORGE OLIVER , B . D ., Past D . P . G . M . for Lincoln ; taken from the life by Bro . O . G . Rejlander ; engraved on stone by the Artist ; and pronounced a most excellent likeness of this highly gifted Masonic historian . Price 5 s . plain , 7 s . Gd . India paper . 8 . The late Bro . RICHARD SMITH , D . P . G . M . for Bristol ; engraved on stone from Branwhite ' s Portrait in Freemasons' Hall , Bristol . Price 5 s . on India paper . 9 . Bro . A . \ ISABELLE , ( du Havre ) Ancien Gerant du Journal Maconnique Le Globe , Grand Chevalier Kadosch , & c . & c . ; engraved on stone bv A . Ratti . Price 3 s . 6 d .
Bro . R . SPENCER begs to inform the Subscribers to the FREEMASONS' QUARTERLY REVIEW , he has now ready , Masonic Gilt Cloth Cases for binding up the various Years of the Review , from 1834 to 1844 inclusive , price Is . each , or 10 s . 6 d . the set . R . S . has on sale a complete set of the First Series of the "Freemasons Quarterly Review , " 9 vols ., viz ., from 1834 to 1842 , price £ 5 . 8 s ., bound in blue watered Masonic gilt cloth ; also the New Series , 1843 , price IGs ., and 1844 , price 13 s ., in -Masonic gilt cloth boards .
N . B . Very few complete sets of the First Series of this Review remain . Bro . R . SPENCER has just published the first volume of Dr . OLIVER ' HISTORICAL LANDMARKS , demy 8 vo ., price 17 s ., in Masonic gilt cloth boards ; or royal 8 yo ., price 28 s ., with the plates on India paper . N . B . The gilt cloth case sold separate , price Is . , June 31 , 1845 .