Article TO MASONIC LODGES. Page 1 of 1
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To Masonic Lodges.
AND THE CRAFT IN GENERAL . An excellent opportunity now offers for forming a library of SSasonic Works . BRO . R . SPENCER having purchased the duplicate copies
of a German Lodge Library , consisting of a large collection of English , French , and German works on Craft , Royal Arch , and Templar Masonry , also on the Rosicrncian , & c . Degrees . Many of them exceedingl y rare and curious .
The first collection is offered for .-685 , consisting of 650 volumes and pamphlets , viz .: —English , 110 ; French , 105 ; German , 435 . Among the English is a complete series of the Books of Constitutions , 5 vols ., 4 to ., 1723-38-47-84 1815 ; Freemasons'Magazine , II vols ., 1793-98 ; Freemasons' Quarterly Review , 11 vols ., 1834-44 ; Burnes' and Addison ' s Knights Templars , & c . & c . —In French , Vertot ' s Knights of Malta , & c , 4 torn ., 4 to . ; 1726 , fine copy ; Acta Latomorum , 2 torn . ; the works of Lenoir , Ragon , Clavel , & c . & c .
The second collection is offered for £ 35 , consisting of 270 volumes and pamphlets , viz .: —English , 84 ; French , 40 ; German , 146 . Among them are the Constitutions , 5 vols ., 4 to ., 1723 to 1815 ; Freemasons' Magazine , 9 vols . ; Freemasons' Quarterl y Eeview , 11 vols . ; Burne ' s and Addison ' s Knights Templars , & c . & c . French , A ^ ertot ' s Knights of Malta , 5 torn ., 12 mo . ; Acta Latomorum . & c . fee .
The third collection is offered for £ 25 , consisting of 200 volumes and pamphlets , viz .: —English , 60 ; French , 15 ; Gennan , 125 . Among them are the Constitutions , 1738-84 , 2 vols ., 4 to ., 1827 , Svo . ; Freemasons' Magazine , 3 vols . ; Freemasons' Quarterly Eeview , 11 vols , ; Burne ' s and Addison ' s Knights Templars , & c . & c .
Among the German works in the above are some printed as early as 1619 , and very rarely to he met with . * $ * Either of the above collections would he an acceptable present to a Lodge , with the addition of all Dr . Oliver ' s works . R . S . has also on sale a Portfolio of Old Masonic Portraits , & c ,
some of them very scarce . 214 , High Holborn , June 30 , 1845 .
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To Masonic Lodges.
AND THE CRAFT IN GENERAL . An excellent opportunity now offers for forming a library of SSasonic Works . BRO . R . SPENCER having purchased the duplicate copies
of a German Lodge Library , consisting of a large collection of English , French , and German works on Craft , Royal Arch , and Templar Masonry , also on the Rosicrncian , & c . Degrees . Many of them exceedingl y rare and curious .
The first collection is offered for .-685 , consisting of 650 volumes and pamphlets , viz .: —English , 110 ; French , 105 ; German , 435 . Among the English is a complete series of the Books of Constitutions , 5 vols ., 4 to ., 1723-38-47-84 1815 ; Freemasons'Magazine , II vols ., 1793-98 ; Freemasons' Quarterly Review , 11 vols ., 1834-44 ; Burnes' and Addison ' s Knights Templars , & c . & c . —In French , Vertot ' s Knights of Malta , & c , 4 torn ., 4 to . ; 1726 , fine copy ; Acta Latomorum , 2 torn . ; the works of Lenoir , Ragon , Clavel , & c . & c .
The second collection is offered for £ 35 , consisting of 270 volumes and pamphlets , viz .: —English , 84 ; French , 40 ; German , 146 . Among them are the Constitutions , 5 vols ., 4 to ., 1723 to 1815 ; Freemasons' Magazine , 9 vols . ; Freemasons' Quarterl y Eeview , 11 vols . ; Burne ' s and Addison ' s Knights Templars , & c . & c . French , A ^ ertot ' s Knights of Malta , 5 torn ., 12 mo . ; Acta Latomorum . & c . fee .
The third collection is offered for £ 25 , consisting of 200 volumes and pamphlets , viz .: —English , 60 ; French , 15 ; Gennan , 125 . Among them are the Constitutions , 1738-84 , 2 vols ., 4 to ., 1827 , Svo . ; Freemasons' Magazine , 3 vols . ; Freemasons' Quarterly Eeview , 11 vols , ; Burne ' s and Addison ' s Knights Templars , & c . & c .
Among the German works in the above are some printed as early as 1619 , and very rarely to he met with . * $ * Either of the above collections would he an acceptable present to a Lodge , with the addition of all Dr . Oliver ' s works . R . S . has also on sale a Portfolio of Old Masonic Portraits , & c ,
some of them very scarce . 214 , High Holborn , June 30 , 1845 .