Article ON FREEMASONRY. ← Page 6 of 7 →
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On Freemasonry.
the wrath kingdom and outward also , was manifest , whose snbtilty Eve desired . " With much more of the same kind . The conditions of the'divine covenant included repentance , faith , and obedience , or our duty to God , our neighbour , and ourselves . And this was primitive Freemasonry . In different ages and nations the rites and ceremonies of religious worship varied ; but its essence was always the same wherever the worship of the true God prevailed . And even when
it was abandoned , the fictions ivorship of the spurious Freemasonry was so modelled as to imitate it as nearly as human reason could approach divine perfection . The principal feature in primitive worship , as in all succeeding ages till the coming of Christ , was annual sacrifices , instituted as an atonement for sin , and typical of that one great sacrifice offered by Jesus Christ as an expiation for the sins of all mankind . This sacrifice is not obscurely intimated in Freemasonry ; but several of the
degrees are founded upon , and derive all their excellence from the awful fact . In Templarism is described , " the splendid conclusion of the hallowed sacrifice , offered by the Redeemer of mankind , to propitiate thc anger of an offended Deity . " And again , in another degree , 'the Senior Sir Knight is directed to " take the signet , and set a mark on the forehead of those who have passed through tribulation patiently , and have washed their robes , and have made them white in the blood of the Lamb
which was slain , from the foundation of the world . " The Thrice Illustrious Order of the Cross thus notices the atonement;— " It is now the first hour of the day , the time when our Lord suffered , and the veil of the temple was rent in sunder ; when darkness and consternation was
spread over the earth ; and when the confusion of the old covenant was made li ght in the new , in the temple of the cross . " There are several other Masonic degrees in which the crucifixion is referred to , and particularly the Rose + and Prince of the Royal Secret . The system of religion , or Lux , or Masonry , call it by what name you will , was practised by the first family after the unhappy fall of man ; ancl God ' s acceptance of Abel ' s sacrifice proves that his Freemasonry was trueand that his faith in obtaining salvation through the promised
, Messiah , ancl his obedience resulting from it ; were well pleasing in the sight of God , for " he obtained witness that he was righteous . " ' This distinction tempted Cain to forfeit his obligation , ancl wrought upon the stormy passions of his heart till he murdered his brother , and fled into tbe land of Nod . Hence ori ginated the degree called the Knight Of the Black Mark . In his new residence he founded a colony , built a fortified city , and laid the basis of that idolatry which was subsequently embodied
in the spurious Freemasonry , and soon overspread and contaminated the world . Amidst the accumulating oblivion of religious knowledge , Enoch , a primitive Mason , held the faith of the promised Messiah . " By faith Enoch was translated , that he should not see death ; and was not found , because God hacl translated him ; for before his translation he hadthis testimony , that he pleased God . " 38 He clearly evinced his faith in Christ Jesus ; and displayed a knowled of his first coming h -
ge y pro phecying of his second . " Behold , " says he , " the Lord cometh with ten thousand of his saints , to execute judgment upon all ; and to ' convince all that are ungodly among them , of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed , and of al ) their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him . "
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On Freemasonry.
the wrath kingdom and outward also , was manifest , whose snbtilty Eve desired . " With much more of the same kind . The conditions of the'divine covenant included repentance , faith , and obedience , or our duty to God , our neighbour , and ourselves . And this was primitive Freemasonry . In different ages and nations the rites and ceremonies of religious worship varied ; but its essence was always the same wherever the worship of the true God prevailed . And even when
it was abandoned , the fictions ivorship of the spurious Freemasonry was so modelled as to imitate it as nearly as human reason could approach divine perfection . The principal feature in primitive worship , as in all succeeding ages till the coming of Christ , was annual sacrifices , instituted as an atonement for sin , and typical of that one great sacrifice offered by Jesus Christ as an expiation for the sins of all mankind . This sacrifice is not obscurely intimated in Freemasonry ; but several of the
degrees are founded upon , and derive all their excellence from the awful fact . In Templarism is described , " the splendid conclusion of the hallowed sacrifice , offered by the Redeemer of mankind , to propitiate thc anger of an offended Deity . " And again , in another degree , 'the Senior Sir Knight is directed to " take the signet , and set a mark on the forehead of those who have passed through tribulation patiently , and have washed their robes , and have made them white in the blood of the Lamb
which was slain , from the foundation of the world . " The Thrice Illustrious Order of the Cross thus notices the atonement;— " It is now the first hour of the day , the time when our Lord suffered , and the veil of the temple was rent in sunder ; when darkness and consternation was
spread over the earth ; and when the confusion of the old covenant was made li ght in the new , in the temple of the cross . " There are several other Masonic degrees in which the crucifixion is referred to , and particularly the Rose + and Prince of the Royal Secret . The system of religion , or Lux , or Masonry , call it by what name you will , was practised by the first family after the unhappy fall of man ; ancl God ' s acceptance of Abel ' s sacrifice proves that his Freemasonry was trueand that his faith in obtaining salvation through the promised
, Messiah , ancl his obedience resulting from it ; were well pleasing in the sight of God , for " he obtained witness that he was righteous . " ' This distinction tempted Cain to forfeit his obligation , ancl wrought upon the stormy passions of his heart till he murdered his brother , and fled into tbe land of Nod . Hence ori ginated the degree called the Knight Of the Black Mark . In his new residence he founded a colony , built a fortified city , and laid the basis of that idolatry which was subsequently embodied
in the spurious Freemasonry , and soon overspread and contaminated the world . Amidst the accumulating oblivion of religious knowledge , Enoch , a primitive Mason , held the faith of the promised Messiah . " By faith Enoch was translated , that he should not see death ; and was not found , because God hacl translated him ; for before his translation he hadthis testimony , that he pleased God . " 38 He clearly evinced his faith in Christ Jesus ; and displayed a knowled of his first coming h -
ge y pro phecying of his second . " Behold , " says he , " the Lord cometh with ten thousand of his saints , to execute judgment upon all ; and to ' convince all that are ungodly among them , of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed , and of al ) their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him . "