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The Tenth Anniversary Festival Of The Asyluam For Aged Freemasons ,
tested in all his intercourse with his fellow men ; and it must therefore be a matter of great grief and lamentation , that in the cause of charity there should have been any differences of opinion with such an individual . ( Hear , hear . ) Far be it , however , from him ( the Chairman ) to impute wrong motives to any one who took an interest in these proceedings . He was anxious to put the best construction on the motives of every oneand it was probablethat whatever had been done was
, , done in an over zeal ancl over anxiety to carry a particular measure , which appeared best to the indiviual who originated it . ( Cheers . ) Looking at the fundamental principle of this institution , and the dispensation of charity , he hacl no hesitation in saying , ancl he threw it out as a proposition , which was incontrovertible , the first principle should be "speedy relief . " "Bis dat qui cito dat . " ( Cheers . ) The sooner we gave to the poor and needy , the sooner we fulfilled the
duties of that stewardship , which , by the wise dispensations of an alL wise providence , was confided to those who enjoyed this world's wealth . ( Loud cheers . ) The next great principle in the dispensation of charity , was , economy ; and these he believed were the principles on which , in giving any preference to other institutions—ancl whether wisely or unwisely , it ivas not for him to say ; for upon that he wished to give no opinion—these were the principles which regulated his Royal Hihness
g in the course of conduct which he adopted . ( Hear , hear . ) Now , with respect to the institution , the welfare of which they hacl assembled to promote , it must be acknowledged that it was a very important institution . ( Cheers . ) But he thought there was one great omission in the circle of our charities : we hacl an institution for girls , an institution for
boys , and an . asylum for the old men ; but he was sorry to say that there was none for the widow . ( Hear , hear , and cheers . ) It did appear most extraordinary , that in Free-masonry , the great end and object of which were charity , there should be no particular fund for the widow ; when in almost all societies—in almost all the different professionswhether the army , the navy , the Church , the medical profession , or the various trades , one of the first and foremost of their charitable
institutions was , a fund for the relief of the widow ( loud cheers ); while the fraternity of Freemasons was without an institution of the kind . He should therefore express a hope and expectation , that the two institutions ( the Asylum for aged ancl decayed Free Masons , ancl the Annuity Fund ) might be united , combining with them a large ancl liberal provision for the widow . ( Hear , hear , and cheers . ) Upon this he did not anticipate any differences of opinion : in proposing this unionhe did
, not propose any thing to be done which was inconsistent with the honour and integrity of the two existing institutions . ( Hear , hear . ) He humbly conceived that it would be no difficult matter to carry out this object . ( Hear . ) He therefore hoped that the day was not far distant , when they should see one large comprehensive institution , for the relief of the aged Mason ; making , at the same time , an ample provision for the Mason ' s widow . ( Cheers . ) It was impossible to pass over the importance of
such an institution : when they looked with satisfaction upon the schools in which they trained up the children in the way they should go , educating them in the principles of virtue and holiness , could they forget the widowed mother who had brought up her famil y in virtue and integrity , but was now pining in want and misery ? ( Loud cheers . ) He begged to propose the toast wliich he hacl risen to give , namely , "Prosperity to the Asylum for aged and decayed Freemasons . " ( Pro-,
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The Tenth Anniversary Festival Of The Asyluam For Aged Freemasons ,
tested in all his intercourse with his fellow men ; and it must therefore be a matter of great grief and lamentation , that in the cause of charity there should have been any differences of opinion with such an individual . ( Hear , hear . ) Far be it , however , from him ( the Chairman ) to impute wrong motives to any one who took an interest in these proceedings . He was anxious to put the best construction on the motives of every oneand it was probablethat whatever had been done was
, , done in an over zeal ancl over anxiety to carry a particular measure , which appeared best to the indiviual who originated it . ( Cheers . ) Looking at the fundamental principle of this institution , and the dispensation of charity , he hacl no hesitation in saying , ancl he threw it out as a proposition , which was incontrovertible , the first principle should be "speedy relief . " "Bis dat qui cito dat . " ( Cheers . ) The sooner we gave to the poor and needy , the sooner we fulfilled the
duties of that stewardship , which , by the wise dispensations of an alL wise providence , was confided to those who enjoyed this world's wealth . ( Loud cheers . ) The next great principle in the dispensation of charity , was , economy ; and these he believed were the principles on which , in giving any preference to other institutions—ancl whether wisely or unwisely , it ivas not for him to say ; for upon that he wished to give no opinion—these were the principles which regulated his Royal Hihness
g in the course of conduct which he adopted . ( Hear , hear . ) Now , with respect to the institution , the welfare of which they hacl assembled to promote , it must be acknowledged that it was a very important institution . ( Cheers . ) But he thought there was one great omission in the circle of our charities : we hacl an institution for girls , an institution for
boys , and an . asylum for the old men ; but he was sorry to say that there was none for the widow . ( Hear , hear , and cheers . ) It did appear most extraordinary , that in Free-masonry , the great end and object of which were charity , there should be no particular fund for the widow ; when in almost all societies—in almost all the different professionswhether the army , the navy , the Church , the medical profession , or the various trades , one of the first and foremost of their charitable
institutions was , a fund for the relief of the widow ( loud cheers ); while the fraternity of Freemasons was without an institution of the kind . He should therefore express a hope and expectation , that the two institutions ( the Asylum for aged ancl decayed Free Masons , ancl the Annuity Fund ) might be united , combining with them a large ancl liberal provision for the widow . ( Hear , hear , and cheers . ) Upon this he did not anticipate any differences of opinion : in proposing this unionhe did
, not propose any thing to be done which was inconsistent with the honour and integrity of the two existing institutions . ( Hear , hear . ) He humbly conceived that it would be no difficult matter to carry out this object . ( Hear . ) He therefore hoped that the day was not far distant , when they should see one large comprehensive institution , for the relief of the aged Mason ; making , at the same time , an ample provision for the Mason ' s widow . ( Cheers . ) It was impossible to pass over the importance of
such an institution : when they looked with satisfaction upon the schools in which they trained up the children in the way they should go , educating them in the principles of virtue and holiness , could they forget the widowed mother who had brought up her famil y in virtue and integrity , but was now pining in want and misery ? ( Loud cheers . ) He begged to propose the toast wliich he hacl risen to give , namely , "Prosperity to the Asylum for aged and decayed Freemasons . " ( Pro-,