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The Tenth Anniversary Festival Of The Asyluam For Aged Freemasons ,
itself . ( Hear , laughter and cheers . ) So he ( Dr . Lane ) mi ght say of their worshipful Chairman , he was not the name of benevolence , but benevolence itself . ( Loud cheers . ) He begged to propose , and he knew they would drink it with the most perfect enthusiasm , "the health of their excellent Brother and Worshipful Chairman , Benjamin Bond Cabbell , in the name of charity and benevolence . " ( Loud and enthusiastic cheering . )
The toast was drunk with three times three , and one more of the most rapturous cheers . THE CHAIRMAN , in rising to return thanks for the compliment which had been so handsomely paid him by his excellent friend and Brother , Dr . Lane , begged also to return his most sincere thanks for the warm manner in which the toast had been received and responded to by his friends and Brethren present . ( Cheers . ) He had ventured to throw
out a hint respecting the union of the charities , ancl a provision for the Mason ' s widow , which he was glad to find received with favour ; for he certainly thought , that the omission of the cause of the widow , was , to some extent , a blot upon their order ( hear ); ancl , he trusted the day was not distant , when such a provision would be made . ( Cheers . ) He thought , as he hacl before said , that there might be an opportunity of
uniting the two institutions ; but , whether united or separate , he should always be at their service , to the best of his humble means and abilities , to aid them in carrying out these views . ( Cheers . ) They mi ght at all times command bim as one of their humblest , but at the same time , one of their most devoted coadjutors . ( Cheers . ) He concluded by saying that he was highly honoured by being placed in that proud station ; and having again thanked them for the manner in which they hacl drunk the toastresumed his seat amid loud cheers .
, The Chairman again rose , and said he begged to claim their attention for one moment , while he proposed a toast , which at every Alasonic meeting was always received with attention and respect . 'J hey were this evening honoured by the presence , at their Masonic board , of many who were without the pale of Alasonry . ( Cheers . ) They were at all times happy to see them ; and it was not improbable that , incited by witnessing the regularity of their proceedings , they might be induced to
join their Order . ( Cheers and a laugh . ) He begged to propose " the Visitors , " ancl to couple with the toast the name of the Rev . David Laing , Chaplain to the St . Ann ' s Society , and that of Rev . Dr . Oliver , although absent . ( Loud cheers . ) The toast was drunk with three times three . The REV . DAVID LAING returned thanks on behalf of his brother
visitors and himself , for the honour done them by the manner in which the last toast had been given ancl responded to . ( Cheers . ) He hacl always understood that it was improper in Alasons to invite non-Alasons to join their Order . ( Hear , ancl a laugh . ) But although he had never received such an invitation from any of his numerous friends who were Masons , he thought he had often read it in their looks . ( Hear and laughter . ) His numerous avocations , however , prevented his responding to it . ( Hear . ) As a non-Masonhe returned them his heartiest
, thanks for their great attention , ancl the kind reception they had given him at their hospitable entertainment . ( Cheers . ) THE CHAIRMAN next gave the "Past Chairmen of the Asylum , " which was drunk with three times three . Bro . AV . SHAW returned thanks . He was exceedingly sorry that he VOL . III . H u
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Tenth Anniversary Festival Of The Asyluam For Aged Freemasons ,
itself . ( Hear , laughter and cheers . ) So he ( Dr . Lane ) mi ght say of their worshipful Chairman , he was not the name of benevolence , but benevolence itself . ( Loud cheers . ) He begged to propose , and he knew they would drink it with the most perfect enthusiasm , "the health of their excellent Brother and Worshipful Chairman , Benjamin Bond Cabbell , in the name of charity and benevolence . " ( Loud and enthusiastic cheering . )
The toast was drunk with three times three , and one more of the most rapturous cheers . THE CHAIRMAN , in rising to return thanks for the compliment which had been so handsomely paid him by his excellent friend and Brother , Dr . Lane , begged also to return his most sincere thanks for the warm manner in which the toast had been received and responded to by his friends and Brethren present . ( Cheers . ) He had ventured to throw
out a hint respecting the union of the charities , ancl a provision for the Mason ' s widow , which he was glad to find received with favour ; for he certainly thought , that the omission of the cause of the widow , was , to some extent , a blot upon their order ( hear ); ancl , he trusted the day was not distant , when such a provision would be made . ( Cheers . ) He thought , as he hacl before said , that there might be an opportunity of
uniting the two institutions ; but , whether united or separate , he should always be at their service , to the best of his humble means and abilities , to aid them in carrying out these views . ( Cheers . ) They mi ght at all times command bim as one of their humblest , but at the same time , one of their most devoted coadjutors . ( Cheers . ) He concluded by saying that he was highly honoured by being placed in that proud station ; and having again thanked them for the manner in which they hacl drunk the toastresumed his seat amid loud cheers .
, The Chairman again rose , and said he begged to claim their attention for one moment , while he proposed a toast , which at every Alasonic meeting was always received with attention and respect . 'J hey were this evening honoured by the presence , at their Masonic board , of many who were without the pale of Alasonry . ( Cheers . ) They were at all times happy to see them ; and it was not improbable that , incited by witnessing the regularity of their proceedings , they might be induced to
join their Order . ( Cheers and a laugh . ) He begged to propose " the Visitors , " ancl to couple with the toast the name of the Rev . David Laing , Chaplain to the St . Ann ' s Society , and that of Rev . Dr . Oliver , although absent . ( Loud cheers . ) The toast was drunk with three times three . The REV . DAVID LAING returned thanks on behalf of his brother
visitors and himself , for the honour done them by the manner in which the last toast had been given ancl responded to . ( Cheers . ) He hacl always understood that it was improper in Alasons to invite non-Alasons to join their Order . ( Hear , ancl a laugh . ) But although he had never received such an invitation from any of his numerous friends who were Masons , he thought he had often read it in their looks . ( Hear and laughter . ) His numerous avocations , however , prevented his responding to it . ( Hear . ) As a non-Masonhe returned them his heartiest
, thanks for their great attention , ancl the kind reception they had given him at their hospitable entertainment . ( Cheers . ) THE CHAIRMAN next gave the "Past Chairmen of the Asylum , " which was drunk with three times three . Bro . AV . SHAW returned thanks . He was exceedingly sorry that he VOL . III . H u