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ing on political topics , have , on this instance , laid aside their differences , and joined in according with one voice to the memory of the deceased . the highest meed of praise . The Jami -lamshed says , "he was the poor man ' s father , and the rich man ' s friend , invariably respected by both . His loss is a public one , and the blank it leaves cannot be filled up . " Cursetjee Alanockjee was the progenitor of a large family ; his children , grand-children , and great-grand-children , numbering about
thirty-five ; and , including the other branches of the famil y , of which he was the head , about one hundred members at least might be named . One of his sons is well knoivn in European travel , and many others of his mourning relatives stand high in estimation here . At the time of his death , he had very nearly arrived at the advanced age of 83 years . He was one of the leading members ofthe native community of Bombay , ancl of the Parsees in particular , of whose " Punchyat , " or general assembly , he was for years the chief leader . He was the father of the first Parsee Freemason ; and , though not a Mason professedly , he most invariably practised the precepts ofthe Craft .
Alay 12 . —LORD CARBERY . —AA'e regret to announce the death of the above noble lord , who expired at the family seat , Castle Freke , Ross Carbery , in the county of Cork , from the effects of an attack of paralysis , with which his lordship had been recently afflicted . The deceased John Evans Freke , sixth Baron Carbery , of Carbery , county Cork , in the peerage of Ireland , of which peerage his lordship was a representative in the Parliament of the United Kingdom , was born on the 11 th of November , 1765 and succeeded on the death of his cousin
, John , fifth Lord , on the 4 th of March , 1807 . His Lordship married , on the 25 th of January , 1783 , Lady Catherine Charlotte Gore , third daughter of Arthur Saunders , second Earl of Arran , ancl having had no issue , his title ancl estates devolve upon his nephew , George Patrick Percy Evans Freke . The present peer has three brothers—Percy Augustus , a Captain in the Grenadier Guards ; Fenton John , Lieut . 2 nd Life Guards ; AA'illiam Charlesmarried to the Lady Sophia Sherrard
, , youngest sister of the Earl of Harborough ; and a sister , Jane Grace , married to the Hon . and Rev . Charles Bernard , second son of tbe Earl of Bandon . Lord Carberry was Provincial . Grancl Master for tbe county Cork ; by the Brethren of which province , as well as by the Fraternity at large , his decease is sincerely lamented .
Lately , at Lambeth , Bro . GEORGE STANSBURV , the composer and vocalist , in his 44 th year . At Carlow , cet 71 years , Captain John Gordon , Adjutant of the Kilkenny Militia . The funeral procession was accompanied by tbe brethren of the Masonic Lodges of Kilkenny , wearing the usual badge , Captain Gordon having been an old Brother of the Craft . SIR DAVID AIILNE . —It is with feelings of deep regret that we
announce the death of Sir DAVID AIILNE , G . C . B ., Admiral of the AA'hite , who was second in command to the gallant Exmouth at Algiers , and who only relinquished the command in chief at Devonport a few days since . Sir David Milne entered the navy in 1778 , and was a midshipman in Rodney ' s action . He was made a lieutenant in 1794 , and in that rank , on board the Blanche , distinguished himself on a variety of VOL . in . II
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ing on political topics , have , on this instance , laid aside their differences , and joined in according with one voice to the memory of the deceased . the highest meed of praise . The Jami -lamshed says , "he was the poor man ' s father , and the rich man ' s friend , invariably respected by both . His loss is a public one , and the blank it leaves cannot be filled up . " Cursetjee Alanockjee was the progenitor of a large family ; his children , grand-children , and great-grand-children , numbering about
thirty-five ; and , including the other branches of the famil y , of which he was the head , about one hundred members at least might be named . One of his sons is well knoivn in European travel , and many others of his mourning relatives stand high in estimation here . At the time of his death , he had very nearly arrived at the advanced age of 83 years . He was one of the leading members ofthe native community of Bombay , ancl of the Parsees in particular , of whose " Punchyat , " or general assembly , he was for years the chief leader . He was the father of the first Parsee Freemason ; and , though not a Mason professedly , he most invariably practised the precepts ofthe Craft .
Alay 12 . —LORD CARBERY . —AA'e regret to announce the death of the above noble lord , who expired at the family seat , Castle Freke , Ross Carbery , in the county of Cork , from the effects of an attack of paralysis , with which his lordship had been recently afflicted . The deceased John Evans Freke , sixth Baron Carbery , of Carbery , county Cork , in the peerage of Ireland , of which peerage his lordship was a representative in the Parliament of the United Kingdom , was born on the 11 th of November , 1765 and succeeded on the death of his cousin
, John , fifth Lord , on the 4 th of March , 1807 . His Lordship married , on the 25 th of January , 1783 , Lady Catherine Charlotte Gore , third daughter of Arthur Saunders , second Earl of Arran , ancl having had no issue , his title ancl estates devolve upon his nephew , George Patrick Percy Evans Freke . The present peer has three brothers—Percy Augustus , a Captain in the Grenadier Guards ; Fenton John , Lieut . 2 nd Life Guards ; AA'illiam Charlesmarried to the Lady Sophia Sherrard
, , youngest sister of the Earl of Harborough ; and a sister , Jane Grace , married to the Hon . and Rev . Charles Bernard , second son of tbe Earl of Bandon . Lord Carberry was Provincial . Grancl Master for tbe county Cork ; by the Brethren of which province , as well as by the Fraternity at large , his decease is sincerely lamented .
Lately , at Lambeth , Bro . GEORGE STANSBURV , the composer and vocalist , in his 44 th year . At Carlow , cet 71 years , Captain John Gordon , Adjutant of the Kilkenny Militia . The funeral procession was accompanied by tbe brethren of the Masonic Lodges of Kilkenny , wearing the usual badge , Captain Gordon having been an old Brother of the Craft . SIR DAVID AIILNE . —It is with feelings of deep regret that we
announce the death of Sir DAVID AIILNE , G . C . B ., Admiral of the AA'hite , who was second in command to the gallant Exmouth at Algiers , and who only relinquished the command in chief at Devonport a few days since . Sir David Milne entered the navy in 1778 , and was a midshipman in Rodney ' s action . He was made a lieutenant in 1794 , and in that rank , on board the Blanche , distinguished himself on a variety of VOL . in . II