Article MASONIC MEETINGS (METROPOLITAN) Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEETINGS (METROPOLITAN) Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEETINGS (METROPOLITAN) Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Masonic Meetings (Metropolitan)
For the week ending Saturday , February n , 1809 . The Editor will be glad to receive notice from Secretaries tor Craft Lodges , Royal Arch Chapters , Mark Lodges , Rose Croix Chapters , Preceptoiies , Conclaves , 8 cc , of any change in place , day , or month of meeting . l
MONDAY , FEBRUARY 6 . CHAFT LODGES . I 2 Fortitude and Old Cumberland , Ship and Turtle Tavern . ., $ ' Uobcrt Hums , Freemasons' Kail . Go ! Unity , Inns of Court Hotel . si , United Lodge of Prudence , Albion Tavern , ¦ . so ' Unions , Freemasons' Hall , mo , Asaph , Freemasons ^ Hall .
, 0-s , Tredegar , London lavcrn . 1669 Roval Leopold , Surrey Masonic Hall . , 73 i ! Cholmeley , Cafe Koyal . •S < i . Caxton , Freemasons' Hall . _ Jono l ' rio . y Lodge of Acton , Hcrrymcad Priory . 20 : 0 ! St . Uotulph's , Albion Tavern . 20 I" Chiswick , Criterion . 200 S llarlesden , National Schools . .... " 4 * Tyssen-Amhcrst , Amherst Club House , Stoke Newington .
RovAt ARCH CHAPTERS . 4 , Roval Somerset House and Inverness , Freemasons' Hall . * o 2 o ! King Solomon , Mark Masons'Hall . now , Abbey , Town Hall , Westminster . ¦> s ' u , St . ] ohn at Hackney , Old Town Hall . 2535 I Fellowship , Frascati Restaurant .
RED ( . ' ROSS . 1 Original , or Premier , Mark Masons' Hall . L ODQIS ANU CBAPTIRS or I NSTRUCTION . Blackheath , Stirling Castle , Church-street , Camberwell , at 8 Commemoration , Star and Garter , Arbour-sqnare , Commercial road , E ., at 8 . Cripplegate , Goldsmiths Arms , Gutter-lane , at 6 . 30 . Dalhousie , Town Hall Tavern , High-street , Kensington , at 8 .
Duke of Cornwall , Whittington Arms , Moor-lane , Fore-st ., at 7 . Eleanor , Rose and Crown , High Cross , Tottenham , at 8 . Euphrates , YeOlde Greyhound , Balaam-st „ Plaistow , E ., at 5 . 30 Friars , The White Horse , 94 , White Horse-lane , Mile End-rd ., a . Hyde Park , Prince of Wales Hotei , Eastbourne-terr ., Bishop ' s-rd ., Paddington , at 8 . Klngsland , Cock Tavern , Highbury , N ., at 8 . 30 . I . o .-gia Italia , Restaurant Frumagalli , 12 and 13 , Wilton Street ,
' Victoria Statior , S . W ., at 9 . Marquess of Ripon , Weaver's Arms , London Wall , E . C ., at 6 . 4 S , Metropolitan , Moorgate Tavern , 15 , Finsbury-pavement , at 7 . 30 . Neptune , Gauden Hotel , Clapham , S . W ., at 7 . 30 . North London Chapter , Cock Hotel , Highbury , at 8 . Perseverance , Ridler ' s Hotel , Holborn , E . C , at 7 . Queen ' s Westminster , Criterion , Piccadilly , at 8 . Kegent'B ParkFrascati Restaurant , 31 , Oxford-street , at 8 .
, Royal Arthur , Prince of Wales Hotel ( opposite Wimbledon Railway Station ) , at 8 . Royal Commemoration , Railway Hotel , Putney , at 8 . Scots , Holborn Restaurant , Holborn , at 7 . 30 . St . lames ' s Union , St . James ' s Restaurant ( Piccadilly entrance ) St . Mark's , Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell New-road . St . Michael's , Norland Arms , Addison-rd . North , Uxbridge-rd ., 8 Sincerity . Blackwall Railway Hotel , Fenchurch-street , at 7 .
South Norwood , Goat House Bridge Hotel , Pengc-rd ., at 8 . Stockwell , White Hart , Abchurch-lane , E . G ., at 6 . Tyssen Amherst , Amherst Club , Amherst-rd ., Rertory-rd ., N ., 7 . 30 United Military , Earl of Chatham , Thomas-st ., Woolwich , at 7 . 30 Upton , Great Eastern Hotel , Bishopsgate-street , at 8 . Walthamstow , The Chequers , High-street , Walthamstow , at 8 .
Wellington , New Cross House , New Cross , at 8 . Woodrow , Stone ' s , 24 , Panton-street , Haymarket , S . W ., at 3 . Zetland , "The Falkland , " Falkland-road , N . W ., at 8 . Doric Chapter , Duke ' s Head , 79 , Whitechapel-road , at 6 . Lewis Chapter , Fishmongers' Arms Hotel , Wood Green , N ., at 8 . North London Chapter , Cock Tavern , Highbury , at 8
TUESDAY , FEBRUARY 7 . CRAFT LODGES . n , Albion , Freemasons' Hall . lS , Old Dundee , Cannon-strcet Hotel . 101 , Temple , Ship and Turtle Tavern . 166 , Union , Criterion . 172 , Old Concord , Freemasons' Hall . 217 Stability , Anderton ' s Hotel .
, 765 , St . lames ' , Bridge House Hotel . 1159 , Marquis of Dalhousie , 33 , Golden-square . 1259 , Duke of Edinburgh , Three Nuns Tavern . 1261 , Golden Rule , Cafe Rural . i . iHi , Kennington , Horns 'lavcrn . 1397 , Anerley , Clarence Hall . ,, , . , North Woolwich
1472 , Henley , Three Crowns , . 1 Sot , Cnrnli II , Cale Monieo . 2128 , United Northern Counties , Innsof Court Hotel . 2150 , Tivoli , Frascati Restaurant . 2190 , Savage Club , Freemasons' Hall . 230 M , Holborn , Holborn Restaurant . : 4 t » i , llortus , Freemasons' Hall .
ROYAL ARCH CHAPTERS . 92 , Moira , Albion Tavern . ¦ on , Temperance , White Swan Tavern . MARK LODGES . 315 , Henuiker , Mark Masons' Hull . 355 , Royal Savoy , Criterion . LODQIS AND CHAPTERS OF INBTRBCTIOH . Brixton . Prince Regent , Dulwich-road , Heme Hill , S . E ., at 8 .
Cipper , City Arms , St . Mary Axe , at 6 . Clarence and Avondale , Green Man Hotel , Leytonstone , E ., at b Constitutional , "Apple Tree and Mitre , " 30 , Curaitor-street , Chancery-lane , w . C , at 7 . , ... , Chaucer , Grapes Tavern ( Slee & Pike ' s ) , m , Borough High street , at 8 . _ , Corinthian , George Hotel , Cubitt Town , Poplar , at 8 . Croydon Lodge of Concord , King ' s Arms , Kathcrine-street , Croydonat 8 .
, Dalhousie , Lord Truro , Dalston-lane , at 8 . Egyptian , Salutation , Newgate-street , at 7 . Emblematic , St . James ' s Restaurant , Piccadilly , at 8 . Enfield , Rose and Crown , Church-stieet , Edmonton , it 8 . F . uphratcs , Ye Oil Greyhound , llal .-nm-street , Plaistow , I ! ., at 7 . 30 . Excelsior Commercial Dock Tavern , Plough-road , Rotherhithe , Faith , Fumagalli Restaurant , Wilton-rd ., Victoria Station , at 8
r insuury , Tiie Bell Hotel , Old Bailey , it 7-Florence Nightingale , M . H ., William-street , Woolwich , and and 4 thTues ., at 7 . 30 . Henuoii , Railway Hotel , West Hampstead , N . W ., at 8 , Islington , Cock Tavern , Highbury , at 7 . 3 ° . loppa , "The Moorgate , " 15 , Finsbiiry Pavement , E . C , at 7 . 3 c . Kensington , Town Hall Tavern , High-street , Kensington , at 8 . Kirby , Midland G-and Hotel , St . Pancras Station , at 7 . 30 .
Mount Edgcumbe , Rockingham Arms , Newington C .- . useway , S . E ., at 7 . 30 . Nelson , Star and Garter , Powis-street , Woolwich , at 8 . New Cross , Chester Arms , Albany-street , N . W ., at 8 . New F ' nsbury Park , Hornsey Wood Tav ., Finsbury Paik , at 8 . Pythagorean , Portland Hotel , Greenwich , at 8 . Kichmond , Station Hotel , Richmond , at 8 . 30 . r-. oberl Burns , Frascati Restaurant , Oxford-strei t , W .
Masonic Meetings (Metropolitan)
Rose of Denmark , Brunswick House , Wandsworth-road , at 8 . South Middlesex , Beaufort House , Walham Green , S . W ., at 7 . 30 St . Kew , Masonic Hall , Weston-super-Mare , at 8 . St . Leonard's , Bedford Hotel , Victoria Park-road , South Hackney , at 8 . Southwark , White Hart Hotel , New Cross Gate , at 8 . Wandsworth , St . Mark ' s School-room , Battersea Rise , S . W ., at 8
Westbourne , Oliver Arms , Westbourne-terrace North , Harrowroad , at 8 . Yarborough , Mitre Tavern , Fish-street-hill , E . C , at 7 . 30 . Camden Chapter , The Moorgate , Moorgate-street , at 8 . Metropolitan Chapter , Fftstcheap Restaurant , Eastcheap , at 6 . 30 Kintoie Mark Lodge , Stirling Castle Hotel , Camberwell Green , S . E .. at 8 .
WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 8-Committee Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , at 4 . CRAFT LODGES . 3 , fidelity . Freemasons' Hall . ii , Knoch , Freemasons' Hall . 15 , Union Waterloo , Masonic Hall , Plumstead . 15 , Kent , Freemasons' Hall . 87 , Yitntvian , Bruise House Hotel . 13 bGood Report , Albion Tavern .
, 548 , Wellington , Cannon-street Hotel . 749 , Bctgrave , Anderton ' s Hotel . 1228 , Beacon tree , Guildhall Tavern . 1260 , John Hervey , Freemasons * Hall . 1538 , iSt . Martin ' s-le-Grand , Holborn Restaurant . 1687 , Rothesay , Frascati Restaurant . 1766 , St . Leonard , Great Fastern Hotel . 1815 , Pengc , Clarence Hall . 1900 , Montague Guest , Inns of Court Hotel .
1964 , Clerkcnwell , Holborn Viaduct Hotel . 2347 , ( gaifton , Grafton Rooms . 2362 , Bloomsbury RMIcs , Head-quarters , Cjienics-slreet . 2410 , , 'Kseulauius , Cafe Royal . 2456 , Chancery Bar , Hotel Cecil . 2470 , Telegraph Cable , Hotel Cecil . 2-128 , Lancastrian , Frascati Restaurant . 2620 , Cavendish , Royal Palace Hotel , Kensington . 2608 , Brondeshurv , Karl Derby , Kilburn .
ROYAL ARCH CHAPTERS . 205 , Israel , Holborn Restaurant . 11 ^ 8 , Southern Star , Holborn Restaurant . 241 O , Hiram , Freemasons * Hall . ATARK LODGES . Old Kent , Mark Masons' Hall . 35 o , Temperance-in-the-East , Bromley Vestry Hall . ROSE CKOIX . 1 , Grand Metropolitan , Criterion .
LODQIS AND CBAPTIRS 01 INSTRUCTIOH . Belgrave , The Woolpack , Moorgate-street , at 7 . Bromley St . Leonard , Bromley Vestry Hall , Bow-road , at 8 . City of Westminster , Cafe Royal , "B" Room , at 8 . Confidence , Bunch of Grapes , 14 , Lime-street , E . G ., at 7 . Creaton , Bush Hotel , Shepherd ' s Bush , W ., at 8 . Crusaders , The St . John ' s Gate Tavern , St . John-square , Clerkenwell , at 8 . 30 , Derby AUcroft , Midland Grand Hotel , at 8 .
Doric , Moorgate Tavern , Moorgate-street , at 8 . Duke of Connaught , Royal Edward Hotel , Triangle , Hackney , 8 . Earl of Lathom , Station Tavern , Camberwell New-road , S . E ., 8 . Fidelity , Castle Hotel , 81 , Holloway-road , N „ at 8 . Gallery , Press Club , Wine Office-court , Fleet-street , at 7 . Guelph , Plough and Harrow , Leytonstone-road , E ., at 8 . Langthorne , Angel Hotel , Ilford , at 8 . La Tolerance , Frascati Restaurant 32 , Oxford-street , at 8 . Londesborough , Criterion , P . ccadilly , attt .
London Scottish Ritles , Albert Hotel , Victoria-street , S . W ., 8 . 30 Merchant Navy , Town Hall , Limehouse , at 7 . 30 . Mitcham , Vestry Hall , Mitcham , at 8 . Mount Lebanon , Foresters'Arms , 294 , Boro' High-street , at 8 New Concord , Farleigh Hotel , Amherst-road , N ., at 8 . Pinmure , Balham Hotel , Balham , at 7 . 30 . Plucknett , Railway Hotel , Finchley , at 7 . 45 . Prosperity , The \\ hUttngton , 5 & 7 Moor-lane , Fo : c-st ., at 7 . Royal Jubilee , the Crown , Lambeth-road , S . E ., at 8 .
Royal Oak , Lord Clyde , Wotton-road , Deptford , at 8 . Koyal Savoy , Karl Russell , 2 Pancras-. oad , King ' s Cross , at 8 . Royal Savoy , Prince of Wales , Hampstead-road , at 8 . St . Leonard , Prince of Wales Hotel , Bishop's-rd ., Victoria Pk ., 8 . Southgate , Railway Hotel , NewSouthgate , at 8 . Strong Man , Blue Anchor , 164 , Fenchurch-street , B . C ., at 6 . 30 . Temperance-in-the-East , Greenwich Pensioner , Bow-lane , Poplar , at 7-30 . United Mariners , Duke of Albany , Kltto-road , Nunhead , at 7 . 30
United Strength , Hope Tavern , Stanhope-st ., Euston-road , at 8 Wanderers , Victoria Mansions Restaurant , Victoria-street , S . W . at 7-3 ° . Whittington , Red Lion Poppin ' s-court , Fleet-street , at 8 . Zodiac , Denmark Hotel , Ease Ham , at 8 . Andrew Chapter , Bush Hotel , Shepherd ' s Bush , W ., at 8 . Clapton Chapter , Amhurst Club , Rectory-road , N ., at 8 . Domatic Chapter , St . James ' s Restaurant , Piccadilly , W ., at 8 . Lewis Chapter , Fishmongers' Arms Hotel , Wood Green , at 8 . Camden Mark Lodge , Earl Russell , Pancras-foad , King ' s Crosp .
THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 9 . CRAFT LODGES . 19 , Koyal Athclstan , Cannon-strcct Hotel . Ol , Regularity , Freemasons' ll ; ill . 20 b , Friendship , Ship and Turtle Tavern . 2 . 18 , I'ilgrim , Freemasons' Hall . 2 I 13 , Itank of Kngland , Albion Tavern . 534 , Polish National , Freemasons' Mali . 8 uo , Dalhousie , Anderton ' s Hotel .
S 71 ) , Suillliw .-irk , Hridgc House Hotel . io ; 0 , 1 appcr , Guildhall Tavern . 1471 , Isii' gton , Cock Tavern . 1558 , Duke of Connaught , Surrey Masonic Hall . 1599 , Skclincrsdale , Ship and Turtle Tavern . 170 S , l'lueknetl . -W ' oodside Hall , N , l- 'inehley .
1791 , Creaton , l-reemasons Hall . itto ^ , Cohorn , How Vestry Hall . 19 S 7 Strand , Criterion . 2047 , Iteekenham , I ' uhlic Hall . 2 S 2 i , Uoll Call , Oddfellows' Hall , IIouns ! iiw . 2 . , Kdward Tcr y , Cleveland Hall , Harm .- ' .
RllVAI . Audi CHAPTERS . 1321 , l-lmblemntic , Criterion . l . tSi , Kenningliin , II > rns Tavern . 1042 , ICa-l of Carnarvon , l . ailliroke Hall , Nulling Hill . nioi . Schvvn , i \ li > : i ( pelier Hotel , lVckham .
MAKK LODGES . ho , Sam on and I . ion . Masonic Hall , . Masons' Avenue . 331 , Davison , Mark Masons' Halt . KN-IIJIITS TKMN . AR . 117 , New Temple , Inns of Court Hotel . LOP 3 I 3 AND CHAPTERS or INSTRUCTION . Burdett-Coutts , Swan Tavern , New Bethnal Green-road , at 8
Burgoyne , Coach and Horses , 348 , Clapham-road , S . W ., at 7 . 30 , Caxton , drr ' s , 205 , . Strand W . C , at 7 . Covent liartlen , The criterion , Piccadilly , at 8 . Crescent , Kind ' s Head Hotel , Twickenham , at 8 . 30 . Duke of Edinburgh , Kastern Hotel , liaot India Dock Kd ., E .. 7 , 30 . Elliot , Railway Hotel , Feltham . ( jreat City , Red Cross , Paternoster-square , at 7 ,
Masonic Meetings (Metropolitan)
High Cross , Red Lion , High-road , Tottenham , at 8 Highgate , Falkland Arms , Falkland-road , N . W ., at 8 . Hornsey , White Hart Masonic Rooms , Lewisham . S . E ., at 8 Ivy , Half Moon & French Honi Hotel , East Hil < , Wandswoith at 8 . •' Justice , Brown Bear , High-street , Deptford , at 8 . Kent , King and Queen , Norton Folgate , at 8 . Langton , Tiie Eastcheap , Eastcheap , E . C , at < . % o .
Leopold , Moorgate Tavern , Moorgate-street , E . C ., at 7 . Montefiore , St . James ' s Restaurant , Piccadilly , at 8 . Perfect Ashlar , Bridge House Hotel , Southwark , at 7 . Priory , Berrymead Priory , Acton , at 8 . 15 . Rose , Stirling Castle , Church-street , Camberwell . at 8-. Royal \ lbert , White Hart Hotel , Abchurch-lane , at 7 . 30 . Royal Alfred , Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , at 7 . 45 St . Ambrose , St . James ' s Restaurant , Piccadilly , \ V , at 8 . St . John ' s , Court House , Harlesden , N . W ., at 7 . 30 .
St . John ' s , Queen Victoria Tavern , Ejtmouth-st „ Stepney at 8 . St . Luke ' s , Victoria Tavern , Gertrude-street , Chelsea , at 8 . Sir Hugh Myddelton , Star and Garter , Upper-st ., Islington , at 8 Southern Star , Sir Sydney Smith , Chester-st ., Kennington , at 8 . Stockwell , Salutation Tavern , Newgate-street , at 6 . 30 . Tranquillity , Restaurant Frascati , Oxford-street , W „ at 8 . Tredegar , The Cheshire Cheese , Crutched Friars , E . C , at 7 . 30 . Union Waterloo , Earl of Chatham , Thomas-street , Woolwich . Victoria Park , George Hotel , Stratford , E ., at 7 . 30 . Industry Chapter , Prince Regent , Dulwich-road , Heme Hill , at 8 .
FRIDAY , FEBRUARY 10 . CRAFT LODGES . 33 , Britannic , Freemasons' Hall . 134 , Caledonian , Ship and Turtle Tavern . 157 , Bedford , Freemasons' Hall , 177 , Domatic , Anderton ' s Hotel .
1201 , Eclectic , Freemasons' Ha'l . ' 550 , New Cross , Hotel Cecil . 1704 , Anchor , Cafe Royal . "Jo 7 > John Carpenter , Albion Tavern . 2 . W , Ordnance , M ; sonic Hall , 1 'lumstcad . 2552 , Stoke Newington , Assembly Rooms . ROYAL ARCS CHAPTERS . 6 , Friendship ,. Criterion . 749 , Belgrave , Anderton ' s Hotel .
SATURDAY , FEBRUARY II . CRAFT LODGES . 10 S , London , Ship and Turtle Tavern . 173 , Plm-nix , Freemasons' Hall . 1328 , ( iranite , Holborn Restaurant . 142 O , dreat City , Cannon-street Hotel . 1446 , Mount Edgcumbe , Holborn Restaurant . 1607 , Loyalty , London Tavern .
1612 , West Middlesex , Municipal Buildings , Ealing . 1671 , Mi / . pah , Albion Tavern . 1743 , Perseverance , Anderton ' s Hotel . 1839 , Duke of Cornwall , Holborn Restaurant . 2369 , Cornish , Murk Masons' Hall . 2384 , Mitcham , Vestrv Hall . 2599 , Engineer , 33 , Golden-square . 26 SO , Alfred Newton , Oueensgnte Hall , South Kensington . ! ROVAI . ARCH CHAPTERS .
1297 , \\ est Kent , Crystal Palace . 2182 , Stermlale Bennett , Surrey Masonic Hall . LODGES AND CHAPTERS or INSTRUCTION . Albion , Essex Head , Essex street , Strand , at 7 . All Saints , Town Hall , Poplar , at 7 . 30 . Citadel , Farleigh HotelAmhurst-roadStoke NewingtonN
, , , . Clapton , Great Eastern Hotel , Liverpool-street , E . C ., at 7 . Coborn , The George Inn , High-road , South Woodford , at 8 . Earl of Carnarvon , Elgin Hotel , Ladbroke-grove , Notting-hill , Earl of Zetland , Royal Edward Hotel , Triangle , Hackney , at 7 Emulation , Freemasons' Hall , at 6 . Gavel Club , Freemasons' Tavern , at 8 .
CONQUESTCURE CONQUEBS Influenza . Bronchitis Phlegm ** 1 << V Asthma Loss of v * f £ k Coughs vp ^ Voice Colds In Bottles post tree 1 / li and 2 / 0 . CONQUEST CURE CO ., F . Dopt , 23 & 21 , KL-D 0 N STKEET , LONDON .
MAGICLANTERNS. Hughes' Marvellous Pamphengos . Over 3000 Sold . Tiie Diii'sl Oll . ll ! tliti ' . l l . iuili'rn eslmir . lliivn brilliant 1-J In U ft . nictiu-Tin ! Dills ivliiii . l tci £ 4 4 s . Tin- CI Is . mlii .-e , l 1-1 £ 3 10 s . I ' lirtii-ultirn five . The IJim-iT . al r . mr-wii'k l . aiili'rn . ISs . ill . The llnrwra , the ( iriuiil , .- - urn ! Ihe . Miiilnliui ! Mnlili-ii Triple" sumilii-il In yf / ll \ V ^ Milme . null , I ' l-i . lessui- Mal . len , Ituyal l ' nlvlivli-/ y // i \\) S . ule , ie . Ililk-lies' llranilly lllllMiali-, 1 L ' atafJ ^ ff ^ 3 S c li'wue . l ^ in-iifhuvl eititvin ini ^ i , pvin ! IW ., ^ gSSg ; ouiliia ' in ' ihe Wui-ld . ' il ) till . ies i . iialicil iSBj ^^ SSt . ITYING PIOTURE iMMMl ^ Nr . PHOTO ROTC-SCOPE K ? S JSS ^ fiv lBl /? fil PHOTO R 0 TO-SC 0 PE J ^ BIS" *^^ a ** EaJS" PEEP SHOW . ^^ nk- <" - ; "¦; I'll Sr ^ Zi The irr « ili- » t ini . iiej-laker ^ k ^ S ?^ ' - -.- «¦& . feZ 2 ± f \ , of Ihe mill ri'iilurvt 1111 I-^ W ^! % ' _ i- * Ji \ cf ^^ SSkA— . ' ¦•: > ' «••' | ii ..-I"ri '~ ill I h < - <> l >< 'll ^ kJsSl JS & i . A- *? T E ™ HW 8 P linyliulit at Si'iiMile . ^ k ^—^ . jKi 5 , li ' «?^! T ; lla / aai-s H .:. ie . ^ V ^ *^ ! VSA *(^^ B ^** i- . , \ ' . " , slln '" 1 1 ! i ri - !" . - & B ^ % ilHHi !! tl _^ W ^ " ' ?( -i ! e . iiiii ! li' ' le wili ' i ' . XMt ^ Stfa I' eln . Iteli » ei >| ie ' - - ^ . ^^^^^^^¦ V |^^^» ' 1 . ai-liine , . c *^ l Ills . - •'¦ - ^ j ^ PgSagaaglllpy ^ lllils'mlnl Cilia-- ¦ ill , s— - ~ ' oifiie ol eliu-lilatil-Kl-ltlihsa-aluve , IM , W C . HUGHES HKKWSTHK IIDL'SK , 82 , MoitTiMKK KOAI ) , Ki . \ tisr , Axn , Noin'ii LO . NUOX .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Meetings (Metropolitan)
For the week ending Saturday , February n , 1809 . The Editor will be glad to receive notice from Secretaries tor Craft Lodges , Royal Arch Chapters , Mark Lodges , Rose Croix Chapters , Preceptoiies , Conclaves , 8 cc , of any change in place , day , or month of meeting . l
MONDAY , FEBRUARY 6 . CHAFT LODGES . I 2 Fortitude and Old Cumberland , Ship and Turtle Tavern . ., $ ' Uobcrt Hums , Freemasons' Kail . Go ! Unity , Inns of Court Hotel . si , United Lodge of Prudence , Albion Tavern , ¦ . so ' Unions , Freemasons' Hall , mo , Asaph , Freemasons ^ Hall .
, 0-s , Tredegar , London lavcrn . 1669 Roval Leopold , Surrey Masonic Hall . , 73 i ! Cholmeley , Cafe Koyal . •S < i . Caxton , Freemasons' Hall . _ Jono l ' rio . y Lodge of Acton , Hcrrymcad Priory . 20 : 0 ! St . Uotulph's , Albion Tavern . 20 I" Chiswick , Criterion . 200 S llarlesden , National Schools . .... " 4 * Tyssen-Amhcrst , Amherst Club House , Stoke Newington .
RovAt ARCH CHAPTERS . 4 , Roval Somerset House and Inverness , Freemasons' Hall . * o 2 o ! King Solomon , Mark Masons'Hall . now , Abbey , Town Hall , Westminster . ¦> s ' u , St . ] ohn at Hackney , Old Town Hall . 2535 I Fellowship , Frascati Restaurant .
RED ( . ' ROSS . 1 Original , or Premier , Mark Masons' Hall . L ODQIS ANU CBAPTIRS or I NSTRUCTION . Blackheath , Stirling Castle , Church-street , Camberwell , at 8 Commemoration , Star and Garter , Arbour-sqnare , Commercial road , E ., at 8 . Cripplegate , Goldsmiths Arms , Gutter-lane , at 6 . 30 . Dalhousie , Town Hall Tavern , High-street , Kensington , at 8 .
Duke of Cornwall , Whittington Arms , Moor-lane , Fore-st ., at 7 . Eleanor , Rose and Crown , High Cross , Tottenham , at 8 . Euphrates , YeOlde Greyhound , Balaam-st „ Plaistow , E ., at 5 . 30 Friars , The White Horse , 94 , White Horse-lane , Mile End-rd ., a . Hyde Park , Prince of Wales Hotei , Eastbourne-terr ., Bishop ' s-rd ., Paddington , at 8 . Klngsland , Cock Tavern , Highbury , N ., at 8 . 30 . I . o .-gia Italia , Restaurant Frumagalli , 12 and 13 , Wilton Street ,
' Victoria Statior , S . W ., at 9 . Marquess of Ripon , Weaver's Arms , London Wall , E . C ., at 6 . 4 S , Metropolitan , Moorgate Tavern , 15 , Finsbury-pavement , at 7 . 30 . Neptune , Gauden Hotel , Clapham , S . W ., at 7 . 30 . North London Chapter , Cock Hotel , Highbury , at 8 . Perseverance , Ridler ' s Hotel , Holborn , E . C , at 7 . Queen ' s Westminster , Criterion , Piccadilly , at 8 . Kegent'B ParkFrascati Restaurant , 31 , Oxford-street , at 8 .
, Royal Arthur , Prince of Wales Hotel ( opposite Wimbledon Railway Station ) , at 8 . Royal Commemoration , Railway Hotel , Putney , at 8 . Scots , Holborn Restaurant , Holborn , at 7 . 30 . St . lames ' s Union , St . James ' s Restaurant ( Piccadilly entrance ) St . Mark's , Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell New-road . St . Michael's , Norland Arms , Addison-rd . North , Uxbridge-rd ., 8 Sincerity . Blackwall Railway Hotel , Fenchurch-street , at 7 .
South Norwood , Goat House Bridge Hotel , Pengc-rd ., at 8 . Stockwell , White Hart , Abchurch-lane , E . G ., at 6 . Tyssen Amherst , Amherst Club , Amherst-rd ., Rertory-rd ., N ., 7 . 30 United Military , Earl of Chatham , Thomas-st ., Woolwich , at 7 . 30 Upton , Great Eastern Hotel , Bishopsgate-street , at 8 . Walthamstow , The Chequers , High-street , Walthamstow , at 8 .
Wellington , New Cross House , New Cross , at 8 . Woodrow , Stone ' s , 24 , Panton-street , Haymarket , S . W ., at 3 . Zetland , "The Falkland , " Falkland-road , N . W ., at 8 . Doric Chapter , Duke ' s Head , 79 , Whitechapel-road , at 6 . Lewis Chapter , Fishmongers' Arms Hotel , Wood Green , N ., at 8 . North London Chapter , Cock Tavern , Highbury , at 8
TUESDAY , FEBRUARY 7 . CRAFT LODGES . n , Albion , Freemasons' Hall . lS , Old Dundee , Cannon-strcet Hotel . 101 , Temple , Ship and Turtle Tavern . 166 , Union , Criterion . 172 , Old Concord , Freemasons' Hall . 217 Stability , Anderton ' s Hotel .
, 765 , St . lames ' , Bridge House Hotel . 1159 , Marquis of Dalhousie , 33 , Golden-square . 1259 , Duke of Edinburgh , Three Nuns Tavern . 1261 , Golden Rule , Cafe Rural . i . iHi , Kennington , Horns 'lavcrn . 1397 , Anerley , Clarence Hall . ,, , . , North Woolwich
1472 , Henley , Three Crowns , . 1 Sot , Cnrnli II , Cale Monieo . 2128 , United Northern Counties , Innsof Court Hotel . 2150 , Tivoli , Frascati Restaurant . 2190 , Savage Club , Freemasons' Hall . 230 M , Holborn , Holborn Restaurant . : 4 t » i , llortus , Freemasons' Hall .
ROYAL ARCH CHAPTERS . 92 , Moira , Albion Tavern . ¦ on , Temperance , White Swan Tavern . MARK LODGES . 315 , Henuiker , Mark Masons' Hull . 355 , Royal Savoy , Criterion . LODQIS AND CHAPTERS OF INBTRBCTIOH . Brixton . Prince Regent , Dulwich-road , Heme Hill , S . E ., at 8 .
Cipper , City Arms , St . Mary Axe , at 6 . Clarence and Avondale , Green Man Hotel , Leytonstone , E ., at b Constitutional , "Apple Tree and Mitre , " 30 , Curaitor-street , Chancery-lane , w . C , at 7 . , ... , Chaucer , Grapes Tavern ( Slee & Pike ' s ) , m , Borough High street , at 8 . _ , Corinthian , George Hotel , Cubitt Town , Poplar , at 8 . Croydon Lodge of Concord , King ' s Arms , Kathcrine-street , Croydonat 8 .
, Dalhousie , Lord Truro , Dalston-lane , at 8 . Egyptian , Salutation , Newgate-street , at 7 . Emblematic , St . James ' s Restaurant , Piccadilly , at 8 . Enfield , Rose and Crown , Church-stieet , Edmonton , it 8 . F . uphratcs , Ye Oil Greyhound , llal .-nm-street , Plaistow , I ! ., at 7 . 30 . Excelsior Commercial Dock Tavern , Plough-road , Rotherhithe , Faith , Fumagalli Restaurant , Wilton-rd ., Victoria Station , at 8
r insuury , Tiie Bell Hotel , Old Bailey , it 7-Florence Nightingale , M . H ., William-street , Woolwich , and and 4 thTues ., at 7 . 30 . Henuoii , Railway Hotel , West Hampstead , N . W ., at 8 , Islington , Cock Tavern , Highbury , at 7 . 3 ° . loppa , "The Moorgate , " 15 , Finsbiiry Pavement , E . C , at 7 . 3 c . Kensington , Town Hall Tavern , High-street , Kensington , at 8 . Kirby , Midland G-and Hotel , St . Pancras Station , at 7 . 30 .
Mount Edgcumbe , Rockingham Arms , Newington C .- . useway , S . E ., at 7 . 30 . Nelson , Star and Garter , Powis-street , Woolwich , at 8 . New Cross , Chester Arms , Albany-street , N . W ., at 8 . New F ' nsbury Park , Hornsey Wood Tav ., Finsbury Paik , at 8 . Pythagorean , Portland Hotel , Greenwich , at 8 . Kichmond , Station Hotel , Richmond , at 8 . 30 . r-. oberl Burns , Frascati Restaurant , Oxford-strei t , W .
Masonic Meetings (Metropolitan)
Rose of Denmark , Brunswick House , Wandsworth-road , at 8 . South Middlesex , Beaufort House , Walham Green , S . W ., at 7 . 30 St . Kew , Masonic Hall , Weston-super-Mare , at 8 . St . Leonard's , Bedford Hotel , Victoria Park-road , South Hackney , at 8 . Southwark , White Hart Hotel , New Cross Gate , at 8 . Wandsworth , St . Mark ' s School-room , Battersea Rise , S . W ., at 8
Westbourne , Oliver Arms , Westbourne-terrace North , Harrowroad , at 8 . Yarborough , Mitre Tavern , Fish-street-hill , E . C , at 7 . 30 . Camden Chapter , The Moorgate , Moorgate-street , at 8 . Metropolitan Chapter , Fftstcheap Restaurant , Eastcheap , at 6 . 30 Kintoie Mark Lodge , Stirling Castle Hotel , Camberwell Green , S . E .. at 8 .
WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 8-Committee Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , at 4 . CRAFT LODGES . 3 , fidelity . Freemasons' Hall . ii , Knoch , Freemasons' Hall . 15 , Union Waterloo , Masonic Hall , Plumstead . 15 , Kent , Freemasons' Hall . 87 , Yitntvian , Bruise House Hotel . 13 bGood Report , Albion Tavern .
, 548 , Wellington , Cannon-street Hotel . 749 , Bctgrave , Anderton ' s Hotel . 1228 , Beacon tree , Guildhall Tavern . 1260 , John Hervey , Freemasons * Hall . 1538 , iSt . Martin ' s-le-Grand , Holborn Restaurant . 1687 , Rothesay , Frascati Restaurant . 1766 , St . Leonard , Great Fastern Hotel . 1815 , Pengc , Clarence Hall . 1900 , Montague Guest , Inns of Court Hotel .
1964 , Clerkcnwell , Holborn Viaduct Hotel . 2347 , ( gaifton , Grafton Rooms . 2362 , Bloomsbury RMIcs , Head-quarters , Cjienics-slreet . 2410 , , 'Kseulauius , Cafe Royal . 2456 , Chancery Bar , Hotel Cecil . 2470 , Telegraph Cable , Hotel Cecil . 2-128 , Lancastrian , Frascati Restaurant . 2620 , Cavendish , Royal Palace Hotel , Kensington . 2608 , Brondeshurv , Karl Derby , Kilburn .
ROYAL ARCH CHAPTERS . 205 , Israel , Holborn Restaurant . 11 ^ 8 , Southern Star , Holborn Restaurant . 241 O , Hiram , Freemasons * Hall . ATARK LODGES . Old Kent , Mark Masons' Hall . 35 o , Temperance-in-the-East , Bromley Vestry Hall . ROSE CKOIX . 1 , Grand Metropolitan , Criterion .
LODQIS AND CBAPTIRS 01 INSTRUCTIOH . Belgrave , The Woolpack , Moorgate-street , at 7 . Bromley St . Leonard , Bromley Vestry Hall , Bow-road , at 8 . City of Westminster , Cafe Royal , "B" Room , at 8 . Confidence , Bunch of Grapes , 14 , Lime-street , E . G ., at 7 . Creaton , Bush Hotel , Shepherd ' s Bush , W ., at 8 . Crusaders , The St . John ' s Gate Tavern , St . John-square , Clerkenwell , at 8 . 30 , Derby AUcroft , Midland Grand Hotel , at 8 .
Doric , Moorgate Tavern , Moorgate-street , at 8 . Duke of Connaught , Royal Edward Hotel , Triangle , Hackney , 8 . Earl of Lathom , Station Tavern , Camberwell New-road , S . E ., 8 . Fidelity , Castle Hotel , 81 , Holloway-road , N „ at 8 . Gallery , Press Club , Wine Office-court , Fleet-street , at 7 . Guelph , Plough and Harrow , Leytonstone-road , E ., at 8 . Langthorne , Angel Hotel , Ilford , at 8 . La Tolerance , Frascati Restaurant 32 , Oxford-street , at 8 . Londesborough , Criterion , P . ccadilly , attt .
London Scottish Ritles , Albert Hotel , Victoria-street , S . W ., 8 . 30 Merchant Navy , Town Hall , Limehouse , at 7 . 30 . Mitcham , Vestry Hall , Mitcham , at 8 . Mount Lebanon , Foresters'Arms , 294 , Boro' High-street , at 8 New Concord , Farleigh Hotel , Amherst-road , N ., at 8 . Pinmure , Balham Hotel , Balham , at 7 . 30 . Plucknett , Railway Hotel , Finchley , at 7 . 45 . Prosperity , The \\ hUttngton , 5 & 7 Moor-lane , Fo : c-st ., at 7 . Royal Jubilee , the Crown , Lambeth-road , S . E ., at 8 .
Royal Oak , Lord Clyde , Wotton-road , Deptford , at 8 . Koyal Savoy , Karl Russell , 2 Pancras-. oad , King ' s Cross , at 8 . Royal Savoy , Prince of Wales , Hampstead-road , at 8 . St . Leonard , Prince of Wales Hotel , Bishop's-rd ., Victoria Pk ., 8 . Southgate , Railway Hotel , NewSouthgate , at 8 . Strong Man , Blue Anchor , 164 , Fenchurch-street , B . C ., at 6 . 30 . Temperance-in-the-East , Greenwich Pensioner , Bow-lane , Poplar , at 7-30 . United Mariners , Duke of Albany , Kltto-road , Nunhead , at 7 . 30
United Strength , Hope Tavern , Stanhope-st ., Euston-road , at 8 Wanderers , Victoria Mansions Restaurant , Victoria-street , S . W . at 7-3 ° . Whittington , Red Lion Poppin ' s-court , Fleet-street , at 8 . Zodiac , Denmark Hotel , Ease Ham , at 8 . Andrew Chapter , Bush Hotel , Shepherd ' s Bush , W ., at 8 . Clapton Chapter , Amhurst Club , Rectory-road , N ., at 8 . Domatic Chapter , St . James ' s Restaurant , Piccadilly , W ., at 8 . Lewis Chapter , Fishmongers' Arms Hotel , Wood Green , at 8 . Camden Mark Lodge , Earl Russell , Pancras-foad , King ' s Crosp .
THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 9 . CRAFT LODGES . 19 , Koyal Athclstan , Cannon-strcct Hotel . Ol , Regularity , Freemasons' ll ; ill . 20 b , Friendship , Ship and Turtle Tavern . 2 . 18 , I'ilgrim , Freemasons' Hall . 2 I 13 , Itank of Kngland , Albion Tavern . 534 , Polish National , Freemasons' Mali . 8 uo , Dalhousie , Anderton ' s Hotel .
S 71 ) , Suillliw .-irk , Hridgc House Hotel . io ; 0 , 1 appcr , Guildhall Tavern . 1471 , Isii' gton , Cock Tavern . 1558 , Duke of Connaught , Surrey Masonic Hall . 1599 , Skclincrsdale , Ship and Turtle Tavern . 170 S , l'lueknetl . -W ' oodside Hall , N , l- 'inehley .
1791 , Creaton , l-reemasons Hall . itto ^ , Cohorn , How Vestry Hall . 19 S 7 Strand , Criterion . 2047 , Iteekenham , I ' uhlic Hall . 2 S 2 i , Uoll Call , Oddfellows' Hall , IIouns ! iiw . 2 . , Kdward Tcr y , Cleveland Hall , Harm .- ' .
RllVAI . Audi CHAPTERS . 1321 , l-lmblemntic , Criterion . l . tSi , Kenningliin , II > rns Tavern . 1042 , ICa-l of Carnarvon , l . ailliroke Hall , Nulling Hill . nioi . Schvvn , i \ li > : i ( pelier Hotel , lVckham .
MAKK LODGES . ho , Sam on and I . ion . Masonic Hall , . Masons' Avenue . 331 , Davison , Mark Masons' Halt . KN-IIJIITS TKMN . AR . 117 , New Temple , Inns of Court Hotel . LOP 3 I 3 AND CHAPTERS or INSTRUCTION . Burdett-Coutts , Swan Tavern , New Bethnal Green-road , at 8
Burgoyne , Coach and Horses , 348 , Clapham-road , S . W ., at 7 . 30 , Caxton , drr ' s , 205 , . Strand W . C , at 7 . Covent liartlen , The criterion , Piccadilly , at 8 . Crescent , Kind ' s Head Hotel , Twickenham , at 8 . 30 . Duke of Edinburgh , Kastern Hotel , liaot India Dock Kd ., E .. 7 , 30 . Elliot , Railway Hotel , Feltham . ( jreat City , Red Cross , Paternoster-square , at 7 ,
Masonic Meetings (Metropolitan)
High Cross , Red Lion , High-road , Tottenham , at 8 Highgate , Falkland Arms , Falkland-road , N . W ., at 8 . Hornsey , White Hart Masonic Rooms , Lewisham . S . E ., at 8 Ivy , Half Moon & French Honi Hotel , East Hil < , Wandswoith at 8 . •' Justice , Brown Bear , High-street , Deptford , at 8 . Kent , King and Queen , Norton Folgate , at 8 . Langton , Tiie Eastcheap , Eastcheap , E . C , at < . % o .
Leopold , Moorgate Tavern , Moorgate-street , E . C ., at 7 . Montefiore , St . James ' s Restaurant , Piccadilly , at 8 . Perfect Ashlar , Bridge House Hotel , Southwark , at 7 . Priory , Berrymead Priory , Acton , at 8 . 15 . Rose , Stirling Castle , Church-street , Camberwell . at 8-. Royal \ lbert , White Hart Hotel , Abchurch-lane , at 7 . 30 . Royal Alfred , Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , at 7 . 45 St . Ambrose , St . James ' s Restaurant , Piccadilly , \ V , at 8 . St . John ' s , Court House , Harlesden , N . W ., at 7 . 30 .
St . John ' s , Queen Victoria Tavern , Ejtmouth-st „ Stepney at 8 . St . Luke ' s , Victoria Tavern , Gertrude-street , Chelsea , at 8 . Sir Hugh Myddelton , Star and Garter , Upper-st ., Islington , at 8 Southern Star , Sir Sydney Smith , Chester-st ., Kennington , at 8 . Stockwell , Salutation Tavern , Newgate-street , at 6 . 30 . Tranquillity , Restaurant Frascati , Oxford-street , W „ at 8 . Tredegar , The Cheshire Cheese , Crutched Friars , E . C , at 7 . 30 . Union Waterloo , Earl of Chatham , Thomas-street , Woolwich . Victoria Park , George Hotel , Stratford , E ., at 7 . 30 . Industry Chapter , Prince Regent , Dulwich-road , Heme Hill , at 8 .
FRIDAY , FEBRUARY 10 . CRAFT LODGES . 33 , Britannic , Freemasons' Hall . 134 , Caledonian , Ship and Turtle Tavern . 157 , Bedford , Freemasons' Hall , 177 , Domatic , Anderton ' s Hotel .
1201 , Eclectic , Freemasons' Ha'l . ' 550 , New Cross , Hotel Cecil . 1704 , Anchor , Cafe Royal . "Jo 7 > John Carpenter , Albion Tavern . 2 . W , Ordnance , M ; sonic Hall , 1 'lumstcad . 2552 , Stoke Newington , Assembly Rooms . ROYAL ARCS CHAPTERS . 6 , Friendship ,. Criterion . 749 , Belgrave , Anderton ' s Hotel .
SATURDAY , FEBRUARY II . CRAFT LODGES . 10 S , London , Ship and Turtle Tavern . 173 , Plm-nix , Freemasons' Hall . 1328 , ( iranite , Holborn Restaurant . 142 O , dreat City , Cannon-street Hotel . 1446 , Mount Edgcumbe , Holborn Restaurant . 1607 , Loyalty , London Tavern .
1612 , West Middlesex , Municipal Buildings , Ealing . 1671 , Mi / . pah , Albion Tavern . 1743 , Perseverance , Anderton ' s Hotel . 1839 , Duke of Cornwall , Holborn Restaurant . 2369 , Cornish , Murk Masons' Hall . 2384 , Mitcham , Vestrv Hall . 2599 , Engineer , 33 , Golden-square . 26 SO , Alfred Newton , Oueensgnte Hall , South Kensington . ! ROVAI . ARCH CHAPTERS .
1297 , \\ est Kent , Crystal Palace . 2182 , Stermlale Bennett , Surrey Masonic Hall . LODGES AND CHAPTERS or INSTRUCTION . Albion , Essex Head , Essex street , Strand , at 7 . All Saints , Town Hall , Poplar , at 7 . 30 . Citadel , Farleigh HotelAmhurst-roadStoke NewingtonN
, , , . Clapton , Great Eastern Hotel , Liverpool-street , E . C ., at 7 . Coborn , The George Inn , High-road , South Woodford , at 8 . Earl of Carnarvon , Elgin Hotel , Ladbroke-grove , Notting-hill , Earl of Zetland , Royal Edward Hotel , Triangle , Hackney , at 7 Emulation , Freemasons' Hall , at 6 . Gavel Club , Freemasons' Tavern , at 8 .
CONQUESTCURE CONQUEBS Influenza . Bronchitis Phlegm ** 1 << V Asthma Loss of v * f £ k Coughs vp ^ Voice Colds In Bottles post tree 1 / li and 2 / 0 . CONQUEST CURE CO ., F . Dopt , 23 & 21 , KL-D 0 N STKEET , LONDON .
MAGICLANTERNS. Hughes' Marvellous Pamphengos . Over 3000 Sold . Tiie Diii'sl Oll . ll ! tliti ' . l l . iuili'rn eslmir . lliivn brilliant 1-J In U ft . nictiu-Tin ! Dills ivliiii . l tci £ 4 4 s . Tin- CI Is . mlii .-e , l 1-1 £ 3 10 s . I ' lirtii-ultirn five . The IJim-iT . al r . mr-wii'k l . aiili'rn . ISs . ill . The llnrwra , the ( iriuiil , .- - urn ! Ihe . Miiilnliui ! Mnlili-ii Triple" sumilii-il In yf / ll \ V ^ Milme . null , I ' l-i . lessui- Mal . len , Ituyal l ' nlvlivli-/ y // i \\) S . ule , ie . Ililk-lies' llranilly lllllMiali-, 1 L ' atafJ ^ ff ^ 3 S c li'wue . l ^ in-iifhuvl eititvin ini ^ i , pvin ! IW ., ^ gSSg ; ouiliia ' in ' ihe Wui-ld . ' il ) till . ies i . iialicil iSBj ^^ SSt . ITYING PIOTURE iMMMl ^ Nr . PHOTO ROTC-SCOPE K ? S JSS ^ fiv lBl /? fil PHOTO R 0 TO-SC 0 PE J ^ BIS" *^^ a ** EaJS" PEEP SHOW . ^^ nk- <" - ; "¦; I'll Sr ^ Zi The irr « ili- » t ini . iiej-laker ^ k ^ S ?^ ' - -.- «¦& . feZ 2 ± f \ , of Ihe mill ri'iilurvt 1111 I-^ W ^! % ' _ i- * Ji \ cf ^^ SSkA— . ' ¦•: > ' «••' | ii ..-I"ri '~ ill I h < - <> l >< 'll ^ kJsSl JS & i . A- *? T E ™ HW 8 P linyliulit at Si'iiMile . ^ k ^—^ . jKi 5 , li ' «?^! T ; lla / aai-s H .:. ie . ^ V ^ *^ ! VSA *(^^ B ^** i- . , \ ' . " , slln '" 1 1 ! i ri - !" . - & B ^ % ilHHi !! tl _^ W ^ " ' ?( -i ! e . iiiii ! li' ' le wili ' i ' . XMt ^ Stfa I' eln . Iteli » ei >| ie ' - - ^ . ^^^^^^^¦ V |^^^» ' 1 . ai-liine , . c *^ l Ills . - •'¦ - ^ j ^ PgSagaaglllpy ^ lllils'mlnl Cilia-- ¦ ill , s— - ~ ' oifiie ol eliu-lilatil-Kl-ltlihsa-aluve , IM , W C . HUGHES HKKWSTHK IIDL'SK , 82 , MoitTiMKK KOAI ) , Ki . \ tisr , Axn , Noin'ii LO . NUOX .