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Supreme Grand Chapter Of England.
Committee of Grand Chapter . He might say there were one or two other alterations , improvements , or additions which had been suggested lately and one report could be brought up on the entire alterations . There would be no delay in the matter for it would be brought forward at the next convocation .
Ccmp . LEE then withdrew his motion by leave , and on the motion of Comp . FRANK RICHARDSON , secorded by Comp . Sir G . D . HARRIS , the motion was referred to the Committee of General Purposes to report upon to next convocation . Grand Chapter was then closed in ancient and solemn form .
Consecration Of The Harlow- Lodge, No. 2734.
On Saturday , the 2 Sth ult ., another Iodge was added to the roll of the Province of Essex , bringing up the number to 41 . The new lodge is called the Harlow , and is Number 2734 on the register of the Grand Lodge of England . The ceremony took place in- the Victoria Hall , Harlow , and , in the absence abroad of the Provincial Grand Master , Bro . the Right Hon . the
Earl of Warwick ( Dep . Grand Master of England ) , was ably performed by Bro . Col . Lockwood , M . P ., the Deputy Provincial Grand Master of that province , assisted by the following brethren : Bros . Robt" . Woodhouse , Prov . S . G . W ., as S . W . ; Col . Landon , Prov . J . G . W ., as J . W . ; the Rev . Wm . Tree , Prov . G . Chap ., as Chap . ; Tho " s . J . Railing , P . A . G . D . C , Prov . G . Sec , as Sec ; Albert Lucking , P . G . P ., Prov . G . D . C , as D . C . ; and F . England , Prov . G . Supt . of Works , as I . G .
The musical portion of the ceremony was ably rendered by Bros . Thomas Powell , Etherington Smith , Charles Strong , and Horace Reynolds , under the direction of Bro . Chas . H . Kempling , W . M . 2508 , J . W . 1706 , Prov . G . Org . At the close of the consecration ceremony the chair was taken by Bro . Albert Lucking , P . G . P ., Prov . G . D . C , and he installed the W . M . designate , Bro . William Leghorn , P . M . 754 , in his usual able manner . The
officers for the year were invested as under : Bros . VV . F . Driver , I . P . M . 1360 , I . P . M . ; George Ackerman , S . W . ; Harry Traill , J . W . ; James Cowlin , Treas . ; S . T . Milbank , Sec . ; Chas . Spurge , S . D . ; Wm . Boyden , J . D . ; Joseph Cay gill , I . G . ; John G . Garrard , Stwd . ; and Sergt . Sergeant , -Tyler . The W . M . was unanimously elected to represent the lodge on the Essex Provincial Charity Committee , and all the founders were elected a Committee to frame by-laws .
A special vote of thanks was passed to the Consecrating Officers , and they were elected honorary members of the lodge . Letters were read from several distinguished brethren unable to be present , including Bro . nis Honour Judge Philbrick , who wished the lor ' ge a long career of Masonic usefulness .
On the lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to the Green Man Inn , where banquet was partaken of . In giving the toast of "The Grand Officers , " the W . M ., amidst hearty applause , congratulated the province on the appointment of the Prov . Grand Master of Essex as Deputy Grand Master of England . In responding to the toast of " The Consecrating Officers , " Bro . Col . LOCKWOOD said while greatly regretting the absence of their much loved
Provincial Grand Master , he had been particularly glad to have had the privilege of consecrating a Masonic lodge at Harlow , as it was here that he passed eight of the happiest years of his life and a Masonic lodge was the thing they wanted to complete the delights of the place . They all wished the lodge a happy and prosperous career , and the executive
of the province earnestly trusted that it would add lustre to the Masonic traditions oi the county of Essex . The founders , he had no doubt , would feel that they had taken upon themselves a serious responsibility in starling this new lodge , and would , he hoped , so carry on the work , and take such care in the admission of new members , that those who had taken part in the ceremony to-day would never regret it . ( Applause .
Annual Meeting Of The East Lancashire Systematic Masonic Educational And Benevolent Institution.
The annual meeting was held in Freemasons' Hall , Manchester , on Friday , the 27 th ult . In the absence of Bro . Col . Starkie , Prov . G . M ., President of the Institution , through indisposition , the chair was occupied by Bro . C . D . Cheetham , P . P . G . W ., Chairmanof the General Committee , and amongst those present were Bros . C R . N . Beswicke-Royds , D . Prov ,
G . M . ; T . J . Hooper ( Vice-Chairman ) ; Wm . Jaffrey , Treas . ; N . A . Eatle , E . G . Harwood , J . T . Newbold , W . Brockes , F . W . Lean , Jas . Andrew , E . Williams , J . B . Goulburn , Jas . Kershaw , S . Porritt , C . Turner , E . Halliwell , Jno . Whittaker , Fred Hilton , J . Barker , Jas . Newton ( Sec . ) ; and others .
The annual reports were read and adopted—pait'cularsof which appeared in our columns last week . Various Committees were appointed . Bro . Wm . Jaffrey was re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . N . A . Eirle was elected honorary Secretary .
It was resolved that Bro . Surgeor .-Captain A . H . Smith be elected honorary medical officer of the Institution . Other routine business was then transacted . The CHAIRMAN intimated that it was in contemplation to hold a fe > tival of the Institution in 1900 . A cordial vote of thanks to the Chairman terminated a most harmonious mectirg .
T . R . H . PniKCa AND PRINCESS OK WALES remain at Sandringham House On Sunday their Royal Highnesses , with Princess Victoria and the Djche > s of York , attended'Divine service at St . M iry Mxgdihm Church .
Ladies' Night Of The Southern Star Lodge, No. 1558.
The red letter day of the year in this Iodge is the holding of the ladies' night , which proved no exception to the rule on the present occasion under the very able presidency of Bro . F . W . Downes , W . M . - The lodge was opened in due form , and the W . M . was supported by the following officers : Bros . W . Richards , I . P . M . ; F . Green , S . W . ; F . Austin , J . W . ; Jas . ' Block , P . M ., Treas . ; J . Austin , P . M ., Sec ; F . Benson , S . D . ; S . Blum , J . D . ; J . Atkinson , I . G . ; E . J . Coopjr , D . C ; Arthur Briscoe , Org . ; G . Gainger , Stwd . ; P . Marten , and many others .
The business of the lodge ended , the brethren adjourned , and the W . M . and Mrs . Downes , with Miss Downes , held a reception , at which were present Bro . Richards and Mrs . Richards , Bro . F . Green , Mrs . Green and Miss Green , Bro . F . Austin and Mrs . Austin , Bro . J . Austin , P . M ., Sec . ; Mrs . Austin and the Misses May , Edie , and Beatrice Austin , Bro . J . Block , Bro . Benson and Mrs . Btnson , Bro . S . Blum , Bro . E . J . Cooper and Mrs . Cooper , Mr . Shilton
and Miss Downes , Bro . J . Atkinson and Mrs . Atkinson , Bro . G . Gainger , Bro . W . Block , P . M ., and Mrs . Block , Bro . S . Parker , Bro . J . Hands , P . M ., and Mrs . Hands , Bro . F . Knibbs , P . M ., and Miss A . Knibbs , Bro . J . H . Gates and Mrs . Gates , Bro . Wm . Beecroft , P . M . ; Bro . V . Shale , Bro . F . J . Fowles and Mrs . Fowles ; Bro . W . B . Hardwick and Miss M . D . Hardwick ; Bro . J . Williams ; Bro . J . Owston and Mrs . Owston ; Bro . C .
Day ; Bro . W . Green and Mrs . Green ; Bro . J . Parker ; Bro . F . C . Johns ; Bro . E . Davies and Mrs . Davies ; Bro . T . Nicholls and Mrs . Nicholls ; Bro . H . A . Lepper ; Bros . W . H . Fleming , F . Humm , R . J . Radford , R . W . Goodman , J . Swingler , E . A . Bruce ; Bro . R . Needie and Mrs . Needle ; Bros . A . George , F . C . Cross ; Messrs . A . J . Blake , C Cook , jun . ; Bros . T . Winsor , P . M . 1950 ; C . Johnson , S . D . 2206 ; Bro . J . Chapman , 1585 , and Mrs . Chapman ; Bro . J . H .
Gaskin , P . M . 1897 , and Mrs . Gaskin ; Bro . W . L . Downes , I . G . 65 ; Bro . G . Hall , 8 7 , and Mrs . Hall ; Bro . E . Milsom , 2484 ; Bro . S . W . Hobson , 117 S , and Mrs . Hobson ; Bro . G . Gibbons , 87 , and Mrs . Gibbons ; Bro . J . Harwood , 87 , and Mrs . Harwood ; Bros . Rev . V . Tyrrel , S . D . 236 9 ; R . Hobden , D . of C . 1981 ; D . Bingham , 8 7 ; G . Goodman , F . W . Downes , A . W . Shilton , R . Colston , 1158 ; L . Goddard , 733 ; W . C . Beecroft , W . Harwood ; Bro . C . Coxwell and
Mrs . Coxwell ; Bro . F . C . Johns ; Bro . J . G . Blake and Mrs . Blake , and Miss E . F . Pratts ; Bro . Croxson , S . W . 1658 , and Mrs . Croxson ; Bro . C . T . Carter and Mrs . Carter ; Bros . F . Small , J . W . 2242 ; W . Gower , 2472 ; R . J . Moseley , 1228 ; G . W . Gregory , T . Cleveland , F . Sheed ; Bro . R . W . Beckwith and Mrs . Beckwith ; Bro . H . Harwood , 87 , and Mrs . Harwood ; Bros . J . J . Harwood , D . C 2265 ; A . Ellison , E . W . Neall , J . Boswell , 33 ; Brc . E . Ford , 1563 , and Mrs , Ford ; Bro . T . Hook and Mrs . Hook ; Bro . Nicholls and Mrs . Nicholls ; Bro ,
H . Harwood and Mrs . Harwood ; Bro . Cobden and Mrs . Cobdea ; Miss Ganz ; Bro . Davies and Mrs . Davies ; Bro . Denton and Mrs . Denton ; Bro . Goulston and Mrs . Goulston ; Bro . Goddard and Miss Colstone ; Bro . Morris , Mrs . Morris , and Miss R . S . Morris ; Bro . and Mrs , Simons ; and others . * The reception ended , the brethren , ladies , and gentlemen adjourned to the banqueting hall , where a recherche banquet had been provided by the proprietor , Bro . Callingham , in his usual capital style , which was highly appreciated .
The banquet ended , the W . M . presented the customary loyal aid Masonic toasts in kindly terms , specially remarking upon the restoration to health of H . R . H . the M . W . G . M ., which was gratifying to every Mason . Bro . W . RICHARDS , I . P . M ., in terms of appreciation and commendation presented the toast of "The W . M ., Bro . F . Downes , " both for his excellent work in the lodge , and also more particularly in presiding over such a happy gathering ,
especially graced by the presence of ladies . He hoped that such gatherings would continue , and that Bro . T . Green , the S . W ., would have such another . The toast was received most cordially . Bro . F . DOWNES , W . M ., most gracefully and efficiently responded . The toast of " The Ladies " was presented by Bro . Rev . VYVIAN TYRREL as the toast of the evening , in an exhaustive and intellectual speech , which was received in laudatory terms , and duly responded to .
1 he W . M . ( next presented the toast of " The Past Masters and Officers of the Lodge , " specially commending the Past Masters as pillars , who had executed their duties with great ability and were ever ready to give their valuable assistance . Of the Treasurer and Secretary , their services were invaluable and
they were most assiduous to duty , and the lodge was greatly indebted to them . The same might be said of the S . W . and J . W ., with the rest of the officers who had carried out their duties in most exemplary manner . He would take the opportunity of especially thanking the Stewards for their indefatigable exertions in making the evening such a success .
The toast was replied to most ably by Bros . RICHARDS , I . P . M . ; AUSTIN , P . M ., Sec . ; J . BLOCK , P . M ., Treas . ( who especially recommended the W . M . to stand as Steward for one of the Charities as the funds would justly allow it being in a flourishing condition ) , also by Bro . GREEN , S . W ., and theJ . W ., who congratulated the W . M . on such a successful gathering .
Each lady was presented with " a souvenir from the Southern Star Lodge , No , 1558 . January 24 , 1899 . Bro . F . W . Downes , W . M . " Such was the inscription on the case containing a very pretty brooch , which was very much appreciated by the recipients .
There was also a capital programme of music arranged by Bro . Arthur Briscoe , P . P . G . Org . Surrey , who was most ably assisted by Miss May Haddcn , Miss Florence Roper , Miss Rose Sylvia Morris ( reciter ) , Mr . A . W . Presgravs ( reciter ) , Mr . Fred Rome , F . O . S ., Mr . Harry Hudson , Mr . W . Hammond , and Bros . j . Davidson , P . M ., and S . Cobden . Bro . Arthur Briscoe ably accompanied ,
Fourth Annual Ladies' Night Of The Lion And Lamb Lodge, No. 192.
A success a great success I was the unanimous verdict of all those who availed themselves of the opportunity of attending the fourth ladies' night of the above lodge , which took place at the Cannon-street Hotel , on the 26 th ult ,, a success that was greatly due to the untiring energy of the Hon . Sec , Bro . James Smith , P . M ., ably supported as he was by a strong body of Stewards , elected from the members of the lodge , the pleasures of the evening being greatly enhanced by the active , able , and efficient manner in which the two M . Cs ., Bros . Frederick Hughes , P . M ., and John G . Robeson , S . W ., performed their duties .
The W . M ., who was in early attendance , was at his post , supported by Mrs Baker , punctually at half-past five , to receive the guests of the evening , and soon after six led the way to the great hall , where dancing was commenced at oace , and canied on with great zest until the supper interval at eight o ' clock .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Supreme Grand Chapter Of England.
Committee of Grand Chapter . He might say there were one or two other alterations , improvements , or additions which had been suggested lately and one report could be brought up on the entire alterations . There would be no delay in the matter for it would be brought forward at the next convocation .
Ccmp . LEE then withdrew his motion by leave , and on the motion of Comp . FRANK RICHARDSON , secorded by Comp . Sir G . D . HARRIS , the motion was referred to the Committee of General Purposes to report upon to next convocation . Grand Chapter was then closed in ancient and solemn form .
Consecration Of The Harlow- Lodge, No. 2734.
On Saturday , the 2 Sth ult ., another Iodge was added to the roll of the Province of Essex , bringing up the number to 41 . The new lodge is called the Harlow , and is Number 2734 on the register of the Grand Lodge of England . The ceremony took place in- the Victoria Hall , Harlow , and , in the absence abroad of the Provincial Grand Master , Bro . the Right Hon . the
Earl of Warwick ( Dep . Grand Master of England ) , was ably performed by Bro . Col . Lockwood , M . P ., the Deputy Provincial Grand Master of that province , assisted by the following brethren : Bros . Robt" . Woodhouse , Prov . S . G . W ., as S . W . ; Col . Landon , Prov . J . G . W ., as J . W . ; the Rev . Wm . Tree , Prov . G . Chap ., as Chap . ; Tho " s . J . Railing , P . A . G . D . C , Prov . G . Sec , as Sec ; Albert Lucking , P . G . P ., Prov . G . D . C , as D . C . ; and F . England , Prov . G . Supt . of Works , as I . G .
The musical portion of the ceremony was ably rendered by Bros . Thomas Powell , Etherington Smith , Charles Strong , and Horace Reynolds , under the direction of Bro . Chas . H . Kempling , W . M . 2508 , J . W . 1706 , Prov . G . Org . At the close of the consecration ceremony the chair was taken by Bro . Albert Lucking , P . G . P ., Prov . G . D . C , and he installed the W . M . designate , Bro . William Leghorn , P . M . 754 , in his usual able manner . The
officers for the year were invested as under : Bros . VV . F . Driver , I . P . M . 1360 , I . P . M . ; George Ackerman , S . W . ; Harry Traill , J . W . ; James Cowlin , Treas . ; S . T . Milbank , Sec . ; Chas . Spurge , S . D . ; Wm . Boyden , J . D . ; Joseph Cay gill , I . G . ; John G . Garrard , Stwd . ; and Sergt . Sergeant , -Tyler . The W . M . was unanimously elected to represent the lodge on the Essex Provincial Charity Committee , and all the founders were elected a Committee to frame by-laws .
A special vote of thanks was passed to the Consecrating Officers , and they were elected honorary members of the lodge . Letters were read from several distinguished brethren unable to be present , including Bro . nis Honour Judge Philbrick , who wished the lor ' ge a long career of Masonic usefulness .
On the lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to the Green Man Inn , where banquet was partaken of . In giving the toast of "The Grand Officers , " the W . M ., amidst hearty applause , congratulated the province on the appointment of the Prov . Grand Master of Essex as Deputy Grand Master of England . In responding to the toast of " The Consecrating Officers , " Bro . Col . LOCKWOOD said while greatly regretting the absence of their much loved
Provincial Grand Master , he had been particularly glad to have had the privilege of consecrating a Masonic lodge at Harlow , as it was here that he passed eight of the happiest years of his life and a Masonic lodge was the thing they wanted to complete the delights of the place . They all wished the lodge a happy and prosperous career , and the executive
of the province earnestly trusted that it would add lustre to the Masonic traditions oi the county of Essex . The founders , he had no doubt , would feel that they had taken upon themselves a serious responsibility in starling this new lodge , and would , he hoped , so carry on the work , and take such care in the admission of new members , that those who had taken part in the ceremony to-day would never regret it . ( Applause .
Annual Meeting Of The East Lancashire Systematic Masonic Educational And Benevolent Institution.
The annual meeting was held in Freemasons' Hall , Manchester , on Friday , the 27 th ult . In the absence of Bro . Col . Starkie , Prov . G . M ., President of the Institution , through indisposition , the chair was occupied by Bro . C . D . Cheetham , P . P . G . W ., Chairmanof the General Committee , and amongst those present were Bros . C R . N . Beswicke-Royds , D . Prov ,
G . M . ; T . J . Hooper ( Vice-Chairman ) ; Wm . Jaffrey , Treas . ; N . A . Eatle , E . G . Harwood , J . T . Newbold , W . Brockes , F . W . Lean , Jas . Andrew , E . Williams , J . B . Goulburn , Jas . Kershaw , S . Porritt , C . Turner , E . Halliwell , Jno . Whittaker , Fred Hilton , J . Barker , Jas . Newton ( Sec . ) ; and others .
The annual reports were read and adopted—pait'cularsof which appeared in our columns last week . Various Committees were appointed . Bro . Wm . Jaffrey was re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . N . A . Eirle was elected honorary Secretary .
It was resolved that Bro . Surgeor .-Captain A . H . Smith be elected honorary medical officer of the Institution . Other routine business was then transacted . The CHAIRMAN intimated that it was in contemplation to hold a fe > tival of the Institution in 1900 . A cordial vote of thanks to the Chairman terminated a most harmonious mectirg .
T . R . H . PniKCa AND PRINCESS OK WALES remain at Sandringham House On Sunday their Royal Highnesses , with Princess Victoria and the Djche > s of York , attended'Divine service at St . M iry Mxgdihm Church .
Ladies' Night Of The Southern Star Lodge, No. 1558.
The red letter day of the year in this Iodge is the holding of the ladies' night , which proved no exception to the rule on the present occasion under the very able presidency of Bro . F . W . Downes , W . M . - The lodge was opened in due form , and the W . M . was supported by the following officers : Bros . W . Richards , I . P . M . ; F . Green , S . W . ; F . Austin , J . W . ; Jas . ' Block , P . M ., Treas . ; J . Austin , P . M ., Sec ; F . Benson , S . D . ; S . Blum , J . D . ; J . Atkinson , I . G . ; E . J . Coopjr , D . C ; Arthur Briscoe , Org . ; G . Gainger , Stwd . ; P . Marten , and many others .
The business of the lodge ended , the brethren adjourned , and the W . M . and Mrs . Downes , with Miss Downes , held a reception , at which were present Bro . Richards and Mrs . Richards , Bro . F . Green , Mrs . Green and Miss Green , Bro . F . Austin and Mrs . Austin , Bro . J . Austin , P . M ., Sec . ; Mrs . Austin and the Misses May , Edie , and Beatrice Austin , Bro . J . Block , Bro . Benson and Mrs . Btnson , Bro . S . Blum , Bro . E . J . Cooper and Mrs . Cooper , Mr . Shilton
and Miss Downes , Bro . J . Atkinson and Mrs . Atkinson , Bro . G . Gainger , Bro . W . Block , P . M ., and Mrs . Block , Bro . S . Parker , Bro . J . Hands , P . M ., and Mrs . Hands , Bro . F . Knibbs , P . M ., and Miss A . Knibbs , Bro . J . H . Gates and Mrs . Gates , Bro . Wm . Beecroft , P . M . ; Bro . V . Shale , Bro . F . J . Fowles and Mrs . Fowles ; Bro . W . B . Hardwick and Miss M . D . Hardwick ; Bro . J . Williams ; Bro . J . Owston and Mrs . Owston ; Bro . C .
Day ; Bro . W . Green and Mrs . Green ; Bro . J . Parker ; Bro . F . C . Johns ; Bro . E . Davies and Mrs . Davies ; Bro . T . Nicholls and Mrs . Nicholls ; Bro . H . A . Lepper ; Bros . W . H . Fleming , F . Humm , R . J . Radford , R . W . Goodman , J . Swingler , E . A . Bruce ; Bro . R . Needie and Mrs . Needle ; Bros . A . George , F . C . Cross ; Messrs . A . J . Blake , C Cook , jun . ; Bros . T . Winsor , P . M . 1950 ; C . Johnson , S . D . 2206 ; Bro . J . Chapman , 1585 , and Mrs . Chapman ; Bro . J . H .
Gaskin , P . M . 1897 , and Mrs . Gaskin ; Bro . W . L . Downes , I . G . 65 ; Bro . G . Hall , 8 7 , and Mrs . Hall ; Bro . E . Milsom , 2484 ; Bro . S . W . Hobson , 117 S , and Mrs . Hobson ; Bro . G . Gibbons , 87 , and Mrs . Gibbons ; Bro . J . Harwood , 87 , and Mrs . Harwood ; Bros . Rev . V . Tyrrel , S . D . 236 9 ; R . Hobden , D . of C . 1981 ; D . Bingham , 8 7 ; G . Goodman , F . W . Downes , A . W . Shilton , R . Colston , 1158 ; L . Goddard , 733 ; W . C . Beecroft , W . Harwood ; Bro . C . Coxwell and
Mrs . Coxwell ; Bro . F . C . Johns ; Bro . J . G . Blake and Mrs . Blake , and Miss E . F . Pratts ; Bro . Croxson , S . W . 1658 , and Mrs . Croxson ; Bro . C . T . Carter and Mrs . Carter ; Bros . F . Small , J . W . 2242 ; W . Gower , 2472 ; R . J . Moseley , 1228 ; G . W . Gregory , T . Cleveland , F . Sheed ; Bro . R . W . Beckwith and Mrs . Beckwith ; Bro . H . Harwood , 87 , and Mrs . Harwood ; Bros . J . J . Harwood , D . C 2265 ; A . Ellison , E . W . Neall , J . Boswell , 33 ; Brc . E . Ford , 1563 , and Mrs , Ford ; Bro . T . Hook and Mrs . Hook ; Bro . Nicholls and Mrs . Nicholls ; Bro ,
H . Harwood and Mrs . Harwood ; Bro . Cobden and Mrs . Cobdea ; Miss Ganz ; Bro . Davies and Mrs . Davies ; Bro . Denton and Mrs . Denton ; Bro . Goulston and Mrs . Goulston ; Bro . Goddard and Miss Colstone ; Bro . Morris , Mrs . Morris , and Miss R . S . Morris ; Bro . and Mrs , Simons ; and others . * The reception ended , the brethren , ladies , and gentlemen adjourned to the banqueting hall , where a recherche banquet had been provided by the proprietor , Bro . Callingham , in his usual capital style , which was highly appreciated .
The banquet ended , the W . M . presented the customary loyal aid Masonic toasts in kindly terms , specially remarking upon the restoration to health of H . R . H . the M . W . G . M ., which was gratifying to every Mason . Bro . W . RICHARDS , I . P . M ., in terms of appreciation and commendation presented the toast of "The W . M ., Bro . F . Downes , " both for his excellent work in the lodge , and also more particularly in presiding over such a happy gathering ,
especially graced by the presence of ladies . He hoped that such gatherings would continue , and that Bro . T . Green , the S . W ., would have such another . The toast was received most cordially . Bro . F . DOWNES , W . M ., most gracefully and efficiently responded . The toast of " The Ladies " was presented by Bro . Rev . VYVIAN TYRREL as the toast of the evening , in an exhaustive and intellectual speech , which was received in laudatory terms , and duly responded to .
1 he W . M . ( next presented the toast of " The Past Masters and Officers of the Lodge , " specially commending the Past Masters as pillars , who had executed their duties with great ability and were ever ready to give their valuable assistance . Of the Treasurer and Secretary , their services were invaluable and
they were most assiduous to duty , and the lodge was greatly indebted to them . The same might be said of the S . W . and J . W ., with the rest of the officers who had carried out their duties in most exemplary manner . He would take the opportunity of especially thanking the Stewards for their indefatigable exertions in making the evening such a success .
The toast was replied to most ably by Bros . RICHARDS , I . P . M . ; AUSTIN , P . M ., Sec . ; J . BLOCK , P . M ., Treas . ( who especially recommended the W . M . to stand as Steward for one of the Charities as the funds would justly allow it being in a flourishing condition ) , also by Bro . GREEN , S . W ., and theJ . W ., who congratulated the W . M . on such a successful gathering .
Each lady was presented with " a souvenir from the Southern Star Lodge , No , 1558 . January 24 , 1899 . Bro . F . W . Downes , W . M . " Such was the inscription on the case containing a very pretty brooch , which was very much appreciated by the recipients .
There was also a capital programme of music arranged by Bro . Arthur Briscoe , P . P . G . Org . Surrey , who was most ably assisted by Miss May Haddcn , Miss Florence Roper , Miss Rose Sylvia Morris ( reciter ) , Mr . A . W . Presgravs ( reciter ) , Mr . Fred Rome , F . O . S ., Mr . Harry Hudson , Mr . W . Hammond , and Bros . j . Davidson , P . M ., and S . Cobden . Bro . Arthur Briscoe ably accompanied ,
Fourth Annual Ladies' Night Of The Lion And Lamb Lodge, No. 192.
A success a great success I was the unanimous verdict of all those who availed themselves of the opportunity of attending the fourth ladies' night of the above lodge , which took place at the Cannon-street Hotel , on the 26 th ult ,, a success that was greatly due to the untiring energy of the Hon . Sec , Bro . James Smith , P . M ., ably supported as he was by a strong body of Stewards , elected from the members of the lodge , the pleasures of the evening being greatly enhanced by the active , able , and efficient manner in which the two M . Cs ., Bros . Frederick Hughes , P . M ., and John G . Robeson , S . W ., performed their duties .
The W . M ., who was in early attendance , was at his post , supported by Mrs Baker , punctually at half-past five , to receive the guests of the evening , and soon after six led the way to the great hall , where dancing was commenced at oace , and canied on with great zest until the supper interval at eight o ' clock .