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Craft Masonry
P M 40 ; John Wicks , P . M . 1237 ; H . S . Wilton , P . M . 49 ; H . C . Arthur , 2243 ; p ' . F . Norringion , 1 S 91 ; A . Baker , P . M . 1828 ; H . Massey , P . M . 619 and 1928 ; and After Mr . Alexander Clark had been initiated in the earliest mysteries of the Craft bv Bro . Tennant Pain , P . M ., the W . M . took the chair , resigning his seat afterwards , however , to Bro . Walter Whiting , P . M ., for the purpose of the installation of the new W . M . Bro . Whiting then installed Bro . F . Tennant Pain , a Past Master of the lodge and also of lodge No . 18 93 as the W . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . Greaves
, was invested with the collar of the P . M ., and the W . M ., in presenting it to him . said that the brethren tall appreciated his excellent work during the year . Hi , however , appreciated it personally , and he begged of him to accept at his hands a token of that appreciation in the form of a present . Bro . Tennant Pain , W . M ., thereupon handed to Bro . Graves a handsome cigar case asa personal present . Bro . Graves slid he was quite taken aback by the presentation , and he was unprepared with words to acknowledge it suitably , but at least he might say he was much
touched by so unique a recognition of work conscientiously done . The investiture of officers for the year was afterwards proceeded with , the following being the result : Bros . W . Golby , S . W . ; S . J . Cowley , T . W . j H . Povey , P . M ., Treas .: 1 . Corbett , P . M ., Sec ; A . J . Whittard , S . D . ; E . Reynolds , J . D . ; F . E . Sharpe ' I . G . ; W . Whiting , P . M ., D . of C ; W . Cook , P . M ., Stwd . ; H . H . Knill , P . M .. Org . ; and A . K . Turkefield , Tyler . Before the lodge was closed a handsome
gold jewel was presented to Bro . Greaves , P . M . The W . M . announced that he was standing as the lodge's Steward for the 57 th Anniversary Festival of the Royal Misonic Benevolent Institution . A banquet succeeded the working of the lodge , and the usual toasts were honoured , the speeches being brightened by some [ excellent singing under the direction of Bro . Arthur Weston .
the I . P . M . proposed in appreciative terms " The Health of the W . M ., " and Bro . Tennant Pain appropriately responded , afterwards giving "The Health of the I . P . M ., " Bro . Greaves , I . P . M ., briefly acknowledging the compliment . „ The initiate next replied to the toast proposed in his honour : Several brethren replied to the toast of "The Visitors , " which was proposed in very happy terms by the W . M . ; and the toasts of "The Installing Master and the Past Masters , " " The Treasurer and the Secretary , " and "The Officers of the Lodge , " having been duly given , the Tyler ' s toast closed the proceedings .
Lodge of Israel , No . 205 . The installation meeting of the above lodge was held on Tuesday evening , the 21 th ult ., at the Holborn Restaurant , under the presidency of Bro . George Lichtenfeld , W . M . There was , as is customary at this famous lodge , a very large attendance . The W . M . installed in capital style Bro . Joseph Marcus as W . M . for the ensuing 12 months . Bro . Lichtenfeld was invested as I . P . M ., and the following brethren were also invested as the W . M . ' s officers for the yean Bros . Joseph Trenner , S . W . ; Hermann
Lichtenfeld , P . M . 2353 , J . W . j John A . Gartley , P . M ., Chap . ; Simeon M . Harris , P . M ., Treas . ; Humphrey James Phillips , P . M ., Sec . ; Israel R ' chmond , S . D . ; Melville M . Friedlander , J . D . j Henry M . Harris , P . M .. D . of C . ( 20 years ); W . Wright , P . P . Grand Org . Middx ., Org . ; David Greenberg , I . G . ; Reuben Marcus , Emanuel Woolf , and Albert L . London , Stwds . ; and J . W . Harding , P . M ., Tyler . At the close of the ceremony , the W . M . presented a Past Master ' s jewel to the I . P . M ., saying his first and pleasing duty was to make the presentation on behalf of the lodge
as a token of the esteem and regard of the brethren which he had earned in a remarkable manner . He had also much pleasure in presenting him with a Past Master ' s collar and jewel on behalf of a lady friend , Mrs . Phillips , the wife of the Secretary . The jewel attached to the collar bore the following inscription : " Presented to Bro . George Lichtenfeld , P . M . 205 , as a token of sincere regard , by Mrs . H . J . Phillips . January 24 th , 1899 . " ( Applause . ) Bro . Lichtenfeld , I . P . M ., in acknowledging the present , said he highly appreciated the handsome jewel presented to him . He felt
proud not only of having been Master of the Lodge of Israel , but more especially of having given satisfaction to the brethren in that capacity . This jewel would be valued by him more than any jewel he possessed . He could not conclude without thanking very sincerely the good wife of the Secretary for her great kindness in presenting him with a collar and jewel .
The brethren afterwards adjourned to banquet , and the proceedings of the evening were enlivened b y a splendid musical entertainment by Bro . Richard Evins , Miss Alma Jones , Mr . Laune Phillips ( the son of the Secretary of the lodge ) , Bro . Stanley Thorne , Bro . W . Noel , Miss Handel Rosalki , Mrs . Melville Friedlander , and Bro . R . B . Hopkins ( silver bells ) , under the direction of Bro . W . Wright , Org . Bro , S . V . Abrahams , P . G . P ., responded for "The Grand Officers . "
Bro . H . M . Harris , P . M ., responded for "The Masonic Chanties , J and said he was gratified to announce that the Benevolent Fund of the lodge had £ 1000 invested in Consols and a fair balance in the hands of the Treasurer . Bros . S . H . Harris , P . P . G . D . ; B . Da Costa , P . M ., Preceptor of the Israel Lodge of Instruction ; David Moss , P . M . ; and N . P . Vallentine , P . M ., responded for "The Visitors . " Bro . A . J . Henochsberg , P . M ., responded for "The Past Masters , " and Bros Hermann Lichtenfeld , J . W ., for "The Officers . "
Fitzroy Lodge , No . 569 . A meeting of this lodge was held at the Armoury House , Headquarters of the Honourable Artillery Company , Finsbury , E . C , on Friday , the 27 th ult . It was interesting from the fact that it was the Jubilee of the lodge . There were present Bros . Capt . H . J . Bertram , W . M . ; C . P . Dyke , I . P . M . ; W . H . Hillman , S . W . ; H . Humphries , J . W . ; Lieut .-Col . F . J . Stohwasser , P . M ., Sec . j H . F . Adams , P . M ., Treas . ; J . McMunn , S . D . ; F . L . Green , J . D . ; H . Jarrett , I . G . ; F . Hall , Stwd . ; A . G . Young , Tyler : ' ] . H . Hawkins , P . M . ; A . Durrant , P . M . ; W . Smith , P . M . ;
John Pash , P . M . ; W . E . Williams , P . M . ; H . F . Adlard , F . Farnngton , H . G . Simmonds , R , S . Webb , H . S . Greenwood , W . J . Nodder , H . W . Shadwell , H . J . Norris , Wm . Clam , J . Davies , P . P . G . D . Middx . ; H . Munday , G . F . Carpenter , and S . S . Faulkner . Visitors : Bros . W . T . Hathers , P . M . 139 ; G . R . Ousey , P . M . 59 ; S . S . Alexander , Prof . F . W . Driver , M . A ., P . M . 45 ; J . Williams , P . M . 129 s ; T . Hall , W . M . 1295 ; Wm . C . Howard , 28 ; John Rice , 1593 ; G . Smith Ward , 403 , P . P . G . W . Herts ; E . E . Jordan , 2424 ; Lionel W . Harris ,
W . M . 248 S ; J . C . H . Dickson , I . G . 256 ; A . G . Wallis . 1201 ; Rev . T . S . Morass , Chap . 1928 ; F . G . Howard , P . M . 11 ; J . Terry , P . G . S . B ., Sec . R . M . B . I . ; Jas . Putney , 1718 ; E . H . Mayo Gunn , 1953 ; R . M . Daniel , I . G . 7 65 ; G . S . Dixon , S . W . 3 ; A . C . Hall , II . G . Woodington , 2374 ; Edwd . A . Bertram , J . D . 256 ; H . Massey , P . M . 192 S ; E . Branscombe , S , W . 1929 ; H . Tatton , P . M . 172 ; Jas . Kent , 2665 ; Alfred Tysson , P . M . 17 GS ; Frank J . Sykes , P . M . 256 ; and H . Thomson Lyon , P . M . 1789 . 1 Vb IhJn — n a * . am . r . A V ... . \ a A ,. 1 M .. ¦• Jl W *» A ¦ .. MI . tA . . . . l \ . a , — „ V — B . V .. 1 . 1 «• M . BaV . nn . luu wic ini uniiuica ui aai iuiai meeting
, . ... » .... gc naa uycucu uy ..,, auu mc mc , ^ were read and confirmed . As a memorial of this , the 50 th year of the existence of the Fitzroy Lodge , the Secretary , Bro . Stohwasser , P . M ., presented new collars with silver chains and jewels attached to each to the W . M . and his officers . The collar of the W . M . was especially handsome and artistic . The W . M ., on his part and private cost , had caused the lodge furniture to be entirely renovated . Cordial votes of thanks were accorded to Bro . Stohwasser and brethren for their generosity . The ballot was taken for Private S . S . Faulkner , and it proved favourable . The Secretary read a letter from
the present Earl of Lathom in reply to a letter of condolence sent by the Secretary 011 behalf of the lodge . Mr . Faulkner was then impressively initiated by the W . M . After " * good wishes" the lodge was closed . The brethren then adjourned to-the spacious hall , where an excellent banquet was served . Over the chair of the W . M . there were three banners , the middle the Uueen ' s colours , on one side of which was the colour of the regiment of the Honourable Artillery Company , on the other side was the National flig , the Stars and ptripes of the United States of America , with the military bodies of which the
Honourable Artillery Company have very cordial relations . After the banquet the usual toasts of "The Queen and the Craft , " and"H . R . H . •he Prince of Wales , Capt .-General of the Regiment , M . W . G . M ., " were given by the W . M ., and received loyal response from the brethren . " Ths Pro G . M ., the Earl Amherst ; the Dip . G . M ,, the Earl of Warwick ; and the rest of the Grand Officers , Present and Past , " was next given . Bio . H . F . Adams , Treas ., replied on behalf of the Grand Officers . The I . P . M ., Bro . Dyke , gave in glowing terms " The Health of the W . M . " He
Craft Masonry
alluded to the fact that this was the second year in succession he had occupied the chair . Now he might be congratulated on being the W . M . in this the jubilee year of thelodge . In addition to the usual Masonic fire he also gave that of the Honourable Artillery Company . The W . M . replied . He said he considered that the first year he had presided over them had been , as it were , on " appro , " and he held it as a double honour again to be W . M .
"The Initiate" was given by the W . M . The Initiate briefly replied . The toast of " The Masonic Charities " followed . The W . M . said he intended to go up as Steward for the Festival of the Benevolent Institution , and asked for their liberal support . Bro . Terry replied , and urgently commended the claims of the Benevolent Institution to their generous sympathy . He mentioned as a curious coincidence that this should be
the Jubilee of the Widows' Fund of the Benevolent Institution . " The Visitors " was next given . Bros . Lionel Harris , Thomson Lyon , Williams , a . nd Morass repliel . In giving the toast of " The Secretary , " the W . M . again alluded to the handsome collars presented by Bro . Stohwasser . " The Past Masters " followed . The I . P . M . replied .
"The Officers" was the next toast . The S . W . responded . The Tyler ' s toast concluded the evening . The musical programme was of a delightful character , the artistes being Madame Marie Haston , Miss Ethel Barnard , Bros . E . Branscombe , Schartau , Franklin Clive , and J . Blackmore , and Master Harben . Colour-Sergeant Slade gave a cornet sob .
Hemming Lodge , No . 1512 . The installation meeting of this lodge was held at the Greyhound Hotel , Hampton Court , on the 19 th inst ., and was numerously attended . Among those present were Bros . P . Cronin , W . M . ; C . Wheatley , S . W ., W . M . elect ; H . Gale , I . W . ; I . C Jessett , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B ., Treas . ; MajorT . C . Walls , P . M ., P . P . G . W . P . G . Std . Br ., Sec ; C . F . Davis , S . D . ; VV . Hill , I . G . ; G . Ransford , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . D . C . ; H . Wheatley , P . M ., P . P . A . G . D . C , H . Boyce , A . Macchi , and A . Z . Schu'tzs Stwds . ; J . Gilbert , Tyler ; W . Sosariog , P . M .. P . P . G . S . B . ; W . Fisher ,. P . P . G .
Treas . ; G . J . Topg , P . M ., P . A . G . P . ; and W . Hopkins , P . M . Among the visitors were Bros . R . F . Tyler , P . P . G . O . ; Dr . W . Gripper , P . P . G . D . Surrey ; H . ,. Brook , P . P . G . Std . Br . Surrey ; G . Moorman , P . P . G . P . Surrey ; F . F . Bonney , W . M . 937 ; J . A . Harvey . P . M . 1314 ; J . Mayo , P . M . 1614 ; C . Wickenden , P . M . 1599 ; F . Lockett , P . M . 2222 ; C . Ranstord , S . W . 2432 ; T . Poison , I . W . 1 S 26 ; J . Pritchird , J . D . 2222 ; J . Chilcott , 629 ; T . W . Rjwley , S 79 ; H . Cliff ord , SSy ; ft . H . Allen , 1733 ; A . Ruff , 1733 ; E . Denyer , 2222 ; G . R . Dracton , 2540 ; F . Mills , 25 jo ; J . Wheatley , 2540 ; and P . Dixon , 25 SL
The minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed Bros . Allen , Parkhurst , and Larsby were passed to the Second Degree . The billot wis taken on bshitf of Colonel F . W . Hemming , late 5 th Dragoon Guards , and he bsing in atteniince wi > impressively initiated by the W . M . Bro . C . Wheatley hiving bsen presented , wisdaly installed W . M . by Bro . W . Fisher , P . M ., in a highly satisfactory minn'tr . The officers appointed and invested were as follovs : Bros . Gile , SW ; Davis , J . W . j Jessett , P . M ., Treas . ; WallsP . M ., Sec ; Webster S . D . ;
, , Hill , J . D . ; Boyce , I . G . } G . Rinsford , P . M ., D . C . ; H . Wheatley , P . M ., A . Macchi , P . M ., A . Z . Schultze , R . Ruff , and R . Fox , Stwds . ; and J . Gilbert , Tyler . The report of the Audt Committee was received and adopted . A Past Mister ' s jewel and colhr was presented to the I . P . M . A vote of thanks was pissed to the Installing Master . A petitio . i to the Boird of Benevolence on behalf of the widow of a deceased member was recommended and
signed . Apologies for non-attendmce mere received from Bros . T . VV . Ockenden , P . M ., P . P . G . D . ; E . H . Trotter , P . M ., P . G . P . Middx . ; C . W . Clark , P . M ., P . P . G . P .-H . Webster , S . D . ; H . H . Room , P . P . G . S ., P . G . Std . Br . ; and others . Previous to the lodge being closed , Bro . A . O . Hemming presented the lodge with an oil painting of the late Bro . Dr . Hemming , M . A ., P . G . Chap . Eng ., Vicar of Hampton , & :. ; and also with a very handsome banner , bearing the family crest .
The brethren and their guests then partook of a well-served banquet . Upon the removal of the cloth the usual toasts were duly honoured . Bra . G . J . Tagg responded on behalf of "The Provincial Grand Officers" in a neat speech . The I . P . M . gave " The W . M . " In the courss of his remarks he congratulated the W . M . upon the admirable manner in which he hid invested his oficers , and hs hid no doubt that Bro . Charles Wheatley ' s working of the ceremonies would bs equally as good . The toast of "The Installing Master" was proposed in flittering terms by the W . M .
In giving " The Initiate , " the W . M . took occasion to dwell upon the interesting fact that Bro . Col . Hemming was the grand nephew of ths distinguished brother after whom thelodge was named , and he ( the W . M . ) trusted that ths initiate might hive a long and prominent career in the Craft . Bro . Col . Hemming , in reply , stated that he had long desired to join Freemasonry , but the duties in connection with his profession as a soldier had stood in the way . He hoped in time to become an active and worthy member of the Order .
Bro . P . Cronin responded on behilf of 'The Past Masters , " and expressed his thanks for the handsome jewel and insignia that had been presented to him that evening . He hoped to be connected with the lodge as a Past Mister for miny years . Bros . J . C . Jessett , P . M . ; H . Gale , S . W . ; and C . F . Davis , J . W . ; replied to the toast of " The Treasurer and Officers . " . The first named proposed in fluent terms " The Health of Bro . A . O . Hemming , " and on behalf of the members of No . 1512 thanked him for the handsome gifts that he had made to the lodge .
1 his pledge was drunk with acclamation , and Bro . A . O . Hemming on rising to speak was the recipient of an ovation . Ths speaker modestly said that he was somewhat overpowered by the warmth with which his name had been received . He thought thit the brethren would appreciate a portrait of his reverend grandfather , an i he likewise thought that his gift of a binner would also meet with their approval . He had introduced his nephew that evening to No . 1 5 12 , because Colonel Hemming had expressed a warm desire to enter a bd ; e bsaring the family name . In conclusion , he hoped that they might both be memoirs of the lodge for many years to come .
During the evening the membsrs were agreeably entertained by Bros . Tyler and Chilcott , and Mr . Bonar . The whole proceedings were voted by the members and visitors to have been an unqualified success . The banner was manufactured by Bros . G . Kenning and Son , Little Britain , London , and was of excellent and chaste workmanship .
Manchester Dramatic Lodge , No . 2387 . The regular meeting took place at the Freemasons' Hall , Manchester , on the 26 th ult ., when there was a large number of brethren and visitors present . The billot was taken for Messrs . Ronald Grahame , George Smith , Arthur D . Corry , and Hugh Freemantle , and , proving favourable , they were initiated , the ceremonies being performed in
a very admirable manner by Bros . E . G . Simpson , P . M ., P . P . J . G . D . Cheshire , W . M . ; J . H . Greenwood , I . P . M . ; and Peter Liwton , P . M ., P . P . J . G . D . Subsequently Bro . E . G . Simpson , W . M ., on behalf of the brethren of the lodge , presented to Bro . E . H . Flower , P . M ., Prov . G . Tyler , on his retiring from the office of Tyler of the lodge , a handsome illuminated address , along with a very substantial cheque , as a token of the respect and esteem which they had for him .
The brethren then adjourned to banquet , after which the customary toasts were duly honoured .
« THE HOWARD ASSOCIATION was instituted ( under the patronage of the late Lord Brougham ) for the promotion of the best methods ot penil treatmenc and crime prevention . It labours to indoctrinite the public mind witn the importance of a reformitory and radically preventive treitment . —Chiirmin , Francis Peek , Esq . —Treasurer , Sir Thomas Fowler , Bart . —Secretary . William fallack .
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Craft Masonry
P M 40 ; John Wicks , P . M . 1237 ; H . S . Wilton , P . M . 49 ; H . C . Arthur , 2243 ; p ' . F . Norringion , 1 S 91 ; A . Baker , P . M . 1828 ; H . Massey , P . M . 619 and 1928 ; and After Mr . Alexander Clark had been initiated in the earliest mysteries of the Craft bv Bro . Tennant Pain , P . M ., the W . M . took the chair , resigning his seat afterwards , however , to Bro . Walter Whiting , P . M ., for the purpose of the installation of the new W . M . Bro . Whiting then installed Bro . F . Tennant Pain , a Past Master of the lodge and also of lodge No . 18 93 as the W . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . Greaves
, was invested with the collar of the P . M ., and the W . M ., in presenting it to him . said that the brethren tall appreciated his excellent work during the year . Hi , however , appreciated it personally , and he begged of him to accept at his hands a token of that appreciation in the form of a present . Bro . Tennant Pain , W . M ., thereupon handed to Bro . Graves a handsome cigar case asa personal present . Bro . Graves slid he was quite taken aback by the presentation , and he was unprepared with words to acknowledge it suitably , but at least he might say he was much
touched by so unique a recognition of work conscientiously done . The investiture of officers for the year was afterwards proceeded with , the following being the result : Bros . W . Golby , S . W . ; S . J . Cowley , T . W . j H . Povey , P . M ., Treas .: 1 . Corbett , P . M ., Sec ; A . J . Whittard , S . D . ; E . Reynolds , J . D . ; F . E . Sharpe ' I . G . ; W . Whiting , P . M ., D . of C ; W . Cook , P . M ., Stwd . ; H . H . Knill , P . M .. Org . ; and A . K . Turkefield , Tyler . Before the lodge was closed a handsome
gold jewel was presented to Bro . Greaves , P . M . The W . M . announced that he was standing as the lodge's Steward for the 57 th Anniversary Festival of the Royal Misonic Benevolent Institution . A banquet succeeded the working of the lodge , and the usual toasts were honoured , the speeches being brightened by some [ excellent singing under the direction of Bro . Arthur Weston .
the I . P . M . proposed in appreciative terms " The Health of the W . M ., " and Bro . Tennant Pain appropriately responded , afterwards giving "The Health of the I . P . M ., " Bro . Greaves , I . P . M ., briefly acknowledging the compliment . „ The initiate next replied to the toast proposed in his honour : Several brethren replied to the toast of "The Visitors , " which was proposed in very happy terms by the W . M . ; and the toasts of "The Installing Master and the Past Masters , " " The Treasurer and the Secretary , " and "The Officers of the Lodge , " having been duly given , the Tyler ' s toast closed the proceedings .
Lodge of Israel , No . 205 . The installation meeting of the above lodge was held on Tuesday evening , the 21 th ult ., at the Holborn Restaurant , under the presidency of Bro . George Lichtenfeld , W . M . There was , as is customary at this famous lodge , a very large attendance . The W . M . installed in capital style Bro . Joseph Marcus as W . M . for the ensuing 12 months . Bro . Lichtenfeld was invested as I . P . M ., and the following brethren were also invested as the W . M . ' s officers for the yean Bros . Joseph Trenner , S . W . ; Hermann
Lichtenfeld , P . M . 2353 , J . W . j John A . Gartley , P . M ., Chap . ; Simeon M . Harris , P . M ., Treas . ; Humphrey James Phillips , P . M ., Sec . ; Israel R ' chmond , S . D . ; Melville M . Friedlander , J . D . j Henry M . Harris , P . M .. D . of C . ( 20 years ); W . Wright , P . P . Grand Org . Middx ., Org . ; David Greenberg , I . G . ; Reuben Marcus , Emanuel Woolf , and Albert L . London , Stwds . ; and J . W . Harding , P . M ., Tyler . At the close of the ceremony , the W . M . presented a Past Master ' s jewel to the I . P . M ., saying his first and pleasing duty was to make the presentation on behalf of the lodge
as a token of the esteem and regard of the brethren which he had earned in a remarkable manner . He had also much pleasure in presenting him with a Past Master ' s collar and jewel on behalf of a lady friend , Mrs . Phillips , the wife of the Secretary . The jewel attached to the collar bore the following inscription : " Presented to Bro . George Lichtenfeld , P . M . 205 , as a token of sincere regard , by Mrs . H . J . Phillips . January 24 th , 1899 . " ( Applause . ) Bro . Lichtenfeld , I . P . M ., in acknowledging the present , said he highly appreciated the handsome jewel presented to him . He felt
proud not only of having been Master of the Lodge of Israel , but more especially of having given satisfaction to the brethren in that capacity . This jewel would be valued by him more than any jewel he possessed . He could not conclude without thanking very sincerely the good wife of the Secretary for her great kindness in presenting him with a collar and jewel .
The brethren afterwards adjourned to banquet , and the proceedings of the evening were enlivened b y a splendid musical entertainment by Bro . Richard Evins , Miss Alma Jones , Mr . Laune Phillips ( the son of the Secretary of the lodge ) , Bro . Stanley Thorne , Bro . W . Noel , Miss Handel Rosalki , Mrs . Melville Friedlander , and Bro . R . B . Hopkins ( silver bells ) , under the direction of Bro . W . Wright , Org . Bro , S . V . Abrahams , P . G . P ., responded for "The Grand Officers . "
Bro . H . M . Harris , P . M ., responded for "The Masonic Chanties , J and said he was gratified to announce that the Benevolent Fund of the lodge had £ 1000 invested in Consols and a fair balance in the hands of the Treasurer . Bros . S . H . Harris , P . P . G . D . ; B . Da Costa , P . M ., Preceptor of the Israel Lodge of Instruction ; David Moss , P . M . ; and N . P . Vallentine , P . M ., responded for "The Visitors . " Bro . A . J . Henochsberg , P . M ., responded for "The Past Masters , " and Bros Hermann Lichtenfeld , J . W ., for "The Officers . "
Fitzroy Lodge , No . 569 . A meeting of this lodge was held at the Armoury House , Headquarters of the Honourable Artillery Company , Finsbury , E . C , on Friday , the 27 th ult . It was interesting from the fact that it was the Jubilee of the lodge . There were present Bros . Capt . H . J . Bertram , W . M . ; C . P . Dyke , I . P . M . ; W . H . Hillman , S . W . ; H . Humphries , J . W . ; Lieut .-Col . F . J . Stohwasser , P . M ., Sec . j H . F . Adams , P . M ., Treas . ; J . McMunn , S . D . ; F . L . Green , J . D . ; H . Jarrett , I . G . ; F . Hall , Stwd . ; A . G . Young , Tyler : ' ] . H . Hawkins , P . M . ; A . Durrant , P . M . ; W . Smith , P . M . ;
John Pash , P . M . ; W . E . Williams , P . M . ; H . F . Adlard , F . Farnngton , H . G . Simmonds , R , S . Webb , H . S . Greenwood , W . J . Nodder , H . W . Shadwell , H . J . Norris , Wm . Clam , J . Davies , P . P . G . D . Middx . ; H . Munday , G . F . Carpenter , and S . S . Faulkner . Visitors : Bros . W . T . Hathers , P . M . 139 ; G . R . Ousey , P . M . 59 ; S . S . Alexander , Prof . F . W . Driver , M . A ., P . M . 45 ; J . Williams , P . M . 129 s ; T . Hall , W . M . 1295 ; Wm . C . Howard , 28 ; John Rice , 1593 ; G . Smith Ward , 403 , P . P . G . W . Herts ; E . E . Jordan , 2424 ; Lionel W . Harris ,
W . M . 248 S ; J . C . H . Dickson , I . G . 256 ; A . G . Wallis . 1201 ; Rev . T . S . Morass , Chap . 1928 ; F . G . Howard , P . M . 11 ; J . Terry , P . G . S . B ., Sec . R . M . B . I . ; Jas . Putney , 1718 ; E . H . Mayo Gunn , 1953 ; R . M . Daniel , I . G . 7 65 ; G . S . Dixon , S . W . 3 ; A . C . Hall , II . G . Woodington , 2374 ; Edwd . A . Bertram , J . D . 256 ; H . Massey , P . M . 192 S ; E . Branscombe , S , W . 1929 ; H . Tatton , P . M . 172 ; Jas . Kent , 2665 ; Alfred Tysson , P . M . 17 GS ; Frank J . Sykes , P . M . 256 ; and H . Thomson Lyon , P . M . 1789 . 1 Vb IhJn — n a * . am . r . A V ... . \ a A ,. 1 M .. ¦• Jl W *» A ¦ .. MI . tA . . . . l \ . a , — „ V — B . V .. 1 . 1 «• M . BaV . nn . luu wic ini uniiuica ui aai iuiai meeting
, . ... » .... gc naa uycucu uy ..,, auu mc mc , ^ were read and confirmed . As a memorial of this , the 50 th year of the existence of the Fitzroy Lodge , the Secretary , Bro . Stohwasser , P . M ., presented new collars with silver chains and jewels attached to each to the W . M . and his officers . The collar of the W . M . was especially handsome and artistic . The W . M ., on his part and private cost , had caused the lodge furniture to be entirely renovated . Cordial votes of thanks were accorded to Bro . Stohwasser and brethren for their generosity . The ballot was taken for Private S . S . Faulkner , and it proved favourable . The Secretary read a letter from
the present Earl of Lathom in reply to a letter of condolence sent by the Secretary 011 behalf of the lodge . Mr . Faulkner was then impressively initiated by the W . M . After " * good wishes" the lodge was closed . The brethren then adjourned to-the spacious hall , where an excellent banquet was served . Over the chair of the W . M . there were three banners , the middle the Uueen ' s colours , on one side of which was the colour of the regiment of the Honourable Artillery Company , on the other side was the National flig , the Stars and ptripes of the United States of America , with the military bodies of which the
Honourable Artillery Company have very cordial relations . After the banquet the usual toasts of "The Queen and the Craft , " and"H . R . H . •he Prince of Wales , Capt .-General of the Regiment , M . W . G . M ., " were given by the W . M ., and received loyal response from the brethren . " Ths Pro G . M ., the Earl Amherst ; the Dip . G . M ,, the Earl of Warwick ; and the rest of the Grand Officers , Present and Past , " was next given . Bio . H . F . Adams , Treas ., replied on behalf of the Grand Officers . The I . P . M ., Bro . Dyke , gave in glowing terms " The Health of the W . M . " He
Craft Masonry
alluded to the fact that this was the second year in succession he had occupied the chair . Now he might be congratulated on being the W . M . in this the jubilee year of thelodge . In addition to the usual Masonic fire he also gave that of the Honourable Artillery Company . The W . M . replied . He said he considered that the first year he had presided over them had been , as it were , on " appro , " and he held it as a double honour again to be W . M .
"The Initiate" was given by the W . M . The Initiate briefly replied . The toast of " The Masonic Charities " followed . The W . M . said he intended to go up as Steward for the Festival of the Benevolent Institution , and asked for their liberal support . Bro . Terry replied , and urgently commended the claims of the Benevolent Institution to their generous sympathy . He mentioned as a curious coincidence that this should be
the Jubilee of the Widows' Fund of the Benevolent Institution . " The Visitors " was next given . Bros . Lionel Harris , Thomson Lyon , Williams , a . nd Morass repliel . In giving the toast of " The Secretary , " the W . M . again alluded to the handsome collars presented by Bro . Stohwasser . " The Past Masters " followed . The I . P . M . replied .
"The Officers" was the next toast . The S . W . responded . The Tyler ' s toast concluded the evening . The musical programme was of a delightful character , the artistes being Madame Marie Haston , Miss Ethel Barnard , Bros . E . Branscombe , Schartau , Franklin Clive , and J . Blackmore , and Master Harben . Colour-Sergeant Slade gave a cornet sob .
Hemming Lodge , No . 1512 . The installation meeting of this lodge was held at the Greyhound Hotel , Hampton Court , on the 19 th inst ., and was numerously attended . Among those present were Bros . P . Cronin , W . M . ; C . Wheatley , S . W ., W . M . elect ; H . Gale , I . W . ; I . C Jessett , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B ., Treas . ; MajorT . C . Walls , P . M ., P . P . G . W . P . G . Std . Br ., Sec ; C . F . Davis , S . D . ; VV . Hill , I . G . ; G . Ransford , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . D . C . ; H . Wheatley , P . M ., P . P . A . G . D . C , H . Boyce , A . Macchi , and A . Z . Schu'tzs Stwds . ; J . Gilbert , Tyler ; W . Sosariog , P . M .. P . P . G . S . B . ; W . Fisher ,. P . P . G .
Treas . ; G . J . Topg , P . M ., P . A . G . P . ; and W . Hopkins , P . M . Among the visitors were Bros . R . F . Tyler , P . P . G . O . ; Dr . W . Gripper , P . P . G . D . Surrey ; H . ,. Brook , P . P . G . Std . Br . Surrey ; G . Moorman , P . P . G . P . Surrey ; F . F . Bonney , W . M . 937 ; J . A . Harvey . P . M . 1314 ; J . Mayo , P . M . 1614 ; C . Wickenden , P . M . 1599 ; F . Lockett , P . M . 2222 ; C . Ranstord , S . W . 2432 ; T . Poison , I . W . 1 S 26 ; J . Pritchird , J . D . 2222 ; J . Chilcott , 629 ; T . W . Rjwley , S 79 ; H . Cliff ord , SSy ; ft . H . Allen , 1733 ; A . Ruff , 1733 ; E . Denyer , 2222 ; G . R . Dracton , 2540 ; F . Mills , 25 jo ; J . Wheatley , 2540 ; and P . Dixon , 25 SL
The minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed Bros . Allen , Parkhurst , and Larsby were passed to the Second Degree . The billot wis taken on bshitf of Colonel F . W . Hemming , late 5 th Dragoon Guards , and he bsing in atteniince wi > impressively initiated by the W . M . Bro . C . Wheatley hiving bsen presented , wisdaly installed W . M . by Bro . W . Fisher , P . M ., in a highly satisfactory minn'tr . The officers appointed and invested were as follovs : Bros . Gile , SW ; Davis , J . W . j Jessett , P . M ., Treas . ; WallsP . M ., Sec ; Webster S . D . ;
, , Hill , J . D . ; Boyce , I . G . } G . Rinsford , P . M ., D . C . ; H . Wheatley , P . M ., A . Macchi , P . M ., A . Z . Schultze , R . Ruff , and R . Fox , Stwds . ; and J . Gilbert , Tyler . The report of the Audt Committee was received and adopted . A Past Mister ' s jewel and colhr was presented to the I . P . M . A vote of thanks was pissed to the Installing Master . A petitio . i to the Boird of Benevolence on behalf of the widow of a deceased member was recommended and
signed . Apologies for non-attendmce mere received from Bros . T . VV . Ockenden , P . M ., P . P . G . D . ; E . H . Trotter , P . M ., P . G . P . Middx . ; C . W . Clark , P . M ., P . P . G . P .-H . Webster , S . D . ; H . H . Room , P . P . G . S ., P . G . Std . Br . ; and others . Previous to the lodge being closed , Bro . A . O . Hemming presented the lodge with an oil painting of the late Bro . Dr . Hemming , M . A ., P . G . Chap . Eng ., Vicar of Hampton , & :. ; and also with a very handsome banner , bearing the family crest .
The brethren and their guests then partook of a well-served banquet . Upon the removal of the cloth the usual toasts were duly honoured . Bra . G . J . Tagg responded on behalf of "The Provincial Grand Officers" in a neat speech . The I . P . M . gave " The W . M . " In the courss of his remarks he congratulated the W . M . upon the admirable manner in which he hid invested his oficers , and hs hid no doubt that Bro . Charles Wheatley ' s working of the ceremonies would bs equally as good . The toast of "The Installing Master" was proposed in flittering terms by the W . M .
In giving " The Initiate , " the W . M . took occasion to dwell upon the interesting fact that Bro . Col . Hemming was the grand nephew of ths distinguished brother after whom thelodge was named , and he ( the W . M . ) trusted that ths initiate might hive a long and prominent career in the Craft . Bro . Col . Hemming , in reply , stated that he had long desired to join Freemasonry , but the duties in connection with his profession as a soldier had stood in the way . He hoped in time to become an active and worthy member of the Order .
Bro . P . Cronin responded on behilf of 'The Past Masters , " and expressed his thanks for the handsome jewel and insignia that had been presented to him that evening . He hoped to be connected with the lodge as a Past Mister for miny years . Bros . J . C . Jessett , P . M . ; H . Gale , S . W . ; and C . F . Davis , J . W . ; replied to the toast of " The Treasurer and Officers . " . The first named proposed in fluent terms " The Health of Bro . A . O . Hemming , " and on behalf of the members of No . 1512 thanked him for the handsome gifts that he had made to the lodge .
1 his pledge was drunk with acclamation , and Bro . A . O . Hemming on rising to speak was the recipient of an ovation . Ths speaker modestly said that he was somewhat overpowered by the warmth with which his name had been received . He thought thit the brethren would appreciate a portrait of his reverend grandfather , an i he likewise thought that his gift of a binner would also meet with their approval . He had introduced his nephew that evening to No . 1 5 12 , because Colonel Hemming had expressed a warm desire to enter a bd ; e bsaring the family name . In conclusion , he hoped that they might both be memoirs of the lodge for many years to come .
During the evening the membsrs were agreeably entertained by Bros . Tyler and Chilcott , and Mr . Bonar . The whole proceedings were voted by the members and visitors to have been an unqualified success . The banner was manufactured by Bros . G . Kenning and Son , Little Britain , London , and was of excellent and chaste workmanship .
Manchester Dramatic Lodge , No . 2387 . The regular meeting took place at the Freemasons' Hall , Manchester , on the 26 th ult ., when there was a large number of brethren and visitors present . The billot was taken for Messrs . Ronald Grahame , George Smith , Arthur D . Corry , and Hugh Freemantle , and , proving favourable , they were initiated , the ceremonies being performed in
a very admirable manner by Bros . E . G . Simpson , P . M ., P . P . J . G . D . Cheshire , W . M . ; J . H . Greenwood , I . P . M . ; and Peter Liwton , P . M ., P . P . J . G . D . Subsequently Bro . E . G . Simpson , W . M ., on behalf of the brethren of the lodge , presented to Bro . E . H . Flower , P . M ., Prov . G . Tyler , on his retiring from the office of Tyler of the lodge , a handsome illuminated address , along with a very substantial cheque , as a token of the respect and esteem which they had for him .
The brethren then adjourned to banquet , after which the customary toasts were duly honoured .
« THE HOWARD ASSOCIATION was instituted ( under the patronage of the late Lord Brougham ) for the promotion of the best methods ot penil treatmenc and crime prevention . It labours to indoctrinite the public mind witn the importance of a reformitory and radically preventive treitment . —Chiirmin , Francis Peek , Esq . —Treasurer , Sir Thomas Fowler , Bart . —Secretary . William fallack .