Article Correspondence. Page 1 of 1 Article Reviews. Page 1 of 1 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 2 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 2 →
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Correspondence .
We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions expressed by our correspondents , bat we wish , in a spirit of fair play to all , to permit—within certain necessary limitsfree discussion .
THE DUTIES OF A PRECEPTOR . To the Editor of the "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , Could you , or any member , recommend a little work on the duties of Preceptor in a lodge of instruction ?—Yours fraternally , MAGISTER .
A QUERY . ' To the Editor of the "Freemason " Dear Sir and Brother , At the installation meeting of , the Doric Lodge , 362 , held here last
month , Bro . T . Jackson was invested as Tyler for the 40 th time . Is this a record for Tyler ' s services ?—Yours fraternally , BENNETT BEESON , P . M . and D . C . 362 . Doric Chambers , Grantham .
Reviews .
FREEMASONS' MANUAL FOR KENT , 1899 , " ( Rochester : W . T . Wildish , " Journal" Offices ) . —This valuable annual is in its 22 nd year of publication , and was originally started by the lamented Bro . T . S . Warne , of Rochester , on the plan adopted by Bro . W . J . Hughan , when Prov . G . Sec . of Cornwall , 1869-70 . On Bro . Warne ' s decease , Bro . Frank Hitchens kindly undertook the editorship , and has continued and amplified the manual on similar lines , until now it is one of the best , largest , and most useful Masonic directories published in England . All the aid rendered to th : editor is always most gratefully and appreciatively acknowledged , and for this edition Bro .
W . J . Hughan has fraternally presented an article on "Two Old Lodges" ( viz ., No . 125 , Hythe , and No . 133 , Faversham ) which will be read with much interest in the county . There are 6 4 lodges in the province ( which is the fourth largest in Eiijlani ) , returning 4266 subscribing members , or an average of over 66 psrjodere . The chapters number 28 , and the Mark Lodges 20 . There are also four Ross Croix Chapters , three K . T . Preceptories , four Red Cross Conclaves , and other Masonic bodies . All these
organisations are duly and carefully represented in the manual ; the information b : ing varied , well arranged , and practically exhaustive . The votes in the central Misonic Charities are likewise described and noted under lodges , but not thos : of the individual brethren . The formeramount to considerably over 5000 , and it would b ; helpful also to know the full totals for the province , even if the names cinnot be givin , as the manual now exceeds 200 pages . Bro . Hitchens has done his work well , and is to be congratulated most heartily thereon , as also the printer and publisher .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
Gladsmuir Lodge , No . 1385 . The installation meeting of this lodge was held at the Red Lion Hotel , High Barnet , on Friday , the 27 th ult . Bro . J . M . Rainsford , W . M ., occupied the chair and was supported by Bros . R . Cranston , S . W . ; H . J . Grimwade , J . W . ; R . Fisher Young , P M ., P . P . G . D ., Treas . ; Charles Gray , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B ., Sec ; W . Lewis , P . M ., P . P . A . G . D . C , D . C ; John Brittain , P . M ., P . P . G . W . ; J . E . Cussans , P . M ., P . P . G . W . ; G . Blizard Abbott , P . M ., P . P . G . D . ; F . C Collingwood , P . M ., P . P . G .
Std . Br . ; F . G . Mason , P . M ., P . P . G . W . j Dr . Haskir . s , P . P . G . Org ., Org . ; Ellis , Stwd . ; R . W . Goddard , Tyler ; Inglis , Cooke , and other members , while among the visitors were Bros . T . S . Carter , P . M . 403 , P . P . G . W . ; John Purrott , P . M . 1479 , P . P . G . W . ; Witthaus , W . M . 2509 ; W . Plowright , P . M ., Sec . 2509 ; Rev . Gardner , Chap . 2509 ; W . J . Fisk , J . D . 404 ; and many others . The minutes of the November meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . Cranston , W . M . elect , was presented by the D . C , and very ably installed in the chair of K . S . by the W . M ., Bro . Rainsford , who was at once invested as I . P . M . The new
W . M . having been proclaimed and saluted , appointed the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing year , the majority of them being present , and invested with the insignia of their respective offices , Bros . Billson , Baddeley , and Dade being , unfortunately , absent through illness or other sufficient cause : Bros . H . J . Grimwade , S . W . ; J . Billson , J . W . ; % F . Young , P . M ., Treas . ( elected ); C . Gray , P . M ., Sec . ; W . Baddeley , P . Prov . G . Steward , S . D . ; H . Dade , J . D . ; W . Lewis , P . M ., D . C ; H . C . Ellis , I . G . ; Dr . Haskins , Org . ; and R . W . Goddard , Tyler . Bro . R . F . Young P . M ., Treas ., having been appointed representative of the lodge on the Prov . Board of
Finance , and Bro . Brittain , P . M ., on the Hereford Masonic Charity Association , the W . M . presented Bro . Rainsford , I . P . M ., with thePast Master's jewel voted him in November in recognition of his services as W . M . during the past year , and the presentation having been briefly but gracefully acknowledged , Bro . Cranston received the congratulations of those present on his installation , and lodge was closed . The brethren afterwards dined together , and spent a most enjoyable evening . The toasts of "Ihe W . M . " and "The I . P . M . " were received with special honour , a rd the speeches were interspersed with some excellent songs by Bros . Gray , Lewis , Mason , Cookes , and others .
Albert Edward Lodge , No . 1714 . The installation meeting tcok place on Wednesday , the 25 th ult ., at the Duke of York Hotel , Yorktown . The attendance of brethren was a record one . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the W . M . elect , Bro . Alfred E . Mitchell , was presented by Bro . J . Mason , P . G . Std . Br ., and was duly installed into the chair of K . S . by Bro . W . H . Twort , P . M ., who had initiated Bro . Mitchell into
Masonry . Bro . Arthur Briscoe , P . M ., P . P . G . Org ., presided at the organ , and added much to the beauty and solemnity of the ceremony by his judicious musical accompaniments . The new W . M . then invested his officers with a suitable address to each . A vote of sympathy was passed by the brethren and ordered to be sent to Bro . Captain Bunting , P . M ., who was prevented by family bereavement from being present . After the election of a Reference Committee , and the proposal of a suitable candidate for initiation , the lodge was closed .
At the banquet which followed , a large number of brethren and visitors from other lodges sat down . The catering of Bro . Lardner wis excellent . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , " Hearty good wishes " were tendjred to the new W . M . and compliments paid to the I . P . M . Bro . Mason's facetious speech was received with much merriment in replying to the toast of " The Grand Officers , " and later , when responding tor " The Charities , " his eloquence on behalf of the Aged Freemasons resulted in the W . M . consenting to become aStewardat the forthcoming Festival , and a subscription list . being handed round the tablewas substantially responded lo by the brethren .
, Bro . Arthur Briscoe , P . P . G . Org ., responded for "The Prov . Ollicers , " and alluded to the two banners so noticeable in the lodge ( viz .. military and civil ) , and pointed out the necessity of keeping another unfurled around which they all should rally—and that was the banner of *•Brotherly Love . " The evening was an unqualified success from beginning to end , aod augurs well for the W . M . ' s year of oflice .
Craft Masonry.
Duke of Connaught Lodge , No . 1834 . The was a large and representative gathering of brethren at the Masonic Club , Commercial-road , Landport , on the 26 th ult ., to witness the installation of Bro . Horace A . Smith as W . M . of the above lodge . Besides a very large number of the brethren of the lodge , many provincial officers , and nearly all the W . Ms , of neighbouring lodges were present . The installation ceremony was ably performed bv the retiring W . M .,
Bro . H . P . Boughey . The W . M . appointed his officers as follows : Bros . H . P . Boughey , I . P . M . ; J . Chipper , S . W . ; H . Hawkin , J . W . ; Rev . H . L . Watts , P . D . D . G . M . Manitoba , Chap . ; C . W . Bevis , Treas . ; H . Spencer , Sec ; T . W . Outlaw , S . D . ; E . W . Grist , J . D . ; H . Marchment , I . G . ; R . Waterman , P . M ., D . of C . ; and W . Read and J . Hart , Stwds . At the subsequent banquet a record attendance supported the new W . M .
A long toast list was enlivened by the vocal and other efforts of Messrs . A . J . Lewis , H . Spencer , R . J . Waterman , R . Watmore , J . J . Bascombe , A . E . Guy , the Rev . H . L . Watts , and G . W . Allen . Bro . W . T . Fellows presided at the piano .
Earl of Mornington Lodge , No . 2000 . The installation meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on Friday , the 27 th ult ., at the Cafe Royal , Regent-street , W . Present : Bros . Wilfred A . Bowser , W . M . ; R . S . Fairbank , S . W ., W . M . elect ; W . Turner , J . W . ; H . R . Rose , P . M ., P . G . O ., Treas . ; J . H . Lavies , P . M ., Sec . ; Hugh T . Taylor , S . D . ; A . Dawson Jones , J . D . ; J . Davidson , I . G . ; R . Lake , I . P . M . ; N . H . Turner , P . M . ; J . Pollard , P . M . ; R . C . P . Gardner , P . M . ; Dalzell , P . M . 1 549 ; and about 25 " other members . Visitors :
Bros . Cookson , P . M . 540 ; Allen , P . M . 540 ; Whyley , P . M . 2016 ; Little , P . M . 16 S 5 ; Gripper , P . M . 1 S 26 ; Openshaw , W . M . 252 S ; H . C . Houndle , P . M . 1 S 26 ; W . Rose , 126 ; Bond , P . M . Ss ; Hawes , P . M . 463 ; C Fox , P . M . 90 ; Lambert , 155 6 ; Bull , P . M . 5 ; and number of other brethren ; and T . Bowler , Tyler . The lodge having been opened , the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The Treasurer's accounts and Auditors' report thereon for 189 S were received and adopted , these being of an exceptionally satisfactory character . Some
resignations were reported , and various alterations were made in the by-laws . The I . P . M ., Bro . Lake , then presented Bro . R . S . Fairbank , S . W ., W . M . elect , to the W . M ., Bro . Bowser , to receive at his hands the benefit of installation . The anthem " Be thou faithful unto death" was sung by Brc . Dalzell , accompanied by Bro . H . R . Rose , Past Grand Organist , on the organ , the violoncello obligato being played by Bro . H . A . Brousil , the effect of which combination was most appropriate and impressive . A Board of about 25 Installed Masters hiving been
constituted , Bro . Fairbank was duly installed in the chair of K . S . by Bro . Bowser , W . M ., according to ancient custom , in a manner which suosequently elicited the warmest expressions of approval from the experienced brethren present . The new W . M . then invested his predecessor as I . P . M ., and the Board of Installed Masters was closed . On the re-admission of the brethren , Bro . Fairbank , W . M ., was duly proclaimed and saluted . He then appointed and invested his officers as follows : Bros . W . Turner , S . W . ; H . T . Taylor , J . W . ; H . R . Rose , P . M ., Treas . ; W . A . Bowser . I . P . M .,
Sec ; A . D . Jones , S . D . ; J . Davidson , J . D . ; Viscount Mountmorres , I . G . ; R . Lake , P . M ., D . of C ; J . Pollard , P . M ., and E . Henry Taylor , P . M . 5 S 6 , Stwds . ; and T . Bowler , Tyler . Bro . Rose , P . M ., gave the address to the W . M ., Bro . Luke gave that to the Wardens , and Bro . Bowser gave the closing address to the brethren . It was then agreed to present Bro . Lavies , P . M ., with a suitable jewel in recognition of his valuable services to the lodge as Secretary during the past two years ; and we understand that Bro . Lavies will assist Bro . Bowser , I . P . M ., in the discharge of the
Secretarial duties whilst in lodge during the next 12 months . The Charity maul having been passed round , and liberally supported , the Iodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet . After grace had been sung , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts honoured , "The Health of the W . M . " was proposed by the I . P . M ., who stated that Bro . Fairbank had followed him , step by step , in the various offices of the lodge , and had now arrived at the highest position which it is in the power of the lodge to confer on any of its
members , and that he , Bro . Bowser , was quite sure , from what he knew of the W . M ., and from the excellent manner in which he had appointed and invested his officers and closed down the lodge in the three Degrees that evening , that he would perform the work of the lodge with satisfaction to the brethren and credit to himself . Beyond that , he was , as the brethren knew , one of the best and kindest of men , and the brethren would all join most heartily in wishing him a happy and successful year of office . Th : toast was drunk with the utmost enthusiasm .
In reply , the W . M . made an effective speech , promising to do his utmost to maintain the traditions of the lodge , and concluded by presentingto the I . P . M ., Bro . Bowser , the handsome P . M . ' s jewel of the Iodge voted to him at th : November meeting , and in proposing his health referred in very warm terms to the assistance he had received from the I . P . M ., to the unprecedented success which had attended his year of office , and to the great interest he took in the prosperity and well being of the lodge . The toast met with the heartiest possible reception .
Bro . Bowser , I . P . M ., in reply , thanked the W . M . for the very kind—almost too flattering—words he had spoken , but which he knew came from his heart , and sincerely thanked the brethren for the warmth of their reception , and for the beautiful jewel which they had presented to him . He should wear it with pride and in pleasing remembrance of a very happy year of office . He had done his best ; and desired to acknowledge with gratitude the unfailing support he had received from the brethren generally and
from his late officers in particular . As I . P . M . he should still have something to do in the lodge , whilst as Secretary he should have a good deal to do out of the lodge ; and , as Secretary of the lodge of instruction in addition , he hoped to continue to promote the interests of the lodge in a manner which to him had a special interest . The toast of "The Visitors" was replied to by Bro . Houndle , P . P . G . W . Surrey , who mentioned lhat he was present at the initiation ot the W . M ., and of both the Wardens .
Bro . Cookson , P . P . G . W . Beds , said that , without flattery , the work done that evening in lodge had been first class , and that the lovs and harmony of the brethren appeared to be perfect . Bro . Whyley , P . M . 2016 , also responded . The next toast was that of " The Past Masters of the Lodge . " Bro . N . H . Turner , the senior P . M ., responded , and stated that he initiated the W . M . 10 years ago , and had come up to London from Birmingham specially that day to see him installed .
Bro . J . H . Lavies . P . M ., also replied , and said that , although no longer Secretary , his interest in the lodge would continue unabated . "The Health of the Officers " was next drunk . The Tyler ' s toast concluded a most successful and enjoyable evening . The musical arrangements were exceptionally good , and were under the direction of Bro . Hilton , part songs and instrumental solos being contributed by Bros . G . M iv , H . Perkins , E . Dalzell , H . T . Taylor , G . Hiltoa , W . Douglas Powell , W . L . Barrett ( flute ) , H . A . Brousil ( violincello ) , and H . R . Rose ( pianoforte ) .
Cordwainer Ward Lodge , No . 2241 . The ordinary meeting of the above lodge was held at the Cannon-street Hotel on the iSth ult . The only business was the passing of Bro . Bonamy Dobree . TheW . M ., Bro . J . J . A . Soper , presided , and was supported by his Wardens , Bros . Bauer and Dangerheld , Bros . H . J . Adams , P . G . S . B ., Treas . ; H . Lovegrove , P . G . S . B ., Sec . ; J . R . Reep , P . M . ; W . T . Buck , P . M . ; W . F . Potter , P . M . ; C J . Wilkinson , Pimbury , P . M . ; and many other brethren . Bro . Alderman VV . Vaughan Morgan , I . P . M ., was also present . The brethren afterwards dined together .
Acacia Lodge , No . 2321 . This lodge held its regular monthly meeting on Thursday , the 5 th ult ., at Bradford , Yorks . Bro . J . B . Fearnley , W . M ., presided over a considerable muster of the brethren ; he was supported by Bros . John Morton , W . M . ; John Niven , P . M . ; S . A . Bailey , P . M . ; Saml . Robinson , P . M . ; C . H . Ellis , P . M ., as S . W . ; Wm . Docksev .
J . W . ; John W . Bland , Ireas . ; I' . Bettendge , B . A . Chap . ; J . T . Last , P . M ., P . P . G . Reg ., Sec ; J . S . Hedley , S . D . ; T . H . Bedford , J . D . ; W . Durrance , as I . G . ; and J . S . Cooper , Tyler . It being visiting night tne lodge entertained the W . Ms ., officers , and brethren of Pentalph Lodge , No . 974 , the Baildon Lodge , No . 1545 , and the Victoria Lodge , No . 2669 , as its guests .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Correspondence .
We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions expressed by our correspondents , bat we wish , in a spirit of fair play to all , to permit—within certain necessary limitsfree discussion .
THE DUTIES OF A PRECEPTOR . To the Editor of the "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , Could you , or any member , recommend a little work on the duties of Preceptor in a lodge of instruction ?—Yours fraternally , MAGISTER .
A QUERY . ' To the Editor of the "Freemason " Dear Sir and Brother , At the installation meeting of , the Doric Lodge , 362 , held here last
month , Bro . T . Jackson was invested as Tyler for the 40 th time . Is this a record for Tyler ' s services ?—Yours fraternally , BENNETT BEESON , P . M . and D . C . 362 . Doric Chambers , Grantham .
Reviews .
FREEMASONS' MANUAL FOR KENT , 1899 , " ( Rochester : W . T . Wildish , " Journal" Offices ) . —This valuable annual is in its 22 nd year of publication , and was originally started by the lamented Bro . T . S . Warne , of Rochester , on the plan adopted by Bro . W . J . Hughan , when Prov . G . Sec . of Cornwall , 1869-70 . On Bro . Warne ' s decease , Bro . Frank Hitchens kindly undertook the editorship , and has continued and amplified the manual on similar lines , until now it is one of the best , largest , and most useful Masonic directories published in England . All the aid rendered to th : editor is always most gratefully and appreciatively acknowledged , and for this edition Bro .
W . J . Hughan has fraternally presented an article on "Two Old Lodges" ( viz ., No . 125 , Hythe , and No . 133 , Faversham ) which will be read with much interest in the county . There are 6 4 lodges in the province ( which is the fourth largest in Eiijlani ) , returning 4266 subscribing members , or an average of over 66 psrjodere . The chapters number 28 , and the Mark Lodges 20 . There are also four Ross Croix Chapters , three K . T . Preceptories , four Red Cross Conclaves , and other Masonic bodies . All these
organisations are duly and carefully represented in the manual ; the information b : ing varied , well arranged , and practically exhaustive . The votes in the central Misonic Charities are likewise described and noted under lodges , but not thos : of the individual brethren . The formeramount to considerably over 5000 , and it would b ; helpful also to know the full totals for the province , even if the names cinnot be givin , as the manual now exceeds 200 pages . Bro . Hitchens has done his work well , and is to be congratulated most heartily thereon , as also the printer and publisher .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
Gladsmuir Lodge , No . 1385 . The installation meeting of this lodge was held at the Red Lion Hotel , High Barnet , on Friday , the 27 th ult . Bro . J . M . Rainsford , W . M ., occupied the chair and was supported by Bros . R . Cranston , S . W . ; H . J . Grimwade , J . W . ; R . Fisher Young , P M ., P . P . G . D ., Treas . ; Charles Gray , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B ., Sec ; W . Lewis , P . M ., P . P . A . G . D . C , D . C ; John Brittain , P . M ., P . P . G . W . ; J . E . Cussans , P . M ., P . P . G . W . ; G . Blizard Abbott , P . M ., P . P . G . D . ; F . C Collingwood , P . M ., P . P . G .
Std . Br . ; F . G . Mason , P . M ., P . P . G . W . j Dr . Haskir . s , P . P . G . Org ., Org . ; Ellis , Stwd . ; R . W . Goddard , Tyler ; Inglis , Cooke , and other members , while among the visitors were Bros . T . S . Carter , P . M . 403 , P . P . G . W . ; John Purrott , P . M . 1479 , P . P . G . W . ; Witthaus , W . M . 2509 ; W . Plowright , P . M ., Sec . 2509 ; Rev . Gardner , Chap . 2509 ; W . J . Fisk , J . D . 404 ; and many others . The minutes of the November meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . Cranston , W . M . elect , was presented by the D . C , and very ably installed in the chair of K . S . by the W . M ., Bro . Rainsford , who was at once invested as I . P . M . The new
W . M . having been proclaimed and saluted , appointed the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing year , the majority of them being present , and invested with the insignia of their respective offices , Bros . Billson , Baddeley , and Dade being , unfortunately , absent through illness or other sufficient cause : Bros . H . J . Grimwade , S . W . ; J . Billson , J . W . ; % F . Young , P . M ., Treas . ( elected ); C . Gray , P . M ., Sec . ; W . Baddeley , P . Prov . G . Steward , S . D . ; H . Dade , J . D . ; W . Lewis , P . M ., D . C ; H . C . Ellis , I . G . ; Dr . Haskins , Org . ; and R . W . Goddard , Tyler . Bro . R . F . Young P . M ., Treas ., having been appointed representative of the lodge on the Prov . Board of
Finance , and Bro . Brittain , P . M ., on the Hereford Masonic Charity Association , the W . M . presented Bro . Rainsford , I . P . M ., with thePast Master's jewel voted him in November in recognition of his services as W . M . during the past year , and the presentation having been briefly but gracefully acknowledged , Bro . Cranston received the congratulations of those present on his installation , and lodge was closed . The brethren afterwards dined together , and spent a most enjoyable evening . The toasts of "Ihe W . M . " and "The I . P . M . " were received with special honour , a rd the speeches were interspersed with some excellent songs by Bros . Gray , Lewis , Mason , Cookes , and others .
Albert Edward Lodge , No . 1714 . The installation meeting tcok place on Wednesday , the 25 th ult ., at the Duke of York Hotel , Yorktown . The attendance of brethren was a record one . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the W . M . elect , Bro . Alfred E . Mitchell , was presented by Bro . J . Mason , P . G . Std . Br ., and was duly installed into the chair of K . S . by Bro . W . H . Twort , P . M ., who had initiated Bro . Mitchell into
Masonry . Bro . Arthur Briscoe , P . M ., P . P . G . Org ., presided at the organ , and added much to the beauty and solemnity of the ceremony by his judicious musical accompaniments . The new W . M . then invested his officers with a suitable address to each . A vote of sympathy was passed by the brethren and ordered to be sent to Bro . Captain Bunting , P . M ., who was prevented by family bereavement from being present . After the election of a Reference Committee , and the proposal of a suitable candidate for initiation , the lodge was closed .
At the banquet which followed , a large number of brethren and visitors from other lodges sat down . The catering of Bro . Lardner wis excellent . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , " Hearty good wishes " were tendjred to the new W . M . and compliments paid to the I . P . M . Bro . Mason's facetious speech was received with much merriment in replying to the toast of " The Grand Officers , " and later , when responding tor " The Charities , " his eloquence on behalf of the Aged Freemasons resulted in the W . M . consenting to become aStewardat the forthcoming Festival , and a subscription list . being handed round the tablewas substantially responded lo by the brethren .
, Bro . Arthur Briscoe , P . P . G . Org ., responded for "The Prov . Ollicers , " and alluded to the two banners so noticeable in the lodge ( viz .. military and civil ) , and pointed out the necessity of keeping another unfurled around which they all should rally—and that was the banner of *•Brotherly Love . " The evening was an unqualified success from beginning to end , aod augurs well for the W . M . ' s year of oflice .
Craft Masonry.
Duke of Connaught Lodge , No . 1834 . The was a large and representative gathering of brethren at the Masonic Club , Commercial-road , Landport , on the 26 th ult ., to witness the installation of Bro . Horace A . Smith as W . M . of the above lodge . Besides a very large number of the brethren of the lodge , many provincial officers , and nearly all the W . Ms , of neighbouring lodges were present . The installation ceremony was ably performed bv the retiring W . M .,
Bro . H . P . Boughey . The W . M . appointed his officers as follows : Bros . H . P . Boughey , I . P . M . ; J . Chipper , S . W . ; H . Hawkin , J . W . ; Rev . H . L . Watts , P . D . D . G . M . Manitoba , Chap . ; C . W . Bevis , Treas . ; H . Spencer , Sec ; T . W . Outlaw , S . D . ; E . W . Grist , J . D . ; H . Marchment , I . G . ; R . Waterman , P . M ., D . of C . ; and W . Read and J . Hart , Stwds . At the subsequent banquet a record attendance supported the new W . M .
A long toast list was enlivened by the vocal and other efforts of Messrs . A . J . Lewis , H . Spencer , R . J . Waterman , R . Watmore , J . J . Bascombe , A . E . Guy , the Rev . H . L . Watts , and G . W . Allen . Bro . W . T . Fellows presided at the piano .
Earl of Mornington Lodge , No . 2000 . The installation meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on Friday , the 27 th ult ., at the Cafe Royal , Regent-street , W . Present : Bros . Wilfred A . Bowser , W . M . ; R . S . Fairbank , S . W ., W . M . elect ; W . Turner , J . W . ; H . R . Rose , P . M ., P . G . O ., Treas . ; J . H . Lavies , P . M ., Sec . ; Hugh T . Taylor , S . D . ; A . Dawson Jones , J . D . ; J . Davidson , I . G . ; R . Lake , I . P . M . ; N . H . Turner , P . M . ; J . Pollard , P . M . ; R . C . P . Gardner , P . M . ; Dalzell , P . M . 1 549 ; and about 25 " other members . Visitors :
Bros . Cookson , P . M . 540 ; Allen , P . M . 540 ; Whyley , P . M . 2016 ; Little , P . M . 16 S 5 ; Gripper , P . M . 1 S 26 ; Openshaw , W . M . 252 S ; H . C . Houndle , P . M . 1 S 26 ; W . Rose , 126 ; Bond , P . M . Ss ; Hawes , P . M . 463 ; C Fox , P . M . 90 ; Lambert , 155 6 ; Bull , P . M . 5 ; and number of other brethren ; and T . Bowler , Tyler . The lodge having been opened , the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The Treasurer's accounts and Auditors' report thereon for 189 S were received and adopted , these being of an exceptionally satisfactory character . Some
resignations were reported , and various alterations were made in the by-laws . The I . P . M ., Bro . Lake , then presented Bro . R . S . Fairbank , S . W ., W . M . elect , to the W . M ., Bro . Bowser , to receive at his hands the benefit of installation . The anthem " Be thou faithful unto death" was sung by Brc . Dalzell , accompanied by Bro . H . R . Rose , Past Grand Organist , on the organ , the violoncello obligato being played by Bro . H . A . Brousil , the effect of which combination was most appropriate and impressive . A Board of about 25 Installed Masters hiving been
constituted , Bro . Fairbank was duly installed in the chair of K . S . by Bro . Bowser , W . M ., according to ancient custom , in a manner which suosequently elicited the warmest expressions of approval from the experienced brethren present . The new W . M . then invested his predecessor as I . P . M ., and the Board of Installed Masters was closed . On the re-admission of the brethren , Bro . Fairbank , W . M ., was duly proclaimed and saluted . He then appointed and invested his officers as follows : Bros . W . Turner , S . W . ; H . T . Taylor , J . W . ; H . R . Rose , P . M ., Treas . ; W . A . Bowser . I . P . M .,
Sec ; A . D . Jones , S . D . ; J . Davidson , J . D . ; Viscount Mountmorres , I . G . ; R . Lake , P . M ., D . of C ; J . Pollard , P . M ., and E . Henry Taylor , P . M . 5 S 6 , Stwds . ; and T . Bowler , Tyler . Bro . Rose , P . M ., gave the address to the W . M ., Bro . Luke gave that to the Wardens , and Bro . Bowser gave the closing address to the brethren . It was then agreed to present Bro . Lavies , P . M ., with a suitable jewel in recognition of his valuable services to the lodge as Secretary during the past two years ; and we understand that Bro . Lavies will assist Bro . Bowser , I . P . M ., in the discharge of the
Secretarial duties whilst in lodge during the next 12 months . The Charity maul having been passed round , and liberally supported , the Iodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet . After grace had been sung , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts honoured , "The Health of the W . M . " was proposed by the I . P . M ., who stated that Bro . Fairbank had followed him , step by step , in the various offices of the lodge , and had now arrived at the highest position which it is in the power of the lodge to confer on any of its
members , and that he , Bro . Bowser , was quite sure , from what he knew of the W . M ., and from the excellent manner in which he had appointed and invested his officers and closed down the lodge in the three Degrees that evening , that he would perform the work of the lodge with satisfaction to the brethren and credit to himself . Beyond that , he was , as the brethren knew , one of the best and kindest of men , and the brethren would all join most heartily in wishing him a happy and successful year of office . Th : toast was drunk with the utmost enthusiasm .
In reply , the W . M . made an effective speech , promising to do his utmost to maintain the traditions of the lodge , and concluded by presentingto the I . P . M ., Bro . Bowser , the handsome P . M . ' s jewel of the Iodge voted to him at th : November meeting , and in proposing his health referred in very warm terms to the assistance he had received from the I . P . M ., to the unprecedented success which had attended his year of office , and to the great interest he took in the prosperity and well being of the lodge . The toast met with the heartiest possible reception .
Bro . Bowser , I . P . M ., in reply , thanked the W . M . for the very kind—almost too flattering—words he had spoken , but which he knew came from his heart , and sincerely thanked the brethren for the warmth of their reception , and for the beautiful jewel which they had presented to him . He should wear it with pride and in pleasing remembrance of a very happy year of office . He had done his best ; and desired to acknowledge with gratitude the unfailing support he had received from the brethren generally and
from his late officers in particular . As I . P . M . he should still have something to do in the lodge , whilst as Secretary he should have a good deal to do out of the lodge ; and , as Secretary of the lodge of instruction in addition , he hoped to continue to promote the interests of the lodge in a manner which to him had a special interest . The toast of "The Visitors" was replied to by Bro . Houndle , P . P . G . W . Surrey , who mentioned lhat he was present at the initiation ot the W . M ., and of both the Wardens .
Bro . Cookson , P . P . G . W . Beds , said that , without flattery , the work done that evening in lodge had been first class , and that the lovs and harmony of the brethren appeared to be perfect . Bro . Whyley , P . M . 2016 , also responded . The next toast was that of " The Past Masters of the Lodge . " Bro . N . H . Turner , the senior P . M ., responded , and stated that he initiated the W . M . 10 years ago , and had come up to London from Birmingham specially that day to see him installed .
Bro . J . H . Lavies . P . M ., also replied , and said that , although no longer Secretary , his interest in the lodge would continue unabated . "The Health of the Officers " was next drunk . The Tyler ' s toast concluded a most successful and enjoyable evening . The musical arrangements were exceptionally good , and were under the direction of Bro . Hilton , part songs and instrumental solos being contributed by Bros . G . M iv , H . Perkins , E . Dalzell , H . T . Taylor , G . Hiltoa , W . Douglas Powell , W . L . Barrett ( flute ) , H . A . Brousil ( violincello ) , and H . R . Rose ( pianoforte ) .
Cordwainer Ward Lodge , No . 2241 . The ordinary meeting of the above lodge was held at the Cannon-street Hotel on the iSth ult . The only business was the passing of Bro . Bonamy Dobree . TheW . M ., Bro . J . J . A . Soper , presided , and was supported by his Wardens , Bros . Bauer and Dangerheld , Bros . H . J . Adams , P . G . S . B ., Treas . ; H . Lovegrove , P . G . S . B ., Sec . ; J . R . Reep , P . M . ; W . T . Buck , P . M . ; W . F . Potter , P . M . ; C J . Wilkinson , Pimbury , P . M . ; and many other brethren . Bro . Alderman VV . Vaughan Morgan , I . P . M ., was also present . The brethren afterwards dined together .
Acacia Lodge , No . 2321 . This lodge held its regular monthly meeting on Thursday , the 5 th ult ., at Bradford , Yorks . Bro . J . B . Fearnley , W . M ., presided over a considerable muster of the brethren ; he was supported by Bros . John Morton , W . M . ; John Niven , P . M . ; S . A . Bailey , P . M . ; Saml . Robinson , P . M . ; C . H . Ellis , P . M ., as S . W . ; Wm . Docksev .
J . W . ; John W . Bland , Ireas . ; I' . Bettendge , B . A . Chap . ; J . T . Last , P . M ., P . P . G . Reg ., Sec ; J . S . Hedley , S . D . ; T . H . Bedford , J . D . ; W . Durrance , as I . G . ; and J . S . Cooper , Tyler . It being visiting night tne lodge entertained the W . Ms ., officers , and brethren of Pentalph Lodge , No . 974 , the Baildon Lodge , No . 1545 , and the Victoria Lodge , No . 2669 , as its guests .