Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
CONCERNING THE Grand Registrar ' s recent work on the development of the Craft , the Scotsman says : "Mr . Strachan ' s history of Northumbrian Masonry is of more than local interest . It concerns the Craft in general in England and in Scotland , and contains a great deal of fresh and important matter bearing on the ancient connection between operative and speculative Freemasonry , and the rise and development of the and out of fulness of
speculative organisation . Mr . Strachan writeswith authority , a knowledge that finds expression on every page . " THE COMMITTEE OF M ANAGEMENT of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution will hold its regular monthly meeting at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday , the Sth instant , at 4 p . m .
BRO . THE EARL OF MARCH left London on Monday for Gordon Castle , Fuchobers , Scotland .
THE * DUKE OF GRAFTON left town on Saturday last for Wakefield Lodge , Northants , near Stoney Stratford . BRO . THE DUKE AND D UCHESS OF DEVONSHIRE have returned to Devonshire House from visiting the Marquis and Marchioness of Salisbury at Hatfield . BRO . THE'DUKE OF P ORTLAND has intimated his willingness to accept the presidency of the Nottinghamshire Agricultural Society during the ensuing year .
BRO . E . MACRORY , Q . C , has resigned the post of Hon . Secretary to the Barristers' Benevolent Association , after having held it for many years past , as also his co-secretary , Mr . S . H . Day . BRO . RICHARD HORTON S MITH , Q . C , one of the leaders in Mr . Justice Romer ' s Court , has retired from practice , after a connection with the Bar of about 40 years , he having been called at Lincoln ' s Inn on January 25 th , 1859 .
THE DUKE OF YORK has promised to preside at the 14 th triennial festival and jubilee commemoration of the Railway Guards' Universal Friendly Society , of which Bro . George Abbott , Station Superintendent at Charing Cross , is Chairman .
BRO . SIR WILLIAM W ALROND , Chief Government Whip , will arrive in town today ( Friday ) from San Remo . He will be engaged with his full staff at the Treasury to-morrow ( Saturday ) in preparing for the re-assembling of Parliament on Tuesday next . AT A BANQUET given on Monday evening at the Albion Hotel , Aldersgate-street , E . C , by the Master ( Mr . H . Clarke , C . C , L . C . C ) and the Court of the Lonners , Company , the chief guest was Bro . the Earl of Onslow , G . C . M . G ., L . C . C , who responded for the toast of the House of Lords .
H . R . H . THE DUKE OF YORK , attended by Major the Hon . Derek Keppel , left Osborne for London after the investiture , crossing over to Portsmouth on board her Majesty ' s yacht Alberta , Rear-Admiral Fullerton , A . D . C . His Royal Highness returned to town , and subsequently proceeded to Sandringham . LORD LAWRENCE presided at the annual meeting of the Buckingham Nursing Hi me and Association , in the Town Hall , Buckingham , recently . His lordship was supported by Lady Lawrence , Bro . Lord and Lady Addington , the Hon . Rose Hubbard , Mrs . W . F . Gore-Langton , Rev . Fred G . Kiddle ( vioar ) , Rev . L . E . Goddard , Mr . A . Burrowes , and others .
THE LORD-LIEUTHNANT OF IRELAND held his first Levee on Tuesday at Dublin Castle , when there was a very full attendance . The same evening his Excellency , accompanied by the guests staying at the Castle , was present at a ball given by the Lord Chancellor of Ireland ( Bro . Lord Ashbourne ) and Lady Ashbourne , at their residence in Merrion-square .
MARCH ist has been fixed as the date for the visit to Portsmouth of the Duke and Duchess of York to open the new wings of the Royal Portsmouth Hospital , which have been erected , at a cost ot £ 15 , 000 , as a memorial of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee . The foundation-stone of the extension was laid by the Duke and Duchess of Connaught , and that of the original building by the late Prince Consort .
IT WAS REPORTED on Monday morning that the Lord Mayor ( Bro . Sir J . V . Moore ) who , since January 16 th , has been suffering from bronchitis and the effects of a severe chill which he contracted while fulfilling a public engagement , has suffered a relapse , and was again confined to his bed . On inquiry in the afternoon , it was stated that his lordship was decidedly better , and that he expected to be able to leave his room at the expiration of a few days . Meantime , the Aldermen are discharging the magisterial and other duties of the right hon . gentleman .
THE DUKE AND DUCHESS OF WESTMINSTER have been entertaining a house party at Eaton Hall . Among the guests were Princess Victor of Hohenlohe , Countess H . Gleichen , Lord Wenlock , the Marquis of Ormonde , Bro . the Earl and Countess of Dartmouth , Viscount Villiers , the Countess of Dartrey , Lord Iveagh , General the Hon . N . and Mrs . Lyttelton . Col . and Mrs . Langford Brooke , Sir Donald Wallice , Mr . and Mrs . Egerton Leigh , Col ., Mrs . and Miss Cotton-Jodrell , Hon . H . Diwny , Bro . Col . and the Hon . Mrs . Alfred Egerton , Madame Albani , Mr . Gye , and Mr ., Mrs ., and Miss White .
TUESDAY EVENING ' S Gazette contains the titles which h ? ve been taken by ths gentlemen who were at the New Year honoured by _ her Majesty by being raised to the peerage . Sir Henry Hawkins , the distinguished judge who recently retired from th : Bench , becomes Baron Brampton , of Brampton , in the connty of Huntingdon ; Lord Cromer is raised to the higher rank of Viscount Cromer , of Cromer , in the county of
Norfolk ; Sir Philip Currie , her Majesty ' s Ambassador at Rome , will henceforth be Baron Currie , of Hawley , in the county of Southampton ; Bro . Sir Joseph Russell Bailey , Bart ., formerly M . P . for Hereford , has taken the title of Baron Glanusk , of Glanusk Park , in the county of Brecknock ; and Mr . R . T . Gurdon , of Letton Hall , becomes Baron Cranworth , of Letton and Cranworth , in the county of Norfolk .-
ON MONDAY her Majesty held a private investiture of the Orders of the Bath , St . Michael and St . George , and the Star of India . The Queen was accompanied by their Royal Highnesses Princess Henry of Battenberg and the Duke of . York , while there were in attendance upon her Majesty the Duchess of Roxburghe ( Lady in Waiting ) , Ihe Earl of Hopetoun ( Lord Chamberlain ) , Lieut .-Col . the Right Hon . Sir Fteetw-ud
Edwards ( Keeper of Her Majesty's Privy Purse ) , Mijor the Hon . Charles Hirbord ( Groom in Waiting ) , C . G . Barrlngton , Esq ., CB . ( Gentleman Usher of th ; Bith , ac'ing for Bro . Sir Albert Woods , Garter King of Arms , Registrar and Secretary ot the Order ) , the Hon . Sir Spencer Ponsonby Fane ( Comptroller in the Lord Chambsrlain ' s Department ) , and Bro . Col . Lord Edward Pelham Clin ' on ( Mister of the Housjh > ld ) .
Masonic And General Tidings.
THE BANK RATE is three per cent . THK ARCHBISHOP QF CANTERIIURY and Mrs . Temple on Saturday last left Euston for Liverpool . THE COBORN LODGE OF INSTRUCTION , NO . 1 S 04 , is now held at the Eagle Hotel , Snaresbrook , and meets on Friday evenings at S o ' clock .
THE HON . LADV WHITE-RIDLEY will have evenin ? parties at 10 , Cirlton Hiuseterrace , on Saturdays , the iSth and 25 th instant , and March 4 th , 1 ith , iSth , and 23 th . LONDON ORPHAN ASYLUM , WATFORD . —Bro . Chas . E . K » vssr , J . P ., will preside at the S 6 th Anniversary Festival of the Charity at the Ho ^ el Metropols on the Q'h oE March . J
BRO . EARL CARRINGTON has arrived at so , Grosvenor-street from visiting the Earl of Rosebery at Mentmore , Leighton Buzzard , and was joined on Monday evening by Countess Carrington from Brighton . BRO . SIR WILLIAM HOWARD RUSSELL desires very sincerely to thank his numerous friends for their kind expressions of sympathy in his recent loss , and much regrets that for the present he is unable to acknowledge them individually . M
-n ^ R- F , ARSHAL L WOLSELEY , Colonel of the Royal Horse Guards , will be Gold-Stick-in-Waiting during the present month ; Lieut . C . N . Miles , ist Life Guards , Silver-Stick-in-Waiting j and Capt . H . M . Walker , ist Life Guards , Adjutantin-Waiting . On SUNDAY the Queen and the Royal Family attended Divine service at Ckbotrva .
The Rev . Clement Smith , M . A ., Rector of Whippingham and Chaplain to her Majesty , officiated . His Royal Highness the Duke of York , attended by Major the Hon . Derek Keppel , arrived at Osborne , having crossed over from Portsmouth on board her Marty ' s yacht Alberta , Rear-Admiral Fullerton , A . D . C . The Earl of Hopstoun , G . C . M . G ., Lord Chamberlain , also arrived .
MR . THOMAS GARNER is the architect of the new hotel which is being erected at Buxton by Messrs . Spiers and Pond ( Limited ) . Mr . Garner ( late of the firm of Bodley and Garner , that partnership being now dissolved ) is designing the furniture , plate , carpets , and the entire fittings and decorations of the interior , as well as the actual building . The period is that of Charles the First . The hotel-, which will be one of the most beautiful and complete in England , will stand in terraced gardens , 13 acres in extent .
_ MR . F . _ W . POMEROY , of Chelsea , has been commissioned to execute the statue in bronze which is to be erected to Admiral Blake in Bridgwater , his native place . About ^ 25 o is , however , still lacking to comolete the cost of the pedestal on which the counterfeit presentiment of the gallant sailor is to stand . A London committee , on m 1 " eBro - Sir Walter Besant , Mr . Rudyard Kipling , Mr . Leslie Stephens , Mr . Blake Odgers , Q . C ., _ and others , has been formed with the view of raisin ? that sum , and , at a time when opinions respecting the necessity of maintaining England ' s naval supremacy are unanimous , this ought not to be a work of much difficulty .
A MASONIC SERVICE will be held in St . Mark ' s ] Church , New Barnet , in connection with the consecration of the new Nave , on Sunday , the 12 th inst ., when the sermon will be preached by Bro . the Venerable W . M . Sinclair , D . D ., Archdeacon of London . The service will commence at 3 . 30 p . m ., and a special train for the convey , ance of brethren desirous of attending from a distance will Heave Kinj ' s Cross at 2 . 35 p . m ., calling at all stations e n route to New Barnet . The offertory will be given to 'the Church Funds .
ROYAL AQUARIUM SEVENTH ANNUAL GREAT YACHTING EXHIBITION . —As an interesting and instructive trade exhibition showing the perfection attained by launch and boat builders in the building of their craft , the Seventh Annual Yachting Exhibition will be unexcelled by any of its predecessors . The number of launches with their different methods of motive power is a feature of the show , amongst the different types exhibited steamelectric
being , , hydro-carbon , and petroleum . In the yacht and boat building section the leading Thames builders and others are showing a fine array of sailing craft , skiff ' s , punts , dinghies , canoes , and folding boats . Several important firms engaged in the supplementary trades will also be found exhibiting , including manufacturers of life saving appliances , tents , anti-fouling compositions , washing appliances , filters , varnish , waterproofs , and other articles .
THE LORD LIEUTENANT OF IRELAND , attended by Capt . Cecil Fielden , aide-decamp-in-waiting , has arrived at Dublin Castle from London , for the season . Countess Cadogan has joined the Lord Lieutenant at the Castle from Mount Stewart , where she had been on a visit to the Marquis and Marchioness of Londonderry . Their Excellencies have been entertaining the following guests at the Castle during this week : Bro . the Duke and Duchess
of Abercorn and the Ladies Alexandra and Gladys Hamilton , the Marquis and Marchioness of Waterford , the Marquis and Marchioness of Londonderry and Lady Helen Stewart , the Earl and Countess of Pembroke and Lad y Beatrice Herbert , the Earl of Shaftesbury , Lady Magheramorne , Viscount Acheson , G-neral and the Hon . Mrs . Oliphant , Mr . and Mrs . H . White and Miss White , Miss Farquhirson . Mr . Milbanke , and the Hon . William Cadogan . - "qunarson ,
THE ALDERSGATE CLUB BALL will bj helj in the Kings' Hall of the Holborn Restaurant on Wednesday evening , the ist March . The string band of the London Rifle Brigade , under the direction of Mr . H . Henton , has been , by permission , engaged for the occasion . The order of the day will be evening dress , Court dress , or military uniform , and , as the number of tickets to be issued is limited , early application is desirable ; price ios . Cd . each , supper inc ' usive . The ball will take place under the patronage of the Lord Mayor ( Bro . Sir lohn Voce Moore ) . Rrns . Al < Wm « c u
„ Alhston and Lieut .-Col . Clifford Probyn , G . Treas . ; Sheriffs of London ; Bro Sir Ios Renals , Alderman of the Ward ; and Bros . Sir Reginald Hanson , Bart ., and the Hon Alban G . H . Gibbs , the Members of Parliament for the City . Full particulars obtainable from Bro . James Mayhew , o , Foster-lane , E . C , and T . Murray Janes , 101 , Aldersgatestreet , E . C , Hon . Secretaries of the Committee .
THE DUCHESS OK CONNAUGHT , as president , with the Hon . Mrs . Neville Lyttleton and Major-General J . Bonus , as the honorary secretary and treasurer , write on behalf of the Up Country Nursing Association for Europeans in India asking for further funds to permit an extension of its bjnefi : ent work . The first appjj . 1 to the public on the formation of the association in 18 93 realis ; d the sun of £ Soo , and yearly subscriptions of between £ 40 and £ 50 have b : en receivad . With thasj finds available the committee have been able hitherto to meet all applications for the supply of nurses but they now find that the increasing develoDment of the sutipm rnmn . i . > s . ™ ... ~ .. \
forward a special plea tor additional help . With these aims in view , which have the approval of her most gracious Majesty the Oueen , who is pitron of the assiciation , the committee confidently appeal to the public for increased aid . Djnations and yearly subscriptions will be received by Messrs . Henry S . King and Co ., 65 , Cornhill , E . C and reports and any other particulirs can be obtained on application to the honorary " secretary , Major-General J . Bonus , R . E ., The Cedars , Strawberry-hill .
SMOKERS SHOULD USE O-A-I-VEIfcT'S DEM0PHE80LENE. A DELICIOUS ANTISEPTIC LIQUID DENTIFRICE . A few drops in a wineglass of water makes a delicious wash , for sweetening the breath and leaving a pleasant taste and refreshing coolness in tlic mouth . Kilitcr of lltnUh says : — " Host effectual for strengthening tho gums in eiiso of tenderness ftnd ridding tho mouth of tho nronm of tobacco , " Is . 6 d . and 2 s . 6 d . Bottles , at Chemists , & e „ or Post Free for Value , Illustrated Pamphlet of Calvert ' s Carbolic Preparations sent post freo on application . F . C . QALVERT & CO ., Manchester .
JEROMETHIBOUVILLELAMY&CO., 7 & 10 Charterhouse St ., London , E . G ., And at Paris , Sydney , and New York . MANUFACTURERS OF HIGH-CLASS PIANOFORTESLFRENCHHARMONIUMS The " PianistaThibouville" is an ingenious apparatus by means of which one can play the Piano without the slightest knowledge of music ORCHESTRIONS ON VIEW . ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE POST FREE .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
CONCERNING THE Grand Registrar ' s recent work on the development of the Craft , the Scotsman says : "Mr . Strachan ' s history of Northumbrian Masonry is of more than local interest . It concerns the Craft in general in England and in Scotland , and contains a great deal of fresh and important matter bearing on the ancient connection between operative and speculative Freemasonry , and the rise and development of the and out of fulness of
speculative organisation . Mr . Strachan writeswith authority , a knowledge that finds expression on every page . " THE COMMITTEE OF M ANAGEMENT of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution will hold its regular monthly meeting at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday , the Sth instant , at 4 p . m .
BRO . THE EARL OF MARCH left London on Monday for Gordon Castle , Fuchobers , Scotland .
THE * DUKE OF GRAFTON left town on Saturday last for Wakefield Lodge , Northants , near Stoney Stratford . BRO . THE DUKE AND D UCHESS OF DEVONSHIRE have returned to Devonshire House from visiting the Marquis and Marchioness of Salisbury at Hatfield . BRO . THE'DUKE OF P ORTLAND has intimated his willingness to accept the presidency of the Nottinghamshire Agricultural Society during the ensuing year .
BRO . E . MACRORY , Q . C , has resigned the post of Hon . Secretary to the Barristers' Benevolent Association , after having held it for many years past , as also his co-secretary , Mr . S . H . Day . BRO . RICHARD HORTON S MITH , Q . C , one of the leaders in Mr . Justice Romer ' s Court , has retired from practice , after a connection with the Bar of about 40 years , he having been called at Lincoln ' s Inn on January 25 th , 1859 .
THE DUKE OF YORK has promised to preside at the 14 th triennial festival and jubilee commemoration of the Railway Guards' Universal Friendly Society , of which Bro . George Abbott , Station Superintendent at Charing Cross , is Chairman .
BRO . SIR WILLIAM W ALROND , Chief Government Whip , will arrive in town today ( Friday ) from San Remo . He will be engaged with his full staff at the Treasury to-morrow ( Saturday ) in preparing for the re-assembling of Parliament on Tuesday next . AT A BANQUET given on Monday evening at the Albion Hotel , Aldersgate-street , E . C , by the Master ( Mr . H . Clarke , C . C , L . C . C ) and the Court of the Lonners , Company , the chief guest was Bro . the Earl of Onslow , G . C . M . G ., L . C . C , who responded for the toast of the House of Lords .
H . R . H . THE DUKE OF YORK , attended by Major the Hon . Derek Keppel , left Osborne for London after the investiture , crossing over to Portsmouth on board her Majesty ' s yacht Alberta , Rear-Admiral Fullerton , A . D . C . His Royal Highness returned to town , and subsequently proceeded to Sandringham . LORD LAWRENCE presided at the annual meeting of the Buckingham Nursing Hi me and Association , in the Town Hall , Buckingham , recently . His lordship was supported by Lady Lawrence , Bro . Lord and Lady Addington , the Hon . Rose Hubbard , Mrs . W . F . Gore-Langton , Rev . Fred G . Kiddle ( vioar ) , Rev . L . E . Goddard , Mr . A . Burrowes , and others .
THE LORD-LIEUTHNANT OF IRELAND held his first Levee on Tuesday at Dublin Castle , when there was a very full attendance . The same evening his Excellency , accompanied by the guests staying at the Castle , was present at a ball given by the Lord Chancellor of Ireland ( Bro . Lord Ashbourne ) and Lady Ashbourne , at their residence in Merrion-square .
MARCH ist has been fixed as the date for the visit to Portsmouth of the Duke and Duchess of York to open the new wings of the Royal Portsmouth Hospital , which have been erected , at a cost ot £ 15 , 000 , as a memorial of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee . The foundation-stone of the extension was laid by the Duke and Duchess of Connaught , and that of the original building by the late Prince Consort .
IT WAS REPORTED on Monday morning that the Lord Mayor ( Bro . Sir J . V . Moore ) who , since January 16 th , has been suffering from bronchitis and the effects of a severe chill which he contracted while fulfilling a public engagement , has suffered a relapse , and was again confined to his bed . On inquiry in the afternoon , it was stated that his lordship was decidedly better , and that he expected to be able to leave his room at the expiration of a few days . Meantime , the Aldermen are discharging the magisterial and other duties of the right hon . gentleman .
THE DUKE AND DUCHESS OF WESTMINSTER have been entertaining a house party at Eaton Hall . Among the guests were Princess Victor of Hohenlohe , Countess H . Gleichen , Lord Wenlock , the Marquis of Ormonde , Bro . the Earl and Countess of Dartmouth , Viscount Villiers , the Countess of Dartrey , Lord Iveagh , General the Hon . N . and Mrs . Lyttelton . Col . and Mrs . Langford Brooke , Sir Donald Wallice , Mr . and Mrs . Egerton Leigh , Col ., Mrs . and Miss Cotton-Jodrell , Hon . H . Diwny , Bro . Col . and the Hon . Mrs . Alfred Egerton , Madame Albani , Mr . Gye , and Mr ., Mrs ., and Miss White .
TUESDAY EVENING ' S Gazette contains the titles which h ? ve been taken by ths gentlemen who were at the New Year honoured by _ her Majesty by being raised to the peerage . Sir Henry Hawkins , the distinguished judge who recently retired from th : Bench , becomes Baron Brampton , of Brampton , in the connty of Huntingdon ; Lord Cromer is raised to the higher rank of Viscount Cromer , of Cromer , in the county of
Norfolk ; Sir Philip Currie , her Majesty ' s Ambassador at Rome , will henceforth be Baron Currie , of Hawley , in the county of Southampton ; Bro . Sir Joseph Russell Bailey , Bart ., formerly M . P . for Hereford , has taken the title of Baron Glanusk , of Glanusk Park , in the county of Brecknock ; and Mr . R . T . Gurdon , of Letton Hall , becomes Baron Cranworth , of Letton and Cranworth , in the county of Norfolk .-
ON MONDAY her Majesty held a private investiture of the Orders of the Bath , St . Michael and St . George , and the Star of India . The Queen was accompanied by their Royal Highnesses Princess Henry of Battenberg and the Duke of . York , while there were in attendance upon her Majesty the Duchess of Roxburghe ( Lady in Waiting ) , Ihe Earl of Hopetoun ( Lord Chamberlain ) , Lieut .-Col . the Right Hon . Sir Fteetw-ud
Edwards ( Keeper of Her Majesty's Privy Purse ) , Mijor the Hon . Charles Hirbord ( Groom in Waiting ) , C . G . Barrlngton , Esq ., CB . ( Gentleman Usher of th ; Bith , ac'ing for Bro . Sir Albert Woods , Garter King of Arms , Registrar and Secretary ot the Order ) , the Hon . Sir Spencer Ponsonby Fane ( Comptroller in the Lord Chambsrlain ' s Department ) , and Bro . Col . Lord Edward Pelham Clin ' on ( Mister of the Housjh > ld ) .
Masonic And General Tidings.
THE BANK RATE is three per cent . THK ARCHBISHOP QF CANTERIIURY and Mrs . Temple on Saturday last left Euston for Liverpool . THE COBORN LODGE OF INSTRUCTION , NO . 1 S 04 , is now held at the Eagle Hotel , Snaresbrook , and meets on Friday evenings at S o ' clock .
THE HON . LADV WHITE-RIDLEY will have evenin ? parties at 10 , Cirlton Hiuseterrace , on Saturdays , the iSth and 25 th instant , and March 4 th , 1 ith , iSth , and 23 th . LONDON ORPHAN ASYLUM , WATFORD . —Bro . Chas . E . K » vssr , J . P ., will preside at the S 6 th Anniversary Festival of the Charity at the Ho ^ el Metropols on the Q'h oE March . J
BRO . EARL CARRINGTON has arrived at so , Grosvenor-street from visiting the Earl of Rosebery at Mentmore , Leighton Buzzard , and was joined on Monday evening by Countess Carrington from Brighton . BRO . SIR WILLIAM HOWARD RUSSELL desires very sincerely to thank his numerous friends for their kind expressions of sympathy in his recent loss , and much regrets that for the present he is unable to acknowledge them individually . M
-n ^ R- F , ARSHAL L WOLSELEY , Colonel of the Royal Horse Guards , will be Gold-Stick-in-Waiting during the present month ; Lieut . C . N . Miles , ist Life Guards , Silver-Stick-in-Waiting j and Capt . H . M . Walker , ist Life Guards , Adjutantin-Waiting . On SUNDAY the Queen and the Royal Family attended Divine service at Ckbotrva .
The Rev . Clement Smith , M . A ., Rector of Whippingham and Chaplain to her Majesty , officiated . His Royal Highness the Duke of York , attended by Major the Hon . Derek Keppel , arrived at Osborne , having crossed over from Portsmouth on board her Marty ' s yacht Alberta , Rear-Admiral Fullerton , A . D . C . The Earl of Hopstoun , G . C . M . G ., Lord Chamberlain , also arrived .
MR . THOMAS GARNER is the architect of the new hotel which is being erected at Buxton by Messrs . Spiers and Pond ( Limited ) . Mr . Garner ( late of the firm of Bodley and Garner , that partnership being now dissolved ) is designing the furniture , plate , carpets , and the entire fittings and decorations of the interior , as well as the actual building . The period is that of Charles the First . The hotel-, which will be one of the most beautiful and complete in England , will stand in terraced gardens , 13 acres in extent .
_ MR . F . _ W . POMEROY , of Chelsea , has been commissioned to execute the statue in bronze which is to be erected to Admiral Blake in Bridgwater , his native place . About ^ 25 o is , however , still lacking to comolete the cost of the pedestal on which the counterfeit presentiment of the gallant sailor is to stand . A London committee , on m 1 " eBro - Sir Walter Besant , Mr . Rudyard Kipling , Mr . Leslie Stephens , Mr . Blake Odgers , Q . C ., _ and others , has been formed with the view of raisin ? that sum , and , at a time when opinions respecting the necessity of maintaining England ' s naval supremacy are unanimous , this ought not to be a work of much difficulty .
A MASONIC SERVICE will be held in St . Mark ' s ] Church , New Barnet , in connection with the consecration of the new Nave , on Sunday , the 12 th inst ., when the sermon will be preached by Bro . the Venerable W . M . Sinclair , D . D ., Archdeacon of London . The service will commence at 3 . 30 p . m ., and a special train for the convey , ance of brethren desirous of attending from a distance will Heave Kinj ' s Cross at 2 . 35 p . m ., calling at all stations e n route to New Barnet . The offertory will be given to 'the Church Funds .
ROYAL AQUARIUM SEVENTH ANNUAL GREAT YACHTING EXHIBITION . —As an interesting and instructive trade exhibition showing the perfection attained by launch and boat builders in the building of their craft , the Seventh Annual Yachting Exhibition will be unexcelled by any of its predecessors . The number of launches with their different methods of motive power is a feature of the show , amongst the different types exhibited steamelectric
being , , hydro-carbon , and petroleum . In the yacht and boat building section the leading Thames builders and others are showing a fine array of sailing craft , skiff ' s , punts , dinghies , canoes , and folding boats . Several important firms engaged in the supplementary trades will also be found exhibiting , including manufacturers of life saving appliances , tents , anti-fouling compositions , washing appliances , filters , varnish , waterproofs , and other articles .
THE LORD LIEUTENANT OF IRELAND , attended by Capt . Cecil Fielden , aide-decamp-in-waiting , has arrived at Dublin Castle from London , for the season . Countess Cadogan has joined the Lord Lieutenant at the Castle from Mount Stewart , where she had been on a visit to the Marquis and Marchioness of Londonderry . Their Excellencies have been entertaining the following guests at the Castle during this week : Bro . the Duke and Duchess
of Abercorn and the Ladies Alexandra and Gladys Hamilton , the Marquis and Marchioness of Waterford , the Marquis and Marchioness of Londonderry and Lady Helen Stewart , the Earl and Countess of Pembroke and Lad y Beatrice Herbert , the Earl of Shaftesbury , Lady Magheramorne , Viscount Acheson , G-neral and the Hon . Mrs . Oliphant , Mr . and Mrs . H . White and Miss White , Miss Farquhirson . Mr . Milbanke , and the Hon . William Cadogan . - "qunarson ,
THE ALDERSGATE CLUB BALL will bj helj in the Kings' Hall of the Holborn Restaurant on Wednesday evening , the ist March . The string band of the London Rifle Brigade , under the direction of Mr . H . Henton , has been , by permission , engaged for the occasion . The order of the day will be evening dress , Court dress , or military uniform , and , as the number of tickets to be issued is limited , early application is desirable ; price ios . Cd . each , supper inc ' usive . The ball will take place under the patronage of the Lord Mayor ( Bro . Sir lohn Voce Moore ) . Rrns . Al < Wm « c u
„ Alhston and Lieut .-Col . Clifford Probyn , G . Treas . ; Sheriffs of London ; Bro Sir Ios Renals , Alderman of the Ward ; and Bros . Sir Reginald Hanson , Bart ., and the Hon Alban G . H . Gibbs , the Members of Parliament for the City . Full particulars obtainable from Bro . James Mayhew , o , Foster-lane , E . C , and T . Murray Janes , 101 , Aldersgatestreet , E . C , Hon . Secretaries of the Committee .
THE DUCHESS OK CONNAUGHT , as president , with the Hon . Mrs . Neville Lyttleton and Major-General J . Bonus , as the honorary secretary and treasurer , write on behalf of the Up Country Nursing Association for Europeans in India asking for further funds to permit an extension of its bjnefi : ent work . The first appjj . 1 to the public on the formation of the association in 18 93 realis ; d the sun of £ Soo , and yearly subscriptions of between £ 40 and £ 50 have b : en receivad . With thasj finds available the committee have been able hitherto to meet all applications for the supply of nurses but they now find that the increasing develoDment of the sutipm rnmn . i . > s . ™ ... ~ .. \
forward a special plea tor additional help . With these aims in view , which have the approval of her most gracious Majesty the Oueen , who is pitron of the assiciation , the committee confidently appeal to the public for increased aid . Djnations and yearly subscriptions will be received by Messrs . Henry S . King and Co ., 65 , Cornhill , E . C and reports and any other particulirs can be obtained on application to the honorary " secretary , Major-General J . Bonus , R . E ., The Cedars , Strawberry-hill .
SMOKERS SHOULD USE O-A-I-VEIfcT'S DEM0PHE80LENE. A DELICIOUS ANTISEPTIC LIQUID DENTIFRICE . A few drops in a wineglass of water makes a delicious wash , for sweetening the breath and leaving a pleasant taste and refreshing coolness in tlic mouth . Kilitcr of lltnUh says : — " Host effectual for strengthening tho gums in eiiso of tenderness ftnd ridding tho mouth of tho nronm of tobacco , " Is . 6 d . and 2 s . 6 d . Bottles , at Chemists , & e „ or Post Free for Value , Illustrated Pamphlet of Calvert ' s Carbolic Preparations sent post freo on application . F . C . QALVERT & CO ., Manchester .
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