Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Ars Quatuor Coronatorum.*
include the last of the series of "Hidden Mysteries , " contributed b y Bro . S . T . KLEIN , now I . P . M .. which constituted so important a feature of that brother ' s Mastership , and which , as they were such admirable essays in themselves , and so entirel y
outside the class of contributions which are ordinaril y made to the Transactions of our great literary lodge , have made his term of office especially memorable . But , in addition to this fifth and last of Bro . KLEIN ' papers , there was presented by Bro .
W . H . Rvi . ANDS certain " Notes on Sussex Masonry . " These Notes , the author tells us , are the result of two visits he made to Lavaittin 1-95 and 18 9 6 , supplemented b y particulars derived , by permission , from the paper read by Bro . C . DAWSON before the
Sussex Arch .-eological Society at its annual meeting in August , 18 94 , on certain ancient relics found in the caves of Lavant . Particulars are given of the relics found in these caves , but especiall y of one which was included among a number exhibited by Bro
C . BAMFVLDE WARR at the meeting of the lodge on the 3 rd May , 18 95 , which was found about a yard beneath the debris in the caves . This relic , of which an illustration is g iven , is described as a " curious copper badge ( thought b y some to be
Masonic or belonging to some trade guild ) , " and as " rudel y executed , " " about the thickness of a sixpence and threequarters of an ounce in weig ht , " and as having its edges rubbed smooth . " Down the centre is what appears to be a plumb line
reaching to the hole cut in the lower bar . " After certain speculations as to the value of this badge as a Masonic relic , Bro . RYLANDS points out that these Lavant caves are situated onl y a short distance from St . Rook's Hill , where , in some of our
earliest lodge lists , a lodge is located , which is said to have met once a year , and to have been constituted in the reign of JULIUS C / ESAR . What follows is unusuall y interesting , and will be read with pleasure bv all who delight in
tracing the history of our earliest lodges and the mysteries connected with them . There is also much relating to the Duke of RICHMOND , who was one of the earliest of the chiefs of our Grand Lodge , and to whom we are indebted for Hie establishment of what is now known as the Fund ot
Benevolence . The discussion which followed the reading of the Paper was brief but , as mi g ht well be imagined , laudatory in the hi g hest degree of Bro . RYLANDS ' S successful effort in elucidating
the early history of Masonry in Sussex . The feature of the November meeting was the address delivered b y Bro . PURDON CLARKE after his installation in the chair of the lodge .
But these b y no means exhaust the treasures of this third part of last year ' s Volume of Transactions . Among the Reviews is one of Bro . HENRY SADLER ' S " Masonic Reprints and Historical Revelations . " This review is from the pen of Bro .
R . F . GOULD , who is not sparing in his praise of the author , but , as mig ht have been expected , gives his chief attention to the Introductory Chapter , in which Bro . CRAWLEY describes the latest of his valuable discoveries on the subject of Irish
Freemasonry . There is also a reprint , with comments by Bro . W . J . HUGHAN , of the "John T . Thorp MS ., " of the old Constitutions of Masonry , which is certainl y very far from being the least valuable of the contents of this part .
The task of editing this part has been fulfilled b y Bro , Sl'ETII with his wonted ability , the whole being rendered comp lete b y the necessary index , and an excellent portrait of Bro . SYDN-EY T . KLEIN , the W . M . in 18 9 8 , which will serve as the frontispiece to Volume XL
Accompanying this Part III . is the usual " St . John ' s Card , " 27 th December , 18 9 S , in which the Worshi p ful Master conveys his greetings to the two Circles , and to which is appended a complete list of the members of the
lodge , as well as of the brethren and lodges that arc comprised in the " Correspondence Circle . " The Frontispiece is the portrait , from an engraving in Freemasons' Hall , of an unknowji brother , which is thus published in the hope that
some one may be able to throw light on his name or history There is also a chart showing the distribution of the Correspon deuce Circle over the world at the close of last year . A glanct
at this will suffice to show that the bulk of the members are to be found in the British Empire and the United States , with , however , a fair sprinkling in the north of Europe ,
Supreme Grand Chapter Of England.
The February Convocation of Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England was held on Wednesday evening , the ist instant , at Freemasons' Hall . The Principals' chairs were occupied by Comp . Earl Amherst , M . E . ProZ ., Comp . YV . W . Beach , M . P ., G . J ., asG . H ., and Comp .
J . Ihornhill Morland , M . A ., Prov . G . Supt . Berks , as G . J . Comps . E . Letchworth , G . S . E ., and Robert Grey , as G . S . N ., were in the _ seats of those officers . Comps . Sir Bruce Maxwell Seton was G . P . S . ; T . Lean Wilkinson , ist A . G . S . ; and R . Horton Smith , Q . C , 2 nd A . G . S . The other companions who attended were
Comps . Sir G . D . Harris , Pres . Committee of General Purposes ; Col . Clifford Probyn , G . Treas . ; John Strachan , O . C ., G . Reg . ; Reginald J . Mure , Dep . G . Reg . ; T . Poult ' ney GrilHn , ist G . Std . Br . ; Wm . F . Smithson , P . G . Std . Br . ; J . M . McLeod , P . G . Std . Br ., Sec . R . M . I . B . ; VV . A . Scurrah , P . A . G . D . C . ; W . Taylor , 3 rd G . Std . Br . ; Wm . Stevenson Hoyte , 4 th G . Std . Br . ; Frank Richardson , P . A . G . S ., G . D . C . ; F . G . Swinden , A . G . D . C . ; A . King , G . Org . ;
Lewis Lazarus , A . G . D . C . ; R . Clay Sudlow , P . D . G . D . C ; A . W . Oxford ; H . Garrod , P . A . G . D . C . ; George Mickley , M . D ., P . S . G . S . ; Alfred C . Spaull , P . D . G . D . C . ; Major G . H . N . Bridges , P . G . S . B . ; F . H . Goldney ; S . J . Abraham ; James Boulton , P . A . G . Director of Ceremonies ; James Smith Eastes , P . G . S . B . ; William Vincent , P . A . G . Director of Ceremonies ; L . G . Gordon Robbins , P . Dep . G . Reg . ; Major T . C . Walls , P . D . G . D . C ; W .
Russell , P . G . Std . Br . ; J . E . Le Feuvre , P . G . S . B . ; E . Luxmoore Marshall , P . G . S . B . ; W . G . Kentish , P . G . S . B ; W . B . Coltman , P . P . G . S . ; W . J . Mason , T . A . Bullock , P . A . G . D . C . ; George Cowell , P . A . G . S . ; ] . D . Langton , P . G . Std . Br . ; F . Gordon Brown , P . G . S . B . ; Malcolm Morris , P . A . G . S . ; Wm . Bywater , P . G . Std . Br . ; W . B . Fendick , Fred West , P . A . G . S . ; Thomas Henry Gardiner , P . G . S . B . ; Frederick Mead , P . A . G . D . C ; Major J . W . Woodall ,
P . G . T . ; C . F . Matier , P . Dep . G . D . C . ; Herbert J . Adams , P . D . G . D . C ; A . J . R . Trendell , P . G . S . B . ; E . M . Money , P . G . Std . Br . ; George Graveley , P . A . G . D . C ; J . Lewis Thomas , J . ] . Thomas , Major C . W . Carrell , P . G . S . B . ; R . S . A . Roumieu , P . G . S . B . ; Lennox ] Browne , P . G . S . B . ; Henry J . P . Dumas , P . G . S . B . ; C . Pulman , Asst . G . D . C ; H . Honeybone , P . G . S . B . ; W . Lake , Asst . G . S . E . ; H . Sadler , G . L ; F .
Hughes Hallett , P . Z . 709 , P . P . G . S . N . Kent ; J . Pickett , M . E . Z . 2410 ; Walter Gripper , M . E . Z . 410 and 2000 ; J . King Le Fann , M . E . Z . and J . 2410 ; Charles J . R . Tijju , M . E . Z . 1716 ; F . A . Powell , P . Z . 457 and 2416 ; M . Spiegel , P . Z . 814 , 1556 , P . P . G . S . B . Surrey ; H . Massey , P . Z . 619 and 1928 ; Arthur J . Cove , M . E . Z . S 62 ; H . Higgins , P . Z . 1381 ; W . Sergeant
Lee , M . E . Z . 24 S 3 ; C J . Turnbull , M . E . Z . 1524 ; George William Reed , J , 21 H 2 ; James W . Burgess , P . Z . 591 ; William Robert Barr , P . Z . 1275 , M E . Z . ' 55 ° "; J . Harrison , P . Z . 155 S , P . P . G . P . Soj . Surrey ; George Smith , H . 704 J W . Henry Thomas , M . E . Z . 382 ; James Speller , M . E . Z . 176 G ; Alfred Dewsbury , l . P . Z . 539 , P . P . G . R . Staffs ; J . R . Cleave , M . E . Z . 2030 ; F . Dangerfield , P . Z . 1260 ; and F . A . R . Neill / M . E . Z . 897 .
After Grand Chapter had been opened in ancient and solemn form , and the minutes of the Quarterly Convocation of November , 1898 , had been read and confirmed , Earl AMHERST said he had to acquaint Grand Chapter that the Most Excellent First Grand Principal had been pleased to appoint him as Pro Grand First Principal , and the Right Hon . the Earl of Warwick as Second Grand Principal .
The report of the Committee of General Purposes , as published in the Freemason last week , was , on the motion of Comp . Sir GEO . D . HARRIS , seconded by Comp . F . RICHARDSON , taken as read , and ordered to be received and entered on the minutes .
Moved and seconded respectively by the same companions chatters were granted for chapters to be attached to the Jordan Lodge , No . 1402 , Torquay ; the St . George Lodge , No . 549 , Bombay ; the Germinston Lodge , No . 249 S , Germiston ; the Martyn Lodge , No . 1983 , Halesworth ; the Metropolitan Lodge , No . 253 S , Cape Town ; the St . Trillo Lodge , No , 2569 , Colwyn Bay ; and the Sir Francis Drake Lodge , No . 2649 , Plvmoulh .
Permission was given to remove the Loyalty Chapter , No . 897 , from the Masonic Rooms , Hall-street , lo the Imperial Buildings , Ormskirk-street , St . Helens ; the P « nmure Chapter , No . 720 , from the Horns Tavern , Kennington , to the Holborn Viaduct Hotel , Londoi ; the Felicity Chapter , No . 58 , from the Grafton Rooms , Beak-street , to the Prince ' s Restaurant , Piccadilly , London ; the Architect Chapter , No . 1375 . from the Town Hall ,
Withington , to the Public Hall , West Didsbury , Lancashire ; the Blagdon Chapter , No . 6 59 , from the Mechanic ' s Institute to the New Masonic Hall , Beaconsfield-strett , Blyth ; the Philanthropic Chapter , No . 304 , from the Masonic Hall , Great George-street , to the Masonic Hall , Carlton-hill , Leeds ; the Alfred Chapter , No . 306 , from the Masonic Hall , Great
George- £ treet , to the Masonic Hall , Carlton-hill , Leeds ; the Excelsior Chapter , No . 1042 . from the Masonic Hall , Great George-street , to the Masonic Hall , Cailton-hill , Leeds ; and the Jerusalem Chapter , No . 185 , from the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , to the Frascati Restaurant , Oxford-street , London .
Charters of confirmation were granted to the Temperance-in -the- East Chapter , and to the Virtue Chapter , No . 495 , Axminster , the original charters having been lost . Comp . VV . SERGEANT LEE , P . Z . 1201 , & c , then moved : " That Grand Chapter be asked to sanction a gold braid or chain to be attached to the red collars of Past First Principals or Inrtalled First Principals , after the same
manner as Grand Lodge has sanctioned the silver braid en Installed Masters' collars , so that such red collar may be worn when visiting a chapter . " He said the resolution needed very few remarks , as some years ago Grand Lodge was pleased to sanction a similar motion with regard to Masters and Past Masters of lodges to enable them to wear in other than their own lodge collars with a silver braid if they wished to visit a lodge . Of course , the
Grand Officer ' s doming carried them anywhere , but for those who were Principals-or Past Principals he thought it would \> i a kindly tiling to allow them to wear a gold braid on their collars if those companions wished to visit other chapters . He thought that Grand Chapter might sanction something of the kind mentioned in his notice of motion to bi attached to the collars of Principals or Past Principals . Comp . Is . J . TURNIUILL , M . E . Z . 1524 , seconded the motion . Comp . FRANK RiciiARnsoNsaidheenlirely endorsed the proposition of Comp . Lee , but would suggest that the matter be referred to the General
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Ars Quatuor Coronatorum.*
include the last of the series of "Hidden Mysteries , " contributed b y Bro . S . T . KLEIN , now I . P . M .. which constituted so important a feature of that brother ' s Mastership , and which , as they were such admirable essays in themselves , and so entirel y
outside the class of contributions which are ordinaril y made to the Transactions of our great literary lodge , have made his term of office especially memorable . But , in addition to this fifth and last of Bro . KLEIN ' papers , there was presented by Bro .
W . H . Rvi . ANDS certain " Notes on Sussex Masonry . " These Notes , the author tells us , are the result of two visits he made to Lavaittin 1-95 and 18 9 6 , supplemented b y particulars derived , by permission , from the paper read by Bro . C . DAWSON before the
Sussex Arch .-eological Society at its annual meeting in August , 18 94 , on certain ancient relics found in the caves of Lavant . Particulars are given of the relics found in these caves , but especiall y of one which was included among a number exhibited by Bro
C . BAMFVLDE WARR at the meeting of the lodge on the 3 rd May , 18 95 , which was found about a yard beneath the debris in the caves . This relic , of which an illustration is g iven , is described as a " curious copper badge ( thought b y some to be
Masonic or belonging to some trade guild ) , " and as " rudel y executed , " " about the thickness of a sixpence and threequarters of an ounce in weig ht , " and as having its edges rubbed smooth . " Down the centre is what appears to be a plumb line
reaching to the hole cut in the lower bar . " After certain speculations as to the value of this badge as a Masonic relic , Bro . RYLANDS points out that these Lavant caves are situated onl y a short distance from St . Rook's Hill , where , in some of our
earliest lodge lists , a lodge is located , which is said to have met once a year , and to have been constituted in the reign of JULIUS C / ESAR . What follows is unusuall y interesting , and will be read with pleasure bv all who delight in
tracing the history of our earliest lodges and the mysteries connected with them . There is also much relating to the Duke of RICHMOND , who was one of the earliest of the chiefs of our Grand Lodge , and to whom we are indebted for Hie establishment of what is now known as the Fund ot
Benevolence . The discussion which followed the reading of the Paper was brief but , as mi g ht well be imagined , laudatory in the hi g hest degree of Bro . RYLANDS ' S successful effort in elucidating
the early history of Masonry in Sussex . The feature of the November meeting was the address delivered b y Bro . PURDON CLARKE after his installation in the chair of the lodge .
But these b y no means exhaust the treasures of this third part of last year ' s Volume of Transactions . Among the Reviews is one of Bro . HENRY SADLER ' S " Masonic Reprints and Historical Revelations . " This review is from the pen of Bro .
R . F . GOULD , who is not sparing in his praise of the author , but , as mig ht have been expected , gives his chief attention to the Introductory Chapter , in which Bro . CRAWLEY describes the latest of his valuable discoveries on the subject of Irish
Freemasonry . There is also a reprint , with comments by Bro . W . J . HUGHAN , of the "John T . Thorp MS ., " of the old Constitutions of Masonry , which is certainl y very far from being the least valuable of the contents of this part .
The task of editing this part has been fulfilled b y Bro , Sl'ETII with his wonted ability , the whole being rendered comp lete b y the necessary index , and an excellent portrait of Bro . SYDN-EY T . KLEIN , the W . M . in 18 9 8 , which will serve as the frontispiece to Volume XL
Accompanying this Part III . is the usual " St . John ' s Card , " 27 th December , 18 9 S , in which the Worshi p ful Master conveys his greetings to the two Circles , and to which is appended a complete list of the members of the
lodge , as well as of the brethren and lodges that arc comprised in the " Correspondence Circle . " The Frontispiece is the portrait , from an engraving in Freemasons' Hall , of an unknowji brother , which is thus published in the hope that
some one may be able to throw light on his name or history There is also a chart showing the distribution of the Correspon deuce Circle over the world at the close of last year . A glanct
at this will suffice to show that the bulk of the members are to be found in the British Empire and the United States , with , however , a fair sprinkling in the north of Europe ,
Supreme Grand Chapter Of England.
The February Convocation of Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England was held on Wednesday evening , the ist instant , at Freemasons' Hall . The Principals' chairs were occupied by Comp . Earl Amherst , M . E . ProZ ., Comp . YV . W . Beach , M . P ., G . J ., asG . H ., and Comp .
J . Ihornhill Morland , M . A ., Prov . G . Supt . Berks , as G . J . Comps . E . Letchworth , G . S . E ., and Robert Grey , as G . S . N ., were in the _ seats of those officers . Comps . Sir Bruce Maxwell Seton was G . P . S . ; T . Lean Wilkinson , ist A . G . S . ; and R . Horton Smith , Q . C , 2 nd A . G . S . The other companions who attended were
Comps . Sir G . D . Harris , Pres . Committee of General Purposes ; Col . Clifford Probyn , G . Treas . ; John Strachan , O . C ., G . Reg . ; Reginald J . Mure , Dep . G . Reg . ; T . Poult ' ney GrilHn , ist G . Std . Br . ; Wm . F . Smithson , P . G . Std . Br . ; J . M . McLeod , P . G . Std . Br ., Sec . R . M . I . B . ; VV . A . Scurrah , P . A . G . D . C . ; W . Taylor , 3 rd G . Std . Br . ; Wm . Stevenson Hoyte , 4 th G . Std . Br . ; Frank Richardson , P . A . G . S ., G . D . C . ; F . G . Swinden , A . G . D . C . ; A . King , G . Org . ;
Lewis Lazarus , A . G . D . C . ; R . Clay Sudlow , P . D . G . D . C ; A . W . Oxford ; H . Garrod , P . A . G . D . C . ; George Mickley , M . D ., P . S . G . S . ; Alfred C . Spaull , P . D . G . D . C . ; Major G . H . N . Bridges , P . G . S . B . ; F . H . Goldney ; S . J . Abraham ; James Boulton , P . A . G . Director of Ceremonies ; James Smith Eastes , P . G . S . B . ; William Vincent , P . A . G . Director of Ceremonies ; L . G . Gordon Robbins , P . Dep . G . Reg . ; Major T . C . Walls , P . D . G . D . C ; W .
Russell , P . G . Std . Br . ; J . E . Le Feuvre , P . G . S . B . ; E . Luxmoore Marshall , P . G . S . B . ; W . G . Kentish , P . G . S . B ; W . B . Coltman , P . P . G . S . ; W . J . Mason , T . A . Bullock , P . A . G . D . C . ; George Cowell , P . A . G . S . ; ] . D . Langton , P . G . Std . Br . ; F . Gordon Brown , P . G . S . B . ; Malcolm Morris , P . A . G . S . ; Wm . Bywater , P . G . Std . Br . ; W . B . Fendick , Fred West , P . A . G . S . ; Thomas Henry Gardiner , P . G . S . B . ; Frederick Mead , P . A . G . D . C ; Major J . W . Woodall ,
P . G . T . ; C . F . Matier , P . Dep . G . D . C . ; Herbert J . Adams , P . D . G . D . C ; A . J . R . Trendell , P . G . S . B . ; E . M . Money , P . G . Std . Br . ; George Graveley , P . A . G . D . C ; J . Lewis Thomas , J . ] . Thomas , Major C . W . Carrell , P . G . S . B . ; R . S . A . Roumieu , P . G . S . B . ; Lennox ] Browne , P . G . S . B . ; Henry J . P . Dumas , P . G . S . B . ; C . Pulman , Asst . G . D . C ; H . Honeybone , P . G . S . B . ; W . Lake , Asst . G . S . E . ; H . Sadler , G . L ; F .
Hughes Hallett , P . Z . 709 , P . P . G . S . N . Kent ; J . Pickett , M . E . Z . 2410 ; Walter Gripper , M . E . Z . 410 and 2000 ; J . King Le Fann , M . E . Z . and J . 2410 ; Charles J . R . Tijju , M . E . Z . 1716 ; F . A . Powell , P . Z . 457 and 2416 ; M . Spiegel , P . Z . 814 , 1556 , P . P . G . S . B . Surrey ; H . Massey , P . Z . 619 and 1928 ; Arthur J . Cove , M . E . Z . S 62 ; H . Higgins , P . Z . 1381 ; W . Sergeant
Lee , M . E . Z . 24 S 3 ; C J . Turnbull , M . E . Z . 1524 ; George William Reed , J , 21 H 2 ; James W . Burgess , P . Z . 591 ; William Robert Barr , P . Z . 1275 , M E . Z . ' 55 ° "; J . Harrison , P . Z . 155 S , P . P . G . P . Soj . Surrey ; George Smith , H . 704 J W . Henry Thomas , M . E . Z . 382 ; James Speller , M . E . Z . 176 G ; Alfred Dewsbury , l . P . Z . 539 , P . P . G . R . Staffs ; J . R . Cleave , M . E . Z . 2030 ; F . Dangerfield , P . Z . 1260 ; and F . A . R . Neill / M . E . Z . 897 .
After Grand Chapter had been opened in ancient and solemn form , and the minutes of the Quarterly Convocation of November , 1898 , had been read and confirmed , Earl AMHERST said he had to acquaint Grand Chapter that the Most Excellent First Grand Principal had been pleased to appoint him as Pro Grand First Principal , and the Right Hon . the Earl of Warwick as Second Grand Principal .
The report of the Committee of General Purposes , as published in the Freemason last week , was , on the motion of Comp . Sir GEO . D . HARRIS , seconded by Comp . F . RICHARDSON , taken as read , and ordered to be received and entered on the minutes .
Moved and seconded respectively by the same companions chatters were granted for chapters to be attached to the Jordan Lodge , No . 1402 , Torquay ; the St . George Lodge , No . 549 , Bombay ; the Germinston Lodge , No . 249 S , Germiston ; the Martyn Lodge , No . 1983 , Halesworth ; the Metropolitan Lodge , No . 253 S , Cape Town ; the St . Trillo Lodge , No , 2569 , Colwyn Bay ; and the Sir Francis Drake Lodge , No . 2649 , Plvmoulh .
Permission was given to remove the Loyalty Chapter , No . 897 , from the Masonic Rooms , Hall-street , lo the Imperial Buildings , Ormskirk-street , St . Helens ; the P « nmure Chapter , No . 720 , from the Horns Tavern , Kennington , to the Holborn Viaduct Hotel , Londoi ; the Felicity Chapter , No . 58 , from the Grafton Rooms , Beak-street , to the Prince ' s Restaurant , Piccadilly , London ; the Architect Chapter , No . 1375 . from the Town Hall ,
Withington , to the Public Hall , West Didsbury , Lancashire ; the Blagdon Chapter , No . 6 59 , from the Mechanic ' s Institute to the New Masonic Hall , Beaconsfield-strett , Blyth ; the Philanthropic Chapter , No . 304 , from the Masonic Hall , Great George-street , to the Masonic Hall , Carlton-hill , Leeds ; the Alfred Chapter , No . 306 , from the Masonic Hall , Great
George- £ treet , to the Masonic Hall , Carlton-hill , Leeds ; the Excelsior Chapter , No . 1042 . from the Masonic Hall , Great George-street , to the Masonic Hall , Cailton-hill , Leeds ; and the Jerusalem Chapter , No . 185 , from the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , to the Frascati Restaurant , Oxford-street , London .
Charters of confirmation were granted to the Temperance-in -the- East Chapter , and to the Virtue Chapter , No . 495 , Axminster , the original charters having been lost . Comp . VV . SERGEANT LEE , P . Z . 1201 , & c , then moved : " That Grand Chapter be asked to sanction a gold braid or chain to be attached to the red collars of Past First Principals or Inrtalled First Principals , after the same
manner as Grand Lodge has sanctioned the silver braid en Installed Masters' collars , so that such red collar may be worn when visiting a chapter . " He said the resolution needed very few remarks , as some years ago Grand Lodge was pleased to sanction a similar motion with regard to Masters and Past Masters of lodges to enable them to wear in other than their own lodge collars with a silver braid if they wished to visit a lodge . Of course , the
Grand Officer ' s doming carried them anywhere , but for those who were Principals-or Past Principals he thought it would \> i a kindly tiling to allow them to wear a gold braid on their collars if those companions wished to visit other chapters . He thought that Grand Chapter might sanction something of the kind mentioned in his notice of motion to bi attached to the collars of Principals or Past Principals . Comp . Is . J . TURNIUILL , M . E . Z . 1524 , seconded the motion . Comp . FRANK RiciiARnsoNsaidheenlirely endorsed the proposition of Comp . Lee , but would suggest that the matter be referred to the General