Article FOURTH ANNUAL LADIES' NIGHT OF THE LION AND LAMB LODGE, No. 192. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE LOGIC CLUB. Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONS AT CHURCH. Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONS AT CHURCH. Page 1 of 1 Article RECENT WILLS. Page 1 of 1 Article Craft Masonry Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Fourth Annual Ladies' Night Of The Lion And Lamb Lodge, No. 192.
The company then adjourned to the Pillar Hall , where an excellent supper had been set in this hotel's well known style , under the personal supervision of the genial and experienced manager , Bro . G . W . Fenelley . A'ter supper , three toasts only were very briefly given—that of " The Queen , " by the W . M ., who also gave the toast of the evening , "The Ladies , " in very happy and felicitous terms , the latter being ably and humorously responded to by Bro . A . R . HIPWELL .
Bro . Coiiu , P . M ., the worthy and greatly esteemed Treasurer , then proposed " The Health of the W . M . " in a very kindly manner , including ' in it Mrs ., Miss , and Mr . G . K . Baker , the W . M . very suitably and briefly responding . The ladies , gentlemen , and brethren then returned to the great hall , where dancing was resumed and kept up with great spirit until 11 . 30 , and a most enjoyable evening concluded by the playing and singing of " God Save the Queen . " Among the company present , which numbered about 150 , we noticed Bro .
William Baker , W . M . ; Mrs ., Miss , and Mr . G . K . Baker ; Mrs . Balding ; Bro . McGraw ; Miss Riley ; Mrs . and Miss Willby ; Mr . A . W . Smith and Miss Wilson ; 'Bro . Morris ; Bro . John G . Robeson , S . W . ; Mr . and Mrs . Crook ; Bro . Taylor ; Mrs . Hopwood ; Bro . G . Harvey ; Miss Smith ; Bro . Windsor ; Mr . and Mrs . Duggua ; Miss Plumb ; Bro . and Mrs . Mullins ; Bro . and Mrs . Hyde ; Bro . J . Miller ; Bro . T . Stokes , J . W ., and Mrs . Stokes ; Mr . E . W . Muir ; Miss G . Cornford ; Bro . T . Cohu , P . M ., Treas ., and Mrs . Cohu ; the
Misses Lee ; Bro . F . Hughes , P . M ., and Mrs . F . Hughes ; Bro ! James Speller , P . M ., P . Z ., and Mrs . Speller ; Miss Rose Sedson ; Mr . and Mrs . J . Phipps ; Mr . Bruce ; Bro . Franklin ; Bro . A . Fergusson , S . D . -, Miss Fergusson , and Miss L . Fergusson ; Mr . Schrier ; Mr . G . Bird ; Bro . J . C . Peach , J . D ., and Mrs . Peach ; Miss S . Browning ; Bro . James Smith , P . M ., D . of C , ( Honorary Secretary ); Bro . Fishleigh ; Bro . Crawshaw ; Bro . J . Lockett ; Bro . G . and Mrs . Wetton ; Bro . C . E . and Mrs . C . E . Wetton ;
Bro . James and Mrs . Collins ; Mr . E . (' .. Collins ; Misses C and E . Collins ; Bro . H . Moler ; Mr . T . Simpson ; Miss Grace Davis ; Mr . and Mrs . T . Worger and Miss Worger ; Mr . F . H . Farr ; Mr . and Mrs . Yates ; Bro . and Mrs . T . D . Woodhouse ; Miss Morgan ; Mr . Gibson : Miss Hardman ; Bro . and Mrs . Lloyd ; Bro . and Mrs . Sutherland ; Bro . J . H . Williams ; Mrs . West ; Miss W . Archer ; Mr ,
\ V . Trimlett ; Mr . and Mrs . Sudworth ; Bro . and Mrs . Mott ; Bro . and Mrs Anderson ; Bro . and Mrs . J . S . Linton ; Bro . and Mrs . M . Armstrong ; Mr . F . R Williams ; Miss F . E . Bull ; Miss F . E . Williams ; Mr . G . Smart ; Bro . T . W Bamford ; Bro . A . S . Allen ; Bro . Hipwell ; Bro . J . J . Bassett ; Mr . W . J . Somerville ; Miss Burt ; Mr . Copperthwaite ; Bro . Brough ; Bro . and Mrs . Oliver ; Bro . W . Gernon ; Miss Johnson ; and Bro . D . Harlow , P . M . 65 ( Preceptor ) .
As a great deal of the success of a dance depends on the music , we have great pleasure in testifying to the splendid selection of up-to-date tunes selected by Mr . J . W . Youens , and performed by his band under his own personal conductorship . At the supper table the W . M . drew attention to the fact that some few of the brethren were getting up a Cinderella dance , in aid of the " Masonic Charities , " to take place on the 16 th instant ; tickets 2 s . 6 d ., which , with further particulars , can | be had of Bro . Arthur J . Rippin , Hon . Sec , 56 , Dalkeith-road , Ilford .
The Logic Club.
The 18 th annual banquet of this club , founded 18 years ago with the object of affording additional opportunitiel to Masons to perfect themselves in the ritual , took place on the 29 th ult ., at Frascati ' s Restaurant , Bro . R . Manuel in the chair . The originators were Bros . George Buckland and John Maclean , both welL known actors in their day , and Bro . J . P , Fitzgerald , the still energetic Secretary . Most of the original constituents were actors , but members of other professions are now admitted . The club meets every Sunday morning between October and April .
The Royal toasts having been duly honoured , the CHAIRMAN proposed " The Health of Bro . McLeod , Secretary of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , " the guest of the evening , remarking that the success of June 10 last , when £ 143 , 000 was collacted for Masonic Charities , at a banquet over which the Prince of Wales presided , had been , to a considerable extent , due to his personal efforts . ( Cheers . )
In reply , Bro . MCLEOD said he was proud to belong to a club which did so much to spread among Masons a knowledge of the ritual of the Order . ( Cheers . ) But the credit of the great collection to which reference had b : en made was due to the personal influence of the Prince of Wales and his presence at the banquet . ( Prolonged cheers . )
The CHAIRMAN then gave "Continued Success to the Club , " stating that every Sunday morning they met many young Masons who , desiring to gain distinction in their lodges , made great progress in learning the ritual . Bro . FITZGERALD , in reply , said the year just closing constituted a record , in
that they had enrolled 33 new members . During their existence they had paid 2550 guineas to the Boys' and Girls' Schools and the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . In the course of the evening an excellent programme of music and recitations was provided by members and their triends .
Freemasons At Church.
Masonic services in places of worship have of late become very frequent , but hitherto have been confined to the Established Church . On the 29 th ult ., however , an innovation was made—which is unique in the annals of Nonconformity—at the handsome and commodious Congregational Church in the Kingsland-road , where one of these services was conducted ,
cf which the Rev . M . H . Le Pla is the pastor . 1 he service was held under the auspices of the Clissold Lodge , No . 2551 ( Bro . A . H . Cooper , W . M . ) , and by a special dispensation granted by the M . W . G . M ., H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , the brethren—who occupied the area of this fine building—wore the Craft clothing and jewels indicative of their rank in the Order .
The sermon was preached by Bro . the Rev . W . Whittley ( of Cricklewood ) , P . G . D ., and P . P . G . Chap . Devon , the lesson being read by Bro . the Rev . F . W . A-el ' ng , M . A ., P . P . G . Chap . Somerset . Bro . A . Briscoe , Past Provincial Grand Organist Surrey , the gifted composer of the anthem and magnificat , presided at the organ , the musical portion of the
service , which was throughout most beautifully rendered , being supplemented by a choir belonging to the church and orchestra under the conduc . orship of Bro . Warwick Williams . Prior to the service the brethren entered the church in procession , Bo . James Terry , P . G . S . B ., Sec . R . M . B . I ., acting as Director of the Ceremonies .
Freemasons At Church.
The sermon wis preached from the text I . Corinthians , ch . 3 v . 13 , " Every man ' s work shall be made manifest , " and emphasis was laid upon the fact that Freemasonry knew nothing of denominationalism . The Rev . M . H . LE PLA , who on this occasion wore his silk gown , took the opportunity of offering from the pulpit a hearty welcome to those
members of Mas inic lodges who had so kindly attended on that occasion to lend their support on behalf of the church funds . He had not been initiated into the mysteries of the Order , but for many years he had heard of the marvellous Charity which chiracterised the Craft , and knew of their desire to promote the brotherhood of mankind , and the well being generally of the human race .
A special collection wis made on behalf of the church funds , which amounted to £ 25 7 s . 2 L , after which Miss Emily Davis sang , with charming expression , " With verdure did . " Then the chcir , strengthened by the organ and orchestral accompaniment , rendered the festival anthem , " Awake thou that sleepest , " and before separating the congregation joined with great heartiness in singing Sir Michael Costa ' s effective arrangement of " God bless our native land , " to the tune of the National Anthem . Bro . Walter Syckelmore was the Choir Superintendent .
The arrangements for the service were excellently carried out under ths joint supervision of Bros . A . Briscoe and A . E . Mitchell , W . M . 1714 . The church was crowded in every part . Amongst the brethren present were
Bros . George Graveley , G . Purst . Eng . ; W . Gower , P . G . T . Essex ; F . M . Bilby , P . M . 1327 , Prov . G . Std . Br . ; A . R . Bilby , 2323 , Prov . S . G . W . Herts ; W . T . Buck ; P . M . 2241 , P . P . G . S . of W . Middx . ; T . C . Edmonds , P . M , 1507 ; A . H . Cooper , W . M . 2551 ; J . Oldis , P . M ., Sec 1288 ; H . Macfarlane , W . M . 2601 ; G . A . Wall , J . D . 204 S ; T . A . Key , A . D . C . 1288 ; W . Howes , P . M . 1599 ; E . Howes , P . M . 1599 ; J . Cox , P . M . 813 ; F . Norman , S . W . 1767 ; G .
Cook , P . M . 1580 ; T . Andrew , W . M . 1366 ; F . Linfoot , S . W . 27 ; G . Edwards , W . M . 1287 ; S . H . Pearson , I . P . M . 1298 ; C . Burns . S . W . 1687 ; T . Bolton , I . P . M . 2712 ; W . H . Haylock , J . W . 901 ; J . Pakeman , W . M . 1728 ; ] . J . Lamigeon , P . M ., Sec . 2551 ; F . W . Downes , W . M . 1158 ; W . E . Toynton , J . D . 1950 ; H . M . Dove , I . P . M . 19 S 4 ; J . Holding P . M . 1350 ; A . E . Purkis , S . W . 1314 ; W . B . Pratt , J . W . 861 ; H . Massey , P . M . 1928 ; R . V . Davies , P . M . 1288 ; H . Hill , P . M . 1305 ; A . Millbourn , 1237 ; C . Bolton , and many others .
Recent Wills.
THE EARL OF LATHOM , PRO G . M . The will bears date December 28 th , 18 97 , with a codicil of the same date , and a codicil of the 31 st October , 18 9 8 , of Edward , first Earl of Lathom , who died on the 19 th November last , in his 61 st year , leaving personal estate valued at £ 127 , 882 4 s . 2 d ., and the gross value of the whole of whose estate is assessed at £ 147 , 527 3 s . 4 d . Lord Lathom bequeathed to devolve as heirlooms with Lathom
House , under the settlement of Dec . 14 th , 1885 , all the paintings in oils at Lathom House , two paintings in his two , houses bequeathed by the Earl of CIaren » don , the gold watch and chain of William IV ., the Queen ' s shawl and the small brooch given to Lady Lathom by the Queen , the gold snuff boxes presented to him by the Emperor of Austria , the King of the Belgians , and the Shah of Persia , the diamond ornament made from presentation snuff boxes , the aqua marine brooch given to his grandmother , Lady Skelmersdale , by Lord Liverpool )
the presentation made to his grandfather by electors of Newcastle-on-Tyne , the gold snuff box given to Sir Thomas Bootle by Frederick Prince of Wales , the goblet and tankards given to Lord Lathom by the Freemasons of Lancashire , and many other articles . The testator bequeathed # the remainder of his goods and silver plate , his furniture , and indoor and outdoor effects to his eldest son , and he appointed the balance of £ 15 , 000 of a sum of which he had power of appointment to his sons Villiers Richard and Randle Arthur Bootle Wilbraham and
his daughters the Ladies Alice Maud , Bertha Maud , and Edith Cecil Bootle Wilbraham , and he bequeathed to his said two sons such sums as will make up their portions to £ 20 , 000 each , and the portions of his three unmarried daughters are to be made up to £ 7001 each , and they are to receive whilst unmarried £ 400 a year each , and the last remaining unmarried £ 800 . A freehold or leasehold house is also to be bought , or a house to be taken on lease , for Lord Lathom ' s
unmarried daughter- ; , who are to have certain plate , furniture , and wine . Lord Lathom bequeathed to his daughter Lady Florence Mary Cecil £ iooo , and upon trusts for her £ 5000 ; and he bequeathed to the Earl of Derby and the Earl of Clarendon , executors of his will , £ 100 each ; to his sisters the Hon . Jessy Caroline Bateman and the Hon . Rose Bootle Wilbraham £ 100 each ; to his estate agent at Lathom , Mr . George Roper , £ 500 ; to his solicitors , William Melmoth Walters and Richard Mountford Wood , £ 100 each ; to James Heald , clerk in tha
estate olllce , £ 50 ; Benjamin Ashton , head gardener , Henry Mansell , head coachman , Robert Hartland , Henry Franklin , and Zella Wright , £ 50 etch ; to Kate Johnson £ 20 ; to other servants of three years ' service one year ' s wages ; and to his children's governess , Elizabeth Hans , a life annuity of £ 50 . Under power of settlements of ist Janutry , 1859 , and i 6 : h August , i 85 o , Lord Latho . n appointed a sum of £ 20 , 000 to be raised in and of his personal estate , and he left hi ? residuary estate in trust for his eldest son , now second Earl of Lathom .
The personal estate has been valued at £ 104 , 075 11 s . 10 I . of Bro , John Stephen Jarvis , No . 1657 , of Divon House , Claphim Comoion , who died on the 15 th November last , aged 77 years . It is left chiefly to members of the family .
Craft Masonry
Craft Masonry
Neptune Lodge , No * 22 . The installation meeting of this lodge—one of the City's very ancient lodges—was held on the aOth ult ., at the Guildhall Tavern , u-ider the presidency of Bro . W . C > Greaves , the W . M . The other members present were Bros . F . Tennant Pain , S . W . ; F . W . Golby , J . W . ; Henry Povey . Treas . ; I . Corkers , Sec ; Walter Whitin ? , S . D . ; S . J . Cowley , J . D . ; H . J . Whittard . I . G . ; H . H . Knill , P . M ., Ore . ; Will
Cook , P . M ., Steward ; W . J . Charles , I . P . M . ; John Kitchener Cotes , F . E . Sharpe , Edwin Reynolds , T . Richmund , E . T . Aydon Smith , R . W . Carter , R . J . Burt White , F . Loder , D . Kan , G . W . Staples , J . Richmoid , R . Harev , A . Clark , J . Chapmin , G . Waterall , P . M . ; H . SaviJj ?; , P . M . ; E . Diio / , R . B . BtUry , R . PeirsM , W . J . A . Deem , and Alick Holland . The visitors were 11 ,-os . W . F . Cole , W . M . 1239 j H . G . Danby , iojO ; T . May , 27 ; W . Wright , 1 S 97 ; H . Wood , P . M . 101 ; F . Bolton Sutton , P . M . mo ; W . Miles , I . G . 1510 ; A . Holmes , S . D . 2256 } W . A . Thuth
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Fourth Annual Ladies' Night Of The Lion And Lamb Lodge, No. 192.
The company then adjourned to the Pillar Hall , where an excellent supper had been set in this hotel's well known style , under the personal supervision of the genial and experienced manager , Bro . G . W . Fenelley . A'ter supper , three toasts only were very briefly given—that of " The Queen , " by the W . M ., who also gave the toast of the evening , "The Ladies , " in very happy and felicitous terms , the latter being ably and humorously responded to by Bro . A . R . HIPWELL .
Bro . Coiiu , P . M ., the worthy and greatly esteemed Treasurer , then proposed " The Health of the W . M . " in a very kindly manner , including ' in it Mrs ., Miss , and Mr . G . K . Baker , the W . M . very suitably and briefly responding . The ladies , gentlemen , and brethren then returned to the great hall , where dancing was resumed and kept up with great spirit until 11 . 30 , and a most enjoyable evening concluded by the playing and singing of " God Save the Queen . " Among the company present , which numbered about 150 , we noticed Bro .
William Baker , W . M . ; Mrs ., Miss , and Mr . G . K . Baker ; Mrs . Balding ; Bro . McGraw ; Miss Riley ; Mrs . and Miss Willby ; Mr . A . W . Smith and Miss Wilson ; 'Bro . Morris ; Bro . John G . Robeson , S . W . ; Mr . and Mrs . Crook ; Bro . Taylor ; Mrs . Hopwood ; Bro . G . Harvey ; Miss Smith ; Bro . Windsor ; Mr . and Mrs . Duggua ; Miss Plumb ; Bro . and Mrs . Mullins ; Bro . and Mrs . Hyde ; Bro . J . Miller ; Bro . T . Stokes , J . W ., and Mrs . Stokes ; Mr . E . W . Muir ; Miss G . Cornford ; Bro . T . Cohu , P . M ., Treas ., and Mrs . Cohu ; the
Misses Lee ; Bro . F . Hughes , P . M ., and Mrs . F . Hughes ; Bro ! James Speller , P . M ., P . Z ., and Mrs . Speller ; Miss Rose Sedson ; Mr . and Mrs . J . Phipps ; Mr . Bruce ; Bro . Franklin ; Bro . A . Fergusson , S . D . -, Miss Fergusson , and Miss L . Fergusson ; Mr . Schrier ; Mr . G . Bird ; Bro . J . C . Peach , J . D ., and Mrs . Peach ; Miss S . Browning ; Bro . James Smith , P . M ., D . of C , ( Honorary Secretary ); Bro . Fishleigh ; Bro . Crawshaw ; Bro . J . Lockett ; Bro . G . and Mrs . Wetton ; Bro . C . E . and Mrs . C . E . Wetton ;
Bro . James and Mrs . Collins ; Mr . E . (' .. Collins ; Misses C and E . Collins ; Bro . H . Moler ; Mr . T . Simpson ; Miss Grace Davis ; Mr . and Mrs . T . Worger and Miss Worger ; Mr . F . H . Farr ; Mr . and Mrs . Yates ; Bro . and Mrs . T . D . Woodhouse ; Miss Morgan ; Mr . Gibson : Miss Hardman ; Bro . and Mrs . Lloyd ; Bro . and Mrs . Sutherland ; Bro . J . H . Williams ; Mrs . West ; Miss W . Archer ; Mr ,
\ V . Trimlett ; Mr . and Mrs . Sudworth ; Bro . and Mrs . Mott ; Bro . and Mrs Anderson ; Bro . and Mrs . J . S . Linton ; Bro . and Mrs . M . Armstrong ; Mr . F . R Williams ; Miss F . E . Bull ; Miss F . E . Williams ; Mr . G . Smart ; Bro . T . W Bamford ; Bro . A . S . Allen ; Bro . Hipwell ; Bro . J . J . Bassett ; Mr . W . J . Somerville ; Miss Burt ; Mr . Copperthwaite ; Bro . Brough ; Bro . and Mrs . Oliver ; Bro . W . Gernon ; Miss Johnson ; and Bro . D . Harlow , P . M . 65 ( Preceptor ) .
As a great deal of the success of a dance depends on the music , we have great pleasure in testifying to the splendid selection of up-to-date tunes selected by Mr . J . W . Youens , and performed by his band under his own personal conductorship . At the supper table the W . M . drew attention to the fact that some few of the brethren were getting up a Cinderella dance , in aid of the " Masonic Charities , " to take place on the 16 th instant ; tickets 2 s . 6 d ., which , with further particulars , can | be had of Bro . Arthur J . Rippin , Hon . Sec , 56 , Dalkeith-road , Ilford .
The Logic Club.
The 18 th annual banquet of this club , founded 18 years ago with the object of affording additional opportunitiel to Masons to perfect themselves in the ritual , took place on the 29 th ult ., at Frascati ' s Restaurant , Bro . R . Manuel in the chair . The originators were Bros . George Buckland and John Maclean , both welL known actors in their day , and Bro . J . P , Fitzgerald , the still energetic Secretary . Most of the original constituents were actors , but members of other professions are now admitted . The club meets every Sunday morning between October and April .
The Royal toasts having been duly honoured , the CHAIRMAN proposed " The Health of Bro . McLeod , Secretary of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , " the guest of the evening , remarking that the success of June 10 last , when £ 143 , 000 was collacted for Masonic Charities , at a banquet over which the Prince of Wales presided , had been , to a considerable extent , due to his personal efforts . ( Cheers . )
In reply , Bro . MCLEOD said he was proud to belong to a club which did so much to spread among Masons a knowledge of the ritual of the Order . ( Cheers . ) But the credit of the great collection to which reference had b : en made was due to the personal influence of the Prince of Wales and his presence at the banquet . ( Prolonged cheers . )
The CHAIRMAN then gave "Continued Success to the Club , " stating that every Sunday morning they met many young Masons who , desiring to gain distinction in their lodges , made great progress in learning the ritual . Bro . FITZGERALD , in reply , said the year just closing constituted a record , in
that they had enrolled 33 new members . During their existence they had paid 2550 guineas to the Boys' and Girls' Schools and the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . In the course of the evening an excellent programme of music and recitations was provided by members and their triends .
Freemasons At Church.
Masonic services in places of worship have of late become very frequent , but hitherto have been confined to the Established Church . On the 29 th ult ., however , an innovation was made—which is unique in the annals of Nonconformity—at the handsome and commodious Congregational Church in the Kingsland-road , where one of these services was conducted ,
cf which the Rev . M . H . Le Pla is the pastor . 1 he service was held under the auspices of the Clissold Lodge , No . 2551 ( Bro . A . H . Cooper , W . M . ) , and by a special dispensation granted by the M . W . G . M ., H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , the brethren—who occupied the area of this fine building—wore the Craft clothing and jewels indicative of their rank in the Order .
The sermon was preached by Bro . the Rev . W . Whittley ( of Cricklewood ) , P . G . D ., and P . P . G . Chap . Devon , the lesson being read by Bro . the Rev . F . W . A-el ' ng , M . A ., P . P . G . Chap . Somerset . Bro . A . Briscoe , Past Provincial Grand Organist Surrey , the gifted composer of the anthem and magnificat , presided at the organ , the musical portion of the
service , which was throughout most beautifully rendered , being supplemented by a choir belonging to the church and orchestra under the conduc . orship of Bro . Warwick Williams . Prior to the service the brethren entered the church in procession , Bo . James Terry , P . G . S . B ., Sec . R . M . B . I ., acting as Director of the Ceremonies .
Freemasons At Church.
The sermon wis preached from the text I . Corinthians , ch . 3 v . 13 , " Every man ' s work shall be made manifest , " and emphasis was laid upon the fact that Freemasonry knew nothing of denominationalism . The Rev . M . H . LE PLA , who on this occasion wore his silk gown , took the opportunity of offering from the pulpit a hearty welcome to those
members of Mas inic lodges who had so kindly attended on that occasion to lend their support on behalf of the church funds . He had not been initiated into the mysteries of the Order , but for many years he had heard of the marvellous Charity which chiracterised the Craft , and knew of their desire to promote the brotherhood of mankind , and the well being generally of the human race .
A special collection wis made on behalf of the church funds , which amounted to £ 25 7 s . 2 L , after which Miss Emily Davis sang , with charming expression , " With verdure did . " Then the chcir , strengthened by the organ and orchestral accompaniment , rendered the festival anthem , " Awake thou that sleepest , " and before separating the congregation joined with great heartiness in singing Sir Michael Costa ' s effective arrangement of " God bless our native land , " to the tune of the National Anthem . Bro . Walter Syckelmore was the Choir Superintendent .
The arrangements for the service were excellently carried out under ths joint supervision of Bros . A . Briscoe and A . E . Mitchell , W . M . 1714 . The church was crowded in every part . Amongst the brethren present were
Bros . George Graveley , G . Purst . Eng . ; W . Gower , P . G . T . Essex ; F . M . Bilby , P . M . 1327 , Prov . G . Std . Br . ; A . R . Bilby , 2323 , Prov . S . G . W . Herts ; W . T . Buck ; P . M . 2241 , P . P . G . S . of W . Middx . ; T . C . Edmonds , P . M , 1507 ; A . H . Cooper , W . M . 2551 ; J . Oldis , P . M ., Sec 1288 ; H . Macfarlane , W . M . 2601 ; G . A . Wall , J . D . 204 S ; T . A . Key , A . D . C . 1288 ; W . Howes , P . M . 1599 ; E . Howes , P . M . 1599 ; J . Cox , P . M . 813 ; F . Norman , S . W . 1767 ; G .
Cook , P . M . 1580 ; T . Andrew , W . M . 1366 ; F . Linfoot , S . W . 27 ; G . Edwards , W . M . 1287 ; S . H . Pearson , I . P . M . 1298 ; C . Burns . S . W . 1687 ; T . Bolton , I . P . M . 2712 ; W . H . Haylock , J . W . 901 ; J . Pakeman , W . M . 1728 ; ] . J . Lamigeon , P . M ., Sec . 2551 ; F . W . Downes , W . M . 1158 ; W . E . Toynton , J . D . 1950 ; H . M . Dove , I . P . M . 19 S 4 ; J . Holding P . M . 1350 ; A . E . Purkis , S . W . 1314 ; W . B . Pratt , J . W . 861 ; H . Massey , P . M . 1928 ; R . V . Davies , P . M . 1288 ; H . Hill , P . M . 1305 ; A . Millbourn , 1237 ; C . Bolton , and many others .
Recent Wills.
THE EARL OF LATHOM , PRO G . M . The will bears date December 28 th , 18 97 , with a codicil of the same date , and a codicil of the 31 st October , 18 9 8 , of Edward , first Earl of Lathom , who died on the 19 th November last , in his 61 st year , leaving personal estate valued at £ 127 , 882 4 s . 2 d ., and the gross value of the whole of whose estate is assessed at £ 147 , 527 3 s . 4 d . Lord Lathom bequeathed to devolve as heirlooms with Lathom
House , under the settlement of Dec . 14 th , 1885 , all the paintings in oils at Lathom House , two paintings in his two , houses bequeathed by the Earl of CIaren » don , the gold watch and chain of William IV ., the Queen ' s shawl and the small brooch given to Lady Lathom by the Queen , the gold snuff boxes presented to him by the Emperor of Austria , the King of the Belgians , and the Shah of Persia , the diamond ornament made from presentation snuff boxes , the aqua marine brooch given to his grandmother , Lady Skelmersdale , by Lord Liverpool )
the presentation made to his grandfather by electors of Newcastle-on-Tyne , the gold snuff box given to Sir Thomas Bootle by Frederick Prince of Wales , the goblet and tankards given to Lord Lathom by the Freemasons of Lancashire , and many other articles . The testator bequeathed # the remainder of his goods and silver plate , his furniture , and indoor and outdoor effects to his eldest son , and he appointed the balance of £ 15 , 000 of a sum of which he had power of appointment to his sons Villiers Richard and Randle Arthur Bootle Wilbraham and
his daughters the Ladies Alice Maud , Bertha Maud , and Edith Cecil Bootle Wilbraham , and he bequeathed to his said two sons such sums as will make up their portions to £ 20 , 000 each , and the portions of his three unmarried daughters are to be made up to £ 7001 each , and they are to receive whilst unmarried £ 400 a year each , and the last remaining unmarried £ 800 . A freehold or leasehold house is also to be bought , or a house to be taken on lease , for Lord Lathom ' s
unmarried daughter- ; , who are to have certain plate , furniture , and wine . Lord Lathom bequeathed to his daughter Lady Florence Mary Cecil £ iooo , and upon trusts for her £ 5000 ; and he bequeathed to the Earl of Derby and the Earl of Clarendon , executors of his will , £ 100 each ; to his sisters the Hon . Jessy Caroline Bateman and the Hon . Rose Bootle Wilbraham £ 100 each ; to his estate agent at Lathom , Mr . George Roper , £ 500 ; to his solicitors , William Melmoth Walters and Richard Mountford Wood , £ 100 each ; to James Heald , clerk in tha
estate olllce , £ 50 ; Benjamin Ashton , head gardener , Henry Mansell , head coachman , Robert Hartland , Henry Franklin , and Zella Wright , £ 50 etch ; to Kate Johnson £ 20 ; to other servants of three years ' service one year ' s wages ; and to his children's governess , Elizabeth Hans , a life annuity of £ 50 . Under power of settlements of ist Janutry , 1859 , and i 6 : h August , i 85 o , Lord Latho . n appointed a sum of £ 20 , 000 to be raised in and of his personal estate , and he left hi ? residuary estate in trust for his eldest son , now second Earl of Lathom .
The personal estate has been valued at £ 104 , 075 11 s . 10 I . of Bro , John Stephen Jarvis , No . 1657 , of Divon House , Claphim Comoion , who died on the 15 th November last , aged 77 years . It is left chiefly to members of the family .
Craft Masonry
Craft Masonry
Neptune Lodge , No * 22 . The installation meeting of this lodge—one of the City's very ancient lodges—was held on the aOth ult ., at the Guildhall Tavern , u-ider the presidency of Bro . W . C > Greaves , the W . M . The other members present were Bros . F . Tennant Pain , S . W . ; F . W . Golby , J . W . ; Henry Povey . Treas . ; I . Corkers , Sec ; Walter Whitin ? , S . D . ; S . J . Cowley , J . D . ; H . J . Whittard . I . G . ; H . H . Knill , P . M ., Ore . ; Will
Cook , P . M ., Steward ; W . J . Charles , I . P . M . ; John Kitchener Cotes , F . E . Sharpe , Edwin Reynolds , T . Richmund , E . T . Aydon Smith , R . W . Carter , R . J . Burt White , F . Loder , D . Kan , G . W . Staples , J . Richmoid , R . Harev , A . Clark , J . Chapmin , G . Waterall , P . M . ; H . SaviJj ?; , P . M . ; E . Diio / , R . B . BtUry , R . PeirsM , W . J . A . Deem , and Alick Holland . The visitors were 11 ,-os . W . F . Cole , W . M . 1239 j H . G . Danby , iojO ; T . May , 27 ; W . Wright , 1 S 97 ; H . Wood , P . M . 101 ; F . Bolton Sutton , P . M . mo ; W . Miles , I . G . 1510 ; A . Holmes , S . D . 2256 } W . A . Thuth