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he had the privilege and pleasure , at the first meeting after the consecration of the lodge , to conduct his father to receive the honours of Freemasonry . At the installation in December last he was appointed S . AV ., and had he been spared would , doubtless , have been elected AV . AI . at the election in November next ; but , alas ! his bright prospects—masonic as well as
socialhave been instantly blighted . As soon as our dear brother was qualified he was advanced to the honourable degree of a Mark Master , in the Fearnley Lodge of Mark Masters ( No . 58 ) , English Constitution . About twelve months ago he was exalted to the sublime degree of the Holy Royal Arch in the Chapter of Sincerity ( No . 91 ) , and recently ho had been installed a
Knight Templar in the Salamanca Encampment , Halifax . In all these degrees , had he been spared , it is cer tain he would have been distinguished , and in the leading virtu es of a Freemason—benevolence and charity—ho would not have been found wanting . Apart from his private beneficence , he had already made
himself a Life Governor of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys by a donation of ten guineas , and had served the offic c of Steward at the Anniversary Festival of the Boys' School , held at the Freemason ' s Hall , under the presidency of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . AV . P . G . M . AVe feel that a promising and aspiring young Mason and a dearly esteemed friend has been prematurely torn from us in full vigour , under twenty-six years of age , and wo deeply lament the loss .
BRO . JOHN MANN . Wc regret to announce that the sudden death of this brother took place at Baildon AVorks . For very many years ho acted as Tyler in the Airedale Lodge , ( No . 387 ) , to tho members of which ho has endeared himself by attention to his Masonic duties , and by his amiable and
unassuming general character . He was interred at St . John ' s Church , Baildon , on the 17 th . inst , and in addition to the numerous relatives and friends of the deceasod , the AV . M . and nearly all tho officers and brethon of tho Airedale Lodge , ( in which he was initiated in 1828 ) attended to pay the last tribute of respect to departed worth . Our deceased brother was 61 years of ago , and highly esteemed in the Craft .
A Eistory of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Leicestershire , ( to which ihe Comity of Rutland is now annexed ) including notices of Plicate Lodges and Chapters in the Province ; b y William Kelley , Provincial Grand Master , Author of " Notices illustrative of the
Drama , aud other popular amusements iu the 16 th ancl 17 th centuries" ; ' Eoyal Progresses to Leicester " ' Ancient Records of Leicester , & c . " That the R . W ., Bi'o . Kelley , whose former works
have proved him to be a devoted antiquarian , should , shortly , after his appointment as Provincial Grand Master , have produced the work under notice seems
but a natural proceeding , and the manner in which he has set to work is Avorthy of him . Bro . Kelly in his preface modestly states that he is fully conscious of many imperfections , the work having been hastily prepared in the interval of other
occupations . He claims no merit beyond that of a careful compiler from such material as he could gaiu access to . The work , however , bears no evident traces of hasty preparation , aud must be the result of patient and laborious research .
As any profits arising from the sale is to be devoted to Masonic Charity , we stall refrain from making any copious extracts , leaving it to those in whom an interest is excited to learn the history of Freemasonry in the Pro \ iuce of Leicester , to purchase the work .
From this work we learn that although " the office of Provincial G-rand Master was first instituted by the G-rand Lodge of England , in the year 1726 , during the Grandmastership of James Hamilton Lord Paisley , afterwards Earl of Abercorn , it was
not till 1774 that a ' deputation' was granted by Lord Petre , Grand Master to Sir Thomas Powke , Knight , Groom of the Chamber to H . R . H . the Duke ° of Cumberland , brother to George the Third , appointing him to preside over the craft in this province . "
At that time none of the present lodges were in existence , aud it is doubtful whether any lodge , deriving its charter from tho Grand Lodge of England , was then actuall y in existence in the county . The lodge at Hinckley ( originally known as Ne .
47 , and more recently as the Knights of Malta Lodge whose warrant bears date 1761 , but was granted by the Ancient or Atliole Masons , aud it appears * that not until 1 S 03 , was a regular warrant granted from the Grand Lodge of England .
Another Atliole Lodge was held at Leicester ( JN O . 91 ) which under authority of the warrant not onl y worked the three degrees of Craft Masonry , but also the Mark aud Ark Mariners , Royal Arch , the Super-excellent , the Knights Templar , and other chivalric degrees . The seals of this Lodgo for tho various degrees are in
Bro . Kelloy's possession ; but the records , which were known to have been in existence , are unfortunately lost , but hopes are entertained that thoy may bo recovered . The records of Grand Lodge do not afford oven the date of its formation . Wc are regaled with ,
a rich store of ancient lore ancnt the early Lodges of Leicestershire . Amongst ° there an extract from the "Leicester and Nottingham Journal , " giving an account of tho rejoicings at Leicester on the Gth May , 1763 , in celebration of tho Peace with France ; a procession was formed through the town , in which both Lodges of Freemasons took part : another , from tho " Leicester
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he had the privilege and pleasure , at the first meeting after the consecration of the lodge , to conduct his father to receive the honours of Freemasonry . At the installation in December last he was appointed S . AV ., and had he been spared would , doubtless , have been elected AV . AI . at the election in November next ; but , alas ! his bright prospects—masonic as well as
socialhave been instantly blighted . As soon as our dear brother was qualified he was advanced to the honourable degree of a Mark Master , in the Fearnley Lodge of Mark Masters ( No . 58 ) , English Constitution . About twelve months ago he was exalted to the sublime degree of the Holy Royal Arch in the Chapter of Sincerity ( No . 91 ) , and recently ho had been installed a
Knight Templar in the Salamanca Encampment , Halifax . In all these degrees , had he been spared , it is cer tain he would have been distinguished , and in the leading virtu es of a Freemason—benevolence and charity—ho would not have been found wanting . Apart from his private beneficence , he had already made
himself a Life Governor of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys by a donation of ten guineas , and had served the offic c of Steward at the Anniversary Festival of the Boys' School , held at the Freemason ' s Hall , under the presidency of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . AV . P . G . M . AVe feel that a promising and aspiring young Mason and a dearly esteemed friend has been prematurely torn from us in full vigour , under twenty-six years of age , and wo deeply lament the loss .
BRO . JOHN MANN . Wc regret to announce that the sudden death of this brother took place at Baildon AVorks . For very many years ho acted as Tyler in the Airedale Lodge , ( No . 387 ) , to tho members of which ho has endeared himself by attention to his Masonic duties , and by his amiable and
unassuming general character . He was interred at St . John ' s Church , Baildon , on the 17 th . inst , and in addition to the numerous relatives and friends of the deceasod , the AV . M . and nearly all tho officers and brethon of tho Airedale Lodge , ( in which he was initiated in 1828 ) attended to pay the last tribute of respect to departed worth . Our deceased brother was 61 years of ago , and highly esteemed in the Craft .
A Eistory of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Leicestershire , ( to which ihe Comity of Rutland is now annexed ) including notices of Plicate Lodges and Chapters in the Province ; b y William Kelley , Provincial Grand Master , Author of " Notices illustrative of the
Drama , aud other popular amusements iu the 16 th ancl 17 th centuries" ; ' Eoyal Progresses to Leicester " ' Ancient Records of Leicester , & c . " That the R . W ., Bi'o . Kelley , whose former works
have proved him to be a devoted antiquarian , should , shortly , after his appointment as Provincial Grand Master , have produced the work under notice seems
but a natural proceeding , and the manner in which he has set to work is Avorthy of him . Bro . Kelly in his preface modestly states that he is fully conscious of many imperfections , the work having been hastily prepared in the interval of other
occupations . He claims no merit beyond that of a careful compiler from such material as he could gaiu access to . The work , however , bears no evident traces of hasty preparation , aud must be the result of patient and laborious research .
As any profits arising from the sale is to be devoted to Masonic Charity , we stall refrain from making any copious extracts , leaving it to those in whom an interest is excited to learn the history of Freemasonry in the Pro \ iuce of Leicester , to purchase the work .
From this work we learn that although " the office of Provincial G-rand Master was first instituted by the G-rand Lodge of England , in the year 1726 , during the Grandmastership of James Hamilton Lord Paisley , afterwards Earl of Abercorn , it was
not till 1774 that a ' deputation' was granted by Lord Petre , Grand Master to Sir Thomas Powke , Knight , Groom of the Chamber to H . R . H . the Duke ° of Cumberland , brother to George the Third , appointing him to preside over the craft in this province . "
At that time none of the present lodges were in existence , aud it is doubtful whether any lodge , deriving its charter from tho Grand Lodge of England , was then actuall y in existence in the county . The lodge at Hinckley ( originally known as Ne .
47 , and more recently as the Knights of Malta Lodge whose warrant bears date 1761 , but was granted by the Ancient or Atliole Masons , aud it appears * that not until 1 S 03 , was a regular warrant granted from the Grand Lodge of England .
Another Atliole Lodge was held at Leicester ( JN O . 91 ) which under authority of the warrant not onl y worked the three degrees of Craft Masonry , but also the Mark aud Ark Mariners , Royal Arch , the Super-excellent , the Knights Templar , and other chivalric degrees . The seals of this Lodgo for tho various degrees are in
Bro . Kelloy's possession ; but the records , which were known to have been in existence , are unfortunately lost , but hopes are entertained that thoy may bo recovered . The records of Grand Lodge do not afford oven the date of its formation . Wc are regaled with ,
a rich store of ancient lore ancnt the early Lodges of Leicestershire . Amongst ° there an extract from the "Leicester and Nottingham Journal , " giving an account of tho rejoicings at Leicester on the Gth May , 1763 , in celebration of tho Peace with France ; a procession was formed through the town , in which both Lodges of Freemasons took part : another , from tho " Leicester