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Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
LONDON , SATURDAY , AV & TTST 5 , 1865 .
GERMANY . —A New Masonic Reform Project . — The Eisenach Lodge " Karl zur Wartburg" lias foi'Avai'ded to the Hamburg Grand Lodge a project for Masonic reform , and Bro . Buek , the Grand Master , has ajDpointecl this day for a meeting
of tlie lodges of his province , with a vieAv to deliberate on this motion , Avhich has been drawn up hy Bro . Amercing , the W . M . of the Eisenach Ledge . The folloAving are the chief features of this projected reform : — 1 . The beneficial effects of the labours of the
Masonic Craft towards the attainment of its humane and moral objects can be best secured by an active co-operation of all its members . 2 . The pi'omotion of social intercourse within the brotherhood is not solely an urgent want of
the association itself , but an especial postulate called forth by the spirit of the present time . 3 . A salutary development and preservation of social life in the association , as a Avhole , can be secured only by an intimate and immediate
connection between its individual lodges . 4 . It is therefore a task incumbent upon the constitution of the association to build up the Grand Lodge , as a forum ( Sammelpunkt ) , for the fraternal intercourse among the individual lodges ,
to impose upon the latter the obligation of an active personal participation in all resolutions affecting the fundamental interests of the entirety of the brotherhood , and to cause the individual lodges to be fairly and properly represented in all
Grand Lodge meetings , so as to establish an effective centralisation in all matters relating * to o the general interests of the Craft .
The remainder of the paper contains the proposed regulations and particulars for carrying out the project , and securing the satisfactory Avorking of these legislative and consultative Grand Lodge meetings . The deliberations on this proposal are
to precede the first assembl y of the association of German Masons Avhich is to take place on the 12 th and 13 fch of the present month . Masonic Jubilee . —A rare Masonic Jubilee took place at Berlin , on the 13 th February last ; it Avas
held to commemorate the seventy-fifth anniversary of the initiation of Bro . Marot . The latter Avas first initiated iu the Lodge Zum aufiich-. tigen Herzen , at Frankfbrt-on-the-Oder , on the
13 th February , 1790 , at the age of nineteen years , and has been acting as W . M . of the Berlin Lodge Zur Verschwiegenheit ever since the 6 th of -July , 1805 . The celebration of this festival took place Avith great eclat ; the Crown
Prince of Prussia , as Deputy Protector , was present at the banquet given in honour of the hero of the day , and the Marot Benevolent Fund Avas the subject of especial patronage on the part of the guests .
Death of Bro . Brugger . —Bro . Dr . Brugger , the Orator of the Heidelberg Lodge , Rupprecht zu den 5 Bosen , died on the 12 th of May last , in the seventieth year of his age . During twenty-four years he had been a member ofthe Craft , and had
for tAvenfcy years contributed by his speeches and Avritings towards the diffusion of light and humanity . Bro . Brugger acteel as Minister of the " German Catholic" Congregation of Heidelberg ever since this denomination of Freethinkers was founded by the well known Johannes Bonge ( 1843 ) , Avith a Anew to eliminate the last remains of the
power of Popery and Romish priestdom . in Germany j and even Bro . Brugger s staunchest opponents could not deny thafc he always discharged his duties as a minister in a true evangelical spirit , and with real Christian charity aud moderation . The deceased had also acted , for seventeen years , as chairman of the Yereiu fur Deutsche
Reinsprache ( Association for the Propagation of the Purity of the German Tongue ) , and in editing * a periodical called "Die Deutsche Eiche" ( The German Oak ) , devoting his energies to the preserving of the national idiom in its original purity .
Bro . Brugger Avell performed his last Masonic act , by appropriating * his fortune of about 8 , 000 florins exclusively to the benefit of benevolent institutions . His funeral , though performed Avithout any pomp , was numerously attended . It is stated
by the " Bauhiitte , " that three Protestant clergymen , among * Avhom Avere Dr . Zittel , followed the bier .
ITALY . —The Pisa Masonic lodge has sent to all lodges of Italy a circular stating that Bro . Antonelli , member of the Chamber of Deputies , and of a lodge at Turin , has rendered himself unAvorthy of belonging to the Craft , not only by advocating
on the tribune reactionary principles Avith reference to the proposed suppression of religious corporations , but also because lie is understood to be registered among the teniarii of the Benedictine and Franciscan Orders . At the same
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
LONDON , SATURDAY , AV & TTST 5 , 1865 .
GERMANY . —A New Masonic Reform Project . — The Eisenach Lodge " Karl zur Wartburg" lias foi'Avai'ded to the Hamburg Grand Lodge a project for Masonic reform , and Bro . Buek , the Grand Master , has ajDpointecl this day for a meeting
of tlie lodges of his province , with a vieAv to deliberate on this motion , Avhich has been drawn up hy Bro . Amercing , the W . M . of the Eisenach Ledge . The folloAving are the chief features of this projected reform : — 1 . The beneficial effects of the labours of the
Masonic Craft towards the attainment of its humane and moral objects can be best secured by an active co-operation of all its members . 2 . The pi'omotion of social intercourse within the brotherhood is not solely an urgent want of
the association itself , but an especial postulate called forth by the spirit of the present time . 3 . A salutary development and preservation of social life in the association , as a Avhole , can be secured only by an intimate and immediate
connection between its individual lodges . 4 . It is therefore a task incumbent upon the constitution of the association to build up the Grand Lodge , as a forum ( Sammelpunkt ) , for the fraternal intercourse among the individual lodges ,
to impose upon the latter the obligation of an active personal participation in all resolutions affecting the fundamental interests of the entirety of the brotherhood , and to cause the individual lodges to be fairly and properly represented in all
Grand Lodge meetings , so as to establish an effective centralisation in all matters relating * to o the general interests of the Craft .
The remainder of the paper contains the proposed regulations and particulars for carrying out the project , and securing the satisfactory Avorking of these legislative and consultative Grand Lodge meetings . The deliberations on this proposal are
to precede the first assembl y of the association of German Masons Avhich is to take place on the 12 th and 13 fch of the present month . Masonic Jubilee . —A rare Masonic Jubilee took place at Berlin , on the 13 th February last ; it Avas
held to commemorate the seventy-fifth anniversary of the initiation of Bro . Marot . The latter Avas first initiated iu the Lodge Zum aufiich-. tigen Herzen , at Frankfbrt-on-the-Oder , on the
13 th February , 1790 , at the age of nineteen years , and has been acting as W . M . of the Berlin Lodge Zur Verschwiegenheit ever since the 6 th of -July , 1805 . The celebration of this festival took place Avith great eclat ; the Crown
Prince of Prussia , as Deputy Protector , was present at the banquet given in honour of the hero of the day , and the Marot Benevolent Fund Avas the subject of especial patronage on the part of the guests .
Death of Bro . Brugger . —Bro . Dr . Brugger , the Orator of the Heidelberg Lodge , Rupprecht zu den 5 Bosen , died on the 12 th of May last , in the seventieth year of his age . During twenty-four years he had been a member ofthe Craft , and had
for tAvenfcy years contributed by his speeches and Avritings towards the diffusion of light and humanity . Bro . Brugger acteel as Minister of the " German Catholic" Congregation of Heidelberg ever since this denomination of Freethinkers was founded by the well known Johannes Bonge ( 1843 ) , Avith a Anew to eliminate the last remains of the
power of Popery and Romish priestdom . in Germany j and even Bro . Brugger s staunchest opponents could not deny thafc he always discharged his duties as a minister in a true evangelical spirit , and with real Christian charity aud moderation . The deceased had also acted , for seventeen years , as chairman of the Yereiu fur Deutsche
Reinsprache ( Association for the Propagation of the Purity of the German Tongue ) , and in editing * a periodical called "Die Deutsche Eiche" ( The German Oak ) , devoting his energies to the preserving of the national idiom in its original purity .
Bro . Brugger Avell performed his last Masonic act , by appropriating * his fortune of about 8 , 000 florins exclusively to the benefit of benevolent institutions . His funeral , though performed Avithout any pomp , was numerously attended . It is stated
by the " Bauhiitte , " that three Protestant clergymen , among * Avhom Avere Dr . Zittel , followed the bier .
ITALY . —The Pisa Masonic lodge has sent to all lodges of Italy a circular stating that Bro . Antonelli , member of the Chamber of Deputies , and of a lodge at Turin , has rendered himself unAvorthy of belonging to the Craft , not only by advocating
on the tribune reactionary principles Avith reference to the proposed suppression of religious corporations , but also because lie is understood to be registered among the teniarii of the Benedictine and Franciscan Orders . At the same