Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 5 of 6 →
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poration for allowing the Craft the privilege of assembling in the Guildhall , and the P . G . Sec . was requested to communicate the same to the gentlemen above named . The Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed in harmony , anel the brethren retired from labour to refreshment .
THIS BANQUET was held in thc Assembly-room of the Town Hall , for which the brethren are also indebted to the authorities of the town , and was most tastefully and efficiently served by Bro . Scott , ofthe Bell Hotel . Between seventy and eighty sat down , the R . AV . Prov . G . M . presiding , supported by his Wardens , Bros . H . Thomas and W . Lucia . The dessert anel wines were of first class character , and every possible arrangement was made by
Bro . Scott for the comfort of his numerous guests . The usual loyal toasts from the Chair having been given and respondeel to , The Prov . G . See . announced that the contributions amongst the brethren that day amounted to £ 5 16 s . 3 d . The amount was afterwards handed over to the AV . M . of the Royal Edmund Lodge , for the purpose of making him a life subscriber to the Boys' School . Thc announcement , when
made by the Prov . G . Master , met with a most enthusiastic approval . Next followed the Masonic toasts— " The Grand Master of England , the Earl of Zetland ; " "The Deputy Grand Master , the Earl cle Grey and Ripon , and the rest of the Past and Present Grand Ollicers . " With the toast the PROA * . G . MASTER associated the name of Bro . Benjamin Head . ( Drunk with trulMasonic honours . )
y Bro . BENJAMIN HEAD , in returning thanks for the compliment , expressed the pleasure ho felt at being present that day , and his appreciation of the distinguished honour of hiving his name associated with so great and good a Mason as the Deputy Grancl Mastor . ( Applause . ) Bro . HEAD , after a short interval , again rose , and said he had the pleasure of proposing a toast which , he felt certain , would be received with the greatest pleasure ami enthusiasm .
Perhaps they would bear with him while he took a retrospective view of Masonry in connection with the province of Suffolk . The firsb time that he was ever in a Provincial Grand Lodge in Suffolk was in the town of Bury , under the Rev . Geo . Adam Browne , now thirty-six years ago . ( Hear , hear . ) He believed there had been no Provincial Grand Lodge
in Bury since that tune . Masonry was then at a very low ebb , so much so that the provinces of Suffolk and Cambridge were compelled to unite to Conn a Provincial Grand Lodge . At that period he ( Bro . Head ) was one of the Wardens . But since then they had had Lord Neudlesham and Sir Edward Gooch as Provincial Grand Masters of the province of Suffolk , men who had well performed their duty . ( Applause . ) Masonry flourished then . But he fearlessly assorted that , under the
guidance of his honourable friend , Masonry had improved in a very great degree since the days t . o which he had referred . ( Applause . ) During the short period that their respected Prov . G . M . had been in office there had been four lodges opened—( hear , hear)—the Waveney , the Adair , the Prince of AVales , and now the Royal Edmund Lodge at Bury . He had also found that , during that time , there had been 155 joining membersand 166 initiations —( loud lause)—thereforethere
, app , could be no doubt , but that , under the guidance of their R . W . Prov . G . M ., Masonry in this part of the country had very greatly improved . But there was another matter which came nearest to a Mason ' s heart , and that was that their Charities had very greatly improved . ( Hear , hoar . ) Their Prov . G . M . hael taken the chair at the Festival of the Girls' School , and , on thafc occasion , a very large sum was received in the shape
of contributions . That spoke much for the goodness of his Masonic career . ( Applause . ) They hael over them a gentleman whose urbanity , kindness , and impartiality , and , indeed , everything that was loveable , in the person of their R . W . Prov . G . M . ( Renewed applause . ) He , therefore , called upon them to join with him in drinking his good health . ( Loud and prolonged applause . ) The Puov . G . MASTED . on rising to respondwas warmly
, , greeted by the brethren . He saiel , he most cordially and heartily thanked them for tlie distinguished compliment they had paid the toast just proposed by his worthy friend and brother . After referring to the progress Masonry had made during the past few years , he said there was one subject which could not but prove satisfactory , and that was that they were now enabled to have a Provincial Grand Lodsre of their own ,
without earring in the aid of any other county . ( Applause . ) Bufc Cambridge still lent her fostering aid , and he was delighted to see so many of the Cambridge brethren present on that occasion . ( Cheers . ) He thanked the brethren of the province for their kind feeling towards him , and he felt assured that when he was in the . field they would not be far behind , and that they woulel work well and amicably together . ( Loud applause . ) Ifc was most gratifying to him to see . Masonry flourish in the
province of Suffolk , and be thanked them most sincerely for the encouragement and support they had accorded to him . ( Applause . ) The PROA ' . G . MASTER again rose anel said he had now to give them a special toast . They were much indebted to the officers who assisted him in the discharge of his duties . He gave them " The Health of tlie Provincial Grand Wardens , Brothers Thomas and Lucia . " ( Loud applause . ) He felt assured they
would perform their duties in such a manner that would be of advantage to the Craft and satisfactory to himself . ( Drunk with much applause . ) Bro . THOMAS , Prov . S . G . AA " ., returned thanks , assuring the Provincial Grand Master , that in the high and distinguished position which they had that day been pleased to place him , he would endeavour to discharge the important duties with credit to himself and satisfaction to the brethren . ( Hearhear . ) He
, congratulated theni on the success of that day , and upon the rapid advances Masonry was making in the province of Suffolk . He trusted that Masonry would continue to flourish , and with it those noble institutions of which they as Masons had every reason to be proud . ( Applause . ) Bro . LUCIA , Prov . J . G . W ., briefly acknowledged the compliment . The PROV . G . MASTER next gave "The Health ofthe
Provincial Grand Chaplain , Bro . the Rev . It . N . Sanderson , " anel paid a highly and well deserved tribute to him for the great zcnl he had ever displayed in the cause of Masonry , and for the eloquent discourse ho had given them that day . ( Drank with Masonic honours . ) The PROV . G . CHAPLAIN , in returning thanks , intimated that he thought a change in the Provincial Grand Chaplaincy would bo desirable . He had held thafc office for eight years , and he
thought it was tune for him to retire to make room for others . The PROA - . G . MASTER next gave "The Health ofthe Visitors , '' uniting with Ihe toast the name of Bro . Win . Lecdes Fox , the 0 . Prov . G . M . of Norfolk . ( Loud applause . ) Bro . LEEDKS FOX , in the course of his reply , said he scarcely thought that ho ought to have been characterised as one of the visitor . , as he was a P . M . of one of the Suffolk lodges . ( Applause . ) Ho came there that day for three reasons ; first , to
elo honour to bim who so worthily filled the chair , and to whom he ( Bro . Fox ) was much indebted for many acts of personal kindness . ( Hear , hear . ) Another reason was , that being a Suffolk man , and being made in a Suffolk lodge , be came there to renew old associations , and to see faces which plainly showed what their hearts were . ( Aoplause . ) And , thirdly , in his position as I ) . Prov . G . M . for Norfolk , he came to sec the brethren of Suffolk on this occasion , as he thought that the
officers of Prov . G . Lodges ought to visit each other . ( Renewed applause . ) On the 17 th of August they would hold the Provincial Grand Lodge for the County of Norfolk , at Yarmouth , when he hoped as many brethren from tho Suffolk lodges as could make it convenient to intend on that occasion would do so . They might depend upon receiving a hearty welcome , and he was sure Bro . Dorling would bear him out when ho said that whenever their support was asked for any
candidate from Suffolk for the Masonic Charities , the Norfolk brethren always gave thafc support to the best of their ability . It was , therefore , necessary that they should unite together , and that the two provinces of Norfolk and Suffolk should have a sisterly regard for each other . ( Applause . ) As to the lodge which had that day been consecrated , bo knew Bro . Lucia to be a good man and a good Mason , and he therefore felt that
under his guidance Masonry would flourish . ( Applause . ) Bro . YORK , W . M . of the Lodge Scientific , Cambridge , also returned thanks . The PROA * . G . MASTER said he had received a letter from Bro . Hall , the Prov . G . M . for Cambridgeshire , regretting bis inability to attend the Provincial Grand Lodge . Tlie PROV . Of . . AlASTER next gave "The Health of the Worshipful Masters of Lodges . " He said he would couple with the toast the name of one who was well known to them all , and whose services in Masonry were justly appreciated . He
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
poration for allowing the Craft the privilege of assembling in the Guildhall , and the P . G . Sec . was requested to communicate the same to the gentlemen above named . The Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed in harmony , anel the brethren retired from labour to refreshment .
THIS BANQUET was held in thc Assembly-room of the Town Hall , for which the brethren are also indebted to the authorities of the town , and was most tastefully and efficiently served by Bro . Scott , ofthe Bell Hotel . Between seventy and eighty sat down , the R . AV . Prov . G . M . presiding , supported by his Wardens , Bros . H . Thomas and W . Lucia . The dessert anel wines were of first class character , and every possible arrangement was made by
Bro . Scott for the comfort of his numerous guests . The usual loyal toasts from the Chair having been given and respondeel to , The Prov . G . See . announced that the contributions amongst the brethren that day amounted to £ 5 16 s . 3 d . The amount was afterwards handed over to the AV . M . of the Royal Edmund Lodge , for the purpose of making him a life subscriber to the Boys' School . Thc announcement , when
made by the Prov . G . Master , met with a most enthusiastic approval . Next followed the Masonic toasts— " The Grand Master of England , the Earl of Zetland ; " "The Deputy Grand Master , the Earl cle Grey and Ripon , and the rest of the Past and Present Grand Ollicers . " With the toast the PROA * . G . MASTER associated the name of Bro . Benjamin Head . ( Drunk with trulMasonic honours . )
y Bro . BENJAMIN HEAD , in returning thanks for the compliment , expressed the pleasure ho felt at being present that day , and his appreciation of the distinguished honour of hiving his name associated with so great and good a Mason as the Deputy Grancl Mastor . ( Applause . ) Bro . HEAD , after a short interval , again rose , and said he had the pleasure of proposing a toast which , he felt certain , would be received with the greatest pleasure ami enthusiasm .
Perhaps they would bear with him while he took a retrospective view of Masonry in connection with the province of Suffolk . The firsb time that he was ever in a Provincial Grand Lodge in Suffolk was in the town of Bury , under the Rev . Geo . Adam Browne , now thirty-six years ago . ( Hear , hear . ) He believed there had been no Provincial Grand Lodge
in Bury since that tune . Masonry was then at a very low ebb , so much so that the provinces of Suffolk and Cambridge were compelled to unite to Conn a Provincial Grand Lodge . At that period he ( Bro . Head ) was one of the Wardens . But since then they had had Lord Neudlesham and Sir Edward Gooch as Provincial Grand Masters of the province of Suffolk , men who had well performed their duty . ( Applause . ) Masonry flourished then . But he fearlessly assorted that , under the
guidance of his honourable friend , Masonry had improved in a very great degree since the days t . o which he had referred . ( Applause . ) During the short period that their respected Prov . G . M . had been in office there had been four lodges opened—( hear , hear)—the Waveney , the Adair , the Prince of AVales , and now the Royal Edmund Lodge at Bury . He had also found that , during that time , there had been 155 joining membersand 166 initiations —( loud lause)—thereforethere
, app , could be no doubt , but that , under the guidance of their R . W . Prov . G . M ., Masonry in this part of the country had very greatly improved . But there was another matter which came nearest to a Mason ' s heart , and that was that their Charities had very greatly improved . ( Hear , hoar . ) Their Prov . G . M . hael taken the chair at the Festival of the Girls' School , and , on thafc occasion , a very large sum was received in the shape
of contributions . That spoke much for the goodness of his Masonic career . ( Applause . ) They hael over them a gentleman whose urbanity , kindness , and impartiality , and , indeed , everything that was loveable , in the person of their R . W . Prov . G . M . ( Renewed applause . ) He , therefore , called upon them to join with him in drinking his good health . ( Loud and prolonged applause . ) The Puov . G . MASTED . on rising to respondwas warmly
, , greeted by the brethren . He saiel , he most cordially and heartily thanked them for tlie distinguished compliment they had paid the toast just proposed by his worthy friend and brother . After referring to the progress Masonry had made during the past few years , he said there was one subject which could not but prove satisfactory , and that was that they were now enabled to have a Provincial Grand Lodsre of their own ,
without earring in the aid of any other county . ( Applause . ) Bufc Cambridge still lent her fostering aid , and he was delighted to see so many of the Cambridge brethren present on that occasion . ( Cheers . ) He thanked the brethren of the province for their kind feeling towards him , and he felt assured that when he was in the . field they would not be far behind , and that they woulel work well and amicably together . ( Loud applause . ) Ifc was most gratifying to him to see . Masonry flourish in the
province of Suffolk , and be thanked them most sincerely for the encouragement and support they had accorded to him . ( Applause . ) The PROA ' . G . MASTER again rose anel said he had now to give them a special toast . They were much indebted to the officers who assisted him in the discharge of his duties . He gave them " The Health of tlie Provincial Grand Wardens , Brothers Thomas and Lucia . " ( Loud applause . ) He felt assured they
would perform their duties in such a manner that would be of advantage to the Craft and satisfactory to himself . ( Drunk with much applause . ) Bro . THOMAS , Prov . S . G . AA " ., returned thanks , assuring the Provincial Grand Master , that in the high and distinguished position which they had that day been pleased to place him , he would endeavour to discharge the important duties with credit to himself and satisfaction to the brethren . ( Hearhear . ) He
, congratulated theni on the success of that day , and upon the rapid advances Masonry was making in the province of Suffolk . He trusted that Masonry would continue to flourish , and with it those noble institutions of which they as Masons had every reason to be proud . ( Applause . ) Bro . LUCIA , Prov . J . G . W ., briefly acknowledged the compliment . The PROV . G . MASTER next gave "The Health ofthe
Provincial Grand Chaplain , Bro . the Rev . It . N . Sanderson , " anel paid a highly and well deserved tribute to him for the great zcnl he had ever displayed in the cause of Masonry , and for the eloquent discourse ho had given them that day . ( Drank with Masonic honours . ) The PROV . G . CHAPLAIN , in returning thanks , intimated that he thought a change in the Provincial Grand Chaplaincy would bo desirable . He had held thafc office for eight years , and he
thought it was tune for him to retire to make room for others . The PROA - . G . MASTER next gave "The Health ofthe Visitors , '' uniting with Ihe toast the name of Bro . Win . Lecdes Fox , the 0 . Prov . G . M . of Norfolk . ( Loud applause . ) Bro . LEEDKS FOX , in the course of his reply , said he scarcely thought that ho ought to have been characterised as one of the visitor . , as he was a P . M . of one of the Suffolk lodges . ( Applause . ) Ho came there that day for three reasons ; first , to
elo honour to bim who so worthily filled the chair , and to whom he ( Bro . Fox ) was much indebted for many acts of personal kindness . ( Hear , hear . ) Another reason was , that being a Suffolk man , and being made in a Suffolk lodge , be came there to renew old associations , and to see faces which plainly showed what their hearts were . ( Aoplause . ) And , thirdly , in his position as I ) . Prov . G . M . for Norfolk , he came to sec the brethren of Suffolk on this occasion , as he thought that the
officers of Prov . G . Lodges ought to visit each other . ( Renewed applause . ) On the 17 th of August they would hold the Provincial Grand Lodge for the County of Norfolk , at Yarmouth , when he hoped as many brethren from tho Suffolk lodges as could make it convenient to intend on that occasion would do so . They might depend upon receiving a hearty welcome , and he was sure Bro . Dorling would bear him out when ho said that whenever their support was asked for any
candidate from Suffolk for the Masonic Charities , the Norfolk brethren always gave thafc support to the best of their ability . It was , therefore , necessary that they should unite together , and that the two provinces of Norfolk and Suffolk should have a sisterly regard for each other . ( Applause . ) As to the lodge which had that day been consecrated , bo knew Bro . Lucia to be a good man and a good Mason , and he therefore felt that
under his guidance Masonry would flourish . ( Applause . ) Bro . YORK , W . M . of the Lodge Scientific , Cambridge , also returned thanks . The PROA * . G . MASTER said he had received a letter from Bro . Hall , the Prov . G . M . for Cambridgeshire , regretting bis inability to attend the Provincial Grand Lodge . Tlie PROV . Of . . AlASTER next gave "The Health of the Worshipful Masters of Lodges . " He said he would couple with the toast the name of one who was well known to them all , and whose services in Masonry were justly appreciated . He