Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Poetry .
No more , Columbia , let thy meads be stained With thy own children ' s blood—to war constrained , For peace has come at last—long sought in vain . No more will throng thy streets the warlike train . The peaceful peasant now his kine may tend , And homeward in the eve with safety wend . Once more within thy granaries the } ' heap The cereal spoils which they in peace now reap ,
And in thy markets shall be heard fche sound Of busy traders , humming all around . Again the labouring ships unto thy stores Shall bear tbe products of far-distant shores ; Fearing no more that ere they reach thy strands They fall disabled into adverse hands . The commonwealth restored once more , prepare To counteract the evils of the war .
To those who need it give a helping hand , And spread the blessings riches may command ; So see prosperity thy joyous land pervades , In stronger love ungenerous hatred fades . May peace and plenty long their offerings bear , To cheer thy sons through many a circling year . —F . C
Public Amusements.
CREMORNE GARDENS . While the season is still in force , Mi * . Smith is taking advantage of the time to give a series of extra entertainments , Avhich seem to meet wifch much success . Thus , there has been an American fete , and a juvenile fete , and more may be looked for immediately . It can scarcely
be necessary to go once more in pen and ink over all the well-known amusements of Cremorne . They are known wherever a Londoner is to bo found . But there is at present an addition in the Ashburnham pavilion—the great circus and horse-racing company of Mr . Hengler . Chariot races and hurdle races are the novel points of
the entertainment ; and Mr . Smith has actually selected from TattersaU ' s and Aldridge ' s some "horses Avhich have already done good service on real genuine turf . The mimic Avarfare is worthy of extensive patronage .
The Week.
THE COTTUT . —The Lord Mayor of Dublin , accompanied by Mr . Alderman Reynolds , attended at Osborne , as a deputation from the City of Dublin , with tho Town Clerk and the Sword and Mace Bearers , to present an address to the Queen on fche birth of an Infant Prince . The Right Hon . Sir George Grey attended . Her Majesty received fche deputation in the Council-room . The Queen was accompanied by their Royal
Highnesses Princess Helena , Princess Louise , Prince Leopold , and Princess Beatrice . The'Lord Mayor was introduced , preceded by the Sword and Mace Bearers , and presented the address , to which her Majesty having returned a gracious answer , the Lord Mayor and Mr . Alderman Reynolds were presented to the Queen by Sir George Grey , and hael the
honour of kissing her Majesty ' s hand . The deputation then retired . Lord A . Paget and Licuter-nnt-CoIonel Du Plat have succeeded Major-General the Hon . A . Hood and Colonel the Hon . A . Hardinge as Equerries in AVaiting . GENEEAL HOAIE NEWS . —According to the Registrar General's weekly return the number of deaths during tlie pnsfc week in London was considerably in excess of the estimated number .
This may be ascribed in great measure to the high rate of temperature ; the principal increase being under the head of diarrhoea , the deaths from which were 59 above the corrected average . The mortality from this cause , however , is not higher than in fche first week in July , and we may hope that the change which has taken place in the weather during the last two or three days will check disease and assauge public
apprehension . The members of the Court of Common . Council feel sore that only a select nnmber of the court was invited to witness the ceremony of laying the foundation stone of the new Blackfriars Bridge , when tho whole ought to have been present , and a great civic ceremonial ought to have been made of the occasion . The committee who had the matter in
hand narrowly escaped a vote of censure , if , indeed , they can be said to have escaped , as they were instructed to consult tho court before taking any steps with regard to thc opening of the bridge . The plans for the Holborn viaduct were laid before the court , and appeared to be generally approved of . The dangerously over-crowded state of the streets in fche City
was remarked on , and attributed to the practice of cabs loitering in the streets ; and a resolution was passed directing the attention of the City magistrates to the subject . The bankruptcy of the Hon . Richard Bethell has released him from his outlawry . In the list of proclamations made by the functionary appointed for that purpose , the name of Mr . Bethell did not
appear , as his debts will all be settled , of course , under the proceedings in tire Bankruptcy Court . A singular fatality occurred the other clay afc Manchester . A porter , named Rowan , and his wife Avere quarrelling , and in a fit of passion Rowan took a kettle of boiling water from the five and threw ifc out of the window . Ifc struck a little girl who was standing on the pavement , knocked her down , and scalded her so severely ,
that she died . Tlie coroner ' s jury returned a verdict of manslaughter . A melancholy instance of sudden death took place the other day in a railway carriage . A man who was employed at the Victoria Docks had been down there , anel got into the railway at tho Tidal Basin Station to return home . Ho was aboufc to smoke , but just as he pub the pipe into his month he fell forward dead . An inquest was
held , when the jury returned a verdict of death from disease of the heart . Not only has Constance Kent's life been spared bufc her final destination is settled . She is to be sent out to the convict settlement afc Freemantle , Western Australia , anel will probably be among the last of the convicts sent out there . AVe may conclude that once located in that distant locality her
penal servitude will neither be severe in its nature nor absolutely life-long in its duration . Mr . Doulton , M . P ., did a very proper thing afc the meeting of the Metropolitan Board of AVorks on the 28 th ulfc . Tenders had been invited for the utilisation of the sewage on the south side of the river , and a day fixed for their receipt . Some were sent in on thafc day and opened .
Several days afterwards a Mr . Shields sent iu another tender , and there were members of the board who wished it to be received . Mr . Doulton moved that it be nofc received , and justly argued that to receive it would be a gross breach of faith . After a long discussion his motion was carried by 24 votes to 2 . The annual distribution of prizes in tho City of London
school took place on Friday , July 29 . The proceedings were rendered interesting from the fact that Dr . Mortimer , the head master , officiated for the last time . He is succeeded by Mr . Abbott . The prizes were distributed to the successful students of King ' s College in the afternoon . Dr . Pritchard , the Glasgow murderer , was executed ou the 28 th ult . He admitted the justice of his sentence , anel died with firmness . Eighty thousand persons were present . The prisoner Benge ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Poetry .
No more , Columbia , let thy meads be stained With thy own children ' s blood—to war constrained , For peace has come at last—long sought in vain . No more will throng thy streets the warlike train . The peaceful peasant now his kine may tend , And homeward in the eve with safety wend . Once more within thy granaries the } ' heap The cereal spoils which they in peace now reap ,
And in thy markets shall be heard fche sound Of busy traders , humming all around . Again the labouring ships unto thy stores Shall bear tbe products of far-distant shores ; Fearing no more that ere they reach thy strands They fall disabled into adverse hands . The commonwealth restored once more , prepare To counteract the evils of the war .
To those who need it give a helping hand , And spread the blessings riches may command ; So see prosperity thy joyous land pervades , In stronger love ungenerous hatred fades . May peace and plenty long their offerings bear , To cheer thy sons through many a circling year . —F . C
Public Amusements.
CREMORNE GARDENS . While the season is still in force , Mi * . Smith is taking advantage of the time to give a series of extra entertainments , Avhich seem to meet wifch much success . Thus , there has been an American fete , and a juvenile fete , and more may be looked for immediately . It can scarcely
be necessary to go once more in pen and ink over all the well-known amusements of Cremorne . They are known wherever a Londoner is to bo found . But there is at present an addition in the Ashburnham pavilion—the great circus and horse-racing company of Mr . Hengler . Chariot races and hurdle races are the novel points of
the entertainment ; and Mr . Smith has actually selected from TattersaU ' s and Aldridge ' s some "horses Avhich have already done good service on real genuine turf . The mimic Avarfare is worthy of extensive patronage .
The Week.
THE COTTUT . —The Lord Mayor of Dublin , accompanied by Mr . Alderman Reynolds , attended at Osborne , as a deputation from the City of Dublin , with tho Town Clerk and the Sword and Mace Bearers , to present an address to the Queen on fche birth of an Infant Prince . The Right Hon . Sir George Grey attended . Her Majesty received fche deputation in the Council-room . The Queen was accompanied by their Royal
Highnesses Princess Helena , Princess Louise , Prince Leopold , and Princess Beatrice . The'Lord Mayor was introduced , preceded by the Sword and Mace Bearers , and presented the address , to which her Majesty having returned a gracious answer , the Lord Mayor and Mr . Alderman Reynolds were presented to the Queen by Sir George Grey , and hael the
honour of kissing her Majesty ' s hand . The deputation then retired . Lord A . Paget and Licuter-nnt-CoIonel Du Plat have succeeded Major-General the Hon . A . Hood and Colonel the Hon . A . Hardinge as Equerries in AVaiting . GENEEAL HOAIE NEWS . —According to the Registrar General's weekly return the number of deaths during tlie pnsfc week in London was considerably in excess of the estimated number .
This may be ascribed in great measure to the high rate of temperature ; the principal increase being under the head of diarrhoea , the deaths from which were 59 above the corrected average . The mortality from this cause , however , is not higher than in fche first week in July , and we may hope that the change which has taken place in the weather during the last two or three days will check disease and assauge public
apprehension . The members of the Court of Common . Council feel sore that only a select nnmber of the court was invited to witness the ceremony of laying the foundation stone of the new Blackfriars Bridge , when tho whole ought to have been present , and a great civic ceremonial ought to have been made of the occasion . The committee who had the matter in
hand narrowly escaped a vote of censure , if , indeed , they can be said to have escaped , as they were instructed to consult tho court before taking any steps with regard to thc opening of the bridge . The plans for the Holborn viaduct were laid before the court , and appeared to be generally approved of . The dangerously over-crowded state of the streets in fche City
was remarked on , and attributed to the practice of cabs loitering in the streets ; and a resolution was passed directing the attention of the City magistrates to the subject . The bankruptcy of the Hon . Richard Bethell has released him from his outlawry . In the list of proclamations made by the functionary appointed for that purpose , the name of Mr . Bethell did not
appear , as his debts will all be settled , of course , under the proceedings in tire Bankruptcy Court . A singular fatality occurred the other clay afc Manchester . A porter , named Rowan , and his wife Avere quarrelling , and in a fit of passion Rowan took a kettle of boiling water from the five and threw ifc out of the window . Ifc struck a little girl who was standing on the pavement , knocked her down , and scalded her so severely ,
that she died . Tlie coroner ' s jury returned a verdict of manslaughter . A melancholy instance of sudden death took place the other day in a railway carriage . A man who was employed at the Victoria Docks had been down there , anel got into the railway at tho Tidal Basin Station to return home . Ho was aboufc to smoke , but just as he pub the pipe into his month he fell forward dead . An inquest was
held , when the jury returned a verdict of death from disease of the heart . Not only has Constance Kent's life been spared bufc her final destination is settled . She is to be sent out to the convict settlement afc Freemantle , Western Australia , anel will probably be among the last of the convicts sent out there . AVe may conclude that once located in that distant locality her
penal servitude will neither be severe in its nature nor absolutely life-long in its duration . Mr . Doulton , M . P ., did a very proper thing afc the meeting of the Metropolitan Board of AVorks on the 28 th ulfc . Tenders had been invited for the utilisation of the sewage on the south side of the river , and a day fixed for their receipt . Some were sent in on thafc day and opened .
Several days afterwards a Mr . Shields sent iu another tender , and there were members of the board who wished it to be received . Mr . Doulton moved that it be nofc received , and justly argued that to receive it would be a gross breach of faith . After a long discussion his motion was carried by 24 votes to 2 . The annual distribution of prizes in tho City of London
school took place on Friday , July 29 . The proceedings were rendered interesting from the fact that Dr . Mortimer , the head master , officiated for the last time . He is succeeded by Mr . Abbott . The prizes were distributed to the successful students of King ' s College in the afternoon . Dr . Pritchard , the Glasgow murderer , was executed ou the 28 th ult . He admitted the justice of his sentence , anel died with firmness . Eighty thousand persons were present . The prisoner Benge ,