Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 6 →
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bo desired . Ihe suite of rooms comprise lodge room , Tyler ' s room , Officers' room , together with lavatory anel other necessary conveniences . The appearance of the lodge room is very pleasing by reason of the taste displayed in paper , carpet , and furniture . The W . M . Bro . Busher , Prov . G . Sec ., occupied tho chair , and was supported by Bros . Dr . Greaves , D . G . M . ; John Savage , P . S . G . D . of Enaland ; Home , P . M . ; J . H . Johnson , P . M . ; John Bowes , P . M . ; Webster , P . M . ; Rev . H . Lamb ,
Chap . ; J . Whitwcll , S . W . ; T . AVilson , J . W . ; J . Mann , Sec ; 13 . Hibbert ; Jos . Bintley , S . D . ; 8 . Gawith , jun . J . D . ; A . K . AA oods , I . G . ; James Taylor ; Rev . J . Simpson , vicar of Kirkby Stephen ; Thos . Winder " ; Robt . Butterworth , Org . ; W . Hartley ; H . Cragg ; J . Ottley Atkinson ; E . Meclcalf ; R . Gibsjn ; Thos . Atkinson ; Thos . J . Carlisle ; S . IC . Thompson ; Thos . Busher ; W . James , C . G . Thompson , Capt . Braitbwaite , D . Harrison , Geo . Cartmel , Dr . Noble , Dr . Seeming , Councillor
Doubleday . Visitors—Bros . Joseph Potts , No . 305 ; Banning , Liverpool . The lodge was openeel in due form , when the W . M . announced that the ballot box would go round respectively for Robert Toulman Seeming , Samuel-Clarke Noble , and Councillor Doubleday . The ballot having proved unanimous in favour of the candidates in each case , they were , in duo course , introduced separately anel initiated by the AV . M . in a most impressive manner . Bro . Rev . J . Simpson being a
candielidate for promotion was examined , approved , and entrusted . The chair was now assumed b y the R . W . the D . Prov . G . M ., the lodge opened in the second degree , and Bro . Simpson admitted and passed in an exact and impressive manner . Bros . T . Busher and W . James , being candidates for advancement , ¦ were examined , approved , and entrusted . The chair was now assumed by Bro . John Savage , P . S . G . D . of England , the lodge
opened in the third degree , the candidates admitted and raised to the sublime degree of M . M . ' s in the W . Bro's . usual impressive manner . The lodge was now lowered to the first degree , and being "high time" the brethren were called off to refreshment . This part of the evening ' s proceedings , which was most judiciously and tastefully arranged by Airs . Edward Barker , elicited warm tributes of praise from all present . In due time the brethren resumed labour . The following brethren
signed their certificates in open lodge , viz .: —Bros . D . Harrison , AV . Hartley , Thomas Atkinson , George Cartmel , J . C . Atkinson , Henry Cragg , E . Modi'alf . and Robert Butterworth . The W . M . announced that the Charter of Constitution for a Hol y Royal Arch Chapter to be called the Kendal Castle Chapter , and to be attached to the Union Lodgo , had been received from the Grand Principal ' / ,.. and that it would be shortly consecrated and opened . He further announced that the D . Prov . G . M .
would be the First , Principal / . ; Edward Busher , W . M . 129 , Prov . G . See ., the First Principal II ., and John Bowes , P . M ., the First Principal J ., and that all M . M . ' s of twelve months ' standing would be eligible for exaltation . A number of names were at once given in . He also announced that the newly revised by-laws were ready for distribution . The AV . M . then announced that the next meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge would be holden at Cockennouthon WednesdayAugust 23 rd
, , , at 11 . 30 a . m ., the Prov . G . M .. F . L . B . Dykes , of Dorenb y Hall , Esq ., presiding . The lodge was then closed in due form according to ancient custom , and the brethren departed in perfect harmony . We cannot close this report without again congratulating the W . M . and ofiicers of this loelge on the largo measure of success which has attended their energetic exertions . To them we exclaim " Prosper the Art !"
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . AVAM'IXGTOX . —Lodge of Lights ( No . liS ) . —The regular monthly meeting of ( his lodgo was held on the last Monday in July , irr the Masonic Rooms , Sankey Street . In the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., Bro ' Gilbert Greenall , M . P ., Bro . II . B . White , P . M ., S . W ., ruled the lodge . Ho was supported by Bros . James Hanier , Prov . G . Tresis . ; John Bowes , P . M . and Sec . ; the Rev . J . N . Porter , . Tames Hepherd , Jos .
Maxfield , P . M . ; Charles .. Pettitt , M . C . ; Dr . Spinks , Dr . Pennington , John Pier-point , " - Limes -Johnson , W . Richardson , D . Finney , and Jos . Robinson . Visitors : —Bros . Hayward , Prov . G . Dir . of Cirs ., Cumberland and Westmorland , and John C . Jackson ( No . 211 . ) The lodge was opened in duo form and the minutes confirmed , when it was announced that Mr , Finney , a candidate dul y approved , was in waiting . Mr . Finney was admitted and duly initiated into the Order . Bro . James Johnson being a candidate for promotion , and having given proof of proficiency , was initiated . Bro . Bowes , P . M ., now
assumed the chair , and the candidate having heen admitted was duly passeel to the degree of F . C . The lodge was now closeel in the second degree , when the receipt of communications was announced . Bro . Sec . stated that the W . M " . and officers of the lodge had arranged to visit Knutsforel or . the morrow to witness the installation of Bro . Lord de Tabley as Prov . G . Master of Cheshire , by the Deputy Grand Master Earl de Grey and Ripon , and that they should be glad of the company of as many brethren as could make it convenient to go . The lodge then resolved itself into a centenary committee . There being no further business the lodge was solemnly closeel .
SUFFOLK . THE PROVINCIAL GBAND LODOE OE SUITOLK AXD CONSECRATION OF THE ROYAL EDAIUXD LODOE AT B CTEY ST . EDMUND ' S . On Monday , tho 21 th ult ., the Provincial Grand Lodge for this comity was held at Bury Sfc . Edmund's , by command of the R . AV . the Prov . G . M ., Colonel R . A . S . Adair . This being the
first time for upwards of thirty years thafc Bury has been selected for the Provincial Grand Lodge , the brethren connected with the newly-formed lodge made every preparation , so as to give the brethren from the various lodges in the province a cordial welcome . The Provincial Grand Lodge was held in the Guildhall , which had most kindly been placed at the disposal ofthe brethren by the Mayor and Corporation of Bury . The lodge room was handsomely furnished by tho brethren of
the Royal Edmund Lodge , and the effect produced hy the admirable arrangement of the regalia of the various lodges by the Prov . G . Sec , Bro . Edward Dorling , was very striking and imposing . The Finance Board met shortly after twelve o ' clock , when the accounts for tho year were audited , and other lodge business transacted . At one o ' clock the brethren assembled in an ante room prior
to the lodgo heing opened . The following signed the presence book : —Bros . Col . R . A / S . Adair , P . G . M ., for Suffolk , Lodgo Prince of AVales , 959 ; Benjamin Head , P . G . D . 959 ; Frederick Binckes 939 , and Sec . to Royal Masonic Institution for Boys ; Rev . R . N . Sanderson , Prov . G . Chap . 522 and 959 ; Edward Dorling , Prov . G . Sec . 959 ; Newson Garrett , Prov . G . Reg . ( Adair ); J . Head , P . Prov . J . G . W . 950 ; II . Thomas , W . M . British Union ( Nos . Ill and 959 ); Rev . E . J . Lockwood , P . M . 114 . ; W . Lucia , AV . M . Royal Edmund Lodgo ( No . 1008 ); T . J . Huddlestone , S . W . 1008 ; A . Bowles , Prov . G . Org . ; W . Leeds Fox , D . Prov . G . M . for Norfolk ; John S . Gissing , P . M . 81 ; J . F . Robinson ,
Prov . J . G . W . 332 ; Spencer Freeman , Prov . Or . Treas ., and P . Prov . S . G . W . 51 G ; George Fenn , P . M . 305 and P . Prov . S . G . W . ; It . C . J . Martyn , P . AI ., P . Prov . G . Sec . Oxfordshire , 357 , 178 , 85 , and 82 ; J . Allez , P . Prov . S . G . W . and P . M . 71 ; W . T . Westgate , S . W . 959 , 370 ; 225 ; J . E . Harwood , 37 G ; J . A . Pettitt , jun ., S . W . 376 , S . D . 332 ; George Childs 120 ; S . B . AVhite , 959 , 332 ; George Gower , P . Prov . G . S . 225 ; T . W . Cooper 1008 ; C . S . Peelgriffc , P . Prov . G . Reg . ; J . A . Pettitt ,
sen ., P . M . 307 and 959 ; Thomas Nichols 88 ; A . F . Donagan 88 and 141 ; E . King 88 ; John S . Bowler , W . M . 332 ; J . T . Hagreen , P . Prov . S . G . D . 'Ill ; E . C . Tidd , J . D . 959 ; U . S . Gray , 411 ; J . T . Wright , 93 G ; E . Bunness , J . W . 936 ; J . Chiimock , 959 ; E . G . W . Rands , 959 ; W . Davidson , 88 ; J . Lucas , 959 ; W . R . Rands , 367 ; W . Stage :, I'M . 516 ; T . . Al . Bear , J . A . Payne , I . G . 1008 ; J . Ii . Fitch , J . D . 1008 ; John Dallcnger , P . M . 81 ; W . Minter , 959 ; P . Mclnfcyre , P . M . 1008 ;
J . B . Parker , 959 ; Charles Lamb , 1008 ; Patrick Beales , jun ., P . M . 88 ; Frederick Grant , P . AI . 88 ; Alfred U'isbv , 411 ; John Alloway , Treas . 959 ; II . M . Ranson , J . W . 88 ; Fred . Barton , 88 ; F . Bailey , 88 ; John Peek , 5 i 2 ; Richard Worslev , 305 ; AV . L . Barnes , I . G . 906 ; H . Wright , AV . M . 51 G ; J . Redgrone , 959 ; II . S . Scott , J . W . 1008 ; Charles Capon , 059 ; J . Kennedy , M . A . 419 , S . W . Cape of Good Hope , & c . As thc brethren entered the lodge room , and ranged
themselves under their respective banners , a selection of music was performed by the Prov . G . Org ., Bro . A . Bowles . The brethren having taken their seats , the lodge was opened in the three degrees , Bro . Leedes Fox presiding as W . M ., supported by Bros . John Head as S . W ., and John Gissing as J . W . Prior to proceeding to the consecration of the Bury Lodge , a sacred composition , from the pen of Bro . Theodore Grant Cressy , and set to music by the Prov . G . Org ., was sung by the brethren . The Prov . G . Master then proceeded briefly to address the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
bo desired . Ihe suite of rooms comprise lodge room , Tyler ' s room , Officers' room , together with lavatory anel other necessary conveniences . The appearance of the lodge room is very pleasing by reason of the taste displayed in paper , carpet , and furniture . The W . M . Bro . Busher , Prov . G . Sec ., occupied tho chair , and was supported by Bros . Dr . Greaves , D . G . M . ; John Savage , P . S . G . D . of Enaland ; Home , P . M . ; J . H . Johnson , P . M . ; John Bowes , P . M . ; Webster , P . M . ; Rev . H . Lamb ,
Chap . ; J . Whitwcll , S . W . ; T . AVilson , J . W . ; J . Mann , Sec ; 13 . Hibbert ; Jos . Bintley , S . D . ; 8 . Gawith , jun . J . D . ; A . K . AA oods , I . G . ; James Taylor ; Rev . J . Simpson , vicar of Kirkby Stephen ; Thos . Winder " ; Robt . Butterworth , Org . ; W . Hartley ; H . Cragg ; J . Ottley Atkinson ; E . Meclcalf ; R . Gibsjn ; Thos . Atkinson ; Thos . J . Carlisle ; S . IC . Thompson ; Thos . Busher ; W . James , C . G . Thompson , Capt . Braitbwaite , D . Harrison , Geo . Cartmel , Dr . Noble , Dr . Seeming , Councillor
Doubleday . Visitors—Bros . Joseph Potts , No . 305 ; Banning , Liverpool . The lodge was openeel in due form , when the W . M . announced that the ballot box would go round respectively for Robert Toulman Seeming , Samuel-Clarke Noble , and Councillor Doubleday . The ballot having proved unanimous in favour of the candidates in each case , they were , in duo course , introduced separately anel initiated by the AV . M . in a most impressive manner . Bro . Rev . J . Simpson being a
candielidate for promotion was examined , approved , and entrusted . The chair was now assumed b y the R . W . the D . Prov . G . M ., the lodge opened in the second degree , and Bro . Simpson admitted and passed in an exact and impressive manner . Bros . T . Busher and W . James , being candidates for advancement , ¦ were examined , approved , and entrusted . The chair was now assumed by Bro . John Savage , P . S . G . D . of England , the lodge
opened in the third degree , the candidates admitted and raised to the sublime degree of M . M . ' s in the W . Bro's . usual impressive manner . The lodge was now lowered to the first degree , and being "high time" the brethren were called off to refreshment . This part of the evening ' s proceedings , which was most judiciously and tastefully arranged by Airs . Edward Barker , elicited warm tributes of praise from all present . In due time the brethren resumed labour . The following brethren
signed their certificates in open lodge , viz .: —Bros . D . Harrison , AV . Hartley , Thomas Atkinson , George Cartmel , J . C . Atkinson , Henry Cragg , E . Modi'alf . and Robert Butterworth . The W . M . announced that the Charter of Constitution for a Hol y Royal Arch Chapter to be called the Kendal Castle Chapter , and to be attached to the Union Lodgo , had been received from the Grand Principal ' / ,.. and that it would be shortly consecrated and opened . He further announced that the D . Prov . G . M .
would be the First , Principal / . ; Edward Busher , W . M . 129 , Prov . G . See ., the First Principal II ., and John Bowes , P . M ., the First Principal J ., and that all M . M . ' s of twelve months ' standing would be eligible for exaltation . A number of names were at once given in . He also announced that the newly revised by-laws were ready for distribution . The AV . M . then announced that the next meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge would be holden at Cockennouthon WednesdayAugust 23 rd
, , , at 11 . 30 a . m ., the Prov . G . M .. F . L . B . Dykes , of Dorenb y Hall , Esq ., presiding . The lodge was then closed in due form according to ancient custom , and the brethren departed in perfect harmony . We cannot close this report without again congratulating the W . M . and ofiicers of this loelge on the largo measure of success which has attended their energetic exertions . To them we exclaim " Prosper the Art !"
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . AVAM'IXGTOX . —Lodge of Lights ( No . liS ) . —The regular monthly meeting of ( his lodgo was held on the last Monday in July , irr the Masonic Rooms , Sankey Street . In the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., Bro ' Gilbert Greenall , M . P ., Bro . II . B . White , P . M ., S . W ., ruled the lodge . Ho was supported by Bros . James Hanier , Prov . G . Tresis . ; John Bowes , P . M . and Sec . ; the Rev . J . N . Porter , . Tames Hepherd , Jos .
Maxfield , P . M . ; Charles .. Pettitt , M . C . ; Dr . Spinks , Dr . Pennington , John Pier-point , " - Limes -Johnson , W . Richardson , D . Finney , and Jos . Robinson . Visitors : —Bros . Hayward , Prov . G . Dir . of Cirs ., Cumberland and Westmorland , and John C . Jackson ( No . 211 . ) The lodge was opened in duo form and the minutes confirmed , when it was announced that Mr , Finney , a candidate dul y approved , was in waiting . Mr . Finney was admitted and duly initiated into the Order . Bro . James Johnson being a candidate for promotion , and having given proof of proficiency , was initiated . Bro . Bowes , P . M ., now
assumed the chair , and the candidate having heen admitted was duly passeel to the degree of F . C . The lodge was now closeel in the second degree , when the receipt of communications was announced . Bro . Sec . stated that the W . M " . and officers of the lodge had arranged to visit Knutsforel or . the morrow to witness the installation of Bro . Lord de Tabley as Prov . G . Master of Cheshire , by the Deputy Grand Master Earl de Grey and Ripon , and that they should be glad of the company of as many brethren as could make it convenient to go . The lodge then resolved itself into a centenary committee . There being no further business the lodge was solemnly closeel .
SUFFOLK . THE PROVINCIAL GBAND LODOE OE SUITOLK AXD CONSECRATION OF THE ROYAL EDAIUXD LODOE AT B CTEY ST . EDMUND ' S . On Monday , tho 21 th ult ., the Provincial Grand Lodge for this comity was held at Bury Sfc . Edmund's , by command of the R . AV . the Prov . G . M ., Colonel R . A . S . Adair . This being the
first time for upwards of thirty years thafc Bury has been selected for the Provincial Grand Lodge , the brethren connected with the newly-formed lodge made every preparation , so as to give the brethren from the various lodges in the province a cordial welcome . The Provincial Grand Lodge was held in the Guildhall , which had most kindly been placed at the disposal ofthe brethren by the Mayor and Corporation of Bury . The lodge room was handsomely furnished by tho brethren of
the Royal Edmund Lodge , and the effect produced hy the admirable arrangement of the regalia of the various lodges by the Prov . G . Sec , Bro . Edward Dorling , was very striking and imposing . The Finance Board met shortly after twelve o ' clock , when the accounts for tho year were audited , and other lodge business transacted . At one o ' clock the brethren assembled in an ante room prior
to the lodgo heing opened . The following signed the presence book : —Bros . Col . R . A / S . Adair , P . G . M ., for Suffolk , Lodgo Prince of AVales , 959 ; Benjamin Head , P . G . D . 959 ; Frederick Binckes 939 , and Sec . to Royal Masonic Institution for Boys ; Rev . R . N . Sanderson , Prov . G . Chap . 522 and 959 ; Edward Dorling , Prov . G . Sec . 959 ; Newson Garrett , Prov . G . Reg . ( Adair ); J . Head , P . Prov . J . G . W . 950 ; II . Thomas , W . M . British Union ( Nos . Ill and 959 ); Rev . E . J . Lockwood , P . M . 114 . ; W . Lucia , AV . M . Royal Edmund Lodgo ( No . 1008 ); T . J . Huddlestone , S . W . 1008 ; A . Bowles , Prov . G . Org . ; W . Leeds Fox , D . Prov . G . M . for Norfolk ; John S . Gissing , P . M . 81 ; J . F . Robinson ,
Prov . J . G . W . 332 ; Spencer Freeman , Prov . Or . Treas ., and P . Prov . S . G . W . 51 G ; George Fenn , P . M . 305 and P . Prov . S . G . W . ; It . C . J . Martyn , P . AI ., P . Prov . G . Sec . Oxfordshire , 357 , 178 , 85 , and 82 ; J . Allez , P . Prov . S . G . W . and P . M . 71 ; W . T . Westgate , S . W . 959 , 370 ; 225 ; J . E . Harwood , 37 G ; J . A . Pettitt , jun ., S . W . 376 , S . D . 332 ; George Childs 120 ; S . B . AVhite , 959 , 332 ; George Gower , P . Prov . G . S . 225 ; T . W . Cooper 1008 ; C . S . Peelgriffc , P . Prov . G . Reg . ; J . A . Pettitt ,
sen ., P . M . 307 and 959 ; Thomas Nichols 88 ; A . F . Donagan 88 and 141 ; E . King 88 ; John S . Bowler , W . M . 332 ; J . T . Hagreen , P . Prov . S . G . D . 'Ill ; E . C . Tidd , J . D . 959 ; U . S . Gray , 411 ; J . T . Wright , 93 G ; E . Bunness , J . W . 936 ; J . Chiimock , 959 ; E . G . W . Rands , 959 ; W . Davidson , 88 ; J . Lucas , 959 ; W . R . Rands , 367 ; W . Stage :, I'M . 516 ; T . . Al . Bear , J . A . Payne , I . G . 1008 ; J . Ii . Fitch , J . D . 1008 ; John Dallcnger , P . M . 81 ; W . Minter , 959 ; P . Mclnfcyre , P . M . 1008 ;
J . B . Parker , 959 ; Charles Lamb , 1008 ; Patrick Beales , jun ., P . M . 88 ; Frederick Grant , P . AI . 88 ; Alfred U'isbv , 411 ; John Alloway , Treas . 959 ; II . M . Ranson , J . W . 88 ; Fred . Barton , 88 ; F . Bailey , 88 ; John Peek , 5 i 2 ; Richard Worslev , 305 ; AV . L . Barnes , I . G . 906 ; H . Wright , AV . M . 51 G ; J . Redgrone , 959 ; II . S . Scott , J . W . 1008 ; Charles Capon , 059 ; J . Kennedy , M . A . 419 , S . W . Cape of Good Hope , & c . As thc brethren entered the lodge room , and ranged
themselves under their respective banners , a selection of music was performed by the Prov . G . Org ., Bro . A . Bowles . The brethren having taken their seats , the lodge was opened in the three degrees , Bro . Leedes Fox presiding as W . M ., supported by Bros . John Head as S . W ., and John Gissing as J . W . Prior to proceeding to the consecration of the Bury Lodge , a sacred composition , from the pen of Bro . Theodore Grant Cressy , and set to music by the Prov . G . Org ., was sung by the brethren . The Prov . G . Master then proceeded briefly to address the