Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
The meeting was rather a stormy one . Ifc seems that the Archdeacon of London nominates , at the instance of the clergy , two proctors , and the Archdeacon of Middlesex also nominates two . The bishop then choses from these four two who shall sit in con-A'ocation . He may choose one from each of the two nominations , or he may take both from one side . This clumsy mode of election was strongly denounced as virtually setting aside the
wishes of the clergy . On Monday evening , the 31 st ulfc ., Messrs . Locke King and Buxton , the newly-elected members for East Surrey , were entertained at a public dinner at Kingston-on-Thames . The proceedings were rendered specially interesting from tho fact that Mr . Locke King announced his intention to bring forward a measure for a £ 20
county franchise during the next session . The members of the Working Men's College , Great Ormond-streefc , met on Wednesday to congratulate Mr . Thomas Hughes , M . P ., on his election for Lambeth . The Rev . F . D . Maurice presided , and amongst the speakers were Mr . Ruskin , Mr . Layard , and M . Louis Blanc . The meeting was of the most pleasant character .
Ifc demonstrated the kindly feeling which exists between Mr . Hughes and those whose welfare he has done so much to promote . Mr . Charles Sprague , the surgeon who was charged with attempting to poison his wife , and mother , and father-in-law , at Ashburton , was tried at the Devon assizes on Tuesday . The three persons said to have been
poisoned suffered severely after eating a rabbit and steak pie , into which it was suggested the prisoner had put atrophine . On the trial , however , the case was not made out , and Mr . Sprague was discharged from custody . Thomas Jarvis , tlie convict who afc Croydon assizes on Tuesday mado a series of charges against the officials of tlie Woking convict prison , has been brought un to receive sentence . Mr . Baron
Pigott , after lecturing lnm for a short time , sentenced him to five years' penal servitude , to commence from the present time . A fellow was brought up at the Southwark policecourt on Monday charged with being in the house of a gentleman in Bermondsey for an unlawful purpose . The accused gave his name as Thomas Charles , fishmonger to Her Majesty . The magistrate dismissed him . On
Wednesday , however , the real Thomas Charles went to tho court . He stated that his name hael been most impudently assumed , for that no person of the name of Charles save himself was fishmonger to Her Majesty . Most certainly he was not the man who hael been brought up on the previous clay . Mr . Charles ' s character is vindicated . A ease of considerable
importance to the public at the present time , when disease is so rife among cattle , has been decided at the Worship-street Policecourt . Francis Cousins , a sausage manufacturer , residing at Ilomerton , was summoned by the authorities of Hackney parish on a charge of preparing bad meat for public sale . That tho meat which was seized'' on the defendant ' s premises by the
medical officer of health and the Inspector of Nuisances was unfit for food was rendered clear beyond dispute ; but the defendant denied that it was his intention to use the meat . His Avitnesses averred that the meat was always subjected to examination before it was put in the machine , and that if any portion of it was tainted it was boiled down for pig ' s food . The
magistrate , however , in a careful decision , took a different view of the matter , and fined the defendant £ 5 with costs . We hope the example will not be lost upon others . A despatch from the Great Eastern , elated August 2 nd , announces that 1 , 200 miles of cable bad been paid out by 7 . 50 a . m ., and 1 , 050 miles actually run an hour earlier . A despatch received from Yalentia late on Wednesday night announces that fche signals from the Great Eastern became unintelligible at noon ,
The Week.
and there had been no subsequent communication between the ship anel the shore . The cause of the interruption to the electric current was of course unknown at Valentia . On Wednesday his Royal Highness Prince Arthur gladdened the eyes and the hearts of the people ofthe Principality by being present at and superintending the uncovering of tbe statue of his late father afc Tenby . The statue is erected on tbe
Castlehill there , a most picturesque and conspicuous spot , anel the proceedings excited the liveliest interest among the loyal Welsh , all classes of whom were represented in large numbers . FOKEIGJT INTELLIGENCE . —The terms on which Austria is ready to concur with Prussia for tho settlement of the Schleswig-Holstein difficulty have been made public . The Cabinet
of Vienna is willing to let her grasping ally take Kiel and occupy Rendsburg , provided Prussia give Austria a quid pro quo in the shape of a rectification of the Silesian frontier . The administration claims of Prussia in the Duchies to bo left to the decision of their future Duke ; and for this shorn dignity Prussia proposes the Grand Duke of Oldenburg . To this
proposal Austria replies : Pledge yourself , then , not at any future time to revert to the scheme of annexation . To ask the people of the Duchies themselves what they would wish in the matters of their own Government is the last thing in the thoughts of either of the two Cabinets . The Russian Government is reported to have it in contemplation to grant some rights to the Jaws iu the eastern part ofthe empire , where they have hitherto had none . The object is to encourage commerce , for which in that
quarter of the world tho Jews aloue seem to hav an aptitude . ——The Austrian Government has taken a step in a liberal direction . All prosecutions under the press law , and all pending punishments , are determined by Imperial decree . The order is comprehensive and really liberal ; but why not abolish the press law altogether ? The speech of the young King of Portugal
in opening the Parliament , is of good promise . It notices tbe success of the mediation of the King between Braxil anel England , states that the financial condition of the kingdom is good , and promises bills , the object of which will be to abolish slavery throughout the Portugese possessions . The Hloniteur , speaking for the French Government upon the new phase of the
Schleswig-Holstein question , says that France is true to its principle of deferring to the national will . But Prussia and Austria is dealing with the interests ofthe people of Schleswig-Holstein , consult no will but their own . On the other hand , ifc is curious to find an organ of the Italian Government , the Opinione , twitting A on Bismark of Prussia with his inferiority
to Count Cavour , and his want of courage and nerve in the affair of annexing the Duchies . AAIEEICA . —The China has arrived with intelligence from the United States to the 20 th inst . The news is unimportant . Difficulties between the Southern population and the people of colour still continued . The assassination conspirators who were
sentenced to terms of imprisonment had been removed to Florida . The Belgian has arrived with news from New York fco July 22 . The news is chiefly political , and of little importance . Gold , on the evening of the 22 nd , was quoted at M 2 j } .
To Correspondents.
* w All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , London , W . C . EEEATUAI . —In our report of the Grand Lodge of Surrey last week the name of the Grand Steward should be " Baber , " not " Maber . " H . II . —The report of Loelge La Cesaree shall appear in our next . F . C . —We are obliged for the poetic effusions .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
The meeting was rather a stormy one . Ifc seems that the Archdeacon of London nominates , at the instance of the clergy , two proctors , and the Archdeacon of Middlesex also nominates two . The bishop then choses from these four two who shall sit in con-A'ocation . He may choose one from each of the two nominations , or he may take both from one side . This clumsy mode of election was strongly denounced as virtually setting aside the
wishes of the clergy . On Monday evening , the 31 st ulfc ., Messrs . Locke King and Buxton , the newly-elected members for East Surrey , were entertained at a public dinner at Kingston-on-Thames . The proceedings were rendered specially interesting from tho fact that Mr . Locke King announced his intention to bring forward a measure for a £ 20
county franchise during the next session . The members of the Working Men's College , Great Ormond-streefc , met on Wednesday to congratulate Mr . Thomas Hughes , M . P ., on his election for Lambeth . The Rev . F . D . Maurice presided , and amongst the speakers were Mr . Ruskin , Mr . Layard , and M . Louis Blanc . The meeting was of the most pleasant character .
Ifc demonstrated the kindly feeling which exists between Mr . Hughes and those whose welfare he has done so much to promote . Mr . Charles Sprague , the surgeon who was charged with attempting to poison his wife , and mother , and father-in-law , at Ashburton , was tried at the Devon assizes on Tuesday . The three persons said to have been
poisoned suffered severely after eating a rabbit and steak pie , into which it was suggested the prisoner had put atrophine . On the trial , however , the case was not made out , and Mr . Sprague was discharged from custody . Thomas Jarvis , tlie convict who afc Croydon assizes on Tuesday mado a series of charges against the officials of tlie Woking convict prison , has been brought un to receive sentence . Mr . Baron
Pigott , after lecturing lnm for a short time , sentenced him to five years' penal servitude , to commence from the present time . A fellow was brought up at the Southwark policecourt on Monday charged with being in the house of a gentleman in Bermondsey for an unlawful purpose . The accused gave his name as Thomas Charles , fishmonger to Her Majesty . The magistrate dismissed him . On
Wednesday , however , the real Thomas Charles went to tho court . He stated that his name hael been most impudently assumed , for that no person of the name of Charles save himself was fishmonger to Her Majesty . Most certainly he was not the man who hael been brought up on the previous clay . Mr . Charles ' s character is vindicated . A ease of considerable
importance to the public at the present time , when disease is so rife among cattle , has been decided at the Worship-street Policecourt . Francis Cousins , a sausage manufacturer , residing at Ilomerton , was summoned by the authorities of Hackney parish on a charge of preparing bad meat for public sale . That tho meat which was seized'' on the defendant ' s premises by the
medical officer of health and the Inspector of Nuisances was unfit for food was rendered clear beyond dispute ; but the defendant denied that it was his intention to use the meat . His Avitnesses averred that the meat was always subjected to examination before it was put in the machine , and that if any portion of it was tainted it was boiled down for pig ' s food . The
magistrate , however , in a careful decision , took a different view of the matter , and fined the defendant £ 5 with costs . We hope the example will not be lost upon others . A despatch from the Great Eastern , elated August 2 nd , announces that 1 , 200 miles of cable bad been paid out by 7 . 50 a . m ., and 1 , 050 miles actually run an hour earlier . A despatch received from Yalentia late on Wednesday night announces that fche signals from the Great Eastern became unintelligible at noon ,
The Week.
and there had been no subsequent communication between the ship anel the shore . The cause of the interruption to the electric current was of course unknown at Valentia . On Wednesday his Royal Highness Prince Arthur gladdened the eyes and the hearts of the people ofthe Principality by being present at and superintending the uncovering of tbe statue of his late father afc Tenby . The statue is erected on tbe
Castlehill there , a most picturesque and conspicuous spot , anel the proceedings excited the liveliest interest among the loyal Welsh , all classes of whom were represented in large numbers . FOKEIGJT INTELLIGENCE . —The terms on which Austria is ready to concur with Prussia for tho settlement of the Schleswig-Holstein difficulty have been made public . The Cabinet
of Vienna is willing to let her grasping ally take Kiel and occupy Rendsburg , provided Prussia give Austria a quid pro quo in the shape of a rectification of the Silesian frontier . The administration claims of Prussia in the Duchies to bo left to the decision of their future Duke ; and for this shorn dignity Prussia proposes the Grand Duke of Oldenburg . To this
proposal Austria replies : Pledge yourself , then , not at any future time to revert to the scheme of annexation . To ask the people of the Duchies themselves what they would wish in the matters of their own Government is the last thing in the thoughts of either of the two Cabinets . The Russian Government is reported to have it in contemplation to grant some rights to the Jaws iu the eastern part ofthe empire , where they have hitherto had none . The object is to encourage commerce , for which in that
quarter of the world tho Jews aloue seem to hav an aptitude . ——The Austrian Government has taken a step in a liberal direction . All prosecutions under the press law , and all pending punishments , are determined by Imperial decree . The order is comprehensive and really liberal ; but why not abolish the press law altogether ? The speech of the young King of Portugal
in opening the Parliament , is of good promise . It notices tbe success of the mediation of the King between Braxil anel England , states that the financial condition of the kingdom is good , and promises bills , the object of which will be to abolish slavery throughout the Portugese possessions . The Hloniteur , speaking for the French Government upon the new phase of the
Schleswig-Holstein question , says that France is true to its principle of deferring to the national will . But Prussia and Austria is dealing with the interests ofthe people of Schleswig-Holstein , consult no will but their own . On the other hand , ifc is curious to find an organ of the Italian Government , the Opinione , twitting A on Bismark of Prussia with his inferiority
to Count Cavour , and his want of courage and nerve in the affair of annexing the Duchies . AAIEEICA . —The China has arrived with intelligence from the United States to the 20 th inst . The news is unimportant . Difficulties between the Southern population and the people of colour still continued . The assassination conspirators who were
sentenced to terms of imprisonment had been removed to Florida . The Belgian has arrived with news from New York fco July 22 . The news is chiefly political , and of little importance . Gold , on the evening of the 22 nd , was quoted at M 2 j } .
To Correspondents.
* w All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , London , W . C . EEEATUAI . —In our report of the Grand Lodge of Surrey last week the name of the Grand Steward should be " Baber , " not " Maber . " H . II . —The report of Loelge La Cesaree shall appear in our next . F . C . —We are obliged for the poetic effusions .