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Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
time , Bro . Antonelli is " invited" to give a satisfactory explanation of his conduct . The Monde Maconniqtie , from which Ave extract this notice , is of opinion thafc a man's capacity as a monk does not render Mm unfit to be a Mason , tlie monastic
and Masonic institutions not excluding or being incompatible Avith each other . At the same time it states that , previous to the revolution of 1789 , monks used to be rather numerous in the French lodges , and that even the Lodge La Triple Unite ,
of Fecamp , and various other lodges were founded "b y Benedictines . —By resolution of the Supreme Council of the Turin Grand Orient , the Lodge La Fratellanza lias been suppressed , for having designated the transactions Avith the Papal
Government as a " negation of human progress /' and thus entered upon the arena of politics , contrary to the statute of the Order , also for having given publicity to its opinion without the requisite authorisation from the Grand Orient .
THE LEVANT . —The Bauhiitte has the following on the position of Masonry in Asia Minor : —The Lodge Palesfcina ? , No . 415 , * of Beyrut ( Btpuros of the Greeks , and Berothai of the Phoenicians ) , situated , as ifc Avere , at the gate through Avhich
European institutions and European civilisation find an ingress into Asia , seems to acquire considerable importance for the diffusion of the light of Masonry amongst the Mahometan inhabitants of the West of Asia . This lodge is about to be
transferred to a neAv temple , Avhen it has determined thafc Bro . Abd-el-Kader ' s two sons are to be initiated as Masons . The Emir being very well satisfied wifch his capacity as a Freemason ,
and enthusiastically inspired with Masonic ideas and aspirations , his taking his offspring to the altar of the Craft is easily accounted for . At the same time it is rumoured thafc Emir Easslan , a Drusian Chieftain of the Libanon , a man of
Armenian and French education , as Avell as Danid Pasha , the Turkish Governor of the Libanon , have resolved to join the Beyrut Lodge . This congregation will thus , by its lively spirit and persuasive activity , prove more than many other lodges that
Freemasonry should be , and means to be , a truly humane confederation , and a link of fraternity between men of all creeds and of all countries . This idea is likeAvise embodied in the composition of the council of the lodge , the W . M . being a
Greek ( Bro . Aleais ) , the S . W . an Englishman ( Bro . Eldridge ) , and . the J . W . a Frenchman ( Bro . du Chene ) , the German Nationalities being represented by three Germans and Swiss ( one of Avhom , Bro . Eduard Keller , of Zurich , acts as Treasurer ) ,
while the Secretary of the lodge is an Italian , Bro . Vergi . The seal has an inscription in English , owing to the Beyrut Lodge belonging to the province of the Grand Lodge of Edinburgh ; its motto is , " In the Lord is all our trust . - " The
future prospects of this nucleus of Masonic life in Asia Minor are of a most promising character . UNITED STATES . —Lincoln and tlie French
and-Italian Lodges . —More notice has . been taken in France than in this country of the fact that the late President Lincoln , as a member of the Grand Lodge of New York , occupied an eminent position in the Masonic confederation . The French lodges
which , throughout the duration of the civil Avai * , have continually evinced a lively though latent sympathy for the cause upheld by the northern states , have embraced the opportunity , offered by fche assassination of Bro . Lincoln , fco manifest and
proclaim their sentiments and opinions Avith reference to the cause of Avhich the late president Avas the first and natural representative . It is to be regretted , hoAvever , that our French brethren should have , at this occasion , unAVarrantably encroached on the province of politics , so essentially foreign to the institution of Masonry , and thus
laid themselves open to the apparently well founded accusation on the part of their and our antagonists , the papists , " that they claim liberty as their exclusive privilege , and are always ready to deny ifc fco those holding opinions divergent from theirs "
( see Gazette cle France ) . A late issue of the Monde Martinique contains some twenty allocutions delivered in lodges , circulars sent round and addresses forwarded to American lodges , to the United States ministry of Paris , London , and
Turin , and to Mrs . Lincoln . We subjoin the address sent by Bro . de Luca , the Masonic Grand Begent of Italy , to the Hon . George Marsh , the American representative at the Italian court , this being the only document , amongst the many , thafc
emanates from a recognised Masonic authority . To tho Hon . George Marsh , TJ . S . Minister for Italy . Sir , —The eminent man Avhohas been carried off by an atrocious crime , Abraham Lincoln , Avas the powerful I motor through Avhose agency the abolition of slavery has become a reality .
On this account , Abraham Lincoln is nofc only a great citizen of your country , bufc one of the chief benefactors of mankind afc large .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
time , Bro . Antonelli is " invited" to give a satisfactory explanation of his conduct . The Monde Maconniqtie , from which Ave extract this notice , is of opinion thafc a man's capacity as a monk does not render Mm unfit to be a Mason , tlie monastic
and Masonic institutions not excluding or being incompatible Avith each other . At the same time it states that , previous to the revolution of 1789 , monks used to be rather numerous in the French lodges , and that even the Lodge La Triple Unite ,
of Fecamp , and various other lodges were founded "b y Benedictines . —By resolution of the Supreme Council of the Turin Grand Orient , the Lodge La Fratellanza lias been suppressed , for having designated the transactions Avith the Papal
Government as a " negation of human progress /' and thus entered upon the arena of politics , contrary to the statute of the Order , also for having given publicity to its opinion without the requisite authorisation from the Grand Orient .
THE LEVANT . —The Bauhiitte has the following on the position of Masonry in Asia Minor : —The Lodge Palesfcina ? , No . 415 , * of Beyrut ( Btpuros of the Greeks , and Berothai of the Phoenicians ) , situated , as ifc Avere , at the gate through Avhich
European institutions and European civilisation find an ingress into Asia , seems to acquire considerable importance for the diffusion of the light of Masonry amongst the Mahometan inhabitants of the West of Asia . This lodge is about to be
transferred to a neAv temple , Avhen it has determined thafc Bro . Abd-el-Kader ' s two sons are to be initiated as Masons . The Emir being very well satisfied wifch his capacity as a Freemason ,
and enthusiastically inspired with Masonic ideas and aspirations , his taking his offspring to the altar of the Craft is easily accounted for . At the same time it is rumoured thafc Emir Easslan , a Drusian Chieftain of the Libanon , a man of
Armenian and French education , as Avell as Danid Pasha , the Turkish Governor of the Libanon , have resolved to join the Beyrut Lodge . This congregation will thus , by its lively spirit and persuasive activity , prove more than many other lodges that
Freemasonry should be , and means to be , a truly humane confederation , and a link of fraternity between men of all creeds and of all countries . This idea is likeAvise embodied in the composition of the council of the lodge , the W . M . being a
Greek ( Bro . Aleais ) , the S . W . an Englishman ( Bro . Eldridge ) , and . the J . W . a Frenchman ( Bro . du Chene ) , the German Nationalities being represented by three Germans and Swiss ( one of Avhom , Bro . Eduard Keller , of Zurich , acts as Treasurer ) ,
while the Secretary of the lodge is an Italian , Bro . Vergi . The seal has an inscription in English , owing to the Beyrut Lodge belonging to the province of the Grand Lodge of Edinburgh ; its motto is , " In the Lord is all our trust . - " The
future prospects of this nucleus of Masonic life in Asia Minor are of a most promising character . UNITED STATES . —Lincoln and tlie French
and-Italian Lodges . —More notice has . been taken in France than in this country of the fact that the late President Lincoln , as a member of the Grand Lodge of New York , occupied an eminent position in the Masonic confederation . The French lodges
which , throughout the duration of the civil Avai * , have continually evinced a lively though latent sympathy for the cause upheld by the northern states , have embraced the opportunity , offered by fche assassination of Bro . Lincoln , fco manifest and
proclaim their sentiments and opinions Avith reference to the cause of Avhich the late president Avas the first and natural representative . It is to be regretted , hoAvever , that our French brethren should have , at this occasion , unAVarrantably encroached on the province of politics , so essentially foreign to the institution of Masonry , and thus
laid themselves open to the apparently well founded accusation on the part of their and our antagonists , the papists , " that they claim liberty as their exclusive privilege , and are always ready to deny ifc fco those holding opinions divergent from theirs "
( see Gazette cle France ) . A late issue of the Monde Martinique contains some twenty allocutions delivered in lodges , circulars sent round and addresses forwarded to American lodges , to the United States ministry of Paris , London , and
Turin , and to Mrs . Lincoln . We subjoin the address sent by Bro . de Luca , the Masonic Grand Begent of Italy , to the Hon . George Marsh , the American representative at the Italian court , this being the only document , amongst the many , thafc
emanates from a recognised Masonic authority . To tho Hon . George Marsh , TJ . S . Minister for Italy . Sir , —The eminent man Avhohas been carried off by an atrocious crime , Abraham Lincoln , Avas the powerful I motor through Avhose agency the abolition of slavery has become a reality .
On this account , Abraham Lincoln is nofc only a great citizen of your country , bufc one of the chief benefactors of mankind afc large .