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Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
To him the Preemasonry of all parts of the globe OYfe a tribute of gratitude , of regret , and veneration . Permit me , Sir , that I request of you , in the name of the one hundred and eleven Masonic lodges of our province , to transmit to the Government and people of the United States the expression of our deeply-felt pain and our sincerest desire that the Avork , so well started by the illustrious deceased
, may he fully developed and carried out through the power of your republican institutions . Our Masonic lodges have taken mourning for nine days . Beceive , Mr . Eepresentative , the expression of my deep respect . FRANCESCO DI LTJCA . Turin , April 21 sfc , 1865 . The Grand Chancellor , M . Macchi .
German Masonry . —The German Lodge Meridian ( No . 2 ) of Sfc . Louis , Missouri , has prefixed to its list of members for this year the folloAving address : — " In forwarding to you this year's list of our members , Ave are not only fulfilling a
Masonic duty , but also redeeming a debt of gratitude to many sister lodges in the distant German fatherland , that have , on many previous occasions , favoured us Avith valuable communications . The
distressing condifcions into Avhich our country has fallen , once so happy and so blessed by the hand of the Grand Architect of the Universe , cannot fail to exercise a most depressing influence also on our association . Many of our countrymen , whether they belong to our brotherhood or not
( for Ave are all united in the same endeavours ) , have taken up arms for the defence of the country many of them are slumbering in the cold bosom of the earth , carried aAvay in the floAver of youth from the circle of friends and brethren , bufc though
the individual may go , the brotherhood will not be shaken , as all thafc is good , beautiful , and noble of the creation of the human mind Avill live in mankind , albeit the accidental bearer of these qualifications may perish . It gives us the more
pleasure , therefore , to inform you that , notAvithstanding the events of the times , our lodge has not only continued to thrive bufc has even increased its numerical strength and has , from an intellectual point of vieAV , never ceased to improve in
Masonic virtues . Just as the generations of men progress and aspire to higher perfection , dropping inveterate prejudices and carefully selecting the good from the new things , thus we also have always been endeavouring to conform ourselves to
eternal and invariable laAvs of Masonry , at the same time to carefully examine all new ideas arising in the province of humanity and charity , and adhere to them if we found them Avorthy thereof . To have always succeeded in this endeavour to select
fche best from the good , Ave , Avho are not free from the common defects and weaknesses of men , can hardly venture to assert , but Ave have always turned our eyes to the good , Ave have aspired toAvards truth , and honestly endeavoured to act up to the
principles of true Masonry . In conclusion , we give you our fraternal salutation , and beg to add our assurance that we shall always be most thankful for any communication from your lodge or any other branch of our confederation .
" On behalf of the Meridian No . 2 Lodge , " EMIL ULRICI , 1 st Orator . " MEXICO . —The Grand Orient of Mexico has empowered Bro . Herinano de Uslar to prepare a connection between itself and the Grand Lodges
of Germany . The folloAving is the tenor of this poAver , according to the Freimaurer Zeitung .: — Washington , * Grand Architect of the Supreme Grand Orient of the National Rite of Mexico .
To our beloved and faithful Brother Hermano de Uslar , L . J . I . f In conformity Avith the powers granted to our office , and the dignity and authority vested in us , pursuant to clause 8 of the
regulations—considering * the commendable traits of chai'acfcer that are combined in you , as honesty , patriotism , love of our eminent institution and the great merits you have acquired , in our opinion—Ave have appointed , aud appoint you , our much-beloved brother
Hermano de Uslar as our deputy , according to the ancient forms and usages , that you may initiate persons in the first three grades of the Mexican rite , and erect symbolical lodges , report progress to the Supreme Grand Orient of your labours , and
fche provisional certificates that you may issue , and Avhich are to be valid and in force until the most AVorshipful Grand Lodge of the National Eite of Mexico delivers definite certificates , upon your commendation , and conformably to the general
regulations . You are likewise empowered to carry out in our name , and with our authority , all actions and functions that are in keeping Avith the high dignity of a Deputy that we have conferred , upon you pursuant to the powers vested in us ;
and Ave enjoin you more especially , in discharging the duties of your office , to endeavour , Avith all means within your reach , to annihilate pernicious prejudices , and maintain in their integrity the liberty and independence of our Fatherland .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
To him the Preemasonry of all parts of the globe OYfe a tribute of gratitude , of regret , and veneration . Permit me , Sir , that I request of you , in the name of the one hundred and eleven Masonic lodges of our province , to transmit to the Government and people of the United States the expression of our deeply-felt pain and our sincerest desire that the Avork , so well started by the illustrious deceased
, may he fully developed and carried out through the power of your republican institutions . Our Masonic lodges have taken mourning for nine days . Beceive , Mr . Eepresentative , the expression of my deep respect . FRANCESCO DI LTJCA . Turin , April 21 sfc , 1865 . The Grand Chancellor , M . Macchi .
German Masonry . —The German Lodge Meridian ( No . 2 ) of Sfc . Louis , Missouri , has prefixed to its list of members for this year the folloAving address : — " In forwarding to you this year's list of our members , Ave are not only fulfilling a
Masonic duty , but also redeeming a debt of gratitude to many sister lodges in the distant German fatherland , that have , on many previous occasions , favoured us Avith valuable communications . The
distressing condifcions into Avhich our country has fallen , once so happy and so blessed by the hand of the Grand Architect of the Universe , cannot fail to exercise a most depressing influence also on our association . Many of our countrymen , whether they belong to our brotherhood or not
( for Ave are all united in the same endeavours ) , have taken up arms for the defence of the country many of them are slumbering in the cold bosom of the earth , carried aAvay in the floAver of youth from the circle of friends and brethren , bufc though
the individual may go , the brotherhood will not be shaken , as all thafc is good , beautiful , and noble of the creation of the human mind Avill live in mankind , albeit the accidental bearer of these qualifications may perish . It gives us the more
pleasure , therefore , to inform you that , notAvithstanding the events of the times , our lodge has not only continued to thrive bufc has even increased its numerical strength and has , from an intellectual point of vieAV , never ceased to improve in
Masonic virtues . Just as the generations of men progress and aspire to higher perfection , dropping inveterate prejudices and carefully selecting the good from the new things , thus we also have always been endeavouring to conform ourselves to
eternal and invariable laAvs of Masonry , at the same time to carefully examine all new ideas arising in the province of humanity and charity , and adhere to them if we found them Avorthy thereof . To have always succeeded in this endeavour to select
fche best from the good , Ave , Avho are not free from the common defects and weaknesses of men , can hardly venture to assert , but Ave have always turned our eyes to the good , Ave have aspired toAvards truth , and honestly endeavoured to act up to the
principles of true Masonry . In conclusion , we give you our fraternal salutation , and beg to add our assurance that we shall always be most thankful for any communication from your lodge or any other branch of our confederation .
" On behalf of the Meridian No . 2 Lodge , " EMIL ULRICI , 1 st Orator . " MEXICO . —The Grand Orient of Mexico has empowered Bro . Herinano de Uslar to prepare a connection between itself and the Grand Lodges
of Germany . The folloAving is the tenor of this poAver , according to the Freimaurer Zeitung .: — Washington , * Grand Architect of the Supreme Grand Orient of the National Rite of Mexico .
To our beloved and faithful Brother Hermano de Uslar , L . J . I . f In conformity Avith the powers granted to our office , and the dignity and authority vested in us , pursuant to clause 8 of the
regulations—considering * the commendable traits of chai'acfcer that are combined in you , as honesty , patriotism , love of our eminent institution and the great merits you have acquired , in our opinion—Ave have appointed , aud appoint you , our much-beloved brother
Hermano de Uslar as our deputy , according to the ancient forms and usages , that you may initiate persons in the first three grades of the Mexican rite , and erect symbolical lodges , report progress to the Supreme Grand Orient of your labours , and
fche provisional certificates that you may issue , and Avhich are to be valid and in force until the most AVorshipful Grand Lodge of the National Eite of Mexico delivers definite certificates , upon your commendation , and conformably to the general
regulations . You are likewise empowered to carry out in our name , and with our authority , all actions and functions that are in keeping Avith the high dignity of a Deputy that we have conferred , upon you pursuant to the powers vested in us ;
and Ave enjoin you more especially , in discharging the duties of your office , to endeavour , Avith all means within your reach , to annihilate pernicious prejudices , and maintain in their integrity the liberty and independence of our Fatherland .