Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article THE ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS, WOOD GREEN. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article THE MASONIC MIRRGR. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 6 →
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The Editor is not responsible for ihe opinions expressed by Correspondents . SURREY PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . TO THE EDlTOK OF THE ntElillASOXs' ilAGAZlXE AND JTASONtC MIUKOE . DEAR SIE AS " D BEOTHEE , — "Will you do me the favour hy giving space to this in your next valuable
publication , in order to correct an error which appears in the concluding part of the report of the proceedings of the Surrey Provincial Grand Lodge , held on Saturday , the 22 nd ult . As a A'isitor on that occasion I was called upon to respond to the toasfc proposed hy the Provincial Grand
Master , and the Right "Worshi pful Brother did me the honour to couple my name with the compliment . I made no allusion whatever fco my " nativity . " Had I , in the course of my reply , considered it reasonable or admissible by our rules to state Avhence I came , I would have testified my origin by undeniable
sentiments of a native of "Hungary , " but , Avith all due courtesy , I am not an Austrian . Yours fraternally , J . B . DE SACKII .
The Royal Masonic Institution For Boys, Wood Green.
10 TEE HDlTOll OP TICK ritEESrASOXs' MAGAZINE AN'D MASONIC SlIKROII . DEAE SIE AXD BEOTHEE , —Your correspondent , " Ignoramus , " is quite right in stating that Mr . Edwin Pearse Avas awarded the first prize for the competition designs for thc Freemasons' Boys' School , but he nevertheless did not furnish the '" ' original design , "
nor is thc general plan of tho building , Avhich has been erected and now being finished under mij superintendence , that which waspremiated by fche committee . I presume that I know more of this affair than your anonymous correspondent , who very correctly styles himself
"Ignoramus . " IT , therefore , he will have a little patience , and not rashl y speculate on wrong data , aud endeavour by his overzeal to pervert the truth , Avhich must inevitably mislead , he will , when the proper time arrives , be put iu possession of incontrovertible facts ,
AA'hich will , judging from his seeming elesire to enhance the valuable services of his unknown friend , he as unpalatable to him as " ' the abrupt tone of denial" he complains of . "Ignoramus" is , of course , at perfect liberty to
make any comment he pleases , hut I shall not be tempted thereby to make any further observations until fche completion of the building . f am , clear Sir and Brother , Yours fraternally , STEPHEN BAETO ' N * " "WILSOX . Bucklershury , August 1 st , 1 SG 5 .
A HANDSOME woman pleases the eye ; but a good woman pleases the heart . The one a jewel , the other a treasure .
The Masonic Mirrgr.
* * AU communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury street , Strand , London , W . C .
EELOBAA ' E LODGE ( XO . 719 ) . —An emergency meeting of this admirable lodge was held on Thursday , the 27 th . Inly , at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street . The W . JL , Bro . Thomas Nash , openeel the lodge in tho first degree . As there were no initiations the lodge was immediately opened in tho second degree , and Bros . Wickham and Zahnsdorf were passed as F . C . The lodge having been opened in the third degree , Bros . Battey , Painter , Herbert , and Jones were raised , liotli these
ceremonies were very ably performed by the WM . Tlie lodge was then closed in the third anil resumed in the first degree , when , the loelge being very full , Bro . Garrod , tho Secretary , moved , pursuant to notice , "That the initiation fee to this lodge be raised to six guineas . " Bro . Hunting having seconded the motion , the AV . M . put the same , when it was carried unanimously . The brethren then proceeded to consider how part of the funds of the lodge should be investedand after a
discus-, sion , in which several brethren took part , it was resolved that , as tlie loelge had a largo balance in hand more than was re-C ] oired for its present or prospective wants , £ 100 should be invested in Consols in tlie names of three members of the lodge . There being no further business to transact , the WM closeel tlie lodge , adjourning its reassembling till the second AA ' ednesday in October . Thc brethren afterwards adjourned to the banquet , arid spent a pleasant evening together .
BoYAi OAK LODGE ( No . 871 ) . — Ihe regular meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , July iiCth , at the lloyal Oak Tavern , High-street , Deptford . Bro . II . A . Collington presided , assisted by Bros . G . Wilton , P . M . ; J . II . Pembroke , S . W . ; R . Mills , J . W . ; F . Walters , P . AI ., Sec ; W . Andrews , S . D . ; J . Itosenstock , J . D . ; J . Hawker , I . G . ; W . . Teil ' ery , W . S . ; J . Stevens , I'M- ; W- H . Truelove . II . J . Wells , II . Stevens , J . Truelove , G . S . Hodgson , G . L . Tiihrool ; , M . G ' oucanen , J . W .
Sampson , and others . Amongst a large number of visitors we noticed Bros JI . A . Loeweustaik , W . S . 713 ; W . Dupero , 72 ; J . S . Bowls , 70 ; J . Bavin , WM . 117 ; J . Lightfoot , S . W . 1 : 17 ; H . Muggeridge , P . M . 102 ; II . Child , 102 ; G . Gale , J . AV . 518 ; L . lilomtieW , 712 ; and many others whose names we were unable to learn . A ballot was taken for Mr . John Chase Cradelock , which was declared to be unanimous in favour of his admission . Being in attendance , he was regularly initiated into
ancient Freemasonry , the AV . M . rendering thc ceremony in his usual superior manlier . Bro . Henry Muggeridge , P . M . 102 , was solicited by the W . M . to give a lecture on the first tracing board , which he did in his usual faultless manner . Bro . R Walters , P . M ., proposed , and Bro . . 1 . II . Pembroke , S . W ., seconded , "that a vote of thanks be given to Bro . II . Muggeridge , P . M . 102 , and entered in the lodge minute buck , for the able and talented manner in which he so kindly gave the lecture on the
tracing board in the first degree . " This proposition was carried unanimously . Bro . II . Muggeridge returned thanks in an able speech for the honour conferred on him . Bro . II . A . Collington in a feeling speech alluded to the loss the lodge had sustained by the death of Bro . J . S . Blonieley , S . D . It was unanimously agreed that a letter of condolence from tho lodge he sent to the widow . Business being finished the lodge was closed . The brethren then partook of an excellent cold collation . The usual loyal toasts were given and received , and the brethren dispersed iu peace mid harmony .
CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORELAND . KENDAL . — Union lodge ( No . 129 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this ancient liucl nourishing lodge was held at the Masonic Hull , Kent-street , on the last Thursday in July . This being the first meeting in the new hall , the W . M . was supported by all his ollicers , and a large majority of the members . Thc " new home" that Masonry has found in Kendal is all that can
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Editor is not responsible for ihe opinions expressed by Correspondents . SURREY PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . TO THE EDlTOK OF THE ntElillASOXs' ilAGAZlXE AND JTASONtC MIUKOE . DEAR SIE AS " D BEOTHEE , — "Will you do me the favour hy giving space to this in your next valuable
publication , in order to correct an error which appears in the concluding part of the report of the proceedings of the Surrey Provincial Grand Lodge , held on Saturday , the 22 nd ult . As a A'isitor on that occasion I was called upon to respond to the toasfc proposed hy the Provincial Grand
Master , and the Right "Worshi pful Brother did me the honour to couple my name with the compliment . I made no allusion whatever fco my " nativity . " Had I , in the course of my reply , considered it reasonable or admissible by our rules to state Avhence I came , I would have testified my origin by undeniable
sentiments of a native of "Hungary , " but , Avith all due courtesy , I am not an Austrian . Yours fraternally , J . B . DE SACKII .
The Royal Masonic Institution For Boys, Wood Green.
10 TEE HDlTOll OP TICK ritEESrASOXs' MAGAZINE AN'D MASONIC SlIKROII . DEAE SIE AXD BEOTHEE , —Your correspondent , " Ignoramus , " is quite right in stating that Mr . Edwin Pearse Avas awarded the first prize for the competition designs for thc Freemasons' Boys' School , but he nevertheless did not furnish the '" ' original design , "
nor is thc general plan of tho building , Avhich has been erected and now being finished under mij superintendence , that which waspremiated by fche committee . I presume that I know more of this affair than your anonymous correspondent , who very correctly styles himself
"Ignoramus . " IT , therefore , he will have a little patience , and not rashl y speculate on wrong data , aud endeavour by his overzeal to pervert the truth , Avhich must inevitably mislead , he will , when the proper time arrives , be put iu possession of incontrovertible facts ,
AA'hich will , judging from his seeming elesire to enhance the valuable services of his unknown friend , he as unpalatable to him as " ' the abrupt tone of denial" he complains of . "Ignoramus" is , of course , at perfect liberty to
make any comment he pleases , hut I shall not be tempted thereby to make any further observations until fche completion of the building . f am , clear Sir and Brother , Yours fraternally , STEPHEN BAETO ' N * " "WILSOX . Bucklershury , August 1 st , 1 SG 5 .
A HANDSOME woman pleases the eye ; but a good woman pleases the heart . The one a jewel , the other a treasure .
The Masonic Mirrgr.
* * AU communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury street , Strand , London , W . C .
EELOBAA ' E LODGE ( XO . 719 ) . —An emergency meeting of this admirable lodge was held on Thursday , the 27 th . Inly , at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street . The W . JL , Bro . Thomas Nash , openeel the lodge in tho first degree . As there were no initiations the lodge was immediately opened in tho second degree , and Bros . Wickham and Zahnsdorf were passed as F . C . The lodge having been opened in the third degree , Bros . Battey , Painter , Herbert , and Jones were raised , liotli these
ceremonies were very ably performed by the WM . Tlie lodge was then closed in the third anil resumed in the first degree , when , the loelge being very full , Bro . Garrod , tho Secretary , moved , pursuant to notice , "That the initiation fee to this lodge be raised to six guineas . " Bro . Hunting having seconded the motion , the AV . M . put the same , when it was carried unanimously . The brethren then proceeded to consider how part of the funds of the lodge should be investedand after a
discus-, sion , in which several brethren took part , it was resolved that , as tlie loelge had a largo balance in hand more than was re-C ] oired for its present or prospective wants , £ 100 should be invested in Consols in tlie names of three members of the lodge . There being no further business to transact , the WM closeel tlie lodge , adjourning its reassembling till the second AA ' ednesday in October . Thc brethren afterwards adjourned to the banquet , arid spent a pleasant evening together .
BoYAi OAK LODGE ( No . 871 ) . — Ihe regular meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , July iiCth , at the lloyal Oak Tavern , High-street , Deptford . Bro . II . A . Collington presided , assisted by Bros . G . Wilton , P . M . ; J . II . Pembroke , S . W . ; R . Mills , J . W . ; F . Walters , P . AI ., Sec ; W . Andrews , S . D . ; J . Itosenstock , J . D . ; J . Hawker , I . G . ; W . . Teil ' ery , W . S . ; J . Stevens , I'M- ; W- H . Truelove . II . J . Wells , II . Stevens , J . Truelove , G . S . Hodgson , G . L . Tiihrool ; , M . G ' oucanen , J . W .
Sampson , and others . Amongst a large number of visitors we noticed Bros JI . A . Loeweustaik , W . S . 713 ; W . Dupero , 72 ; J . S . Bowls , 70 ; J . Bavin , WM . 117 ; J . Lightfoot , S . W . 1 : 17 ; H . Muggeridge , P . M . 102 ; II . Child , 102 ; G . Gale , J . AV . 518 ; L . lilomtieW , 712 ; and many others whose names we were unable to learn . A ballot was taken for Mr . John Chase Cradelock , which was declared to be unanimous in favour of his admission . Being in attendance , he was regularly initiated into
ancient Freemasonry , the AV . M . rendering thc ceremony in his usual superior manlier . Bro . Henry Muggeridge , P . M . 102 , was solicited by the W . M . to give a lecture on the first tracing board , which he did in his usual faultless manner . Bro . R Walters , P . M ., proposed , and Bro . . 1 . II . Pembroke , S . W ., seconded , "that a vote of thanks be given to Bro . II . Muggeridge , P . M . 102 , and entered in the lodge minute buck , for the able and talented manner in which he so kindly gave the lecture on the
tracing board in the first degree . " This proposition was carried unanimously . Bro . II . Muggeridge returned thanks in an able speech for the honour conferred on him . Bro . II . A . Collington in a feeling speech alluded to the loss the lodge had sustained by the death of Bro . J . S . Blonieley , S . D . It was unanimously agreed that a letter of condolence from tho lodge he sent to the widow . Business being finished the lodge was closed . The brethren then partook of an excellent cold collation . The usual loyal toasts were given and received , and the brethren dispersed iu peace mid harmony .
CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORELAND . KENDAL . — Union lodge ( No . 129 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this ancient liucl nourishing lodge was held at the Masonic Hull , Kent-street , on the last Thursday in July . This being the first meeting in the new hall , the W . M . was supported by all his ollicers , and a large majority of the members . Thc " new home" that Masonry has found in Kendal is all that can