Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 6 of 6 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 1 Article REVIEWS. Page 1 of 1
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alluded to Bro . Dorling , the W . M . of the Prince of AVales Lodge . ( Loud applause and full honours . ) Bro . EDWARD DORLING , who on rising to respond was warmly greeted by the brethren , said he felt ifc an honour fco have his name associated with the toast , being an old Mason of some twenty-five years' standing , and he stood there now as W . M . of one of the youngest loelges in the province . ( Applause . ) He had been W . M . of a lodge in 1840 , again in 1856 , and , if ifc pleased
God to spare him , he should be in that proud position in 1866 , and hence fill the W . M . ' s chair three times . ( Applause . ) Masonry never stood in so high a position in the province of Suffolk as it did at the present time , anel the loelges were never in better working order . In some parts of the province a deeper interest in Masonry had been created than hud been known for years , and even their old friend , Bro . Mclnfcyre , hael come out from his years of retirement , and was now
taking an active part in the re-establishment of the Royal Edmund Lodge . ( Loud cheers . ) Other lodges had sprung up , and were now in a flourishing state , and bid fair to hold a high position amongst the lodges in the province of Suffolk . ( Hear , hear . ) He sincerely thanked them for the compliment they had paid the W . M . 's of lodges . ( Applause . ) The Prov . G . MASTER gave the " Masonic Charities , and the Health of Bro . Frederick Binckes . " The toast was drunk with all honours . Bro . BlNCKES , in an eloquent address , earnestly pleaded the
cause of the Masonic Charities , more especially that in which he took a deep interest , namely , the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . Charity , he said , was a noble virtue , it was one of the great principles of Freemasonry , and one which bound them together by an indissoluble tie . ( Applause . ) The great good which their noble institutions had already effected was , he considered , in itself ample reward for any efforts which might from time to time have been put forth for their
support by the Masonic brethren . ( Hear , hear . ) AA'ith regard to the Boys' School , he believed it would at the present time have been free from debt hael it not have been for the elections and the dissolution of Parliament . Undoubtedly the Institution hael suffered to a great extent from these causes ; still he did nofc despair , but trusted ere they met again on a similar occasion to make that announcement with regard to the Boys' School which he hael so long and so ardently desired ,
namely , freedom from debt . ( Applause . ) He thanked them , for the kind assistance they had already given him , and he looked forward to the time when he should again havo the pleasure of renewing old associations , anel strengthening the mutual tie which now bound them together . iLoud applause . ) Thc toast of "The Ladies" closed the proceedings ol one of the most harmonious and influential Provincial Grand Lodge meetings that has been held in the province for many years . Bro . BOAVLES , The Prov . G . Organist , contributed much to the pleasures of the evening bv his excellent singing .
Knights Templar.
CORNWALL . REDRUTH . —Loyal Cornubian Encampment . —A meeting of this encampment was held at Tahb's Hotel , Redruth , on Thursday , the 27 th ulfc . Present—Sir Knts . Mills , E . G ., P . Prov . G . Com . for Devon ; Carlyon , 1 st Capfc ., P . Prov . G . Com . for Devon ; Chigwin , Expert ; Blight , Chan . ; J . Hocking , Reg . ; Holloway , Harvey , Capfc . of Lines , and others . Sir Knt . Carlyon was unanimously elected the E . C . for the ensuing year . Business ended , the Sir Knights partook of a banquet , which was served by the host in a manner fully worthy of tho occasion .
Mark Masonry.
CORNWALL . TRURO . —Lodge Fortitude ( No . 78 ) . —A lodge of emergency was held on Wednesday , thc 26 th ulfc ., when there were present Bros . William James Hughan , W . AI . ; Thomas Chirgwin , S . W . ; G . A . Elliott , J . W . ; Stephen Holloway , Chap . ; -W . II . W . Blight , S . D . ; John Dupre , P . G . Sword Bearer ( visitor from No . 50 , Plymouth ) , and several others . The attendance was rather limited , from the fact of their Royal Highnesses the
Mark Masonry.
Prince and Princess of Wales having the same afternoon honoured the port of Truro with their presence , and caused au unusual amount of excitement and loyal demonstration in the capital of Cornwall . The minutes of the last lodge and the new by-laws were read and confirmed . Eight candidates were balloted for and accepted , but only one was advanced . The lodge was closed in harmony at an early hour .
Channel Islands.
JERSEY . ST . AUBIN ' S LODOE ( NO . 958 ) . —Afc the regular monthly meeting , held afc the Masonic Rooms , on Tuesday , the 18 th ult ., the W . M . ' s chair was taken by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , in the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., those of Wardens being filled by Bros . Le Sueur and Jos . Stevens . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The acting W . M . stated that he had obtained some contributions , which , added
to his own and tho sum voted by the lodge , had enabled him to transmit £ 5 Gs . to Bro . Binckes , Secretary to the Boys' School . He read a note of acknowledgment from the Secretary , explaining that so long as the lodge should exist , the AA . M . would in consequence be . entitled to an additional vote for the admission of boys . Bro . Dr . Hopkins gave to Bro . Newington the explanation of the first tracing board , which had been omitted ab the time of his initiationand afterwards worked the third
, section of the second of the authorised lectures on Freemasonry . Several matters of business were discussed , and no other proposition being offered , tho lodge was closed at half-past eight , and the brethren adjourned for refreshments , finally separating an hour later .
MARK MASONRY . CESAREAN LCDSE ( NO . 74 ) . — The second meeting of this new lodge was held at the Masonic Temple , 3 t . Holier , . 1 ersey , on Monday , July lOfch . The lodge having . been duly opened by Bros . Dr . Hopkins , AV . M ., assisted by Dr . Small , S . W . ; Benham , J . W . ; and Grimmond , P . M ., the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . A ballot was taken
for four candidates for advancement , which proved unanimous in their favour . The W . M . reported that since the last meeting , the question ofthe recognition ofthe Mark degree having been considered in the Grand Craft Lodge of England , had been decided in the negative , and that he had had a considerable correspondence on the subject with several brethren in England . Of ten candidates for advancement on this evening ,
only one presented himself , satisfactory reasons being given in most of the other eases for non-attendance . The ceremony was duly administered to Bro . John Blampied , who signified his elesire to he a subscribing member of the lodge . Bro . Leafc was proposed by Bro . J . W . as a joining member . No other business presenting itself , the lodge was closed at a quarter to nine , tho brethren adjourned to tbe banqueting hall for refreshment , and finally separated ab ten o ' clock .
The Temple of Solomon . Photographed by BAKNES AXD SON " , 422 , Milc-end-road . This photograph , tho subject of which is one of especial interest to the Freemason , is taken from an engraving in tho possession of tho Yarborough Lodge ( No . 554 ) , and cannot fail to attract the admiration of
every lover of the fine arts . It is a most striking proof ofthe perfection attained by tho photographic process . To criticise the Avork before us is out of the question , because criticism involves tho observation of faulty points , and such are nofc evident in the execution of " Tho Temple of Solomon ; " in addition , it Avould be useless for us to attempt to describe its beautiesbut we
, strongly advise our readers to satisfy themselves on thafc point by procuring copies . AVe aro glad to see that Messrs . Barnes have taken tho precaution to protect their interests by registering the photograph under notice .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
alluded to Bro . Dorling , the W . M . of the Prince of AVales Lodge . ( Loud applause and full honours . ) Bro . EDWARD DORLING , who on rising to respond was warmly greeted by the brethren , said he felt ifc an honour fco have his name associated with the toast , being an old Mason of some twenty-five years' standing , and he stood there now as W . M . of one of the youngest loelges in the province . ( Applause . ) He had been W . M . of a lodge in 1840 , again in 1856 , and , if ifc pleased
God to spare him , he should be in that proud position in 1866 , and hence fill the W . M . ' s chair three times . ( Applause . ) Masonry never stood in so high a position in the province of Suffolk as it did at the present time , anel the loelges were never in better working order . In some parts of the province a deeper interest in Masonry had been created than hud been known for years , and even their old friend , Bro . Mclnfcyre , hael come out from his years of retirement , and was now
taking an active part in the re-establishment of the Royal Edmund Lodge . ( Loud cheers . ) Other lodges had sprung up , and were now in a flourishing state , and bid fair to hold a high position amongst the lodges in the province of Suffolk . ( Hear , hear . ) He sincerely thanked them for the compliment they had paid the W . M . 's of lodges . ( Applause . ) The Prov . G . MASTER gave the " Masonic Charities , and the Health of Bro . Frederick Binckes . " The toast was drunk with all honours . Bro . BlNCKES , in an eloquent address , earnestly pleaded the
cause of the Masonic Charities , more especially that in which he took a deep interest , namely , the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . Charity , he said , was a noble virtue , it was one of the great principles of Freemasonry , and one which bound them together by an indissoluble tie . ( Applause . ) The great good which their noble institutions had already effected was , he considered , in itself ample reward for any efforts which might from time to time have been put forth for their
support by the Masonic brethren . ( Hear , hear . ) AA'ith regard to the Boys' School , he believed it would at the present time have been free from debt hael it not have been for the elections and the dissolution of Parliament . Undoubtedly the Institution hael suffered to a great extent from these causes ; still he did nofc despair , but trusted ere they met again on a similar occasion to make that announcement with regard to the Boys' School which he hael so long and so ardently desired ,
namely , freedom from debt . ( Applause . ) He thanked them , for the kind assistance they had already given him , and he looked forward to the time when he should again havo the pleasure of renewing old associations , anel strengthening the mutual tie which now bound them together . iLoud applause . ) Thc toast of "The Ladies" closed the proceedings ol one of the most harmonious and influential Provincial Grand Lodge meetings that has been held in the province for many years . Bro . BOAVLES , The Prov . G . Organist , contributed much to the pleasures of the evening bv his excellent singing .
Knights Templar.
CORNWALL . REDRUTH . —Loyal Cornubian Encampment . —A meeting of this encampment was held at Tahb's Hotel , Redruth , on Thursday , the 27 th ulfc . Present—Sir Knts . Mills , E . G ., P . Prov . G . Com . for Devon ; Carlyon , 1 st Capfc ., P . Prov . G . Com . for Devon ; Chigwin , Expert ; Blight , Chan . ; J . Hocking , Reg . ; Holloway , Harvey , Capfc . of Lines , and others . Sir Knt . Carlyon was unanimously elected the E . C . for the ensuing year . Business ended , the Sir Knights partook of a banquet , which was served by the host in a manner fully worthy of tho occasion .
Mark Masonry.
CORNWALL . TRURO . —Lodge Fortitude ( No . 78 ) . —A lodge of emergency was held on Wednesday , thc 26 th ulfc ., when there were present Bros . William James Hughan , W . AI . ; Thomas Chirgwin , S . W . ; G . A . Elliott , J . W . ; Stephen Holloway , Chap . ; -W . II . W . Blight , S . D . ; John Dupre , P . G . Sword Bearer ( visitor from No . 50 , Plymouth ) , and several others . The attendance was rather limited , from the fact of their Royal Highnesses the
Mark Masonry.
Prince and Princess of Wales having the same afternoon honoured the port of Truro with their presence , and caused au unusual amount of excitement and loyal demonstration in the capital of Cornwall . The minutes of the last lodge and the new by-laws were read and confirmed . Eight candidates were balloted for and accepted , but only one was advanced . The lodge was closed in harmony at an early hour .
Channel Islands.
JERSEY . ST . AUBIN ' S LODOE ( NO . 958 ) . —Afc the regular monthly meeting , held afc the Masonic Rooms , on Tuesday , the 18 th ult ., the W . M . ' s chair was taken by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , in the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., those of Wardens being filled by Bros . Le Sueur and Jos . Stevens . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The acting W . M . stated that he had obtained some contributions , which , added
to his own and tho sum voted by the lodge , had enabled him to transmit £ 5 Gs . to Bro . Binckes , Secretary to the Boys' School . He read a note of acknowledgment from the Secretary , explaining that so long as the lodge should exist , the AA . M . would in consequence be . entitled to an additional vote for the admission of boys . Bro . Dr . Hopkins gave to Bro . Newington the explanation of the first tracing board , which had been omitted ab the time of his initiationand afterwards worked the third
, section of the second of the authorised lectures on Freemasonry . Several matters of business were discussed , and no other proposition being offered , tho lodge was closed at half-past eight , and the brethren adjourned for refreshments , finally separating an hour later .
MARK MASONRY . CESAREAN LCDSE ( NO . 74 ) . — The second meeting of this new lodge was held at the Masonic Temple , 3 t . Holier , . 1 ersey , on Monday , July lOfch . The lodge having . been duly opened by Bros . Dr . Hopkins , AV . M ., assisted by Dr . Small , S . W . ; Benham , J . W . ; and Grimmond , P . M ., the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . A ballot was taken
for four candidates for advancement , which proved unanimous in their favour . The W . M . reported that since the last meeting , the question ofthe recognition ofthe Mark degree having been considered in the Grand Craft Lodge of England , had been decided in the negative , and that he had had a considerable correspondence on the subject with several brethren in England . Of ten candidates for advancement on this evening ,
only one presented himself , satisfactory reasons being given in most of the other eases for non-attendance . The ceremony was duly administered to Bro . John Blampied , who signified his elesire to he a subscribing member of the lodge . Bro . Leafc was proposed by Bro . J . W . as a joining member . No other business presenting itself , the lodge was closed at a quarter to nine , tho brethren adjourned to tbe banqueting hall for refreshment , and finally separated ab ten o ' clock .
The Temple of Solomon . Photographed by BAKNES AXD SON " , 422 , Milc-end-road . This photograph , tho subject of which is one of especial interest to the Freemason , is taken from an engraving in tho possession of tho Yarborough Lodge ( No . 554 ) , and cannot fail to attract the admiration of
every lover of the fine arts . It is a most striking proof ofthe perfection attained by tho photographic process . To criticise the Avork before us is out of the question , because criticism involves tho observation of faulty points , and such are nofc evident in the execution of " Tho Temple of Solomon ; " in addition , it Avould be useless for us to attempt to describe its beautiesbut we
, strongly advise our readers to satisfy themselves on thafc point by procuring copies . AVe aro glad to see that Messrs . Barnes have taken tho precaution to protect their interests by registering the photograph under notice .