Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 3 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
EXOCH LODGE ( No . 11 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge took place on Wednesday , the 10 th inst ., at Freemasons ' Tavern , when Bro . IV . J . Ruel , the W . M ., with all his officers , were as usual punctual in attendance . Mr . Henry H . Buxton was ably initiated into Freemasonry by the W . M . and Bro . J . S .
Liscoinbo of the Fidelity Lodge , Devonport , was raised to the third degree . The very able S . W ., Bro . AV . F . C . Moutrie , was elected W . M . for the ensuing year ; Bro . W . Williams ( 18 years P . M . of the lodge ) was re-elected . Treasurer ; and Bro . Crawley , Tyler . Some unimportant business having been transacted , the brethren retired to a very excellent and agreeable banquet ,
presided over by the W . M ., who was supported by his Officers , and Past Masters Bros . Isaac Bird , C . Watson , G . E . Sewell , W . Williams , Peter Matthews , Frederick Ledger , a numerous "body of visitors , and nearly thirty brethren . The usual Masonic toasts were given and heartily responded to . The vocal enjoyment was very great , three brothers from Windsor ,
belonging to the Royal Chapel , having honoured the lodge with their company , viz ., Bros . F . Marriott ( alto ) , T . Dyson ( tenor ) , and H . Whitehouse ( bass ) , who gave the glee , " Willie brew'd a peck o' maut" most excellently . Bro . Whitehouse rendered the song "Speed on , my bark , speed on , " to perfection , and the ballad of " Sweet Mary oi the vale , " hy Bro . Dyson , was
sweetly executed . Bro . Venables , Organist to the lodge , presided at tbe pianoforte , and proved himself a musician of much skill and taste . Bro . Donald King also greatly added to the harmony , and was never in better voice . Among the visitors we noticed Bros . W . Graygoo se , W . M . 169 ; J . W . Roper , 72 ; A . Howse , 219 : T . Davies , 183 .
MOUNT LEBANON LODGE ( NO . 87 ) . —This old established well known lodge held its last meeting for the year , on Tuesday , December 16 th , at the Bridge House Hotel , Southwark ( Bro . Spencer's ) . The business of the evening , was two passings and two initiations . Bro . D . Davis , P . M . and Treas ., assisted by Bros . Walters , Moore , Harris , Elliott , and Davis , opened the lodge . Bro . Davis , in his usual excellent manner , passed Bros .
Mackenzie and Watson to the degree of Fellow Craft Freemasons . Bro . Dr . Dixon , P . M ., then took the chair , and in his accustomed first rate style initiated two gentlemen into the secrets and mysteries of ancient Freemasonry . This being the election night for officers a ballot was taken for the W . M . for the ensuing year , which was declared to be unanimous in favour of
Bro . Frederick Walters , J . W . A ballot was taken for Treasurer when Bro . D . Davis was unanimously re-elected . Bro . Aldhouse was unanimously re-elected Tyler . After business was completed the brethren sat down to an excellent banquet , prepared in the first-rate style , for which this house is so justly celebrated . Visitors , J . Dawbarn , P . M ,, 116 , R . Welsford , P . M ., 805 , & c .
LODGE or JUSTICE ( NO . 172 ) , —This flourishing lodge met on Wednesday , December 10 th , at the White Swan Tavern , High-street , Deptford ( Bro . J . Porter's ) . There were two raisings and three initiations , This being election night for officers , caused rather more than the average attendance of members . The ballot for the W . M . for the ensuing year was
unanimous in favour of Bro . J . A . Green , S . W . Bro . G . Bolton , P . M . was re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . S . Garrett , P . M ., was elected Tyler . It was carried that s five guinea Past Master's jewel be presented from the lodge funds to Bro . J . Cavell , W . M ., as a
slight recognition of the valuable services rendered to tbe lod » e . Our correspondent considers that a Past Master ' s jewel ought to he given by the voluntary contributions of the members oi ' the loelge , and not from the lodge funds , although it is very frequently given from those funds , thinking there is no better plan for disposing of surplus lodge funds than strenuonsl y supporting all of our brightest jewels , viz ., the Masonic Charities . It is suggested to our excellent Bro . Cavell ( if not too late ) ,
to express his wish that the the lodge will be pleased to alter the vote for a jewel making him a Life Governor of one of the Masonic Charities . The proposition having been made b y a young member of the lodge , it might not have occurred to him to speak of the charities instead of the P . M . ' s jewel . It has been noticed with great pleasure that a retiring Past Master in some lodges has expressed a wish for a Life Governorship instead of a jewel , no doubt remembering that " Charity , ever lovely
in itself , is one of the brightest gems , & c . " There were several , visitors amongst whom we noticed Bros . Tibbies , P . M . 198 , Liddiard , J . D . 805 , Smith , I . G . 805 , & c . WEiiiNGTON LODGE ( NO . 805 ) . —This lodge held its usual monthly meeting at the Clarendon Arms Tavern , Upper Lewisham-road , Deptford , on Tuesday , December 9 th . There was a . large assemblage of the members in consequence of its being the election night for officers . Bro . John Stevens , jun ., P . J . W .,
was elected W . M . for the ensuing year . There was one passing . The brethren were pleased at seeing the much respected Bro . Stevens elected W . M ., inasmuch asit has rectified a mistake which tbe W . M ., Bro . Bentley , made when he passed over Bro . Stevens , who is , and will be , one of the best officers the lodge has amongst its members . Our correspondent remarked in the MAGAZNE at the time of the appointing of officers that it was thought the worthy Bro . Bentley , W . M ., had erred more in his head than heart when be passed over several good working officers , and now time has
proved those who thought so were quite correct in the opinion . There were several visitors . HOENSEY LODGE ( No . 1192 ) . —The brethren of this young and prosperous lodge met on Friday , the 5 th inst ., to instal Bro . Horner as W . M ., which ceremony was ably performed by the immediate P . M ., Dr . Job Austin , at the conclusion of which the W . M . appointed Bros . Wreford , S . W . ; Webb , J . W . Subsequently the new AV . M ., in a very efficient manner , initiated
Mr . Drewitt into the mysteries of the Order . After closing the lodge the brethren sat down to a banquet , under the presidency of the W . M ., who was supported by Bros . T . Beard , P . M . of the Temple Lodge , D . Forrester and James , as visitors . COSMOPOLITAN LODGE ( NO . 1219 ) . —On Wednesday , December 10 th , this lodge held its fourth meeting at the Great AVestern Hotel , Paddington , the AV . M ., Bro . Hugh Hutton , presidingassisted bhis Wardens and officers and several
, y brethren . The business of the day was to initiate Mr . J . Brown , and to raise Bro . C . Shimmelmann , which ceremonies were performed in a very impressive manner . That which remained to be done being of little importance the brethren retired to banquet ; the viands and wines reflected the highest credit on the manager of the establishment , and the members are much gratified with having secured so splendid and
commodious a suite of- rooms for their use , which , combined with their lodge fittings , reflect great credit on the committee of management . The usual Masonic toasts were given and responded to by several brethren , among them the initiate , who expressed himself as being deeply impressed with the ceremony just performed ; and a visitor , Bro . W . Horn , of the Athenceum . Lodge , Paris , spoke of the great pleasure he felt iu witnessing these ceremonies , they being " performed in a style totally different from that worked on the continent . In the course of the evening the Junior Warden , Bro . E . S . Stillwell , addressed the brethren in an earnest maimer in the cause of the Masonic
charities , and on his concluding , the sum of ten guineas was subscribed by them to support the AV . M . as Steward for the approaching festival for the Boys' School ; this is the second donation which this lodge has made to that institution , the former one being upwards of £ 20 . From the spirit shown by the members of this new lodge it may be anticipated that much good will be done for our Institutions , and all of them are equally to share in the benefitas it is intended to take them in turn year
, by year . The brethren having spent a very agreeable evening separated at an early hour , looking forward with much pleasure to their next meeting . PHCENIX LODGE ( NO . 202 ) . —The second meeting of the season of this flourishing lodge was held at the Freemasons Tavern on Saturday last , when Bro . Harrison , VM ., who occupied the chair ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
EXOCH LODGE ( No . 11 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge took place on Wednesday , the 10 th inst ., at Freemasons ' Tavern , when Bro . IV . J . Ruel , the W . M ., with all his officers , were as usual punctual in attendance . Mr . Henry H . Buxton was ably initiated into Freemasonry by the W . M . and Bro . J . S .
Liscoinbo of the Fidelity Lodge , Devonport , was raised to the third degree . The very able S . W ., Bro . AV . F . C . Moutrie , was elected W . M . for the ensuing year ; Bro . W . Williams ( 18 years P . M . of the lodge ) was re-elected . Treasurer ; and Bro . Crawley , Tyler . Some unimportant business having been transacted , the brethren retired to a very excellent and agreeable banquet ,
presided over by the W . M ., who was supported by his Officers , and Past Masters Bros . Isaac Bird , C . Watson , G . E . Sewell , W . Williams , Peter Matthews , Frederick Ledger , a numerous "body of visitors , and nearly thirty brethren . The usual Masonic toasts were given and heartily responded to . The vocal enjoyment was very great , three brothers from Windsor ,
belonging to the Royal Chapel , having honoured the lodge with their company , viz ., Bros . F . Marriott ( alto ) , T . Dyson ( tenor ) , and H . Whitehouse ( bass ) , who gave the glee , " Willie brew'd a peck o' maut" most excellently . Bro . Whitehouse rendered the song "Speed on , my bark , speed on , " to perfection , and the ballad of " Sweet Mary oi the vale , " hy Bro . Dyson , was
sweetly executed . Bro . Venables , Organist to the lodge , presided at tbe pianoforte , and proved himself a musician of much skill and taste . Bro . Donald King also greatly added to the harmony , and was never in better voice . Among the visitors we noticed Bros . W . Graygoo se , W . M . 169 ; J . W . Roper , 72 ; A . Howse , 219 : T . Davies , 183 .
MOUNT LEBANON LODGE ( NO . 87 ) . —This old established well known lodge held its last meeting for the year , on Tuesday , December 16 th , at the Bridge House Hotel , Southwark ( Bro . Spencer's ) . The business of the evening , was two passings and two initiations . Bro . D . Davis , P . M . and Treas ., assisted by Bros . Walters , Moore , Harris , Elliott , and Davis , opened the lodge . Bro . Davis , in his usual excellent manner , passed Bros .
Mackenzie and Watson to the degree of Fellow Craft Freemasons . Bro . Dr . Dixon , P . M ., then took the chair , and in his accustomed first rate style initiated two gentlemen into the secrets and mysteries of ancient Freemasonry . This being the election night for officers a ballot was taken for the W . M . for the ensuing year , which was declared to be unanimous in favour of
Bro . Frederick Walters , J . W . A ballot was taken for Treasurer when Bro . D . Davis was unanimously re-elected . Bro . Aldhouse was unanimously re-elected Tyler . After business was completed the brethren sat down to an excellent banquet , prepared in the first-rate style , for which this house is so justly celebrated . Visitors , J . Dawbarn , P . M ,, 116 , R . Welsford , P . M ., 805 , & c .
LODGE or JUSTICE ( NO . 172 ) , —This flourishing lodge met on Wednesday , December 10 th , at the White Swan Tavern , High-street , Deptford ( Bro . J . Porter's ) . There were two raisings and three initiations , This being election night for officers , caused rather more than the average attendance of members . The ballot for the W . M . for the ensuing year was
unanimous in favour of Bro . J . A . Green , S . W . Bro . G . Bolton , P . M . was re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . S . Garrett , P . M ., was elected Tyler . It was carried that s five guinea Past Master's jewel be presented from the lodge funds to Bro . J . Cavell , W . M ., as a
slight recognition of the valuable services rendered to tbe lod » e . Our correspondent considers that a Past Master ' s jewel ought to he given by the voluntary contributions of the members oi ' the loelge , and not from the lodge funds , although it is very frequently given from those funds , thinking there is no better plan for disposing of surplus lodge funds than strenuonsl y supporting all of our brightest jewels , viz ., the Masonic Charities . It is suggested to our excellent Bro . Cavell ( if not too late ) ,
to express his wish that the the lodge will be pleased to alter the vote for a jewel making him a Life Governor of one of the Masonic Charities . The proposition having been made b y a young member of the lodge , it might not have occurred to him to speak of the charities instead of the P . M . ' s jewel . It has been noticed with great pleasure that a retiring Past Master in some lodges has expressed a wish for a Life Governorship instead of a jewel , no doubt remembering that " Charity , ever lovely
in itself , is one of the brightest gems , & c . " There were several , visitors amongst whom we noticed Bros . Tibbies , P . M . 198 , Liddiard , J . D . 805 , Smith , I . G . 805 , & c . WEiiiNGTON LODGE ( NO . 805 ) . —This lodge held its usual monthly meeting at the Clarendon Arms Tavern , Upper Lewisham-road , Deptford , on Tuesday , December 9 th . There was a . large assemblage of the members in consequence of its being the election night for officers . Bro . John Stevens , jun ., P . J . W .,
was elected W . M . for the ensuing year . There was one passing . The brethren were pleased at seeing the much respected Bro . Stevens elected W . M ., inasmuch asit has rectified a mistake which tbe W . M ., Bro . Bentley , made when he passed over Bro . Stevens , who is , and will be , one of the best officers the lodge has amongst its members . Our correspondent remarked in the MAGAZNE at the time of the appointing of officers that it was thought the worthy Bro . Bentley , W . M ., had erred more in his head than heart when be passed over several good working officers , and now time has
proved those who thought so were quite correct in the opinion . There were several visitors . HOENSEY LODGE ( No . 1192 ) . —The brethren of this young and prosperous lodge met on Friday , the 5 th inst ., to instal Bro . Horner as W . M ., which ceremony was ably performed by the immediate P . M ., Dr . Job Austin , at the conclusion of which the W . M . appointed Bros . Wreford , S . W . ; Webb , J . W . Subsequently the new AV . M ., in a very efficient manner , initiated
Mr . Drewitt into the mysteries of the Order . After closing the lodge the brethren sat down to a banquet , under the presidency of the W . M ., who was supported by Bros . T . Beard , P . M . of the Temple Lodge , D . Forrester and James , as visitors . COSMOPOLITAN LODGE ( NO . 1219 ) . —On Wednesday , December 10 th , this lodge held its fourth meeting at the Great AVestern Hotel , Paddington , the AV . M ., Bro . Hugh Hutton , presidingassisted bhis Wardens and officers and several
, y brethren . The business of the day was to initiate Mr . J . Brown , and to raise Bro . C . Shimmelmann , which ceremonies were performed in a very impressive manner . That which remained to be done being of little importance the brethren retired to banquet ; the viands and wines reflected the highest credit on the manager of the establishment , and the members are much gratified with having secured so splendid and
commodious a suite of- rooms for their use , which , combined with their lodge fittings , reflect great credit on the committee of management . The usual Masonic toasts were given and responded to by several brethren , among them the initiate , who expressed himself as being deeply impressed with the ceremony just performed ; and a visitor , Bro . W . Horn , of the Athenceum . Lodge , Paris , spoke of the great pleasure he felt iu witnessing these ceremonies , they being " performed in a style totally different from that worked on the continent . In the course of the evening the Junior Warden , Bro . E . S . Stillwell , addressed the brethren in an earnest maimer in the cause of the Masonic
charities , and on his concluding , the sum of ten guineas was subscribed by them to support the AV . M . as Steward for the approaching festival for the Boys' School ; this is the second donation which this lodge has made to that institution , the former one being upwards of £ 20 . From the spirit shown by the members of this new lodge it may be anticipated that much good will be done for our Institutions , and all of them are equally to share in the benefitas it is intended to take them in turn year
, by year . The brethren having spent a very agreeable evening separated at an early hour , looking forward with much pleasure to their next meeting . PHCENIX LODGE ( NO . 202 ) . —The second meeting of the season of this flourishing lodge was held at the Freemasons Tavern on Saturday last , when Bro . Harrison , VM ., who occupied the chair ,