Article THE GRAND LODGE PROPERTY. ← Page 2 of 2 Article FROM WEST TO EAST—FROM EAST TO WEST.* Page 1 of 3 →
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The Grand Lodge Property.
At the same time we warn the Committee tbat delays are dangerous ; and already are we threatened ivith independent Masonic Temples to the east and to the west of Great Queen-street . Ere long , a building will , we have reason to believe , be opened in Bedfordrow , which the High Grades are likely to make their
home , and to which will be attached coffee rooms , library , ancl reading rooms—in other words , club accommodation for the use of all brethren Avho think fit to pay for it . Again to the west we know that a scheme is in embryo for the opening of spacious
premises in the neighbourhood of St . Martin's-inthe-Eields , with handsomely furnished lodge and chapter rooms , with coffee and reading rooms , and banquetting rooms furnished with every appliance and comfort of modern art , whilst the country
lirethren will be tempted to support it by all the agremens of a first-class hotel and private home in the very centre of London , at the most moderate expense . We shall not more clearly designate the spot , as it is not our business to give an enhanced
value to the property against the projectors , should the scheme be carried out ; but we call the attention of the Committee to what is going on , because tbey may , and probably will , become material elements in determining the value of our Tavern property , when we have to offer it , under the new arrangement , either to the present or other lessees .
And all this has arisen from the dissatisfaction engendered by the length of time in which the property has been allowed to remain in its present position—from the want of a definite understanding as to what is , or what is not , a " Masonic Purpose "—and from needless obstructions being thrown in the way of the brethren having free access to their own property .
As to whether tbe meeting of Grand Conclave is or is not a " Masonic Purpose , " as we have stated , we shall abstain from giving an opinion ; ' but that Knight Templarism is not altogether ignored by the authorities is shown by the fact that the Duke of Sussex was Grand Master of the Order ; that we
hold amicable relations with the Grand Lodge of Ireland , under which Masonic Knight Templarism is worked ; and last , though not least , the Most "Worshipful Grand Master has lately allowed a new Irish Masonic Calendar to be specially dedicated to
bim ( the British and Colonial ) , which bases its chief claims to support upon the fact that it gives full information relative to the Craft and higher Degrees , and embracing all the bodies in the United Kingdom , Canada , and the British Colonies , with an outline of
those throughout Europe , and the United States , showing at least that the Grand Master does not consider this antagonistic to Ancient Ereemasonry .
From West To East—From East To West.*
THOU WEST TO EAST . "How ought a Mason ' s lodge to bo situated?—Due east and west . AATiy so ?—Because all churches , chapels , and places of divine worship ought to be so situated . For what reason ? Because the sun rises ra the east and spreads its influence towards the west ; and because the Gospel was first preached in the east and afterwards propagated in the western parts of the world . " PEOM AiT OBSOLETE RlTUAI .
In Ereemasonry , the East , or sun rising , constitutes an unchangeable landmark ; and accordingly in an ancient Masonic MS ., which was reputed to have been copied by Leland , the celebrated antiquary , we find the following passage : — " Where dyd ytt ( Ereemasonry ) begynne ? Ytt dydd begynne with the ffyrste menne of the ESTEwhych Avere before the
, ffyrste menne of . the Weste ; and comynge westlye ytt bathe broughte herwythe alle comfortes to the Avylde and comfortlesse . " Mr . Locke ' s presumed annotation on this passage induced Bro . Preston to observe that " the opinion there were men in the east before Adam is a mere conjecture , although it may be countenanced
by some learned authors ; but Masons comprehend the true meaning of the Craft taking its rise in the East and spreading to the West , without having recourse to the preadamite theory . " East and West are terms peculiar to the society , and when Masoni- ' cally adopted are very intelligible , as they refer to
certain forms and customs established many centuries ago , a few of which will form the subject of the present lecture . In a Mason ' s lodge tbe W . M . is placed in the east as a type of tbe rising sun , which opens the day , that the inhabitants of tbe world may go forth to their labour , and the behests of the Most High executed to his glory and tbe advantage of his creatures .
" Let there be light , said God ; and forthwith light Ethereal , first of all things , quintessence pure , Sprung from the deep , and from her native EAST To journey through the airy gloom began , Sphered in a radiant cloud . "—MIITOJ .. The candidate is obligated in the East and invested in the West ; advances from West to East by right
lines and angles , to typify tbe necessity of an upright life and well-squared actions ; and be is subsequently placed in the -North-East to receive instruction , as a corner-stone , from which a superstructure is expected to rise , perfect in its parts , and honourable to the builder . The brethrenwith their faces to the East
, , reverently attend to the dictates of wisdom which proceed from the chair , in commemoration of the same custom used by the early Christians ; for light , truth , and virtue , as Bro . Dunekerley , in his code of lectures , predicates , " sprang out of the darkness which overshadowed this globe ivhen the work of six days began . "
I now proceed to explain on anomaly which has crept into our lodge practice , and which many brethren would be glad if tbey could distinctly understand . In the traditionary history of Masonry , as it was embodied iu the primitive ritual , we are informed that " our ancient brethrenafter the letion of King
, comp Solomon's Temple , travelled from one country to another in search of employment , and for other Masonic purposes . " Amongst the rest certain Entered Apprentices are said to have proceeded from the West
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The Grand Lodge Property.
At the same time we warn the Committee tbat delays are dangerous ; and already are we threatened ivith independent Masonic Temples to the east and to the west of Great Queen-street . Ere long , a building will , we have reason to believe , be opened in Bedfordrow , which the High Grades are likely to make their
home , and to which will be attached coffee rooms , library , ancl reading rooms—in other words , club accommodation for the use of all brethren Avho think fit to pay for it . Again to the west we know that a scheme is in embryo for the opening of spacious
premises in the neighbourhood of St . Martin's-inthe-Eields , with handsomely furnished lodge and chapter rooms , with coffee and reading rooms , and banquetting rooms furnished with every appliance and comfort of modern art , whilst the country
lirethren will be tempted to support it by all the agremens of a first-class hotel and private home in the very centre of London , at the most moderate expense . We shall not more clearly designate the spot , as it is not our business to give an enhanced
value to the property against the projectors , should the scheme be carried out ; but we call the attention of the Committee to what is going on , because tbey may , and probably will , become material elements in determining the value of our Tavern property , when we have to offer it , under the new arrangement , either to the present or other lessees .
And all this has arisen from the dissatisfaction engendered by the length of time in which the property has been allowed to remain in its present position—from the want of a definite understanding as to what is , or what is not , a " Masonic Purpose "—and from needless obstructions being thrown in the way of the brethren having free access to their own property .
As to whether tbe meeting of Grand Conclave is or is not a " Masonic Purpose , " as we have stated , we shall abstain from giving an opinion ; ' but that Knight Templarism is not altogether ignored by the authorities is shown by the fact that the Duke of Sussex was Grand Master of the Order ; that we
hold amicable relations with the Grand Lodge of Ireland , under which Masonic Knight Templarism is worked ; and last , though not least , the Most "Worshipful Grand Master has lately allowed a new Irish Masonic Calendar to be specially dedicated to
bim ( the British and Colonial ) , which bases its chief claims to support upon the fact that it gives full information relative to the Craft and higher Degrees , and embracing all the bodies in the United Kingdom , Canada , and the British Colonies , with an outline of
those throughout Europe , and the United States , showing at least that the Grand Master does not consider this antagonistic to Ancient Ereemasonry .
From West To East—From East To West.*
THOU WEST TO EAST . "How ought a Mason ' s lodge to bo situated?—Due east and west . AATiy so ?—Because all churches , chapels , and places of divine worship ought to be so situated . For what reason ? Because the sun rises ra the east and spreads its influence towards the west ; and because the Gospel was first preached in the east and afterwards propagated in the western parts of the world . " PEOM AiT OBSOLETE RlTUAI .
In Ereemasonry , the East , or sun rising , constitutes an unchangeable landmark ; and accordingly in an ancient Masonic MS ., which was reputed to have been copied by Leland , the celebrated antiquary , we find the following passage : — " Where dyd ytt ( Ereemasonry ) begynne ? Ytt dydd begynne with the ffyrste menne of the ESTEwhych Avere before the
, ffyrste menne of . the Weste ; and comynge westlye ytt bathe broughte herwythe alle comfortes to the Avylde and comfortlesse . " Mr . Locke ' s presumed annotation on this passage induced Bro . Preston to observe that " the opinion there were men in the east before Adam is a mere conjecture , although it may be countenanced
by some learned authors ; but Masons comprehend the true meaning of the Craft taking its rise in the East and spreading to the West , without having recourse to the preadamite theory . " East and West are terms peculiar to the society , and when Masoni- ' cally adopted are very intelligible , as they refer to
certain forms and customs established many centuries ago , a few of which will form the subject of the present lecture . In a Mason ' s lodge tbe W . M . is placed in the east as a type of tbe rising sun , which opens the day , that the inhabitants of tbe world may go forth to their labour , and the behests of the Most High executed to his glory and tbe advantage of his creatures .
" Let there be light , said God ; and forthwith light Ethereal , first of all things , quintessence pure , Sprung from the deep , and from her native EAST To journey through the airy gloom began , Sphered in a radiant cloud . "—MIITOJ .. The candidate is obligated in the East and invested in the West ; advances from West to East by right
lines and angles , to typify tbe necessity of an upright life and well-squared actions ; and be is subsequently placed in the -North-East to receive instruction , as a corner-stone , from which a superstructure is expected to rise , perfect in its parts , and honourable to the builder . The brethrenwith their faces to the East
, , reverently attend to the dictates of wisdom which proceed from the chair , in commemoration of the same custom used by the early Christians ; for light , truth , and virtue , as Bro . Dunekerley , in his code of lectures , predicates , " sprang out of the darkness which overshadowed this globe ivhen the work of six days began . "
I now proceed to explain on anomaly which has crept into our lodge practice , and which many brethren would be glad if tbey could distinctly understand . In the traditionary history of Masonry , as it was embodied iu the primitive ritual , we are informed that " our ancient brethrenafter the letion of King
, comp Solomon's Temple , travelled from one country to another in search of employment , and for other Masonic purposes . " Amongst the rest certain Entered Apprentices are said to have proceeded from the West