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JERSEY . —Lodge La Cesaree ( No . 860 ) . —An emergency meeting was held on Thursday , December lltb , for the purpose of initiating several candidates who were anxious to take part in the ceremony of laying the foundation stone of the proposed Masonic Temple on the 17 th , and for a further consideration of the bye-laws . The lodge was opened at half-past five bv Bro . John Durell , AV . M ., assisted by Bro . P . Le Sueur , S . AV ., and Bro . EinetP . M . acting as J . AV . The circular convening the
, , meeting having been read , several letters were handed in , and personal testimony was given in favour of all the candidates for initiation by several of the brethren , as a result of which the ballot was declared to be unanimous in favour of all of them . Messrs . Auguste Desmoulins , G . J . Renouf , Ste-Croix Blampied , and Philip G . Laurent , were then introduced , " and admitted to the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry , in a
style but rarely equalled for correctness , fluency , and impressiveness , by the AV . M ., who afterwards gave the usual charge . A call was made upon Bro . Rondeux to address the newly initiated , who immediately responded . A letter was read from a distressed brother , expressive of gratitude for a donation of £ 5 recently granted by the lodge , and of a hope that , under more prosperous circumstanceshe mihtat a future timebe able to it
, g , , repay , and thus afford the means of rendering a like service in time of need to another brother similarly situated . The W . M . announced that Mr . Philip Picot , who , though not a Mason , ought , from the largeness of his heart , to belong to the fraternity , had intimated his desire to present to Lodge La Cesaree tbe pall used at the funerals of the late lamented brethren Dr . Cuquernelle and John Asplet . It was proposed bBroSchmittPM
y . , .., seconded by Bro . Robert , and carried unanimously , that the best thanks ofthe lodge be presented to Mr . Picot for his liberal ancl acceptable present . In commenting upon it , Bro . Schmitt noticed the kind sentiments of the donor in reference to the Craft in general , and Lodge La Cesaree in particular ; he observed that the present was one of considerable value , involving an expenditure of not less than £ 15 , ancl that it was the more
acceptable having been in a manner-consecrated by the use to which it had been applied , and thus rendered the more valuable as a memento of the late respected brethren , who had been deemed worthy of public funerals , ft was afterwards settled
that this resolution should be inscribed ou vellum , ancl in that form forwarded to Mr . Picot ; also that he be requested to accept six platform tickets on occasion of laying the foundation stone of the Masonic Temple . On the proposition of Bro . Mannan , seconded by Bro . Baudains , P . M ., it was determined that the care ofthe pall should be entrusted to Bro . Cro . id , so long as lie should remain a member of the lodge . Bro . Manuel stated that the time was come whenbeing on the point of building a
Ma-, sonic Temple at the expense of a company , some measures should be taken relative to an amount in his hands of about £ 160 , which had . been raised several years ago for the purpose . Of this , £ 100 had been given by Lodge La Cesaree , £ 40 by brethren who had since taken shares in the company , ancl the remainder in small sums by other brethren , by gentlemen not Masons , and even ladies , favourable to the project . In the two former
cases it was manifest that the amounts should be returned to the donors , but he must have authority for this by a special vote . In the latter instance , the money having been given in small sums for a specific purpose , it was proposed that with it , and such other amounts as might be added , shares should he purchased to become the property of the Company , and that any interest or dividend annually accruing therefrom , should form a fund for the relief of the orphans and widows of Masons . He
proposed a resolution to this effect in the following terms , "that a fund be raised for the purpose of purchasing shares , the interest or dividend on which shall be applied to the relief of the widows ancl orphans of Masons . That the purchased shares shall be invested in the names of the Trustees of the Masonic Temple Company ( Limited ); the charity to be distributed hy the Board of Management . " This having been seconded by Bro . J . T . Da Jardin
, was put to the meeting and carried unanimously . After some discussion , it was determined to postpone the consideration of the revised bye-laws to a future evening , the business having already occupied more than three hours . The lodge was then closed in due form . Although this was an emergency meeting , upwards of sixty brethren were present , of whom only four were visitors , a . proof of the devotion of the members to their routine duties
. At the subsequent social gathering for refreshment , a common sentiment of joyousness seemed to prevail , at the near approach of the realization of hopes long cherished , by tbe laying of the foundation stone of the proposed temple on
Wednesday , December 17 th . After due honour paid to ' ' The Queen and the Craft , " and " The Earl of Zetland , " the W . M . proposed a toast in honour of Bro . H . L . Manuel and Bro . Dr . Hopkins , with whom the name of Bro . Eatier , though far away , was subsequently associated ; the first deserved honour as having been indefatigable in his position as Chairman of tbe first Building Committee in the promotion of the scheme , labouring in season and out of season in every way that could lead to its
accomplishment ; the second had earned their thanks by his literary labours , in connection with THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE , and on all occasions where his pen could he available for the advantage of the lodge , as well as in various other ways ; of the third , it was unnecessary among the brethren to speak in terms of eulogy , since , though distant , and enable to join in the approaching ceremony , his heart was with them , as testified by several letters from himportions of which were readcontainingi promise
, , ; _ personally to assist in the inauguration of the temple on its completion . The toast having been duly honoured with enthusiasm , Bros . Manuel and Hopkins made suitable replies , the former expressing his satisfaction at having been tho proposer ofthe fund for orphans ancl widows . Bro . Durell , W . M ., Bro . Bariet , and several others promised donations in its favour . The health of the newly initiated brethren having been given from the chair
and accepted by those present , a feeling response was made by Bro . Desmoulins , who declared that in his novel position he found the realization of aspirations and hopes and ideas long cherished , ancl that he could verify the statement made in the admirable address of Bro . Rondeaux , that he was in truth a new man . This was followed as a matter of course by the Entered Apprentices' song . Several other routine toasts were appropriatel
y honoured , and after an evening of more than usual kind feeling and enjoyment , the brethren separated at half-past ten . It may be added tbat the charitable fund alluded to in the preceding report for the purchase of share : * in the Temple Company now amounts to upwards of £ 50 .
DEVONSHIRE . DAETMOUTII .--Haidcy Lodge ( No . 1099 ) . —The monthly meeting took place on Monday last . Tivo gentlemen were raised , a candidate initiated , a joining member elected , and two candidates admitted for the ballot at the next meeting . The Rev . AA * Langley Pope , M . A ., Assist . Chap ., gave a learned discourse on the Volume of the Sacred Law as the standard of truth . The
lodge simultaneously rose aud thanked the rov . brother for his elaborate and very chaste exposition of the subject . Resolutions were entered into with the view of celebrating the coming festival of St . John ; and ou that occasion the J . AV . will favour the lodge with an address on the reasons usually assigned among Masons for keeping that day . The second section of tbe first Lecture will be worked on tho next regular lodge evening , if time permit . On this occasion there was a large attendance of brethren and visitors .
DURHAM . SUNDERLAND . —Si . John's Lodge ( No . 95 ) . —On Tuesday , December 9 th , a regular lodge was held at tho house of Bro . George Sbiel , Queen's Hotel , Fawcett-strect . The lodge was opened in due form and solemnity by tho AV . M ., Bro . David Clark , assisted hy the AVardens . There , were present the recently installed WM . of the Phcenix Lod ( NoIll ) Bro
ge . , . Blythe , with Bro . Gilmore , P . M ., and a number of other brethren . There were also present a number of brethren from the Palatine Lodge ( No . 1141 , including the AV . M ., Bro . Thomas Hanson , and the AV . M . elect , Bro . j . Hamilton . After the ordinary business of the lodge had been attended to , the AV . M " . announced that the great aud most important part of the business of the evening would now be entered uponviz . the
, , installation of Bro . John Graham , W . M . elect for the ensuing year , and expressed his conviction , that the general feeling would be one of pure gratification , on having to place Bro . Graham in the chair of the W . M . , the highest honour that the lodge could confer upon him , and to which his merits and ability so eminently entitled him . Bro . Graham was then advanced to the Eastand subscribed to all the preliminary requirementswhen
, , the whole of the brethren , with the exception of those who had passed the chair , were ordered to withdraw , ancl the ceremony of installation , under the superintendence of Bro . Thomas Elwen , P . M ., was duly performed . The brethren being re-admitted , the usual salutations were given , and Bro . John Graham was declared
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
JERSEY . —Lodge La Cesaree ( No . 860 ) . —An emergency meeting was held on Thursday , December lltb , for the purpose of initiating several candidates who were anxious to take part in the ceremony of laying the foundation stone of the proposed Masonic Temple on the 17 th , and for a further consideration of the bye-laws . The lodge was opened at half-past five bv Bro . John Durell , AV . M ., assisted by Bro . P . Le Sueur , S . AV ., and Bro . EinetP . M . acting as J . AV . The circular convening the
, , meeting having been read , several letters were handed in , and personal testimony was given in favour of all the candidates for initiation by several of the brethren , as a result of which the ballot was declared to be unanimous in favour of all of them . Messrs . Auguste Desmoulins , G . J . Renouf , Ste-Croix Blampied , and Philip G . Laurent , were then introduced , " and admitted to the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry , in a
style but rarely equalled for correctness , fluency , and impressiveness , by the AV . M ., who afterwards gave the usual charge . A call was made upon Bro . Rondeux to address the newly initiated , who immediately responded . A letter was read from a distressed brother , expressive of gratitude for a donation of £ 5 recently granted by the lodge , and of a hope that , under more prosperous circumstanceshe mihtat a future timebe able to it
, g , , repay , and thus afford the means of rendering a like service in time of need to another brother similarly situated . The W . M . announced that Mr . Philip Picot , who , though not a Mason , ought , from the largeness of his heart , to belong to the fraternity , had intimated his desire to present to Lodge La Cesaree tbe pall used at the funerals of the late lamented brethren Dr . Cuquernelle and John Asplet . It was proposed bBroSchmittPM
y . , .., seconded by Bro . Robert , and carried unanimously , that the best thanks ofthe lodge be presented to Mr . Picot for his liberal ancl acceptable present . In commenting upon it , Bro . Schmitt noticed the kind sentiments of the donor in reference to the Craft in general , and Lodge La Cesaree in particular ; he observed that the present was one of considerable value , involving an expenditure of not less than £ 15 , ancl that it was the more
acceptable having been in a manner-consecrated by the use to which it had been applied , and thus rendered the more valuable as a memento of the late respected brethren , who had been deemed worthy of public funerals , ft was afterwards settled
that this resolution should be inscribed ou vellum , ancl in that form forwarded to Mr . Picot ; also that he be requested to accept six platform tickets on occasion of laying the foundation stone of the Masonic Temple . On the proposition of Bro . Mannan , seconded by Bro . Baudains , P . M ., it was determined that the care ofthe pall should be entrusted to Bro . Cro . id , so long as lie should remain a member of the lodge . Bro . Manuel stated that the time was come whenbeing on the point of building a
Ma-, sonic Temple at the expense of a company , some measures should be taken relative to an amount in his hands of about £ 160 , which had . been raised several years ago for the purpose . Of this , £ 100 had been given by Lodge La Cesaree , £ 40 by brethren who had since taken shares in the company , ancl the remainder in small sums by other brethren , by gentlemen not Masons , and even ladies , favourable to the project . In the two former
cases it was manifest that the amounts should be returned to the donors , but he must have authority for this by a special vote . In the latter instance , the money having been given in small sums for a specific purpose , it was proposed that with it , and such other amounts as might be added , shares should he purchased to become the property of the Company , and that any interest or dividend annually accruing therefrom , should form a fund for the relief of the orphans and widows of Masons . He
proposed a resolution to this effect in the following terms , "that a fund be raised for the purpose of purchasing shares , the interest or dividend on which shall be applied to the relief of the widows ancl orphans of Masons . That the purchased shares shall be invested in the names of the Trustees of the Masonic Temple Company ( Limited ); the charity to be distributed hy the Board of Management . " This having been seconded by Bro . J . T . Da Jardin
, was put to the meeting and carried unanimously . After some discussion , it was determined to postpone the consideration of the revised bye-laws to a future evening , the business having already occupied more than three hours . The lodge was then closed in due form . Although this was an emergency meeting , upwards of sixty brethren were present , of whom only four were visitors , a . proof of the devotion of the members to their routine duties
. At the subsequent social gathering for refreshment , a common sentiment of joyousness seemed to prevail , at the near approach of the realization of hopes long cherished , by tbe laying of the foundation stone of the proposed temple on
Wednesday , December 17 th . After due honour paid to ' ' The Queen and the Craft , " and " The Earl of Zetland , " the W . M . proposed a toast in honour of Bro . H . L . Manuel and Bro . Dr . Hopkins , with whom the name of Bro . Eatier , though far away , was subsequently associated ; the first deserved honour as having been indefatigable in his position as Chairman of tbe first Building Committee in the promotion of the scheme , labouring in season and out of season in every way that could lead to its
accomplishment ; the second had earned their thanks by his literary labours , in connection with THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE , and on all occasions where his pen could he available for the advantage of the lodge , as well as in various other ways ; of the third , it was unnecessary among the brethren to speak in terms of eulogy , since , though distant , and enable to join in the approaching ceremony , his heart was with them , as testified by several letters from himportions of which were readcontainingi promise
, , ; _ personally to assist in the inauguration of the temple on its completion . The toast having been duly honoured with enthusiasm , Bros . Manuel and Hopkins made suitable replies , the former expressing his satisfaction at having been tho proposer ofthe fund for orphans ancl widows . Bro . Durell , W . M ., Bro . Bariet , and several others promised donations in its favour . The health of the newly initiated brethren having been given from the chair
and accepted by those present , a feeling response was made by Bro . Desmoulins , who declared that in his novel position he found the realization of aspirations and hopes and ideas long cherished , ancl that he could verify the statement made in the admirable address of Bro . Rondeaux , that he was in truth a new man . This was followed as a matter of course by the Entered Apprentices' song . Several other routine toasts were appropriatel
y honoured , and after an evening of more than usual kind feeling and enjoyment , the brethren separated at half-past ten . It may be added tbat the charitable fund alluded to in the preceding report for the purchase of share : * in the Temple Company now amounts to upwards of £ 50 .
DEVONSHIRE . DAETMOUTII .--Haidcy Lodge ( No . 1099 ) . —The monthly meeting took place on Monday last . Tivo gentlemen were raised , a candidate initiated , a joining member elected , and two candidates admitted for the ballot at the next meeting . The Rev . AA * Langley Pope , M . A ., Assist . Chap ., gave a learned discourse on the Volume of the Sacred Law as the standard of truth . The
lodge simultaneously rose aud thanked the rov . brother for his elaborate and very chaste exposition of the subject . Resolutions were entered into with the view of celebrating the coming festival of St . John ; and ou that occasion the J . AV . will favour the lodge with an address on the reasons usually assigned among Masons for keeping that day . The second section of tbe first Lecture will be worked on tho next regular lodge evening , if time permit . On this occasion there was a large attendance of brethren and visitors .
DURHAM . SUNDERLAND . —Si . John's Lodge ( No . 95 ) . —On Tuesday , December 9 th , a regular lodge was held at tho house of Bro . George Sbiel , Queen's Hotel , Fawcett-strect . The lodge was opened in due form and solemnity by tho AV . M ., Bro . David Clark , assisted hy the AVardens . There , were present the recently installed WM . of the Phcenix Lod ( NoIll ) Bro
ge . , . Blythe , with Bro . Gilmore , P . M ., and a number of other brethren . There were also present a number of brethren from the Palatine Lodge ( No . 1141 , including the AV . M ., Bro . Thomas Hanson , and the AV . M . elect , Bro . j . Hamilton . After the ordinary business of the lodge had been attended to , the AV . M " . announced that the great aud most important part of the business of the evening would now be entered uponviz . the
, , installation of Bro . John Graham , W . M . elect for the ensuing year , and expressed his conviction , that the general feeling would be one of pure gratification , on having to place Bro . Graham in the chair of the W . M . , the highest honour that the lodge could confer upon him , and to which his merits and ability so eminently entitled him . Bro . Graham was then advanced to the Eastand subscribed to all the preliminary requirementswhen
, , the whole of the brethren , with the exception of those who had passed the chair , were ordered to withdraw , ancl the ceremony of installation , under the superintendence of Bro . Thomas Elwen , P . M ., was duly performed . The brethren being re-admitted , the usual salutations were given , and Bro . John Graham was declared