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Notes On Literature, Science, And Art.
of its fellows had the strong quality which keeps a hook alive The writer ' s reputation was of the kind which belongs to a day —like a fashion in dress or a caprice in music . The great success which has attended the publication of Miss Braddon ' s clever novel , entitled Lad y Andley ' s Secret , seems to have inspired a member of the aristocracy to try a " sensation " story ( says Public Opinion ) , with an equally mysterious title .
The book in question is a novel in two volumes , called The TFrophecy , and the authoress is no less than Lady Rechel Butler , a near relative of Earl Russell , and wife of Lord James Butler , of Drumcondra Castle . The tale is founded upon a manuscript discovered at Brussels in the year 1822 by the late Lord Clancarry , at the . time our ambassador at the Hague . This nobleman subsequently gave it to the Earl of Ormonde , who deposited it among tbe family records in Kilkenny Castle , where it now lies .
The Figaro-Programme states that M . Venillot is about to publish a brochure in reply to tbe allusions of which he has been the object in M . Emile Angler ' s comedy . The New Society of Painters in Water Colours has put forth a scheme for obtaining aid towards relieving the Lancashire distress . Each member has been invited to contribute a painting or sketch in water colours , and every member of the profession
known to paint in water colours is solicited to carry out the object . The whole collection is to be exhibited in London , Manchester , and Liverpool , and afterwards allotted to subscribers as prizes . The whole ofthe receipts of the exhibition and subscriptions received , less working expenses alone , will be devoted to the end named .
A memorial is being prepared in Glasgow , soliciting a pension of £ 100 a-year for the" widow of Mr . Sheridan Knowles . A memorial to the same effect should be sent from Belfast , where he was so well known and highly esteemed . Mr . Woolner is commissioned to execute the statues which are to decorate the new Manchester Assize Courts , now in the
course of erection from the designs of Mr . Waterhouse . A magnificent white Carrara marble staircase , says the Union , which is to cost not less than 150 , 000 f ., is at this moment being prepared at Vaugirard . It is to be sent in pieces to Baron de Rothschild , of London , in whose residence it is to be placed .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
alASOJ-KI . IS THE XV . CENTURY . It is said that the abode of the Erench Argonaut , Jacques Goaur , at Montpelier , was very curious , and bore the name of " La Loge . " Borel , who gave an account of it , tells us it would seem probable that he belonged to the fraternity of Ereemasous and his being represented
, on the friezes of his house , with a trowel in his hand gives an indication that such was the fact . Borel describes " La Loge " thus . " Three portals may there be seen in the form of furnaces , similar to those of Nicholas Elamel . On one there is , on one side , a sun all over fleur-de-lis ancl on the other [ side ] a full moon , also covered with fleur-de-lis , and surrounded by a hedge or
crown , as it were , of thorns , which seems to denote the solar and lunar stone arrived at perfection . On another portal is seen , on one side , a fruit tree with branches of roses at its foot and on the tree the arms of Jacques Ccenr ; on the other there is an escutcheon and within it what would appear to present the chymic character of the Sun . On the third portal , which is in the midst , there is , on one side , a stag bearing a banner , and having a collar of flewr-de-lis , environed with a branch of a tree which represents mercury , or the philosophical
matter which , at the commencement , is volatile ancl light as in the stag ; on the other side is a shield of Erance supported by two griffins . " The author from whom the above is taken goes on to say , " it is not part of my theory to repudiate the idea of these sculptors representing symbolical figures of the great worlc , because the search for the philosophers' stone was a mania of the time , and
it is by no means unreasonable that Borel should thus interpret them . There was considerable affinity between the seekers after the great secret and the associated brothers of the Masonic art . Mystery was , at that period , the very key-stone of all knowledge . " The symbolism above described will be rery readily understood by members of the Supreme Grand Council of the 38 ° , and others holding under them . —( Ji M . 0 . 30 ° .
THE SC __ . UFt . 10 U 3 BBETHM-N . In the calendar it is said tbat certain scrupulous brethren destroyed several ancient MSS ., relating to the Order . What is known of this proceeding ?—E . S . — [ We give an extract from Bro . the Reverend Dr . Oliver ' s " Revelations of a Square , as embodying the most lucid account of the vandalism . He says : —
" Bro . Desaguliers , in 1721 , made a public profession of a Mason ' s faith , in an Oration , which was printed and distributed plentifully both in the metropolis and provinces ; in ivhich lie enlarged on the re-organisation of the Grand Lodge , and stated seriatim the peculiar benefits , both moral and Intellectual , which may be derived from a regular attendance on the duties of a lodge . And Bro . Anderson published a well-written pamphlet on tbe rise and progress of the Orderand its application to the
, practical sciences . " " In the same year , September 2 nd , the Duke of Montagu being Grand Master , and Bros . Vilenean and Movrice , Grand Wardens , a Grand Lodge was holden at the King ' s Arms Tavern , St . Paul ' s Churchyard , at which Bros . Desagnliers , Payne , and Anderson , were ordered to examine the old Gothic Constitutions , and to digest the same in a new and better method ; and at tbe succeeding Grand Lodgein Decembera
, , committee of fourteen expert brethren was appointed to revise the manuscript when completed ,- and to make their report accordingly . In pursuance of this order , our worthy Bros . Desaguliers , Payne , and Anderson , commenced tbeir proceedings by searching for manuscripts and authorities in every part of the kingdon where they were supposed to exist . They communicated with many lodges under the Constitutions both of York and London , and in most cases were successful in the search ;
yet a few instances unfortunately occurred where certain fastidious brethren took the alarm , and committed many valuable manuscripts to the flames concerning ancient usages , regulations of lodges , charges , and secrets , —particularly one written by Nicholas Stone , who was Grand Warden to Inigo Jones , —lest they should fall into the hands of our friends , andhe submitted to public inspection in a printed form . " At one of our lodges , when this design was in progress , Bro ,
Payne expressed his indignation at the superlative folly of those misguided brothers in no measured language ; and it was seriously debated whether it would not be expedient , for the purpose of preventing a repetition of the offence , to move a vote of censure against them in the ensuing Grand Lodge for contempt . This was decided in the negative , as it was considered to be inquisitorial , and alien to the general design of Masonry , for the Grand Lodge to interfere with the disposal of private
property . " " It was agreed , however , at the same lodge , that the R . W . Master , Dr . Desaguliers , should move , ' that the . ancient office of Stewards be revived to assist the Grand Wardens in preparing for the feast , and in other things appertaining to the annual general assembly of Masons . Bro . Desaguliers accordingly proposed the appointment of twelve 'brethren for those purposes ; and the motion was unanimously agreed to . At the same Grand
Lodge it was reported by the committee tbat they had perused Bro . Anderson ' s manuscript containing the History of Masons , the Charges , Regulations , and Masters' song ; ancl , after some amendments , had approved of it . In consequence of this favourable report , the brethren requested the Grand Master to order it to be published ; and its appearance produced a- wonderful impression on the public mind , and insured the triumph of the Craft . " ]
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notes On Literature, Science, And Art.
of its fellows had the strong quality which keeps a hook alive The writer ' s reputation was of the kind which belongs to a day —like a fashion in dress or a caprice in music . The great success which has attended the publication of Miss Braddon ' s clever novel , entitled Lad y Andley ' s Secret , seems to have inspired a member of the aristocracy to try a " sensation " story ( says Public Opinion ) , with an equally mysterious title .
The book in question is a novel in two volumes , called The TFrophecy , and the authoress is no less than Lady Rechel Butler , a near relative of Earl Russell , and wife of Lord James Butler , of Drumcondra Castle . The tale is founded upon a manuscript discovered at Brussels in the year 1822 by the late Lord Clancarry , at the . time our ambassador at the Hague . This nobleman subsequently gave it to the Earl of Ormonde , who deposited it among tbe family records in Kilkenny Castle , where it now lies .
The Figaro-Programme states that M . Venillot is about to publish a brochure in reply to tbe allusions of which he has been the object in M . Emile Angler ' s comedy . The New Society of Painters in Water Colours has put forth a scheme for obtaining aid towards relieving the Lancashire distress . Each member has been invited to contribute a painting or sketch in water colours , and every member of the profession
known to paint in water colours is solicited to carry out the object . The whole collection is to be exhibited in London , Manchester , and Liverpool , and afterwards allotted to subscribers as prizes . The whole ofthe receipts of the exhibition and subscriptions received , less working expenses alone , will be devoted to the end named .
A memorial is being prepared in Glasgow , soliciting a pension of £ 100 a-year for the" widow of Mr . Sheridan Knowles . A memorial to the same effect should be sent from Belfast , where he was so well known and highly esteemed . Mr . Woolner is commissioned to execute the statues which are to decorate the new Manchester Assize Courts , now in the
course of erection from the designs of Mr . Waterhouse . A magnificent white Carrara marble staircase , says the Union , which is to cost not less than 150 , 000 f ., is at this moment being prepared at Vaugirard . It is to be sent in pieces to Baron de Rothschild , of London , in whose residence it is to be placed .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
alASOJ-KI . IS THE XV . CENTURY . It is said that the abode of the Erench Argonaut , Jacques Goaur , at Montpelier , was very curious , and bore the name of " La Loge . " Borel , who gave an account of it , tells us it would seem probable that he belonged to the fraternity of Ereemasous and his being represented
, on the friezes of his house , with a trowel in his hand gives an indication that such was the fact . Borel describes " La Loge " thus . " Three portals may there be seen in the form of furnaces , similar to those of Nicholas Elamel . On one there is , on one side , a sun all over fleur-de-lis ancl on the other [ side ] a full moon , also covered with fleur-de-lis , and surrounded by a hedge or
crown , as it were , of thorns , which seems to denote the solar and lunar stone arrived at perfection . On another portal is seen , on one side , a fruit tree with branches of roses at its foot and on the tree the arms of Jacques Ccenr ; on the other there is an escutcheon and within it what would appear to present the chymic character of the Sun . On the third portal , which is in the midst , there is , on one side , a stag bearing a banner , and having a collar of flewr-de-lis , environed with a branch of a tree which represents mercury , or the philosophical
matter which , at the commencement , is volatile ancl light as in the stag ; on the other side is a shield of Erance supported by two griffins . " The author from whom the above is taken goes on to say , " it is not part of my theory to repudiate the idea of these sculptors representing symbolical figures of the great worlc , because the search for the philosophers' stone was a mania of the time , and
it is by no means unreasonable that Borel should thus interpret them . There was considerable affinity between the seekers after the great secret and the associated brothers of the Masonic art . Mystery was , at that period , the very key-stone of all knowledge . " The symbolism above described will be rery readily understood by members of the Supreme Grand Council of the 38 ° , and others holding under them . —( Ji M . 0 . 30 ° .
THE SC __ . UFt . 10 U 3 BBETHM-N . In the calendar it is said tbat certain scrupulous brethren destroyed several ancient MSS ., relating to the Order . What is known of this proceeding ?—E . S . — [ We give an extract from Bro . the Reverend Dr . Oliver ' s " Revelations of a Square , as embodying the most lucid account of the vandalism . He says : —
" Bro . Desaguliers , in 1721 , made a public profession of a Mason ' s faith , in an Oration , which was printed and distributed plentifully both in the metropolis and provinces ; in ivhich lie enlarged on the re-organisation of the Grand Lodge , and stated seriatim the peculiar benefits , both moral and Intellectual , which may be derived from a regular attendance on the duties of a lodge . And Bro . Anderson published a well-written pamphlet on tbe rise and progress of the Orderand its application to the
, practical sciences . " " In the same year , September 2 nd , the Duke of Montagu being Grand Master , and Bros . Vilenean and Movrice , Grand Wardens , a Grand Lodge was holden at the King ' s Arms Tavern , St . Paul ' s Churchyard , at which Bros . Desagnliers , Payne , and Anderson , were ordered to examine the old Gothic Constitutions , and to digest the same in a new and better method ; and at tbe succeeding Grand Lodgein Decembera
, , committee of fourteen expert brethren was appointed to revise the manuscript when completed ,- and to make their report accordingly . In pursuance of this order , our worthy Bros . Desaguliers , Payne , and Anderson , commenced tbeir proceedings by searching for manuscripts and authorities in every part of the kingdon where they were supposed to exist . They communicated with many lodges under the Constitutions both of York and London , and in most cases were successful in the search ;
yet a few instances unfortunately occurred where certain fastidious brethren took the alarm , and committed many valuable manuscripts to the flames concerning ancient usages , regulations of lodges , charges , and secrets , —particularly one written by Nicholas Stone , who was Grand Warden to Inigo Jones , —lest they should fall into the hands of our friends , andhe submitted to public inspection in a printed form . " At one of our lodges , when this design was in progress , Bro ,
Payne expressed his indignation at the superlative folly of those misguided brothers in no measured language ; and it was seriously debated whether it would not be expedient , for the purpose of preventing a repetition of the offence , to move a vote of censure against them in the ensuing Grand Lodge for contempt . This was decided in the negative , as it was considered to be inquisitorial , and alien to the general design of Masonry , for the Grand Lodge to interfere with the disposal of private
property . " " It was agreed , however , at the same lodge , that the R . W . Master , Dr . Desaguliers , should move , ' that the . ancient office of Stewards be revived to assist the Grand Wardens in preparing for the feast , and in other things appertaining to the annual general assembly of Masons . Bro . Desaguliers accordingly proposed the appointment of twelve 'brethren for those purposes ; and the motion was unanimously agreed to . At the same Grand
Lodge it was reported by the committee tbat they had perused Bro . Anderson ' s manuscript containing the History of Masons , the Charges , Regulations , and Masters' song ; ancl , after some amendments , had approved of it . In consequence of this favourable report , the brethren requested the Grand Master to order it to be published ; and its appearance produced a- wonderful impression on the public mind , and insured the triumph of the Craft . " ]