Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 4 of 4 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 4 of 4 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC FESTIVITIES. Page 1 of 2 →
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her of the brethren partook of a substantial banquet , provided under the superintendence of Bros . Garnett and Arnison , the Stewards , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . RreoN . —De Grey and Ripon Lodge ( No . 1139 ) . —Tlie members of this lodge held their annual gathering on tbe oth inst . for the installation of the W . M . elect , Bro . J . Denton , who had been unanimously elected to that exalted position at the
November meeting . Bro . John Lee , P . Prov . S . AV . and P . M . Philantrophic Lodge ( No . 382 ) , performed the ceremony of installation in his usual able ancl impressive manner ; and Bro . John Denton was warmly congratulated on being exalted to the chair of K . S ., who appointed his officers as follows £ -Bros . Morton , S . AV . ; Collinson , J . AA * . ; Tutin , S . D . ; PUchforth , J . D . ; Wright , I . G . ; Kendal , P . M ., Treas . ; H . Clark , Sec . ; Stephenson , Org . ; ThwaitesSteward ; StarkTler . Bro . Binns was passed
, , y to the Second Degree by the AV . M ., who explained the working tools in a most impressive manner ; after which the lodge was closed , and the brethren retired to Bro . Collinson's , the Unicorn Inn , where due justice was done to the ample repast provided by the host in his usual style . After the cloth was drawn , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts and a variety of others given , the health of the AV . M . was proposed
and responded to by all with a right good will . The AV . M . was highly complimented by all the brethren present for the able manner in which he had performed the various duties he had been called upon to perform during his progress to the chair , hut more especially for the efficient manner he had performed the arduous duties of the chair on this his first night , proving to the brethren that much might be expected from him during
his year of office , and it behoved all and sundry to avail themselves of his assistance and instruction during his presidency ; it was clearly proved this day beyond all doubt , that they had got the right man in the right place . The AV . M . in returning thanks , addressed tbe brethren and especially the officers , in a very impressive manner on the Masonic virtues expected as a duty incumbent upon every Mason . After an eveningspent in the "feast of reason and the flow of soul , " the brethren took leave much gratified with the enjoyment and wishing many happy returns of the season .
BLACKBURN .- —Lodge of Perseverance ( No . 432 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Old Bull Hotel on Thursday evening , the 4 th instant , under the presidency of Bro . Charles Tiplady , W . M . ; Bros . J . Bell and F . Thomas , P . M . 's , acting as AA ' ardens . The following brethren were present , viz ., T . Birtwistle , P . M . ; J . Pilkingfcon , P . M ., Treas . ; J . Pearson , P . M ., Tyler ; E . Heath , J . AV . ; J . Garsden , S . 1 X ; A . Duckworth , J . D . ; R . AbbottSec . ; B . EllstonW . HirstE . EastwoodR .
, , , , Hoyle , AV . Riley , C . Tattersall , AV . AV . Tattersall , and AV . Thompson ( No . 534 ) . The lodge having been opened in the first degree , the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , when Bro . AV . Riley presented himself for examination , previous to being raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., which being exceedingly creditable to Bro . Rileyand highlsatisfactory to
, y the brethren , the ceremony was performed by Bro . Bell , P . M ., in a very able manner . The lodge was then closed to the second degree , when the AV . M . requested Bro . Thomas , P . M . ( in the absence of Bro . Clough , P . M ., who has for many years installed the AA ' . M . ) to perform the ceremony of installation . Bro . Tiplady , AV . M ., then presented the AV . M . Elect , Bro . Elles Heath , J . AV . ( who was unanimously elected at tbe previous meeting )
for installation . A Board of Installed Masters having been formed , Bro . Heath was duly installed into the chair of K . S . The brethren were then readmitted , and saluted the AV . M . in each degree as the lodge was closed down , the working tools being presented by the Installing Master in clue order . The ceremony was most impressively rendered hy Bvo . Thomas , and it is but doing that worthy and justly esteemed brother justice
to say , that although called upon at a moment ' s notice , it was faultless , and elicited the well-merited encomiums ofthe brethren . The lodge having been closed to the first degree , the AV . M . then appointed his officers as follows , viz ., Bros . I . Garsden , S . AV . ; A . Duckworth , J . AV . ; B . Ellston , S . D . ; T . Robinson , J . D . ; J . Pilkington , P . M . Treas . ( by election ); R . Abbott , Sec ; E . Eastwood and AV . AV . TattersallStewardsC . TattersallIG
, ; , .. ; and J . Pearson , P . M . Tyler . On the motion of Bro . Charles Tiplady , P . M ., the sum of ten guineas was unanimously voted from the lod ge funds as a donation to the Lancashire Relief Fund of this town , in lieu of St . John ' s Festival , which the brethren thought , considering the present depressed state of trade , might
very judiciously be postponed until there was some more cheering prospects of a speedy revival of trade , and the employment of thousands of our present poor unemployed operatives , whose silent ancl uncomplaining conduct has been the theme of universal admiration . May the G . A . O . T . U . look down upon and bless them , in this their present hour of trial ancl suffering . After some routine business , the lodge was closed in ancient and solemn form . The brethren then adjourned to the supper roomand
, did ample justice to the good things of this life , so liberally supplied by tbe worthy host , Bro . Bolton . The cloth having been removed , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were severally given , Speech , song , and sentiment was the order of the evening , and after the last toast , "To all Poor and Distressed Masons , " the brethren separated , highly delighted with the evening ' s proceedings .
Royal Arch.
YORKSHIRE ( AVEST . ) SHEPPIELD . — Chapter of Paradise ( No . 162 ) . —The regular meeting of this chapter was held in the Freemasons' Hall , Surrey Street , on Monday last , 15 th inst ., Comps . Danny , P . Z . as 2 ; Bartolome , P . Z . as H . ; Longden , P . Z . as 3 . ; Thomson , P . Z ., and many others being present . Comp . Dauby having been reelected to the 1 st chair , proceeded in his usual able and
impressive manner to instal Comp . Henry Harrison as H . ; ancl Comp . AVm . AVhite , jun ., as J . The following companions were then appointed officers of the chanter , viz ., Hy . Webster , B . ; AA * . B . Parker , N . ; G . Stuart , P . S . ; F . AA * . Primrose , A . S . ; R . Arnison , A . S . ; ancl H . J . Garnett , Treas . Bro . Short of the Britannia Lodge , was then introduced ancl exalted according to ancient form , the whole of the lectures being given , and the ceremony throughout conducted in a very excellent manner .
Mark Masonry.
BuRSLEM . —Jerusalem Lodge . —A meeting of the brethren of this lodge was held at the Assembly-rooms , on Wednesday afternoon , December 3 rd , to transact the usual business of the Order . It was presided over by Bro . William Hall , P . R . W . M ., and AV . M . elect of the Combermere Lodge ( No . SSO ) , Cheshire , who advanced seveial of the Craft brethren to this honourable degree ( in the absence of the R . AV . M . Bro . J . C . Daniels . )
Masonic Festivities.
HULL AMATEUR THEATRICALS . When the Masonic amatuer theatricals were established some years ago , under the presidency of Bro . Arden , as W . M . of the Minerva Lodge , for the purpose of forming a benevolent fund for the relief of poor and distressed Freemasons , it could hardly have been anticipated , even by the most sanguine , that they
would have continued so long to afford tbe same pleasure as on the night when the curtain first fell on Bombastes Furioso Instead , however , of showing any want of vitality , these charming performances have so steadily and surely advanced in public favour , that the committee have this year been enabled to produce two excellent entertainments , half the . proceeds of
which is to bo given to the distressed , factory operatives in Hull . At the first performance , which took place on Thursday , December 4 th , the plays were well chosen and well acted , and the audience , we hesitate not to add , was well pleased . An extempore stage was erected at the end of the room , opposite
the orchestra , and the scenery and fixings were admirabl y adapted to the occasion . Naught was wanting to render the performance a great success , and everything seemed to pass off
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
her of the brethren partook of a substantial banquet , provided under the superintendence of Bros . Garnett and Arnison , the Stewards , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . RreoN . —De Grey and Ripon Lodge ( No . 1139 ) . —Tlie members of this lodge held their annual gathering on tbe oth inst . for the installation of the W . M . elect , Bro . J . Denton , who had been unanimously elected to that exalted position at the
November meeting . Bro . John Lee , P . Prov . S . AV . and P . M . Philantrophic Lodge ( No . 382 ) , performed the ceremony of installation in his usual able ancl impressive manner ; and Bro . John Denton was warmly congratulated on being exalted to the chair of K . S ., who appointed his officers as follows £ -Bros . Morton , S . AV . ; Collinson , J . AA * . ; Tutin , S . D . ; PUchforth , J . D . ; Wright , I . G . ; Kendal , P . M ., Treas . ; H . Clark , Sec . ; Stephenson , Org . ; ThwaitesSteward ; StarkTler . Bro . Binns was passed
, , y to the Second Degree by the AV . M ., who explained the working tools in a most impressive manner ; after which the lodge was closed , and the brethren retired to Bro . Collinson's , the Unicorn Inn , where due justice was done to the ample repast provided by the host in his usual style . After the cloth was drawn , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts and a variety of others given , the health of the AV . M . was proposed
and responded to by all with a right good will . The AV . M . was highly complimented by all the brethren present for the able manner in which he had performed the various duties he had been called upon to perform during his progress to the chair , hut more especially for the efficient manner he had performed the arduous duties of the chair on this his first night , proving to the brethren that much might be expected from him during
his year of office , and it behoved all and sundry to avail themselves of his assistance and instruction during his presidency ; it was clearly proved this day beyond all doubt , that they had got the right man in the right place . The AV . M . in returning thanks , addressed tbe brethren and especially the officers , in a very impressive manner on the Masonic virtues expected as a duty incumbent upon every Mason . After an eveningspent in the "feast of reason and the flow of soul , " the brethren took leave much gratified with the enjoyment and wishing many happy returns of the season .
BLACKBURN .- —Lodge of Perseverance ( No . 432 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Old Bull Hotel on Thursday evening , the 4 th instant , under the presidency of Bro . Charles Tiplady , W . M . ; Bros . J . Bell and F . Thomas , P . M . 's , acting as AA ' ardens . The following brethren were present , viz ., T . Birtwistle , P . M . ; J . Pilkingfcon , P . M ., Treas . ; J . Pearson , P . M ., Tyler ; E . Heath , J . AV . ; J . Garsden , S . 1 X ; A . Duckworth , J . D . ; R . AbbottSec . ; B . EllstonW . HirstE . EastwoodR .
, , , , Hoyle , AV . Riley , C . Tattersall , AV . AV . Tattersall , and AV . Thompson ( No . 534 ) . The lodge having been opened in the first degree , the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , when Bro . AV . Riley presented himself for examination , previous to being raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., which being exceedingly creditable to Bro . Rileyand highlsatisfactory to
, y the brethren , the ceremony was performed by Bro . Bell , P . M ., in a very able manner . The lodge was then closed to the second degree , when the AV . M . requested Bro . Thomas , P . M . ( in the absence of Bro . Clough , P . M ., who has for many years installed the AA ' . M . ) to perform the ceremony of installation . Bro . Tiplady , AV . M ., then presented the AV . M . Elect , Bro . Elles Heath , J . AV . ( who was unanimously elected at tbe previous meeting )
for installation . A Board of Installed Masters having been formed , Bro . Heath was duly installed into the chair of K . S . The brethren were then readmitted , and saluted the AV . M . in each degree as the lodge was closed down , the working tools being presented by the Installing Master in clue order . The ceremony was most impressively rendered hy Bvo . Thomas , and it is but doing that worthy and justly esteemed brother justice
to say , that although called upon at a moment ' s notice , it was faultless , and elicited the well-merited encomiums ofthe brethren . The lodge having been closed to the first degree , the AV . M . then appointed his officers as follows , viz ., Bros . I . Garsden , S . AV . ; A . Duckworth , J . AV . ; B . Ellston , S . D . ; T . Robinson , J . D . ; J . Pilkington , P . M . Treas . ( by election ); R . Abbott , Sec ; E . Eastwood and AV . AV . TattersallStewardsC . TattersallIG
, ; , .. ; and J . Pearson , P . M . Tyler . On the motion of Bro . Charles Tiplady , P . M ., the sum of ten guineas was unanimously voted from the lod ge funds as a donation to the Lancashire Relief Fund of this town , in lieu of St . John ' s Festival , which the brethren thought , considering the present depressed state of trade , might
very judiciously be postponed until there was some more cheering prospects of a speedy revival of trade , and the employment of thousands of our present poor unemployed operatives , whose silent ancl uncomplaining conduct has been the theme of universal admiration . May the G . A . O . T . U . look down upon and bless them , in this their present hour of trial ancl suffering . After some routine business , the lodge was closed in ancient and solemn form . The brethren then adjourned to the supper roomand
, did ample justice to the good things of this life , so liberally supplied by tbe worthy host , Bro . Bolton . The cloth having been removed , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were severally given , Speech , song , and sentiment was the order of the evening , and after the last toast , "To all Poor and Distressed Masons , " the brethren separated , highly delighted with the evening ' s proceedings .
Royal Arch.
YORKSHIRE ( AVEST . ) SHEPPIELD . — Chapter of Paradise ( No . 162 ) . —The regular meeting of this chapter was held in the Freemasons' Hall , Surrey Street , on Monday last , 15 th inst ., Comps . Danny , P . Z . as 2 ; Bartolome , P . Z . as H . ; Longden , P . Z . as 3 . ; Thomson , P . Z ., and many others being present . Comp . Dauby having been reelected to the 1 st chair , proceeded in his usual able and
impressive manner to instal Comp . Henry Harrison as H . ; ancl Comp . AVm . AVhite , jun ., as J . The following companions were then appointed officers of the chanter , viz ., Hy . Webster , B . ; AA * . B . Parker , N . ; G . Stuart , P . S . ; F . AA * . Primrose , A . S . ; R . Arnison , A . S . ; ancl H . J . Garnett , Treas . Bro . Short of the Britannia Lodge , was then introduced ancl exalted according to ancient form , the whole of the lectures being given , and the ceremony throughout conducted in a very excellent manner .
Mark Masonry.
BuRSLEM . —Jerusalem Lodge . —A meeting of the brethren of this lodge was held at the Assembly-rooms , on Wednesday afternoon , December 3 rd , to transact the usual business of the Order . It was presided over by Bro . William Hall , P . R . W . M ., and AV . M . elect of the Combermere Lodge ( No . SSO ) , Cheshire , who advanced seveial of the Craft brethren to this honourable degree ( in the absence of the R . AV . M . Bro . J . C . Daniels . )
Masonic Festivities.
HULL AMATEUR THEATRICALS . When the Masonic amatuer theatricals were established some years ago , under the presidency of Bro . Arden , as W . M . of the Minerva Lodge , for the purpose of forming a benevolent fund for the relief of poor and distressed Freemasons , it could hardly have been anticipated , even by the most sanguine , that they
would have continued so long to afford tbe same pleasure as on the night when the curtain first fell on Bombastes Furioso Instead , however , of showing any want of vitality , these charming performances have so steadily and surely advanced in public favour , that the committee have this year been enabled to produce two excellent entertainments , half the . proceeds of
which is to bo given to the distressed , factory operatives in Hull . At the first performance , which took place on Thursday , December 4 th , the plays were well chosen and well acted , and the audience , we hesitate not to add , was well pleased . An extempore stage was erected at the end of the room , opposite
the orchestra , and the scenery and fixings were admirabl y adapted to the occasion . Naught was wanting to render the performance a great success , and everything seemed to pass off