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AI At ol the St . . Tohn'sLodge ( No . 95 ) , on tbeRegistry of theGrand Lodge nf England . Tlie following officers were then appointed : Bros . David Clark , immediate P . M . ; Andrew Shilling , S . AV . ; Hubert Sangstcr , J . AV . ; Thomas Godfbrdson , Treas . ; Robert Hodgson , Sec . ; G . Blacker Morgan , S . D . ; AVm . Craven , J . D . ; Peter Gunories Hvistendahl , I . G . ; Wm . Martin Laws , Tyler ; Bros . Samuel John Wade , and Simon AA ' anlass , Stewards ; Bros , . lam : ' . ; Af arrayWmHalland John HutchinsonAuditorsThe
, . , , . lodge was subsequently called from labour to refreshment . A iter which followed a most genial and harmonious evening , in which each and all seemed to be animated by the true spirit of Masonry . Among the numerous toasts that were given during the course of the evening , were the following : — "The health ofthe Master , AVardens , and brethren of Phti'iiix Lodge ( No . Ill ) " responded to bBro . BIthe .
, y y " The health of the Master , AA ' ardens , and brethren of the Paint hie Lodge ( No . 114 ) , " responded to by Bro . Hanson . It may be worthy of remark , that the two preceding speakers , in their neat and excellent speeches , paid high compliments to the newly-installed W . M ., ancl spoke auspiciously prophetic of the success that must attend his rule . They congratulated the brethren of St . John ' s on their wise and judicious selection—a
selection that could not fail to do honour to the Craft . The AV . M . proposed " The health of the immediate P . M ., Bro . David Clark , " and awarded him a hearty , but well-deserved , meed of praise for the able and efficient manner in which he had performed the duties of AV . M . for two successive years . Bro . Clark was never known to be absent from either a regular or an emergency lodge . ' Bro . Clark replied in a very feeling manner to the compliments paid him . Bro . Thomas Elwen proposed
"The health of the newly-installed AV . M . " Bro . Graham , AA . M ., responded iu appropriate terms , promising to use his best endeavours to merit the high encomiums passed upon him by Bro . Elwen , aud trusted to be aided ancl assisted by the counsel and experience of the Past Masters of St . John's , which for some years past had been exemplary for the discharge of their lodge duties . The W . M . then gave "The health ofthe Past Masters of St . John's" making signal and honourable allusion
, to Bro . Mark Douglass , one of the oldest of the Past Masters present , to which toast Bro . Douglass , P . M ., responded in a lengthy and forcible speech , characterised by his usual energy and ability . At length , howevei , the column of the J . W . gave token that the evening , so redolent of joy and good feeling , must be brought to a close . The lodge was then called to labour , and closed in due form .
KENT . FOLKESTONE . —Temple Lodge ( No . 816 ) . —A meeting of this lodge took place on Monday , the 15 th inst ., at the Town Hall , for the purpose of inaugurating the new lodge furniture , which has been recently manufactured by Messrs . Cox and Son , and Messrs . Peard and Jackson , from the handsome designs furnished by Bro . AA'illiam Boutcher . A numerous assemblage of brethren were presentincluding a large partfrom the Lodof Peace
, y ge and Harmony , Dover , as also other brethren from Shonicliff , and the neighbourhood . The lodge was opened in due form by the W . M ., F . S . Tolputt , when the usual business was transacted . Several propositions of new candidates were made , and a vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Boutcher for his gratuitous services , and ordered to be printed iu gold on vellum , and presented to him . After the lodge was closed , the brethren adjourned to the
King ' s Arms Hotel to partake of a banquet , supplied hy Mr . AA . Medhurst . A very pleasant evening was spent , enlivened by numerous songs from the brethren present . The usual loyal and -Jasonie toasts were proposed and responded to with unusual heartiness , and the brethren separated at an early hour . ASHFORD . —Invicta Lodge ( No . 1011 ) . —The installation meetmgof this lod was held on Fridaytbe Sth instwhen Bro
^ ge , ., . R . C . May , C . E ., of London , was installed in succession to Bro . B . K . Thorpe , whose year of office will long be remembered , particularly in connection with the Masonic Charities , the AV . M . of this lodge having become , pro tem ., Life Governor of the Boys ' School . There was a full attendance of members " , both resident and from a distance , and likewise visitors : —Bros . Chubb , P . M . No . 1 ToamlinPM 147 Godden and Poole 816 Previous
; , .. ; , . to the installation , Messrs . Thorpe , of Battle , Sussex ; and AVilloughby , of University College , London , were balloted for as candidates for initiation , which , having been unanimously declared in their favour , they were admitted into the Order in a solemn and impressive manner . These ceremonies and other
business completed , a Board of P . M . 's was formed , when Bro . Eastes proceeded to instal the AV . M . elect in his usual easy ancl eloquent manner , the performance of which excited tbe applause of the brethren present . Tho AA' . M . was duly saluted , and proclaimed in each degree . He then invested the following brethren as his officers . Bros . Mansell , S . AA * . ; Goldberg , J . AV . ; B . K . Thorpe , Treas . ; Grecnhi . l , Sec ; Kingsnorth , S . D . ; Robinson , J . D . ; Frank Collins , I . G . The Installing Master then addressed
the officers individually and the brethren generally . Bro . Eastes proposed and Bro . Haliowes seconded Mr . AV . Blewitt , of Rainham , Essex , as a candidate for initiation . The labours of the evening having ended , the lodge was closed in due form at six o'clock . The brethren then adjourned to the George Hotel , and sat down to banquet . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and received , and the company parted , happy to meet again . DEAL . —Wellington Lodge ( No . lOSfi ) . —Bro . Holmes , S . W ,, was elected AA ' . M . for the year ensuing , on Thursday ; the 11 th inat . The ' next regular lodge will take place on Monday , the 22 nd inst .
SOMERSETSHIRE . BATH . —Lodge of Honour ( No . 528 ) . —On Monday , the Sth inst ., the members of this lodge held their annual banquet at the Castle Hotel . Previous to the banquet , lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , at which Bro . J . Wedgwood Yeeles was installed as AV . M . of the lodge for the ensuing year , the installing Master being Bro . Marshall , P . M ., of the Royal Sussex Lodge ,
by whom the ceremony was most impressively performed . The following are the officers appointed by the AV . M .: —Bros . Muttlebury , S . AA * . ; McDougal , J . W . ; Atkins , S . D . ; Palmer , J . D . ; R . A . Cook , I . G . At the banquet , the W . M . presided , being supported by his officers and the following brethren of the lodge : —Bros . J . S . Bartrum , H . St . J . Maule , Vaughan Jenkins , R . Cook , Greyston , and Palmer . The following members of the Royal Sussex Lodge ( No . 61 ) , were also present as visitors : —Bros . Davev , Prov . G . Chaplain ; Dr . Falconer , P . M . ; Commans . P . M . " ; Oliver , P . M . ; and E . T . Payne , P . M .
STAFFORDSHIRE . AA ' OLVERHAMPTON . —St . Peter ' s Lodge ( No . 607 ) . —This lodge was held on Thursday , the 4 th inst . Bro . Cooper , W . M . presided , and was supported by a goodly muster of the brethren . The lodge having been duly opened according to ancient form , the AV . M . proceeded to raise Bro . Fellowes to the sublime degree of M . M . Bro . Haseler , P . M ., delivered the charge . This being
the annual election of W . M ., Treas ., and Tyler , the Secretary read the bye-laws , when , upon the motion of the W . M ., Bro . Sidney Cook was elected as W . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . King , P . M ., having declined to be again elected as Treasurer ( the duties of which office he has faithfully discharged for a number of years ) , Bro . Joseph AValker was chosen as his successor . Bro . Jones was re-elected Tyler . Two gentlemen were nominated for _ T _ . t , _ flt ,. nn _
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . SHEPPIELD . —Britannia- Lodge ( No . 162 ) . —There was a large gathering ofthe members of this lodge , on Thursday , 11 th inst ., at the Freemasons's Hall , Surrey-street , to do honour to the installation of the AV . M . elect . Bro . Alexander Hay , W . M ., presided , and was supported by Bros . Wm . Longden , P . M . ; J . A . Eadon , P . M . ; E . T . Buxton , P . M . ; AVm . AVhite , Jun .,
P . M . and Prov . G . D . C ; E . Drury , W . M . 373 ; Henry Webster , W . M . 1206 ; W . R . Parker , W . M . designate , Pelham Lo'dge , AVorksop ; Crowther , P . M . 342 , Huddersfield , and about forty others . Bro . AVhite , P . M ., having presented Bro . Septimus Arden , S . AV ., and AV . M . elect ; the AV . M . in a dignified and impressive manner installed him in the chair of K . S ., according to ancient and solemn form . He was then saluted , proclaimed , and presented with the working tools of the several degrees ,
after which the following officers were appointed , and the duties of their respective offices pointed out to them by their newly installed AV . M ., viz .: —Bros . Graham Stuart , P . Prov . G . Org ., SAY . ; Wm . Short , J . AV . ; Robt . Waterhouse , J . D . ; J . S . Pratt , I . G . ; and Edward Wilkinson , Tyler . The chair was then taken by Bro . Wm . White , P . M ., who ably initiated Mr . AVilliams , of Worksop , into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry . After the lodge was closed a considerable num-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
AI At ol the St . . Tohn'sLodge ( No . 95 ) , on tbeRegistry of theGrand Lodge nf England . Tlie following officers were then appointed : Bros . David Clark , immediate P . M . ; Andrew Shilling , S . AV . ; Hubert Sangstcr , J . AV . ; Thomas Godfbrdson , Treas . ; Robert Hodgson , Sec . ; G . Blacker Morgan , S . D . ; AVm . Craven , J . D . ; Peter Gunories Hvistendahl , I . G . ; Wm . Martin Laws , Tyler ; Bros . Samuel John Wade , and Simon AA ' anlass , Stewards ; Bros , . lam : ' . ; Af arrayWmHalland John HutchinsonAuditorsThe
, . , , . lodge was subsequently called from labour to refreshment . A iter which followed a most genial and harmonious evening , in which each and all seemed to be animated by the true spirit of Masonry . Among the numerous toasts that were given during the course of the evening , were the following : — "The health ofthe Master , AVardens , and brethren of Phti'iiix Lodge ( No . Ill ) " responded to bBro . BIthe .
, y y " The health of the Master , AA ' ardens , and brethren of the Paint hie Lodge ( No . 114 ) , " responded to by Bro . Hanson . It may be worthy of remark , that the two preceding speakers , in their neat and excellent speeches , paid high compliments to the newly-installed W . M ., ancl spoke auspiciously prophetic of the success that must attend his rule . They congratulated the brethren of St . John ' s on their wise and judicious selection—a
selection that could not fail to do honour to the Craft . The AV . M . proposed " The health of the immediate P . M ., Bro . David Clark , " and awarded him a hearty , but well-deserved , meed of praise for the able and efficient manner in which he had performed the duties of AV . M . for two successive years . Bro . Clark was never known to be absent from either a regular or an emergency lodge . ' Bro . Clark replied in a very feeling manner to the compliments paid him . Bro . Thomas Elwen proposed
"The health of the newly-installed AV . M . " Bro . Graham , AA . M ., responded iu appropriate terms , promising to use his best endeavours to merit the high encomiums passed upon him by Bro . Elwen , aud trusted to be aided ancl assisted by the counsel and experience of the Past Masters of St . John's , which for some years past had been exemplary for the discharge of their lodge duties . The W . M . then gave "The health ofthe Past Masters of St . John's" making signal and honourable allusion
, to Bro . Mark Douglass , one of the oldest of the Past Masters present , to which toast Bro . Douglass , P . M ., responded in a lengthy and forcible speech , characterised by his usual energy and ability . At length , howevei , the column of the J . W . gave token that the evening , so redolent of joy and good feeling , must be brought to a close . The lodge was then called to labour , and closed in due form .
KENT . FOLKESTONE . —Temple Lodge ( No . 816 ) . —A meeting of this lodge took place on Monday , the 15 th inst ., at the Town Hall , for the purpose of inaugurating the new lodge furniture , which has been recently manufactured by Messrs . Cox and Son , and Messrs . Peard and Jackson , from the handsome designs furnished by Bro . AA'illiam Boutcher . A numerous assemblage of brethren were presentincluding a large partfrom the Lodof Peace
, y ge and Harmony , Dover , as also other brethren from Shonicliff , and the neighbourhood . The lodge was opened in due form by the W . M ., F . S . Tolputt , when the usual business was transacted . Several propositions of new candidates were made , and a vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Boutcher for his gratuitous services , and ordered to be printed iu gold on vellum , and presented to him . After the lodge was closed , the brethren adjourned to the
King ' s Arms Hotel to partake of a banquet , supplied hy Mr . AA . Medhurst . A very pleasant evening was spent , enlivened by numerous songs from the brethren present . The usual loyal and -Jasonie toasts were proposed and responded to with unusual heartiness , and the brethren separated at an early hour . ASHFORD . —Invicta Lodge ( No . 1011 ) . —The installation meetmgof this lod was held on Fridaytbe Sth instwhen Bro
^ ge , ., . R . C . May , C . E ., of London , was installed in succession to Bro . B . K . Thorpe , whose year of office will long be remembered , particularly in connection with the Masonic Charities , the AV . M . of this lodge having become , pro tem ., Life Governor of the Boys ' School . There was a full attendance of members " , both resident and from a distance , and likewise visitors : —Bros . Chubb , P . M . No . 1 ToamlinPM 147 Godden and Poole 816 Previous
; , .. ; , . to the installation , Messrs . Thorpe , of Battle , Sussex ; and AVilloughby , of University College , London , were balloted for as candidates for initiation , which , having been unanimously declared in their favour , they were admitted into the Order in a solemn and impressive manner . These ceremonies and other
business completed , a Board of P . M . 's was formed , when Bro . Eastes proceeded to instal the AV . M . elect in his usual easy ancl eloquent manner , the performance of which excited tbe applause of the brethren present . Tho AA' . M . was duly saluted , and proclaimed in each degree . He then invested the following brethren as his officers . Bros . Mansell , S . AA * . ; Goldberg , J . AV . ; B . K . Thorpe , Treas . ; Grecnhi . l , Sec ; Kingsnorth , S . D . ; Robinson , J . D . ; Frank Collins , I . G . The Installing Master then addressed
the officers individually and the brethren generally . Bro . Eastes proposed and Bro . Haliowes seconded Mr . AV . Blewitt , of Rainham , Essex , as a candidate for initiation . The labours of the evening having ended , the lodge was closed in due form at six o'clock . The brethren then adjourned to the George Hotel , and sat down to banquet . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and received , and the company parted , happy to meet again . DEAL . —Wellington Lodge ( No . lOSfi ) . —Bro . Holmes , S . W ,, was elected AA ' . M . for the year ensuing , on Thursday ; the 11 th inat . The ' next regular lodge will take place on Monday , the 22 nd inst .
SOMERSETSHIRE . BATH . —Lodge of Honour ( No . 528 ) . —On Monday , the Sth inst ., the members of this lodge held their annual banquet at the Castle Hotel . Previous to the banquet , lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , at which Bro . J . Wedgwood Yeeles was installed as AV . M . of the lodge for the ensuing year , the installing Master being Bro . Marshall , P . M ., of the Royal Sussex Lodge ,
by whom the ceremony was most impressively performed . The following are the officers appointed by the AV . M .: —Bros . Muttlebury , S . AA * . ; McDougal , J . W . ; Atkins , S . D . ; Palmer , J . D . ; R . A . Cook , I . G . At the banquet , the W . M . presided , being supported by his officers and the following brethren of the lodge : —Bros . J . S . Bartrum , H . St . J . Maule , Vaughan Jenkins , R . Cook , Greyston , and Palmer . The following members of the Royal Sussex Lodge ( No . 61 ) , were also present as visitors : —Bros . Davev , Prov . G . Chaplain ; Dr . Falconer , P . M . ; Commans . P . M . " ; Oliver , P . M . ; and E . T . Payne , P . M .
STAFFORDSHIRE . AA ' OLVERHAMPTON . —St . Peter ' s Lodge ( No . 607 ) . —This lodge was held on Thursday , the 4 th inst . Bro . Cooper , W . M . presided , and was supported by a goodly muster of the brethren . The lodge having been duly opened according to ancient form , the AV . M . proceeded to raise Bro . Fellowes to the sublime degree of M . M . Bro . Haseler , P . M ., delivered the charge . This being
the annual election of W . M ., Treas ., and Tyler , the Secretary read the bye-laws , when , upon the motion of the W . M ., Bro . Sidney Cook was elected as W . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . King , P . M ., having declined to be again elected as Treasurer ( the duties of which office he has faithfully discharged for a number of years ) , Bro . Joseph AValker was chosen as his successor . Bro . Jones was re-elected Tyler . Two gentlemen were nominated for _ T _ . t , _ flt ,. nn _
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . SHEPPIELD . —Britannia- Lodge ( No . 162 ) . —There was a large gathering ofthe members of this lodge , on Thursday , 11 th inst ., at the Freemasons's Hall , Surrey-street , to do honour to the installation of the AV . M . elect . Bro . Alexander Hay , W . M ., presided , and was supported by Bros . Wm . Longden , P . M . ; J . A . Eadon , P . M . ; E . T . Buxton , P . M . ; AVm . AVhite , Jun .,
P . M . and Prov . G . D . C ; E . Drury , W . M . 373 ; Henry Webster , W . M . 1206 ; W . R . Parker , W . M . designate , Pelham Lo'dge , AVorksop ; Crowther , P . M . 342 , Huddersfield , and about forty others . Bro . AVhite , P . M ., having presented Bro . Septimus Arden , S . AV ., and AV . M . elect ; the AV . M . in a dignified and impressive manner installed him in the chair of K . S ., according to ancient and solemn form . He was then saluted , proclaimed , and presented with the working tools of the several degrees ,
after which the following officers were appointed , and the duties of their respective offices pointed out to them by their newly installed AV . M ., viz .: —Bros . Graham Stuart , P . Prov . G . Org ., SAY . ; Wm . Short , J . AV . ; Robt . Waterhouse , J . D . ; J . S . Pratt , I . G . ; and Edward Wilkinson , Tyler . The chair was then taken by Bro . Wm . White , P . M ., who ably initiated Mr . AVilliams , of Worksop , into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry . After the lodge was closed a considerable num-