Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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: ii ? 3 . minister of religion , whieh ivas " Prosperity to the 3 £ asariie Charities . It was their duty not only to support aSe Masonic Charities , but to have their interest in their hearts . S 5 e . Nfew Concord Lodge had not been backward in supporting 'ifiero , for tliey had sent stewards to them , and he hoped they * araai' & continue to do so . He believed that no Mason would Jj S ' n their order from the low motive of benefit , but at the same
Suae , under the blessing ofthe G . A . O . T . U ., they would feel , 'Shat under any circumstances those nearest and clearest to "Miem , would not be neglected , and would not be left to the cold © i the world ; and when the hand of death was on them , tSey would have the consciousness that their wives and children ironic ! not be neglected . He concluded by proposing " Prosperity to the Masonic Charities , " which was drunk with great
enthusiasm . —The W . M . next proposed "The health of the I' & st Masters . "— -Bro . BEETKAII , P . M ., said he rose with great igieasare to return thanks on behalf of the P . M . ' s of the New Concord Lodge , for the first time . He thanked them for the MucTnsanner which they had supported him during his year of (* ffice „ and for the jewel they had presented him with , whieh no - weirds could express . The jewel bore the following inscription : "Presented to Bro . John Bertram , P . M ., for the zeal ancl
assicSoity displayed by him while presiding as AV . M . of the New © r-ncord' Lodge , ( No . 1115)—March 21 , 1 S 62 . " —Bros . EIIJIENS aaS IJAUGUMN also returned thanks . Some other toasts were given , and responded to , and the evening was spent iu the greatest harmony , Bro . Sloman contributing greatly to tbe amusement of his brethren by one of his extemporary poeticafflEKsions . Bro . Hunt , of the Lodge of Confidence , also con . iiahnted- some choice vocal music , which was greatly applauded .
INSTEUCTION . SiscKMTY LODGE ( NO . 203 . )—The annual banquet of this ' Madge of Instruction took place on Monday , the 24 th inst ., at 3 , fa Wright ' s , Cheshire Cheese Tavern , Crufcehecl Friars , Bro . St'IT . Wilson , P . G . D ,, in the chair , supported by Bros . Hicks , MSS . 203 ; Eawley , P . M . 203 ; Fentiman , P . M . ancl Sec . 203 ; JSangford , J . W . 203 , and other distinguished brethren . After enjoying a first rate repast , served up in Bro . Wright's usual
good'style , Bro . Wilson gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . JSE then read an able address on " Adoptive Masonry , " and after several toasts , including those of " Bro . AVilson , " of " The © ffieers of the parent Lodge , " of "The Treasurer" ( Bro . Mete ) , ancl "The Secretary " ( Bro . Newton ) , of "The Lodge of J & istruetion , " of "The Worthy Host and Hostess , " & o ., the Uretbren separated , having spent a very pleasant evening , their eEgpyiment being increased by the harmony of Bros . Fentiman , ffifausuncl , Colston , & c .
DEVONSHIRE ; - FESTIVAL or LODGE FIDELITY ( NO . 281 ) . ¦ 2 i Saving been known that Lodge Fidelity deferred its CEaroa' - c festival until it would suit the convenience of those two TOnifrj-ancf eminent brothers , Eev . J . Huyshe and Denis Moore ( V 3 to-are honorary members of the lodge ) to attend the festival , s very large assemblage was expectedand notice that those
, fcraiaers-would be present having been given at each of the gyeribus Masonic meetings ( at which the members of both those eSoJies would be welcome , ancl a union of brothers would therefijrfe effected at the festive board ) , the result was most gratiisying . At four o'clock , accordingly , on the 19 th inst ., after ife » 5 holding . of Prov . Grancl Chapter , the brethren sat down to csmost sumptuous repast at the Eoyal HotelPlymouthat
, , swifiehBro . Samuel Pearse , P . M ., fulfiled all that could be expected ofhirn as a caterer , and for which he received an especial ¦ m & ie-of thanks , proposed in most eulogistic terms , by the Past 3 iProv . G . 'III . lite beautiful banner of the lodge was placed . conspicuously EB the head of the room , and the chair was taken by the AV . JEi-i"it . Heathsupported on his riht bBrosthe EevJ
, , g y , . . Siiyslit-, G . Supt . of E . A . Masons ; Br . James J . Clase , P . M . j ?_ Am : Grand Der . Cers . ; Eev . J . C . Carwithen , Prov . G . Chap . ; W . Dix , P . Prov . G . S . B . ; Laidman , P . Prov . G . E . ; "W . 'BJ-o . Capt . Eidgway , P . Prov . G . S . D . ; Bro . Bellerby , & c . ; ancl en His left by the A . W . Bros . Denis Moore , P . Prov . G . J . W ., sxiit-V .-PtoY . Si . See . ; L . P . Tripe , P . Prov . G . J . D . ; AV . B . J . M .
Mackay , Immediate P . M . of the lodge 284 ; John Mackay Prov . G . S . ; E . Eodd , Prov . G . E . ; W . A . Clark , P . M . P . Prov . G . Treas . ; Samuel Pearse , P . M . ; B . Philips , P . M ., P . p v ' G . Treas . ; E . Pomeroy , P . Prov . G . S . ; S . Chappie , P . M ., Prov G . S . ; Channing , P . M ., P . Prov . G . P . ; James Eowe , P . M . Chapman , P . M . ; Finemore , Joll , Scott , Mead , G . Clase , Rains ) John Clarke , Lincle , Eodda , Stoneman , & c . The vice-chair was occupied by the S . AV . Bro . Henry G . Coleand the J . W . ' s chair
, in the south was ably filled by Bro . Thomas Johns , supported by various members of the lodge 280 . After the cloth was removed , ancl grace said by the Eev . Bro . Huyshe , the W . M . gave the the toast of the " Queen ancl the Craffc , " which having reference to the recent affliction of her Majesty , ivas receieved in solemn silence . The toast of the " Earl of Zetland , Grand Master , " next followed . In very
glowing terms the next toast , "The Health of Bro . Huyshe , " was proposed by the AV . M ., who took occasion to express the veryhighest gratification he felt at welcoming him on that happyoccasion , and the high honour which that Eev . Brother ancl Bro . Moore had clone the lodge in consenting to become honorary members , ancl tofavour it with their presence on that festival . Bro . HUYSHE ' S rising to respond was the signal for applause ,
loud ancl long continued . In a most fraternal address , replete with all the most Masonic , fraternal , holy sentiments which the order inspires , he expressed his deep sense of the gratitude ivhich he felt on that and all other occasions on which he met with bis Plymouth brethren , and referred to the fact that he hacl been 40 years a Mason , and the longer he lived the more lie esteemed the order , whose principles were immutable . He proceeded to refer them at some length to the interest which he
took in the inauguration of the Fortescue Masonic Memorial Annuitant Fund , which he earnestly recommended to the attention of the brethren , as a moans whereby they might illustrate their principles by carrying out that which was the distinguishing- characteristic of his heart whose memory they sought to perpetut & te , in the way lie would have most decidely chosen for another , by making his memory precious to those who , from circumstances over which they had no controlwere laced in
, p the lowest depths of poverty and distress , by extending relief and consolation to them in the hour of their affliction . The remarks of the brother were seconded by Bro . Rev . J . C . CAEWITUEX , P . Prov . G . Chap . ; who informed the brethren present that Bro . Huyshe had given effect to his his own recommendation by a contribution of £ 50 , and desired to add onlyone sentence , " Go and do thou likewise . "
At a latter period of the evening it was announced that the result of the appeal of those two Eev . brethren was £ 250 , in addition to the £ 200 already in the hands of trustees , ivhich was received with loud plaudits . The next toast was then given and received most enthusiastically . Bro . DENIS MOOKE , in reply , expressed his deep sense of the
kindness shown him b y the lodge in receiving him as an honorary member , and of the very great courtesy and attention he hacl ever met through the whole province during the many years he had filled the office of Grand Secretary , and stated that up to a very recent period he had fully intended to resign the similar office he held in the Grand Chapter , but that when he came to the point he confessed he was loth to sever the connection ; so he expected he should like to die Grand Secretary and Grand Scribe .
The toast of the " AVorshipf nl Master " was next proposed by Bro . Huyshe . Bro . HEATH , in reply , gave some statistics shewing the increase of the numbers ancl the prosperity of the lodge , and assured his brethren of his continued zeal for the prosperity of the lodge . In proposing "Prosperity to the Eoyal Arch Chapter , " Comp . JAMES EOWE spoke favourably as to the progress of the several
chapters in the neighbourhood , and this was confirmed by E . G . Lorenzo Tripe , P . G . H ., who made an eloquent speech in praise of the principles of the order and its leading characteristics—Brotherly Love , Belief , and Truth . Bro . MOORE , in giving "The Wardens , " remarked on the great importance of their office , and of their assisting the AV . M . in his work . Bros . Cole and Johns responded .
Bro . COLE , S . AV ., proposed " The Prov . Grand Lodge of Mark Masters , " which was responded to by Bro . C . J . Laidman . Bro . the Eev . J . Hui'SHE , proposed the toast of "The Past Master , the Treasurer , and Secretary of Lodge Fidelity . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
: ii ? 3 . minister of religion , whieh ivas " Prosperity to the 3 £ asariie Charities . It was their duty not only to support aSe Masonic Charities , but to have their interest in their hearts . S 5 e . Nfew Concord Lodge had not been backward in supporting 'ifiero , for tliey had sent stewards to them , and he hoped they * araai' & continue to do so . He believed that no Mason would Jj S ' n their order from the low motive of benefit , but at the same
Suae , under the blessing ofthe G . A . O . T . U ., they would feel , 'Shat under any circumstances those nearest and clearest to "Miem , would not be neglected , and would not be left to the cold © i the world ; and when the hand of death was on them , tSey would have the consciousness that their wives and children ironic ! not be neglected . He concluded by proposing " Prosperity to the Masonic Charities , " which was drunk with great
enthusiasm . —The W . M . next proposed "The health of the I' & st Masters . "— -Bro . BEETKAII , P . M ., said he rose with great igieasare to return thanks on behalf of the P . M . ' s of the New Concord Lodge , for the first time . He thanked them for the MucTnsanner which they had supported him during his year of (* ffice „ and for the jewel they had presented him with , whieh no - weirds could express . The jewel bore the following inscription : "Presented to Bro . John Bertram , P . M ., for the zeal ancl
assicSoity displayed by him while presiding as AV . M . of the New © r-ncord' Lodge , ( No . 1115)—March 21 , 1 S 62 . " —Bros . EIIJIENS aaS IJAUGUMN also returned thanks . Some other toasts were given , and responded to , and the evening was spent iu the greatest harmony , Bro . Sloman contributing greatly to tbe amusement of his brethren by one of his extemporary poeticafflEKsions . Bro . Hunt , of the Lodge of Confidence , also con . iiahnted- some choice vocal music , which was greatly applauded .
INSTEUCTION . SiscKMTY LODGE ( NO . 203 . )—The annual banquet of this ' Madge of Instruction took place on Monday , the 24 th inst ., at 3 , fa Wright ' s , Cheshire Cheese Tavern , Crufcehecl Friars , Bro . St'IT . Wilson , P . G . D ,, in the chair , supported by Bros . Hicks , MSS . 203 ; Eawley , P . M . 203 ; Fentiman , P . M . ancl Sec . 203 ; JSangford , J . W . 203 , and other distinguished brethren . After enjoying a first rate repast , served up in Bro . Wright's usual
good'style , Bro . Wilson gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . JSE then read an able address on " Adoptive Masonry , " and after several toasts , including those of " Bro . AVilson , " of " The © ffieers of the parent Lodge , " of "The Treasurer" ( Bro . Mete ) , ancl "The Secretary " ( Bro . Newton ) , of "The Lodge of J & istruetion , " of "The Worthy Host and Hostess , " & o ., the Uretbren separated , having spent a very pleasant evening , their eEgpyiment being increased by the harmony of Bros . Fentiman , ffifausuncl , Colston , & c .
DEVONSHIRE ; - FESTIVAL or LODGE FIDELITY ( NO . 281 ) . ¦ 2 i Saving been known that Lodge Fidelity deferred its CEaroa' - c festival until it would suit the convenience of those two TOnifrj-ancf eminent brothers , Eev . J . Huyshe and Denis Moore ( V 3 to-are honorary members of the lodge ) to attend the festival , s very large assemblage was expectedand notice that those
, fcraiaers-would be present having been given at each of the gyeribus Masonic meetings ( at which the members of both those eSoJies would be welcome , ancl a union of brothers would therefijrfe effected at the festive board ) , the result was most gratiisying . At four o'clock , accordingly , on the 19 th inst ., after ife » 5 holding . of Prov . Grancl Chapter , the brethren sat down to csmost sumptuous repast at the Eoyal HotelPlymouthat
, , swifiehBro . Samuel Pearse , P . M ., fulfiled all that could be expected ofhirn as a caterer , and for which he received an especial ¦ m & ie-of thanks , proposed in most eulogistic terms , by the Past 3 iProv . G . 'III . lite beautiful banner of the lodge was placed . conspicuously EB the head of the room , and the chair was taken by the AV . JEi-i"it . Heathsupported on his riht bBrosthe EevJ
, , g y , . . Siiyslit-, G . Supt . of E . A . Masons ; Br . James J . Clase , P . M . j ?_ Am : Grand Der . Cers . ; Eev . J . C . Carwithen , Prov . G . Chap . ; W . Dix , P . Prov . G . S . B . ; Laidman , P . Prov . G . E . ; "W . 'BJ-o . Capt . Eidgway , P . Prov . G . S . D . ; Bro . Bellerby , & c . ; ancl en His left by the A . W . Bros . Denis Moore , P . Prov . G . J . W ., sxiit-V .-PtoY . Si . See . ; L . P . Tripe , P . Prov . G . J . D . ; AV . B . J . M .
Mackay , Immediate P . M . of the lodge 284 ; John Mackay Prov . G . S . ; E . Eodd , Prov . G . E . ; W . A . Clark , P . M . P . Prov . G . Treas . ; Samuel Pearse , P . M . ; B . Philips , P . M ., P . p v ' G . Treas . ; E . Pomeroy , P . Prov . G . S . ; S . Chappie , P . M ., Prov G . S . ; Channing , P . M ., P . Prov . G . P . ; James Eowe , P . M . Chapman , P . M . ; Finemore , Joll , Scott , Mead , G . Clase , Rains ) John Clarke , Lincle , Eodda , Stoneman , & c . The vice-chair was occupied by the S . AV . Bro . Henry G . Coleand the J . W . ' s chair
, in the south was ably filled by Bro . Thomas Johns , supported by various members of the lodge 280 . After the cloth was removed , ancl grace said by the Eev . Bro . Huyshe , the W . M . gave the the toast of the " Queen ancl the Craffc , " which having reference to the recent affliction of her Majesty , ivas receieved in solemn silence . The toast of the " Earl of Zetland , Grand Master , " next followed . In very
glowing terms the next toast , "The Health of Bro . Huyshe , " was proposed by the AV . M ., who took occasion to express the veryhighest gratification he felt at welcoming him on that happyoccasion , and the high honour which that Eev . Brother ancl Bro . Moore had clone the lodge in consenting to become honorary members , ancl tofavour it with their presence on that festival . Bro . HUYSHE ' S rising to respond was the signal for applause ,
loud ancl long continued . In a most fraternal address , replete with all the most Masonic , fraternal , holy sentiments which the order inspires , he expressed his deep sense of the gratitude ivhich he felt on that and all other occasions on which he met with bis Plymouth brethren , and referred to the fact that he hacl been 40 years a Mason , and the longer he lived the more lie esteemed the order , whose principles were immutable . He proceeded to refer them at some length to the interest which he
took in the inauguration of the Fortescue Masonic Memorial Annuitant Fund , which he earnestly recommended to the attention of the brethren , as a moans whereby they might illustrate their principles by carrying out that which was the distinguishing- characteristic of his heart whose memory they sought to perpetut & te , in the way lie would have most decidely chosen for another , by making his memory precious to those who , from circumstances over which they had no controlwere laced in
, p the lowest depths of poverty and distress , by extending relief and consolation to them in the hour of their affliction . The remarks of the brother were seconded by Bro . Rev . J . C . CAEWITUEX , P . Prov . G . Chap . ; who informed the brethren present that Bro . Huyshe had given effect to his his own recommendation by a contribution of £ 50 , and desired to add onlyone sentence , " Go and do thou likewise . "
At a latter period of the evening it was announced that the result of the appeal of those two Eev . brethren was £ 250 , in addition to the £ 200 already in the hands of trustees , ivhich was received with loud plaudits . The next toast was then given and received most enthusiastically . Bro . DENIS MOOKE , in reply , expressed his deep sense of the
kindness shown him b y the lodge in receiving him as an honorary member , and of the very great courtesy and attention he hacl ever met through the whole province during the many years he had filled the office of Grand Secretary , and stated that up to a very recent period he had fully intended to resign the similar office he held in the Grand Chapter , but that when he came to the point he confessed he was loth to sever the connection ; so he expected he should like to die Grand Secretary and Grand Scribe .
The toast of the " AVorshipf nl Master " was next proposed by Bro . Huyshe . Bro . HEATH , in reply , gave some statistics shewing the increase of the numbers ancl the prosperity of the lodge , and assured his brethren of his continued zeal for the prosperity of the lodge . In proposing "Prosperity to the Eoyal Arch Chapter , " Comp . JAMES EOWE spoke favourably as to the progress of the several
chapters in the neighbourhood , and this was confirmed by E . G . Lorenzo Tripe , P . G . H ., who made an eloquent speech in praise of the principles of the order and its leading characteristics—Brotherly Love , Belief , and Truth . Bro . MOORE , in giving "The Wardens , " remarked on the great importance of their office , and of their assisting the AV . M . in his work . Bros . Cole and Johns responded .
Bro . COLE , S . AV ., proposed " The Prov . Grand Lodge of Mark Masters , " which was responded to by Bro . C . J . Laidman . Bro . the Eev . J . Hui'SHE , proposed the toast of "The Past Master , the Treasurer , and Secretary of Lodge Fidelity . "