Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. ← Page 2 of 4 →
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
Glasgow Cathedral , 1188 , 1258 . Inch Colme , Abbey 1272 . Raglan Castle , temp . Edward 4 th . TJsk Castle . Valle Crucis Abbey . Chepstow Castle . CaerphillCastle .
y St . Hal ' s Hermitage . St . Mary ' s , Youghal . Dunbrody Abbey , 1216 . Church at Kinsale . St . Oanice , Kilkenny , 1251 . ^ Ardmore Church , Waterford . Drumcliffe ChurchCork .
, Cologne Cathedral , 1248 , 1322 . St . Andrews Church , Cologne . St . Johns Church , Cologne . Church of the Apostles , Cologne . St . Cuniberts Church , Cologne . Strasburg Cathedral , 12 Cent . Rheins Cathedral .
St . Radigonde , Poitiers . Presburg Cathedral . Copenhagen Cathedral . Church at Asseus . St . Mary ' s , Elensbnrg . Roskilde Cathedral , 1150 . Hpsala Cathedral , 1287 .
Church at Tonkoping , 1260 . Drontherm Cathedral . Altenburg Churches , & c . Roman marks from Hersulaneum . „ Hadrian ' s Wall about A . D . 129 . „ „ „ Risingham . „ „ „ Pat Pierce Bridge .
„ „ „ Tower at York . „ „ „ Acton Soott . Aqueduct and Fortifications at Malta . Al-Hadhr , Mesopotamia . Eski Khan . Cistern of 1001 Columns , Constantinople . Pyramids at GizeV 2120 B . C .
. , Wada Yales , on the Jordan . Masada , Dead Sea . The Tajz at Agra . Fortifications at Allahabad . Altogether about 2000 Marks .
GRAND CONCLAVE AND THE BALBWTN ENCAMPMENT . The question as to the Baldwyn or Bristol Encampment owing fealty to the Supreme Grand Master will be set at rest by referring to their own regulations . In them they acknowledge the Dnke of Sussex and his successors as the Grand Masters ; after which conclusive evidence I think the Grand Master should no longer be
subjected to make terms with rebels , at their proposal , but to require of them unconditional and humble application to be re-admitted into the order , which for a time , they have contumaciously forsaken . Their own words are their conviction : — "Laws ancl Regulations , to be observed by the Knights Companions of the Conclave of Baldwyn from time immemorial . 1 . That the
Encampment of Baldwyn from time immemorial , submit to the Grand Encampment of England , under the command of his Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , our Most Eminent Grand Master , and Ms successors . " Extracted from The Service of Masonic Knights of St . John of Jerusalem , Rhodes , Palestine , and Malta ; lihewise of Masonic Templan-s , of the " Encampment of Baldivyn , from time
immemorial . Stationed in , Bristol . To which are annexed the Regulations of this Encampment 8 vo ., without date . Imprint , Bristol : by Brother Joseph Routh , Narrow Wine-street . The Oath , before printed in the MAGAZINE , is inserted with this heading : " The following Oath was taken by our Provincial G . Superintendent , W . H . Goldwyer , Esq ., on Good Friday , 1813 , and is to be
repeated by each succeeding Grand Commander of tfe Encampment of Baldwyn , in token of his submissies so our Supreme Grand Master , his R . H . the Dukej ? £ Sussex . "—M . C . G . O . > £ < . THE LATE BRO . BETER TE 03 ISON . Was the late Bro . Peter Thomson any relation to Sas well-known brother of the same name , and wh & t ioHges
did he belong to ?—M . H . —[ He was his son . Initiates in the Lion and Lamb Lodge ( No . 227 ) , in DeceoaJirsis * , 1835 , and was W . M . in 1838 . He was a member oS £ fca Jerusalem Chapter ( No . 218 ) , in which he was eK & lfodis * 1849 , served as J . 1854 , H . 1855 , Z . 1856 . He died « s . the 31 st of December , 1861 , ancl at that time heii 4-hQ office of Secretary in his mother lodge , never hawog been , we believe , connected by membership with smoother lodge or chapter than that he was initiated _ asji 3 exalted in . ]
REASONS FOE SECEESY 1 ST JTASONEV . I am often asked "If Masonry is so good as yea represent it , why is it kept secret ? " Assist me wll ) h" « , few reasons to give when I ain next called nponin- 'EiEs way . —FABER . —[ Freemasonry has been denounced .- / asfi suspected , in consequence of its being a secret ortlec Secrecy in all things where secrecy is maintained , is EGS
only consistent with innocence , but is also imperatively enforced by necesssity , as well as demanded by every consideration of policy . The direct benefits flowing from Masonry are , of course , intended for , and sfcoxM be participated in , only by its members— -by those wfeo have been regularly initiated into its mysteries , and contribute to its support . They are secured by a knowlectgs
of a universal language , which is used as a test of brotherhood . This universal language ( universal to llasoKa ) is , under no circumstances , communicated to tbe waBS at large . The words and signs of it are secret , fer'ao communicate them would at once destroy their utility , And , strange as it may appear to the uninitiated , ass ? society professes to have no secrets beyond this . T 5 ies ? e
is little , very little , in the lodge to gratify the eye of fee inquisitive . We do not tempt them with offers to unfdM some mighty mystery ; we can impart to them no superhuman wisdom ; we possess not the elixir of life , near the philosopher's stone , nor the spells of the Tarshaa ^ we cannot and do not profess to be bound by anyfes but such as are consistent with our duty towards
oneselves and families , our neighbours and our God . AbasS the general nature of lodge transactions , every one lam ® can know as much as any of its members , but for fear of any misapprehension on this subject , we would 'brie-Sy state that nowhere are order and decorum more strictly enforced than in our lodges . Our business there "i & charity and brotherly love and communion , the admission
of candidates , and the transaction of such other matters as necessarily pertain to every association . Now , all tiiss is of such a character that it may with great propriety be left to ourselves . We are brothers—members « f a
large family—met for the purpose of transacting our © tssa . business , with which the world has no concern , and'wlgr should the world be permitted to witness its disposition !? Does a needy brother require assistance and receiver 3 $ , it is not for us to vaunt it , and it might not be agreeaMs to him to proclaim his wants before strangers , nor she fact of his being relieved published ; and it would era ? -
tainly be impolitic and uncharitable by publicity & o trammel the discussion of character , and how could r & hs announcement of the rejection ¦ of candidates-for vsarr confidence be otherwise than-prejudicial to us , by-excifiaag enmity and disaffection in the world , made up of a thousand creeds . Our objects are few and their / pursuiS is quiet and secretand' we' haveas Masons ht BE
, , , naug common with mankind . We do not meddle with' pollfes , nor the extension of a creed by proselytism . We sssfe : only to cultivate the social virtues among ourselves , So benefit each other by deeds of love , and indirectly beacSI " the world by our own improvement . ]
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
Glasgow Cathedral , 1188 , 1258 . Inch Colme , Abbey 1272 . Raglan Castle , temp . Edward 4 th . TJsk Castle . Valle Crucis Abbey . Chepstow Castle . CaerphillCastle .
y St . Hal ' s Hermitage . St . Mary ' s , Youghal . Dunbrody Abbey , 1216 . Church at Kinsale . St . Oanice , Kilkenny , 1251 . ^ Ardmore Church , Waterford . Drumcliffe ChurchCork .
, Cologne Cathedral , 1248 , 1322 . St . Andrews Church , Cologne . St . Johns Church , Cologne . Church of the Apostles , Cologne . St . Cuniberts Church , Cologne . Strasburg Cathedral , 12 Cent . Rheins Cathedral .
St . Radigonde , Poitiers . Presburg Cathedral . Copenhagen Cathedral . Church at Asseus . St . Mary ' s , Elensbnrg . Roskilde Cathedral , 1150 . Hpsala Cathedral , 1287 .
Church at Tonkoping , 1260 . Drontherm Cathedral . Altenburg Churches , & c . Roman marks from Hersulaneum . „ Hadrian ' s Wall about A . D . 129 . „ „ „ Risingham . „ „ „ Pat Pierce Bridge .
„ „ „ Tower at York . „ „ „ Acton Soott . Aqueduct and Fortifications at Malta . Al-Hadhr , Mesopotamia . Eski Khan . Cistern of 1001 Columns , Constantinople . Pyramids at GizeV 2120 B . C .
. , Wada Yales , on the Jordan . Masada , Dead Sea . The Tajz at Agra . Fortifications at Allahabad . Altogether about 2000 Marks .
GRAND CONCLAVE AND THE BALBWTN ENCAMPMENT . The question as to the Baldwyn or Bristol Encampment owing fealty to the Supreme Grand Master will be set at rest by referring to their own regulations . In them they acknowledge the Dnke of Sussex and his successors as the Grand Masters ; after which conclusive evidence I think the Grand Master should no longer be
subjected to make terms with rebels , at their proposal , but to require of them unconditional and humble application to be re-admitted into the order , which for a time , they have contumaciously forsaken . Their own words are their conviction : — "Laws ancl Regulations , to be observed by the Knights Companions of the Conclave of Baldwyn from time immemorial . 1 . That the
Encampment of Baldwyn from time immemorial , submit to the Grand Encampment of England , under the command of his Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , our Most Eminent Grand Master , and Ms successors . " Extracted from The Service of Masonic Knights of St . John of Jerusalem , Rhodes , Palestine , and Malta ; lihewise of Masonic Templan-s , of the " Encampment of Baldivyn , from time
immemorial . Stationed in , Bristol . To which are annexed the Regulations of this Encampment 8 vo ., without date . Imprint , Bristol : by Brother Joseph Routh , Narrow Wine-street . The Oath , before printed in the MAGAZINE , is inserted with this heading : " The following Oath was taken by our Provincial G . Superintendent , W . H . Goldwyer , Esq ., on Good Friday , 1813 , and is to be
repeated by each succeeding Grand Commander of tfe Encampment of Baldwyn , in token of his submissies so our Supreme Grand Master , his R . H . the Dukej ? £ Sussex . "—M . C . G . O . > £ < . THE LATE BRO . BETER TE 03 ISON . Was the late Bro . Peter Thomson any relation to Sas well-known brother of the same name , and wh & t ioHges
did he belong to ?—M . H . —[ He was his son . Initiates in the Lion and Lamb Lodge ( No . 227 ) , in DeceoaJirsis * , 1835 , and was W . M . in 1838 . He was a member oS £ fca Jerusalem Chapter ( No . 218 ) , in which he was eK & lfodis * 1849 , served as J . 1854 , H . 1855 , Z . 1856 . He died « s . the 31 st of December , 1861 , ancl at that time heii 4-hQ office of Secretary in his mother lodge , never hawog been , we believe , connected by membership with smoother lodge or chapter than that he was initiated _ asji 3 exalted in . ]
REASONS FOE SECEESY 1 ST JTASONEV . I am often asked "If Masonry is so good as yea represent it , why is it kept secret ? " Assist me wll ) h" « , few reasons to give when I ain next called nponin- 'EiEs way . —FABER . —[ Freemasonry has been denounced .- / asfi suspected , in consequence of its being a secret ortlec Secrecy in all things where secrecy is maintained , is EGS
only consistent with innocence , but is also imperatively enforced by necesssity , as well as demanded by every consideration of policy . The direct benefits flowing from Masonry are , of course , intended for , and sfcoxM be participated in , only by its members— -by those wfeo have been regularly initiated into its mysteries , and contribute to its support . They are secured by a knowlectgs
of a universal language , which is used as a test of brotherhood . This universal language ( universal to llasoKa ) is , under no circumstances , communicated to tbe waBS at large . The words and signs of it are secret , fer'ao communicate them would at once destroy their utility , And , strange as it may appear to the uninitiated , ass ? society professes to have no secrets beyond this . T 5 ies ? e
is little , very little , in the lodge to gratify the eye of fee inquisitive . We do not tempt them with offers to unfdM some mighty mystery ; we can impart to them no superhuman wisdom ; we possess not the elixir of life , near the philosopher's stone , nor the spells of the Tarshaa ^ we cannot and do not profess to be bound by anyfes but such as are consistent with our duty towards
oneselves and families , our neighbours and our God . AbasS the general nature of lodge transactions , every one lam ® can know as much as any of its members , but for fear of any misapprehension on this subject , we would 'brie-Sy state that nowhere are order and decorum more strictly enforced than in our lodges . Our business there "i & charity and brotherly love and communion , the admission
of candidates , and the transaction of such other matters as necessarily pertain to every association . Now , all tiiss is of such a character that it may with great propriety be left to ourselves . We are brothers—members « f a
large family—met for the purpose of transacting our © tssa . business , with which the world has no concern , and'wlgr should the world be permitted to witness its disposition !? Does a needy brother require assistance and receiver 3 $ , it is not for us to vaunt it , and it might not be agreeaMs to him to proclaim his wants before strangers , nor she fact of his being relieved published ; and it would era ? -
tainly be impolitic and uncharitable by publicity & o trammel the discussion of character , and how could r & hs announcement of the rejection ¦ of candidates-for vsarr confidence be otherwise than-prejudicial to us , by-excifiaag enmity and disaffection in the world , made up of a thousand creeds . Our objects are few and their / pursuiS is quiet and secretand' we' haveas Masons ht BE
, , , naug common with mankind . We do not meddle with' pollfes , nor the extension of a creed by proselytism . We sssfe : only to cultivate the social virtues among ourselves , So benefit each other by deeds of love , and indirectly beacSI " the world by our own improvement . ]