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Bro . H . FRASER , P . Prov . G . S . of AVorks - ' - ' Right Worshipful Sir , —Having just returned from England , I may inform you that I have seen the Testimonial itself and that it is on a much larger scale than the photographs , ancl is a very beautiful work of art . "
Bro . CLARK , P . Prov . S . G . W . —• ' The proceedings which have just taken place , remind us that we have a grateful duty to discharge to the B . AA . Bro . who has just laid clown the Hiram of the District Grand Lodge . AVithout indulging in comparisons , which might seem invidious , I am sure I may say with safety , that Bro . Ramsay , stands second to no Prov . G . M . who preceded him in ruling over this large ancl important province . Whether we call to mind his intercourse ancl association with
usmarked by a kindness and sympathy which indicated the generosity of his nature ; his direction in the affairs ofthe province , —tempered by judgment , prudence , forethought , and wisdom ; the manner in ivhich he presided in person over our Masonic conclaves , —characterized by a dignity and impressiveness which commanded respect and deference , we are bound to confess that Bro . Ramsay ' s rule over us was -eminentlsuccessful . Some
pre y of us were personally acquainted with him , and possessed his confidence ; many of us have seen him in a variety of circumstances , and sometimes in circumstances of trial and difficulty : yet in every relation , in every situation , Bro . Ramsay exhibited -qualities of mind and heart which inspired sentiments only of regard , esteem , and admiration . It is with these feelings that I now propose the following resolution for the adoption of this
District Grand Lodge : — " That on the occasion of theretirement of E . AA . Bro . Ramsay from the office of Prov- G . M . of Bengal , the District Grand Lodge of this Province contemplate with feelings of peculiar satisfaction their association with that esteemed Brother throughout the period he held the exalted position ; and they now desire to record a vote of affectionate acknowledgement and cordial thanks to him for the kind and fraternal spirit which characterised his intercourse with the brethren , ancl for the judgment , honesty , independence , moderation , and impartiality with which he governed the Province . "
Bro . ROBERTS , P . Prov . S . G . AA ' . — "I rise with peculiar feelings of pleasure to second the motion . If ever words were ri ghtly applied , those just uttered are 1 Bro . Ramsay was devoted to our interests j he had a sincere love for the Craft ; and in times of difficulty and excitement , he ruled with temper and dignity , and yet with firmness ! Bear in mind , Brethren , what self-control , in such a position , must be exercised , lest an unguarded expression , hastily escaping , might wound the self-love of some . It is well to reflect how we should ourselves behave
if so situated . But it would be superfluous to make a long speech regarding one whom we know so v / ell , ancl to whom we have repeatedly offered our tribute of affection and admiration . It is sufficient for me to say , that I consider our R . AV . Bro . Ramsay to be deserving of every mark of honor that it is in our power to accord to him . "
AV . Bro . ABBOTT , Prov . G . Steward . — " R . AV . Sir , I have no desire to intrude my opinions ; but Masonry being free , I hold that every Freemason has the inalienable right of giving free expression to his honest convictions . I would have gladly supported Bro . Clark ' s motion to its full length , if it had appeared to me that Bro . Ramsay was deserving of praise for the last two years of his administration . I do not believe that any man could have ruled better than he did , up to the time that he
finally left India ; but to hold on the Hiram of the Province for two years , when he had no intention of returning to us , ancl when yon , R . AV . Sir , as good a man as he , ancl perhaps others , were available for the appointment , does not receive from me , at all events , hearty admiration . I therefore propose that the Resolution of the District Grancl Lodge be limited to the period that Bro . Ramsay was actually ruling the Province , before he finally returned to England . "
DEPUTY PROV . GRAND MASTER . — "I must inform you , Bro . Abbot , that it was not from any wish of his own that R . W . Bro . Ramsay continued to hold the Hiram on his return to England . AVhen he was leaving India , he advised us strongly to choose a successor , as it was not his intention to come out again ; when we did nothing , he laid his resignation in the hands of the Earl of Zetland , but was requested to continue in office . Further time passed , and still nothing was clone by us , and Bro . Ramsay then renewed his solicitation to be relieved ; but the Grand Master again refused to receive his resignation . Bro . Ramsay having thus sacrificed his own wishes for our interests , I shall
be sorry if the opinions expressed by you are conveyed to Bro . Ramsay . " Bro . C . T . DAVIS , AV . M . of Lodge 12 G , rose to second Bro . Abbott ' s amendment . Bro . JENNINGS , Prov . S . G . AV . — " I heartily concur in fche sentiments expressed by Bro . Clark , to the full length to which ' he goes , knowing as I do that Bro . Ramsay did resign the office of Prov . G . M ., ancl that it was only out of regard for our
interests , ancl in deference to tbe wishes of the Grand Master , that he continued to hold it . Bro . ROBERTS . — "It addition to what has fallen from the Dep . Prov . G . M ., I would observe that , during the time that Bro . Ramsay has been in England , many questions have arisen materially affecting the interests of Masonry in this Province , ancl that , so far as those questions were concerned , it was a fortunate circumstance that we had in England one who could
lay them so well before the Masonic authorities there . " Bro . ABBOTT . — " I would add one word to my remarks . I have known Bro . Ramsay intimately ancl well for years . Personally , I have a high regard for him . In putting forward my proposition , therefore , I have not been actuated by any desire to give him pain . I have merely been prompted by a sense of what was fitting and right . "
The Prov . G . Sec . was of opinion , that Bro . Ramsay deserved as much of our hearty admiration for the last two years of his administration as for any former period ; for when Bro . Ramsay found he could not consult his own wishes by retiring from office , he cheerfully watched over our interests in England . If it had been possible for him to lay clown his Hiram in spite of the command of the Earl of Zetland , the Provincial Grand Lodge , which "emanates" from the Prov . G . M ., would have instantly ceased to exist , ancl the whole Province would have
been thrown into confusion . Dep . PROV . G . M . — " Brethren , you have heard Bro . Abbott ' s amendment ; it is to exclude from the resolution proposed by Bro . Clark , the last two years of Bro . Eamsay ' s administration of this Province . If no other brother has anything to say on the subject , I shall put it to the vote . " Bro . ABBOTT . — " Before the votes are taken , I wish it to be clearly understood that I have not proposed a vote of censure . "
The amendment being put to the vote , was carried by a majority of 4 votes , there being 24 in support of it , and 20 against it . The DEP . Prov . G . M . objected to a demonstration made by some of the brethren with their feet . A brother who had sat in the Grand Lodge of England , observed that it was the practice of the Grand Lodge . The Dep . Prov . G . M ., however , was of opinion that the District Grand Lodge of Bengal was not
hound by the practice of the Grand Lodge ; and it was further pointed out that , while such demonstrations were generally unobjectionable when made in the course of speech , they were obviously improper when made after any measure had been carried by a majority of votes , for then they sounded like a note of triumph over those in the minority , and were consequently unmasonic . The DEP . PROV . G . M . — " Brethren ! It is at all times a
grateful duty to reward merit . I lately visited Lodge St . John , for the purpose of conferring the rank of a Past Junior Grand AVarden on a brother who has laboured quietly , but zealously , as a Mason , but upon whom I could not , with clue regard to the claims of others , confer such a high distinction at any former period . I allude to AA . Bro . John William Brown , Prov . J . G . D . I have already presented him with a Patent of his appointment , and have recorded a Minute , which the Prov . G . Sec . will read . "
After the PROV . G . SEC . hacl read the minute alluded to , Bro . John William Brown was invested with the jewel of the rank to which he had been raised , ancl received the congratulations of the Dep . Prov . G . M . The DEP . PROV . G . M . — " Bro . Brown ' s promotion having caused a vacancy , I have filled it by advancing Bro . Clark ( Civil Engineer ) from the rank of Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks , to ivhich he hacl been appointed speciallon account of his professional
y chaiacter , but which I did not think it right that he should continue to hold when promotion offered itself , especially when it could be filled as appropriately by another Brother of the same profession . I have therefore promoted Bro . W . Clark , C . E ., to the office of Prov . J . G . D ., and have appointed Bro . AV . Bourne , C . E ., to be Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks , subject to the confirmation of the E . W . the Prov . G . M . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Bro . H . FRASER , P . Prov . G . S . of AVorks - ' - ' Right Worshipful Sir , —Having just returned from England , I may inform you that I have seen the Testimonial itself and that it is on a much larger scale than the photographs , ancl is a very beautiful work of art . "
Bro . CLARK , P . Prov . S . G . W . —• ' The proceedings which have just taken place , remind us that we have a grateful duty to discharge to the B . AA . Bro . who has just laid clown the Hiram of the District Grand Lodge . AVithout indulging in comparisons , which might seem invidious , I am sure I may say with safety , that Bro . Ramsay , stands second to no Prov . G . M . who preceded him in ruling over this large ancl important province . Whether we call to mind his intercourse ancl association with
usmarked by a kindness and sympathy which indicated the generosity of his nature ; his direction in the affairs ofthe province , —tempered by judgment , prudence , forethought , and wisdom ; the manner in ivhich he presided in person over our Masonic conclaves , —characterized by a dignity and impressiveness which commanded respect and deference , we are bound to confess that Bro . Ramsay ' s rule over us was -eminentlsuccessful . Some
pre y of us were personally acquainted with him , and possessed his confidence ; many of us have seen him in a variety of circumstances , and sometimes in circumstances of trial and difficulty : yet in every relation , in every situation , Bro . Ramsay exhibited -qualities of mind and heart which inspired sentiments only of regard , esteem , and admiration . It is with these feelings that I now propose the following resolution for the adoption of this
District Grand Lodge : — " That on the occasion of theretirement of E . AA . Bro . Ramsay from the office of Prov- G . M . of Bengal , the District Grand Lodge of this Province contemplate with feelings of peculiar satisfaction their association with that esteemed Brother throughout the period he held the exalted position ; and they now desire to record a vote of affectionate acknowledgement and cordial thanks to him for the kind and fraternal spirit which characterised his intercourse with the brethren , ancl for the judgment , honesty , independence , moderation , and impartiality with which he governed the Province . "
Bro . ROBERTS , P . Prov . S . G . AA ' . — "I rise with peculiar feelings of pleasure to second the motion . If ever words were ri ghtly applied , those just uttered are 1 Bro . Ramsay was devoted to our interests j he had a sincere love for the Craft ; and in times of difficulty and excitement , he ruled with temper and dignity , and yet with firmness ! Bear in mind , Brethren , what self-control , in such a position , must be exercised , lest an unguarded expression , hastily escaping , might wound the self-love of some . It is well to reflect how we should ourselves behave
if so situated . But it would be superfluous to make a long speech regarding one whom we know so v / ell , ancl to whom we have repeatedly offered our tribute of affection and admiration . It is sufficient for me to say , that I consider our R . AV . Bro . Ramsay to be deserving of every mark of honor that it is in our power to accord to him . "
AV . Bro . ABBOTT , Prov . G . Steward . — " R . AV . Sir , I have no desire to intrude my opinions ; but Masonry being free , I hold that every Freemason has the inalienable right of giving free expression to his honest convictions . I would have gladly supported Bro . Clark ' s motion to its full length , if it had appeared to me that Bro . Ramsay was deserving of praise for the last two years of his administration . I do not believe that any man could have ruled better than he did , up to the time that he
finally left India ; but to hold on the Hiram of the Province for two years , when he had no intention of returning to us , ancl when yon , R . AV . Sir , as good a man as he , ancl perhaps others , were available for the appointment , does not receive from me , at all events , hearty admiration . I therefore propose that the Resolution of the District Grancl Lodge be limited to the period that Bro . Ramsay was actually ruling the Province , before he finally returned to England . "
DEPUTY PROV . GRAND MASTER . — "I must inform you , Bro . Abbot , that it was not from any wish of his own that R . W . Bro . Ramsay continued to hold the Hiram on his return to England . AVhen he was leaving India , he advised us strongly to choose a successor , as it was not his intention to come out again ; when we did nothing , he laid his resignation in the hands of the Earl of Zetland , but was requested to continue in office . Further time passed , and still nothing was clone by us , and Bro . Ramsay then renewed his solicitation to be relieved ; but the Grand Master again refused to receive his resignation . Bro . Ramsay having thus sacrificed his own wishes for our interests , I shall
be sorry if the opinions expressed by you are conveyed to Bro . Ramsay . " Bro . C . T . DAVIS , AV . M . of Lodge 12 G , rose to second Bro . Abbott ' s amendment . Bro . JENNINGS , Prov . S . G . AV . — " I heartily concur in fche sentiments expressed by Bro . Clark , to the full length to which ' he goes , knowing as I do that Bro . Ramsay did resign the office of Prov . G . M ., ancl that it was only out of regard for our
interests , ancl in deference to tbe wishes of the Grand Master , that he continued to hold it . Bro . ROBERTS . — "It addition to what has fallen from the Dep . Prov . G . M ., I would observe that , during the time that Bro . Ramsay has been in England , many questions have arisen materially affecting the interests of Masonry in this Province , ancl that , so far as those questions were concerned , it was a fortunate circumstance that we had in England one who could
lay them so well before the Masonic authorities there . " Bro . ABBOTT . — " I would add one word to my remarks . I have known Bro . Ramsay intimately ancl well for years . Personally , I have a high regard for him . In putting forward my proposition , therefore , I have not been actuated by any desire to give him pain . I have merely been prompted by a sense of what was fitting and right . "
The Prov . G . Sec . was of opinion , that Bro . Ramsay deserved as much of our hearty admiration for the last two years of his administration as for any former period ; for when Bro . Ramsay found he could not consult his own wishes by retiring from office , he cheerfully watched over our interests in England . If it had been possible for him to lay clown his Hiram in spite of the command of the Earl of Zetland , the Provincial Grand Lodge , which "emanates" from the Prov . G . M ., would have instantly ceased to exist , ancl the whole Province would have
been thrown into confusion . Dep . PROV . G . M . — " Brethren , you have heard Bro . Abbott ' s amendment ; it is to exclude from the resolution proposed by Bro . Clark , the last two years of Bro . Eamsay ' s administration of this Province . If no other brother has anything to say on the subject , I shall put it to the vote . " Bro . ABBOTT . — " Before the votes are taken , I wish it to be clearly understood that I have not proposed a vote of censure . "
The amendment being put to the vote , was carried by a majority of 4 votes , there being 24 in support of it , and 20 against it . The DEP . Prov . G . M . objected to a demonstration made by some of the brethren with their feet . A brother who had sat in the Grand Lodge of England , observed that it was the practice of the Grand Lodge . The Dep . Prov . G . M ., however , was of opinion that the District Grand Lodge of Bengal was not
hound by the practice of the Grand Lodge ; and it was further pointed out that , while such demonstrations were generally unobjectionable when made in the course of speech , they were obviously improper when made after any measure had been carried by a majority of votes , for then they sounded like a note of triumph over those in the minority , and were consequently unmasonic . The DEP . PROV . G . M . — " Brethren ! It is at all times a
grateful duty to reward merit . I lately visited Lodge St . John , for the purpose of conferring the rank of a Past Junior Grand AVarden on a brother who has laboured quietly , but zealously , as a Mason , but upon whom I could not , with clue regard to the claims of others , confer such a high distinction at any former period . I allude to AA . Bro . John William Brown , Prov . J . G . D . I have already presented him with a Patent of his appointment , and have recorded a Minute , which the Prov . G . Sec . will read . "
After the PROV . G . SEC . hacl read the minute alluded to , Bro . John William Brown was invested with the jewel of the rank to which he had been raised , ancl received the congratulations of the Dep . Prov . G . M . The DEP . PROV . G . M . — " Bro . Brown ' s promotion having caused a vacancy , I have filled it by advancing Bro . Clark ( Civil Engineer ) from the rank of Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks , to ivhich he hacl been appointed speciallon account of his professional
y chaiacter , but which I did not think it right that he should continue to hold when promotion offered itself , especially when it could be filled as appropriately by another Brother of the same profession . I have therefore promoted Bro . W . Clark , C . E ., to the office of Prov . J . G . D ., and have appointed Bro . AV . Bourne , C . E ., to be Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks , subject to the confirmation of the E . W . the Prov . G . M . "