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After investing the above Officers , the Dep . Prov . G . M . stated that there was a question lying over from the last Quarterly Communication of the District Grand Lodge , namely , as to the manner in which the rent paid for the Freemasons' Hall should be made up by the several lodges , and hoped the brethren hacl come prepared to vote on the subject . The Prov . G . Sec . read the following extracts from the minutes of the last meeting : —
" The Finance Committee entered upon the general question of the manner in which the amount paid as rent for the Hall should be made up by the several lodges , ancl resolved upon recommending the plan for the consideration of the District Grancl Lodge , as being based upon an equitable principle , viz ., that the lodges should be charged for rent at the rate of eight annas per mensem for each subscribing member , the Prov . G . Treas . being guided by the quarterly returns furnished to the
Prov . G . Sec , and the bills being made out quarterly ; but that the minimun payment by any lodge should be ten Rupees per mensem . "Bro . Roberts considered it very objectionable that the scheme which had been lately adopted , for making up the rent , should be so soon upset . " Bro . Jennings , seconded by AV . Bro . Martin , proposed that the recommendation of the Committee should be adopted
, ivith effect from the 1 st January 1862 . " The Officiating Provincial Grancl Master was of opinion that the lodges should first take the question into consideration , as it affected their finances , and that they should instruct their representatives how they should vote at the next Quarterly Communication . Therefore , under bye-law fourteen of the District Grand Lodge , he adjourned the motion . " Several of the representatives of lodges stated that they had
not heard the subject discussed in their lodges , ancl it was suggested that the Prov . G . - Sec . should issue a circular drawing attention to the proposed scheme . The Dep . Prov . G . M . stated that printed copies of the Proceedings containing the proposal , had been circulated to the lodges . Bro . C . T . DAVIS considered it doubtful whether it was proposed to alter the 15 th bye-law of the District Grancl Lodge , which provides as follows : — "Lodges holding their meetings at
the Freemasons' Hall shall pay such monthly sum as they can afford towards the liquidation of the rent of fche premises , the balance , if any , being paid by the District Grancl Lodge . In the event of a lodge , hy a reduction of its members , or from any other cause , being unable to continne paying the stipulated sum , the Master may apply either for a diminution , or a total cessation , of its quota of rent , for a temporary period , with a statement showing the necessity for granting the indulgence . "
Bro . EVANS , AV . M . of Lodge No . 282 . — " I beg to say a few words in explanation of the circumstances in ivhich this question originated . On taking up the Hiram of Lodge Marine , I found that the lodge was assessed at twenty-five Rupees a month as its contribution towards the rent of the Freemasons' Hall . But as the lodge was composed of only eight members when it reopened , I applied to the Prov . G . Treas . for a reduction of the amount . I heard nothing on the subject , until , to my great
surprise , I found it brought forward in the District Grand Lodge , which , with reference to the 15 th bye-law , it appeared to mo need not have been clone . A lodge which may happen to fall to a nominal muster , should pay considerably less than one which may have a hundred or more members . If I were to be permitted to put in a [ suggestion , I should say that a sliding scale might be prepared which would meet every case , and entail no hardship on any lodge . " Bro . EOBERTS . — " I never understood until now what hacl
suggested the idea of disturbing the established arrangement ; but Bro . Evans has put me in possession of the circumstances in which the question originated . Now , under the existing rule there is no permanently fixed payment ; the assessment fluctuates according to the ability of lodges to pay much or little , at different times , ancl is subject to revision annually . That rule would have met the requirements of Lodge Marine ; and if Bro . Evans had written for a remission of rent , not to the Prov .
G . Treas ., but to the Prov . G . Sec , I warrant he would have received a reply in three days ; whereas now we have already had two discussions , and . there is a third one in prospect . " Bro . JENNINGS proposed that the question should be further postponed . The motion was seconded by Bro . J . Martin , Prov . G . Standard Bearer , ancl was carried . The Dep . Prov . G . M . — " I have to announce that the AVarrants of Lod ge Star of Delhi ( No . 1180 ) , of Delhi , and of Lodge
Faith , Hope , ancl Charity ( No . 1190 ) , of Eoy Bareilly , ancl AA ' arrant of confirmation for Lodge Harmony ( No . 611 ) , of Cawnpore , have been received by me from England . " Bro . T . C . SMYTH , L . T ) ., having been present at the opening of the Delhi Lodge in 1857 , enquired whether the lodge had received its old AA ' arrant again , or a duplicate of the original . The DEP . PROV . G . M . stated that the lodge hacl been extinguished by the mutiny before it coul dreceive a AA'arrant . It
had opened under a dispensation , and never possessed a regular AVarrant . The DEP . PROV . G . M . — " I prominently bring to notice theestablishment of a lodge of Instruction in Calcutta , in connection with Lodge Marine ( No . 282 . ) The lodge is now working ,, ancl has framed a code of bye-laws for itself . " I lately received a letter from an old and respectable Masonin ChunarBro . Cantwho was formerly Master of the lodge
, , at that station , drawing my attention to the destruction caused by the recent flood . Forty-one houses , belonging to invalid pensioners and widows , had fallen down or been in some way injured , besides other buildings , and among them the house which was formerly the property of the lodge . On receipt of that letter , I sent round a proposaljto Brothers Eoberts , Clark , Jennings , Sandeman , and other senior members of the Craft , that we should contribute something towards the relief of the
sufferers . The result was that we decided upon giving a donation of 300 Eupees from the fund of the District Grand Lodge , subject to confirmation . The amount was duly forwarded by me , and I hold the receipt of the Eev . Mr . Carshore . " Bro . J . MARTIN , seconded by Bro . J . AV . Brown , proposed ! that the grant of the above donation should be confirmed . The motion was carried .
I . The Dep . Prov . G . M . —• " I hough last , not least , I have to notice a Masonic sheet almanac for the year 1862 , compiled by Bro . Hugh Sandeman , who intends to make over the surplus proceeds to the J unci of Benevolence . It has been very carefully and neatly got up . " After some conversation on the subject Bro . SANDEMAN congratulated the Dep . Prov . G . M . aud the brethren on the gratifying manner in which St . John's Day had been celebrated .
The brethren hacl mustered in goodly numbers , both at theprocession and in the District Grand Lodge ; the service hacl been well conducted ; the organ had been well played ; and an excellent sermon had been preached . It was then moved by Bro . Sandeman , seconded by Bro .. Clard , ancl carried , that " the thanks of the District Grand Lodge be communicated to the Rev . Dr . and Bro . Smyth , for the excellent sermon preached by him this clay at St . John ' s
Church , and that he be repuasted to allow the District Grand Lodge to print the same . " Bro . SMYTH felt very grateful for the compliment , but did not consider the sermon worthy of being printed , as it had been hastily prepared , and containing merely an exposition of truths which , though important , were well known . Bro . SANDEMAN , however , was of opinion that those who had heard the sermon were the best judges of it , and he therefore hoped that Bro . Smyth would yield to their wishes .
The Dep . Prov . G . M . having concurred in this opinion , Bro . Smyth stated that it would be disrespectful in him to urge any further objection , ancl that it would give him great pleasure to make over the sermon to th Dep . Prov . G . M . for publication . It was then proposed by Bro . Eoberts , seconded by Bro . Dr . F . Powell , of Lodge 715 , and carried , that 100 Eupees from the District Grand Lodge Fund be added to the collection made at Church .
The Prov . G . Treas ., reported that the collection amounted toabout 500 Eupees . Bro . C . J . EvANsJbrought to the notice of the Dep . Prov . G . M . an irregularity which existed in Calcutta . The hospitality of the Indian Lodges was well known ; but it ought not be abused , as it was by some unattached brethren , who , after taking one or more degrees , ceased to be subscribing members of any lodge , without ceasing to he regular visitors of the lodges , in
contravention of the law which provides that " a brother who is not a subscribing member to a lodge , shall not be permitted to visit any lodge in the town or place where he resides more than once during his secession from the Craft . " ( Constitutions , head " Of Visitors , " sec . 2 . ) Bro . Dr . SMYTH cordially concurred with Bro . Evans in denouncing the impropriety alluded to , adding that in Signapore the law was carefully kept in view . The DEP . PROV . G . M . observed that it was the duty of the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
After investing the above Officers , the Dep . Prov . G . M . stated that there was a question lying over from the last Quarterly Communication of the District Grand Lodge , namely , as to the manner in which the rent paid for the Freemasons' Hall should be made up by the several lodges , and hoped the brethren hacl come prepared to vote on the subject . The Prov . G . Sec . read the following extracts from the minutes of the last meeting : —
" The Finance Committee entered upon the general question of the manner in which the amount paid as rent for the Hall should be made up by the several lodges , ancl resolved upon recommending the plan for the consideration of the District Grancl Lodge , as being based upon an equitable principle , viz ., that the lodges should be charged for rent at the rate of eight annas per mensem for each subscribing member , the Prov . G . Treas . being guided by the quarterly returns furnished to the
Prov . G . Sec , and the bills being made out quarterly ; but that the minimun payment by any lodge should be ten Rupees per mensem . "Bro . Roberts considered it very objectionable that the scheme which had been lately adopted , for making up the rent , should be so soon upset . " Bro . Jennings , seconded by AV . Bro . Martin , proposed that the recommendation of the Committee should be adopted
, ivith effect from the 1 st January 1862 . " The Officiating Provincial Grancl Master was of opinion that the lodges should first take the question into consideration , as it affected their finances , and that they should instruct their representatives how they should vote at the next Quarterly Communication . Therefore , under bye-law fourteen of the District Grand Lodge , he adjourned the motion . " Several of the representatives of lodges stated that they had
not heard the subject discussed in their lodges , ancl it was suggested that the Prov . G . - Sec . should issue a circular drawing attention to the proposed scheme . The Dep . Prov . G . M . stated that printed copies of the Proceedings containing the proposal , had been circulated to the lodges . Bro . C . T . DAVIS considered it doubtful whether it was proposed to alter the 15 th bye-law of the District Grancl Lodge , which provides as follows : — "Lodges holding their meetings at
the Freemasons' Hall shall pay such monthly sum as they can afford towards the liquidation of the rent of fche premises , the balance , if any , being paid by the District Grancl Lodge . In the event of a lodge , hy a reduction of its members , or from any other cause , being unable to continne paying the stipulated sum , the Master may apply either for a diminution , or a total cessation , of its quota of rent , for a temporary period , with a statement showing the necessity for granting the indulgence . "
Bro . EVANS , AV . M . of Lodge No . 282 . — " I beg to say a few words in explanation of the circumstances in ivhich this question originated . On taking up the Hiram of Lodge Marine , I found that the lodge was assessed at twenty-five Rupees a month as its contribution towards the rent of the Freemasons' Hall . But as the lodge was composed of only eight members when it reopened , I applied to the Prov . G . Treas . for a reduction of the amount . I heard nothing on the subject , until , to my great
surprise , I found it brought forward in the District Grand Lodge , which , with reference to the 15 th bye-law , it appeared to mo need not have been clone . A lodge which may happen to fall to a nominal muster , should pay considerably less than one which may have a hundred or more members . If I were to be permitted to put in a [ suggestion , I should say that a sliding scale might be prepared which would meet every case , and entail no hardship on any lodge . " Bro . EOBERTS . — " I never understood until now what hacl
suggested the idea of disturbing the established arrangement ; but Bro . Evans has put me in possession of the circumstances in which the question originated . Now , under the existing rule there is no permanently fixed payment ; the assessment fluctuates according to the ability of lodges to pay much or little , at different times , ancl is subject to revision annually . That rule would have met the requirements of Lodge Marine ; and if Bro . Evans had written for a remission of rent , not to the Prov .
G . Treas ., but to the Prov . G . Sec , I warrant he would have received a reply in three days ; whereas now we have already had two discussions , and . there is a third one in prospect . " Bro . JENNINGS proposed that the question should be further postponed . The motion was seconded by Bro . J . Martin , Prov . G . Standard Bearer , ancl was carried . The Dep . Prov . G . M . — " I have to announce that the AVarrants of Lod ge Star of Delhi ( No . 1180 ) , of Delhi , and of Lodge
Faith , Hope , ancl Charity ( No . 1190 ) , of Eoy Bareilly , ancl AA ' arrant of confirmation for Lodge Harmony ( No . 611 ) , of Cawnpore , have been received by me from England . " Bro . T . C . SMYTH , L . T ) ., having been present at the opening of the Delhi Lodge in 1857 , enquired whether the lodge had received its old AA ' arrant again , or a duplicate of the original . The DEP . PROV . G . M . stated that the lodge hacl been extinguished by the mutiny before it coul dreceive a AA'arrant . It
had opened under a dispensation , and never possessed a regular AVarrant . The DEP . PROV . G . M . — " I prominently bring to notice theestablishment of a lodge of Instruction in Calcutta , in connection with Lodge Marine ( No . 282 . ) The lodge is now working ,, ancl has framed a code of bye-laws for itself . " I lately received a letter from an old and respectable Masonin ChunarBro . Cantwho was formerly Master of the lodge
, , at that station , drawing my attention to the destruction caused by the recent flood . Forty-one houses , belonging to invalid pensioners and widows , had fallen down or been in some way injured , besides other buildings , and among them the house which was formerly the property of the lodge . On receipt of that letter , I sent round a proposaljto Brothers Eoberts , Clark , Jennings , Sandeman , and other senior members of the Craft , that we should contribute something towards the relief of the
sufferers . The result was that we decided upon giving a donation of 300 Eupees from the fund of the District Grand Lodge , subject to confirmation . The amount was duly forwarded by me , and I hold the receipt of the Eev . Mr . Carshore . " Bro . J . MARTIN , seconded by Bro . J . AV . Brown , proposed ! that the grant of the above donation should be confirmed . The motion was carried .
I . The Dep . Prov . G . M . —• " I hough last , not least , I have to notice a Masonic sheet almanac for the year 1862 , compiled by Bro . Hugh Sandeman , who intends to make over the surplus proceeds to the J unci of Benevolence . It has been very carefully and neatly got up . " After some conversation on the subject Bro . SANDEMAN congratulated the Dep . Prov . G . M . aud the brethren on the gratifying manner in which St . John's Day had been celebrated .
The brethren hacl mustered in goodly numbers , both at theprocession and in the District Grand Lodge ; the service hacl been well conducted ; the organ had been well played ; and an excellent sermon had been preached . It was then moved by Bro . Sandeman , seconded by Bro .. Clard , ancl carried , that " the thanks of the District Grand Lodge be communicated to the Rev . Dr . and Bro . Smyth , for the excellent sermon preached by him this clay at St . John ' s
Church , and that he be repuasted to allow the District Grand Lodge to print the same . " Bro . SMYTH felt very grateful for the compliment , but did not consider the sermon worthy of being printed , as it had been hastily prepared , and containing merely an exposition of truths which , though important , were well known . Bro . SANDEMAN , however , was of opinion that those who had heard the sermon were the best judges of it , and he therefore hoped that Bro . Smyth would yield to their wishes .
The Dep . Prov . G . M . having concurred in this opinion , Bro . Smyth stated that it would be disrespectful in him to urge any further objection , ancl that it would give him great pleasure to make over the sermon to th Dep . Prov . G . M . for publication . It was then proposed by Bro . Eoberts , seconded by Bro . Dr . F . Powell , of Lodge 715 , and carried , that 100 Eupees from the District Grand Lodge Fund be added to the collection made at Church .
The Prov . G . Treas ., reported that the collection amounted toabout 500 Eupees . Bro . C . J . EvANsJbrought to the notice of the Dep . Prov . G . M . an irregularity which existed in Calcutta . The hospitality of the Indian Lodges was well known ; but it ought not be abused , as it was by some unattached brethren , who , after taking one or more degrees , ceased to be subscribing members of any lodge , without ceasing to he regular visitors of the lodges , in
contravention of the law which provides that " a brother who is not a subscribing member to a lodge , shall not be permitted to visit any lodge in the town or place where he resides more than once during his secession from the Craft . " ( Constitutions , head " Of Visitors , " sec . 2 . ) Bro . Dr . SMYTH cordially concurred with Bro . Evans in denouncing the impropriety alluded to , adding that in Signapore the law was carefully kept in view . The DEP . PROV . G . M . observed that it was the duty of the