Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masters of Lodges to be careful that all rules were attended to , and that the Prov . G . M . could only take notice of any special case ivhich might be reported to him . To his knowledge , the law quoted by Bro . Evans was not lost sight of in some of the up-country lodges , ancl he thought the same might easily be done in Calcutta . It appeared to him that it would be sufficient to issue a circular to the Masters of lodges , drawing their attention to the rule , with reference to what Bro . Evans hacl
stated . The PROV . G . SEC . read the report of the Finance Committee . The balance in hand of the District Grand Lodge Fund amounted to 3782 Eupees , and of the Fund of Benevolence 2651 Rupees . The committee had noticed that there was a large balance against the fund for musical instruments . Proposed by Bro . AY . H . Abbott , seconded by Bro . A . J . WhittenSenior AVarden of Lodge 80 and carriedthat the
, , , Report he received . Bro . C . T . DAVIS , seconded by Bro . A . F . Manly , of Lodge No . 715 , proposed a remission of the sentence passed at the last Quarterly Communication upon AAro . 3 . R . Douglas who , he had heard , had subsequently paid up the full amount of the demand of the District Grancl Lodge , and who , as a Mason of twenty years' standing , was deserving , he thought , of merciful treatment .
Bro . C . J . EVANS opposed the motion , observing that Bro . Douglas had evinced a contumacious spirit , not- for one month , or for six months , but for more than two years , and had persisted in his contumacy and disrespect up to the last moment , when he was leaving the District Grand Lodge , at the Quarterly Communication in September . It was for contumacy , and not for the non-payment of fees , that Bro . Douglas had been punished .
il sThe motion made by Bro . Davis was put to the vote , and was lost . The District Gaand Lodge was then closed in form , uda the brethren adjourned to the banquet .
Royal Arch.
DEVONSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND CHAPTER . On AVednesday , March 19 th , the Rev . J . Huyshe , Grand Superintendent of Royal Arch Masons of Devonshire , held his Prov . Grand Chapter at the Prince George Hotel , Stonehouse , in the chapter-room of Fortitude , 122 . The attendance of the various companions was very large , and the appearance of the
chapter , when fully assembled , was of the most imposing description , and will not easily be forgotten by those who were present . Every chapter , with only one or two exceptions , was repreented . On motions duly made , grants of money for a distressed brother ancl the widow of a companion were severally made , after which the excellent superintendent proceeded to appoint and invest his various provincial grand officers : —Ex . Comps . Tripe 280 H . ; BremridgeJ . ; Isaac AVattsTreas . ; Denis
, , , , Moore , E . ; R . Rodd , N . ; C . J . Laidman , 1 st . Standard Bearer ; James Rowe , P . S . ; John C . Hancock , 1 st . A . S . ; Frederick Nettleton , 2 nd A . S . ; Merryn Drake , G . S . B . ; John Killingly , Cf . Supt . of AVorks ; James Clase , Dir . of Cers . ; Thomas Harfoot , 2 nd standard bearer ; James Gregory , Janitor . The mnsical portion of the chapter was ably presided over "by Companion Eichard Rowe , to the great approbation of all present . '
After the ceremonies of investiture were concluded , the grand chapter was closed in clue form with solemn prayer . DEVONPORT— Chapter of Fidelity ( No . 280 . )—On Friday , 14 th March , 1862 , a convocation of this chapter was holden at six o ' clock , for the double purpose of installing Comp . J . Mackay into the chair of J ., ancl of exalting several brothers , many of whom are very well known for their zeal and active labours in
the cause of Masonry in this province . Additional interest was imparted to the meeting from the fact that it was the first time the chapter had been opened since its removal from Tiverton in October , 1861 , excepting a merely formal meeting for necessary preliminaries , ivhich gave the brethren also an opportuniy of visiting the compact and pretty suite of apartments recently fitted up for the use of the lodge and chapter . The ceremony of initiation was duly performed by Bro . John Rogers , F . Z ., who received the compliments of all the assembled
companions for the very perfect way in which he performed that and the subsequent ceremony of exaltation , assisted by Comps Jenkin Thomas as H . Among the companions present were Comp . J . C . Hancock , P . Z . ; Comps . J . Eowe , P . Z . ; J . E . Brener Dupre , Eodda , Jew , AA atts , Harfoot , Scott , Elphinstone , Arnold ' Murch , Crocker , Fox , Eoberts , H . A . AA ooclhou 3 e . The following brethren were then exalted : —AA . Bros . AV . A . Clark , P . M '
280 , P . G . T . ; James J . Clase , P . M . 280 , P . Prov . G . D . C . ; s Chappel , P . M . 280 , P . G . S . ; Bro . Cole , SW . 280 ; Linde , S . D ' 280 ; E . Taylor , 280 . The E . Comp . L . P . Tripe , P . Z ., formerly of Chapter Sincerity ( No . 224 ) was duly elected a member of the chapter , ancl also to the 1 st Principal ' s chair of the chapter . Comp . Eogers was nominated to the chair of H . Comp . Clarke nominated to the office of P . S . and Treasurer ;
James Clase , E . ; J . Chappell , N . ; Cole , 1 st A . S . ; Linde , 2 nd A . S . A hearty vote of thanks was then proposed ancl carried , to the companions assembled , who hacl so kindly assisted in the work of launching the chapter , to which E . Comp . J . Thomas feelingly responded , and an assurance was expressed that in the bands of the newly exalted brethren , whose zeal would not be less in Eoyal Arch than in Craft Masonry , Fidelity Chapter must prosper . Several more members will be exalted very shortly .
YOEKSHIEE AVEST . BRADFORD . —Chapter of Charity ( No . 379 . )—A meeting of the- above chapter was holden in the rooms of the Lodge of Hope on Monday evening , March 24 th , at seven o'clock . The M . E . Z . being prevented by sickness from attending , the chair was occupied by P . Z . Thos . Hill , who at once proceeded with the duties of exalting Bros . IbbetsonArmitageancl Bri of
, , ggs , the Lodge of Hope , assisted by Comps . C . H . Taylor , H . ; I . T . Robinson , J . ; John Gaunt , P . Soj . ; Jas . Lumb , S . E . ; L . C . Hill , S . N ., and the rest of the officers . There were also present , Comps . M . Eogerson , H . Smith , P . Z . ' s , AVm . Duckitt , H . Butterworth , Manoah Ehodes , H . Berlon , & c , ancl J . C . Eead , of the Chapter of Moravia ( No . 543 ) Baildon . The ceremonies being concluded , Comp . Thos . Hill vacated the chair , ivhich
was taken by Comp . P . Z . Henry Smith , when the companions proceeded to the election of officers for the ensuing year . The following companions wore proposed and unanimously accepted : Comps . C . H . Taylor , M . E ., Z . ; J . T . Robinson , H . j James Lumb , J . ; Alexander Hunter , P . Soj . ; J . J . Schaeppi , S . E . ; H . Berlon , S . W ., P . Z . ; Thos . Hill , Treas . ; J . H . Buckley , P . Z ., Janitor ; ancl J . J . Holmes , Assist ., being re-appointed . The whole proceedings were of a most leasing ancl harmonious
p character ; the chapter was then closed , and the companions adjourned to the banquet-room , where refreshments were served . After the usual loyal ancl Masonic toasts hacl been disposed of , the vocal powers of several companions , aided the president in satisfactorily conducting this not unimportant part of the meeting .
SCOTLAND . THE WESTERN DISTRICT OE SCOTLAND . —AVe believe the disjunction is contemplated of the Chapters in Ayrshire from the Provincial Grancl Chapter meeting in Glasgow . At the last Quarterly Communication of the Supreme Eoyal Arch Chapter of Scotland , a . petition was presented from several leading Eoyal Arch Companions , resident in Ayr , praying the
Supreme Grand Chapter to erect Ayrshire into a province . Grancl Chapter having considered the petition , remitted the matter to Comp . Dr . AValker Arnott , Prov . G . Supt ., to report . It is understood that Comp . Arnott is favourable to the proposed disjunction of Ayrshire from the extensive district at present under his supervision ; ancl it is not improbable that the new province may embrace Ayrshire ancl Galloway . AYR KILWINNING CHAPTER ( NO 80 )—A meeting of this
. . chapter was held a few nights ago , at which was received ancl accepted the resignation of Comp . AVm . G . Cunningham , who has for several years filled the oflice of Scribe E in his mother chapter . Comp . Cunningham carries to Liverpool with him the good wishes of " the Companions of Chapter No . 80 , for the very efficient way in which lie discharged the duties pertaining to the post from which his business engagements have compelled
him to retire . A cordial ancl unanimous vote of thanks to their past Scribe E was minuted , and a grateful remembrance of his many private ancl Masonic virtues will long be retained in the memory of those with whom Comp . Cunningham has been so closely associated in the working of the Ayr Kilwinning Chapter .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masters of Lodges to be careful that all rules were attended to , and that the Prov . G . M . could only take notice of any special case ivhich might be reported to him . To his knowledge , the law quoted by Bro . Evans was not lost sight of in some of the up-country lodges , ancl he thought the same might easily be done in Calcutta . It appeared to him that it would be sufficient to issue a circular to the Masters of lodges , drawing their attention to the rule , with reference to what Bro . Evans hacl
stated . The PROV . G . SEC . read the report of the Finance Committee . The balance in hand of the District Grand Lodge Fund amounted to 3782 Eupees , and of the Fund of Benevolence 2651 Rupees . The committee had noticed that there was a large balance against the fund for musical instruments . Proposed by Bro . AY . H . Abbott , seconded by Bro . A . J . WhittenSenior AVarden of Lodge 80 and carriedthat the
, , , Report he received . Bro . C . T . DAVIS , seconded by Bro . A . F . Manly , of Lodge No . 715 , proposed a remission of the sentence passed at the last Quarterly Communication upon AAro . 3 . R . Douglas who , he had heard , had subsequently paid up the full amount of the demand of the District Grancl Lodge , and who , as a Mason of twenty years' standing , was deserving , he thought , of merciful treatment .
Bro . C . J . EVANS opposed the motion , observing that Bro . Douglas had evinced a contumacious spirit , not- for one month , or for six months , but for more than two years , and had persisted in his contumacy and disrespect up to the last moment , when he was leaving the District Grand Lodge , at the Quarterly Communication in September . It was for contumacy , and not for the non-payment of fees , that Bro . Douglas had been punished .
il sThe motion made by Bro . Davis was put to the vote , and was lost . The District Gaand Lodge was then closed in form , uda the brethren adjourned to the banquet .
Royal Arch.
DEVONSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND CHAPTER . On AVednesday , March 19 th , the Rev . J . Huyshe , Grand Superintendent of Royal Arch Masons of Devonshire , held his Prov . Grand Chapter at the Prince George Hotel , Stonehouse , in the chapter-room of Fortitude , 122 . The attendance of the various companions was very large , and the appearance of the
chapter , when fully assembled , was of the most imposing description , and will not easily be forgotten by those who were present . Every chapter , with only one or two exceptions , was repreented . On motions duly made , grants of money for a distressed brother ancl the widow of a companion were severally made , after which the excellent superintendent proceeded to appoint and invest his various provincial grand officers : —Ex . Comps . Tripe 280 H . ; BremridgeJ . ; Isaac AVattsTreas . ; Denis
, , , , Moore , E . ; R . Rodd , N . ; C . J . Laidman , 1 st . Standard Bearer ; James Rowe , P . S . ; John C . Hancock , 1 st . A . S . ; Frederick Nettleton , 2 nd A . S . ; Merryn Drake , G . S . B . ; John Killingly , Cf . Supt . of AVorks ; James Clase , Dir . of Cers . ; Thomas Harfoot , 2 nd standard bearer ; James Gregory , Janitor . The mnsical portion of the chapter was ably presided over "by Companion Eichard Rowe , to the great approbation of all present . '
After the ceremonies of investiture were concluded , the grand chapter was closed in clue form with solemn prayer . DEVONPORT— Chapter of Fidelity ( No . 280 . )—On Friday , 14 th March , 1862 , a convocation of this chapter was holden at six o ' clock , for the double purpose of installing Comp . J . Mackay into the chair of J ., ancl of exalting several brothers , many of whom are very well known for their zeal and active labours in
the cause of Masonry in this province . Additional interest was imparted to the meeting from the fact that it was the first time the chapter had been opened since its removal from Tiverton in October , 1861 , excepting a merely formal meeting for necessary preliminaries , ivhich gave the brethren also an opportuniy of visiting the compact and pretty suite of apartments recently fitted up for the use of the lodge and chapter . The ceremony of initiation was duly performed by Bro . John Rogers , F . Z ., who received the compliments of all the assembled
companions for the very perfect way in which he performed that and the subsequent ceremony of exaltation , assisted by Comps Jenkin Thomas as H . Among the companions present were Comp . J . C . Hancock , P . Z . ; Comps . J . Eowe , P . Z . ; J . E . Brener Dupre , Eodda , Jew , AA atts , Harfoot , Scott , Elphinstone , Arnold ' Murch , Crocker , Fox , Eoberts , H . A . AA ooclhou 3 e . The following brethren were then exalted : —AA . Bros . AV . A . Clark , P . M '
280 , P . G . T . ; James J . Clase , P . M . 280 , P . Prov . G . D . C . ; s Chappel , P . M . 280 , P . G . S . ; Bro . Cole , SW . 280 ; Linde , S . D ' 280 ; E . Taylor , 280 . The E . Comp . L . P . Tripe , P . Z ., formerly of Chapter Sincerity ( No . 224 ) was duly elected a member of the chapter , ancl also to the 1 st Principal ' s chair of the chapter . Comp . Eogers was nominated to the chair of H . Comp . Clarke nominated to the office of P . S . and Treasurer ;
James Clase , E . ; J . Chappell , N . ; Cole , 1 st A . S . ; Linde , 2 nd A . S . A hearty vote of thanks was then proposed ancl carried , to the companions assembled , who hacl so kindly assisted in the work of launching the chapter , to which E . Comp . J . Thomas feelingly responded , and an assurance was expressed that in the bands of the newly exalted brethren , whose zeal would not be less in Eoyal Arch than in Craft Masonry , Fidelity Chapter must prosper . Several more members will be exalted very shortly .
YOEKSHIEE AVEST . BRADFORD . —Chapter of Charity ( No . 379 . )—A meeting of the- above chapter was holden in the rooms of the Lodge of Hope on Monday evening , March 24 th , at seven o'clock . The M . E . Z . being prevented by sickness from attending , the chair was occupied by P . Z . Thos . Hill , who at once proceeded with the duties of exalting Bros . IbbetsonArmitageancl Bri of
, , ggs , the Lodge of Hope , assisted by Comps . C . H . Taylor , H . ; I . T . Robinson , J . ; John Gaunt , P . Soj . ; Jas . Lumb , S . E . ; L . C . Hill , S . N ., and the rest of the officers . There were also present , Comps . M . Eogerson , H . Smith , P . Z . ' s , AVm . Duckitt , H . Butterworth , Manoah Ehodes , H . Berlon , & c , ancl J . C . Eead , of the Chapter of Moravia ( No . 543 ) Baildon . The ceremonies being concluded , Comp . Thos . Hill vacated the chair , ivhich
was taken by Comp . P . Z . Henry Smith , when the companions proceeded to the election of officers for the ensuing year . The following companions wore proposed and unanimously accepted : Comps . C . H . Taylor , M . E ., Z . ; J . T . Robinson , H . j James Lumb , J . ; Alexander Hunter , P . Soj . ; J . J . Schaeppi , S . E . ; H . Berlon , S . W ., P . Z . ; Thos . Hill , Treas . ; J . H . Buckley , P . Z ., Janitor ; ancl J . J . Holmes , Assist ., being re-appointed . The whole proceedings were of a most leasing ancl harmonious
p character ; the chapter was then closed , and the companions adjourned to the banquet-room , where refreshments were served . After the usual loyal ancl Masonic toasts hacl been disposed of , the vocal powers of several companions , aided the president in satisfactorily conducting this not unimportant part of the meeting .
SCOTLAND . THE WESTERN DISTRICT OE SCOTLAND . —AVe believe the disjunction is contemplated of the Chapters in Ayrshire from the Provincial Grancl Chapter meeting in Glasgow . At the last Quarterly Communication of the Supreme Eoyal Arch Chapter of Scotland , a . petition was presented from several leading Eoyal Arch Companions , resident in Ayr , praying the
Supreme Grand Chapter to erect Ayrshire into a province . Grancl Chapter having considered the petition , remitted the matter to Comp . Dr . AValker Arnott , Prov . G . Supt ., to report . It is understood that Comp . Arnott is favourable to the proposed disjunction of Ayrshire from the extensive district at present under his supervision ; ancl it is not improbable that the new province may embrace Ayrshire ancl Galloway . AYR KILWINNING CHAPTER ( NO 80 )—A meeting of this
. . chapter was held a few nights ago , at which was received ancl accepted the resignation of Comp . AVm . G . Cunningham , who has for several years filled the oflice of Scribe E in his mother chapter . Comp . Cunningham carries to Liverpool with him the good wishes of " the Companions of Chapter No . 80 , for the very efficient way in which lie discharged the duties pertaining to the post from which his business engagements have compelled
him to retire . A cordial ancl unanimous vote of thanks to their past Scribe E was minuted , and a grateful remembrance of his many private ancl Masonic virtues will long be retained in the memory of those with whom Comp . Cunningham has been so closely associated in the working of the Ayr Kilwinning Chapter .