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Chester , had been founded for very different objects to those they were now appropriated—for instance , we find that the scholars on the original foundation were required that they should be poor and indigent , ancl that if any one of them ( except the founder ' s kin ) should come into spiritual or temporal possession of the value of 100 shillings , he should be expelled . Howdid the case now stand ? They found that instead of the poor and indigentor sons of the middle classesthe scholarships were
, , all filled by the wealthiest classes ; and if the system was adopted in their Masonic schools by admitting boys on the foundation by purchase , their excellent institution , the Boys ' School , would eventually be entirely wrested from its intended purpose . —Bro . NAISU , P . M ., said , in a commercial point of view there was no school in the country where a boy could be so advantageously placed as under the circumstances alluded to by Bro . Sherry in his statement ; ancl whence came the means to
make up the deficiency ? AAliy , from the gratuitous gifts of that ancl other private lodges throughout the country .- —The AV . M . said it would happen luckily for his convenience when the Grand Lodge next met , ancl he should only be too happy to attend and represent the lodge on that occasion , and he certainly fully agreed with the complaint advanced . The subject then dropped . —Bro . NAISH , P . M ., called attention to the fact communicated by Bro . Newman , that the emblematical
monument prepared for the cemetery to the memory of their departed Bro . Cowen was now complete and ready for erection . Some other less important items of business were gone through , and then the brethren adjourned for refreshment . In proposing "The Health of the Queen and the Craft , " after the banquet , the AV . M . said he could not express a better wish for Her Majesty than that all her sons may become Freemasons , and all the royal sons and daughters parents of Masons .
KENT . GRAVESEND . —Lodge of Freedom ( No . 91 . )—This lodge held its regular monthly meeting on Monday , the 17 th inst ., at 7 o ' clock , when Bro . Thomas Nettlingham , W . M ., proceeded to initiate Mr . Payne into the mysteries of the Order , also to pass to the second degree Bros . Hollingham and Jacobs . Several matters connected with the lodge were arranged , and the AV . M .,
Bro . T . Nettlingham , proposed and Bro . J . Everest , P . M . of 91 , seconded that a vote of thanks he recorded to Bro . Dobson , D . Prov . G . M ., for his zeal in Masonry , particularly the efforts he used in carrying out the office as Steward at the late festival for the Boys' School , which was carried unanimously . Bro . Dobson replied in his usual excellent and kind manner , expressing himself proud at all times to have the opportunity of doing good service to the Craft and its charities ; he was very rdeased to find the brethren in the province rally round him in the good work on all occasions .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST . ) LIVERPOOL . —Ancient " Union Lodge ( No . 245 . )—The brethren of this lodge assembled on the 20 th inst . for their monthly meeting , there was a large attendance . The AV . M ., Bro . Crawford , and other officers being assembled the lodge was duly opened in the first degree , ancl the minutes of the last Lodge of Emergency , of March 4 th , read ancl confirmed . The ballot was
takenfor Sir . AVm . Kadcliffe , who was duly elected ancl received first degree . The ballot was taken for Bro . C . J . Bannister , Prov . G . D . C . ancl P . M ., 267 , as a joining member of this lodge , and duly , elected . Bro . Crompton , Sparks , and Low , were raised to the sublime degree of Master Masons by Bro . M . P . Coleborne , P . M . Bro . C . Bramley , P . M ., in accordance with his notice of motion , proposed that the following sums be given to the London charities . He said this was not the first large
sum given by the Ancient Union Lodge , for they hacl voted the sum of £ 200 to the building of the Liverpool Masonic Temple , and in 1860 £ 105 to AVest Lancashire Educational Fund , he had very great pleasure in proposing that the sum of £ 42 he given to the Girls' School , £ 21 to the Boy ' s School , £ 10 to the Building Fund , £ 20 to the widows of Freemason's , £ 10 to aged Freemasons , making a total of £ 103 . Bro . Coleborne , P . M ., said he had great pleasure in seconding the motionancl hoping soon to
, be able to give a like sum from another loelge , it was supported by Bro . Young , P . M ., and carried without a dissenting voice . Visitors : Bro . Lewin , P . M ., 701 ; Merycoek , AV . M ., 701 ; Whitehead , 864 , & c . The business being over , the lodge was closed in harmony ancl brotherly love .
NOETHUMBERLAND . GATESHEAD . —Lodge of Industry ( No . 56 . )—This Iod" -e was opened on March 25 th , by the AV . M ., Bro . AVilliam Bryden , assisted by Bro . E . J . Bawing , S . W . ; Bro . Smith as J . W ., ancl the rest of the officers , and a good attendance of the members . The minutes of last regular lodge were read ancl confirmed . The lodge was opened to the second degree , ancl Bro . C . J . Banister , and Durham *
P . M ., P . Prov . G . S . D . , took the chair . The W . M elect , was then presented by Bro . W . Bryden , AV . M ., and Bro . AVm . Morrow , P . M ., to the Installing Master , who explained the qualifications of every one to that office and duly obligated the candidate . After the lodge was raised Bro . Banister installed Bro . R . J . Banning , M . E ., W . M . of this lodge , in his usual earnest and impressive manner , proclaimed him in due
form-The W . M . invested the following brethren officers of the lodge : —Bros . Wm . Bryden , P . M . and Treasurer ; Josh . Heaward , S . AV . ; AVm . Robinson , M . D ., J . AV . ; J . C . Emmerson , Sec . ; R . S . Bagnall , S . D . ; Nicholson , J . D . ; J . A . Cowan , I . G . ; Trotter , Tyler . The Installing Master delivered the charges to the-AA . M ., AVardens , ancl the brethren , each being listened to with great attention . Visitors present : Bros . Lieut . Col . G . H . "h . Hawkes , W . M . 985 ; Anty Clapham , P . M . ancl P . Prov . G . R .
Durham ; A . Gillispie , P . G . R . Northumberland ; A . Legge , P . G . Sup . AVorks ; Geo . Lambert , P . Prov . G . Sup . of AVorks ; Wm . Morrows , P . M . ; W . M . Scott , AV . M 614 ; Wyergang , P . M . 614 ; Thomas Cumming , P . M . ; Thomas Miller ,. S . W . 614 ; Thos . Smith , Sec . 614 , & c . The lodge was closed down in the several degrees , ancl the business of thelodge finished ifc was closed in due form and with solemn prayer . The bancpiet was presided over by the W . M . of Lodge 56 ,
having on his right Bro , Scott , AV . M . of the Borough Lodge ( No * 614 ) , this being a joint festival for the two sister lodges , the W . M . 614 , being installed at the regular meeting of that lodge ,, also on the right of the two AOl ' s . ivere Bros . C . J . Banister ,. A . Gillispie , A . Legge , G . H . L . Hawks , & c ; on the left Bros . AA ' . Bryden , P . M . ; Wm . Morrow , P . M . ; A . Clapham , Wyergang , G . Lambton , S . Cummings , AVm . Robinson , M . E . ; S . C . Emmerson , Sec , and about thirty brethren . "The Queen , " " Albert Edward Prince of AVales , and the rest of the Royal Family , " " The Army and Navy , " responded to by Lieut Col .
G . H . L . Hawks , in good style ; "The M . W . G . M ., Earl of Zetland , ancl his Deputy , Earl de Grey and Ripon ; " " The Grancl Lodges of Scotland and Ireland ; " "The P . G . M . of Durham and his Officers , " replied to hy Bro . A . Clapham ; " The P . G . M . of Northumberland ancl his Officers , " responded to by Bro . A . Gillespie . —Bro . BRYDEN proposed " The Health of Bro . Scott ,. AV . M . of Borough Lodge , " who replied and proposed " The-Health of tho AV . M . of Lodge of Industry ( No . 56 ) , " in
in a very neat speech . —Bro . HAWKS proposed the health of theimmediate P . M . of Lodge 56 , Bro . Bryden , with true Masonicspirit . — The AV . M . proposed prosperity to the Masonic charities , and never failing good health to Bro . C . J . Banister , whohad served the office of Steward | to the Royal Benevolent Institution ancl the Boys' School , and was now before them as a Steward for the girls . —Bro . BANISTER thanked the brethren most heartily for their kindnessand hoped that the lod
of-, ges the province would follow the good example of Lodge 56 , their AV . M . being a life governor to all the charities so long as the lodge exists , ancl hoped now that he had advocated the cause of fche charities fur the last three years ; other brethren would come forward to assist him for the future in that labour of love . Before sitting clown , he proposed "Health ancl Prosperity to Bro . Hawks , AV . M . 985 , and Prosperity to his Lodge , " which Bro . Hawks responded to in a trulMasonic mannerpromising to
y , aid Bro . Banister for the charities . —Bro . JACOBS returned thanks for the visitors . The evening was much enlivened by various songs from the brethren . The poor and distressed were not forgotten on this occasion , and Bro . Banister added other names to his list of subscribers to the charities . NEWCASTLE . —Newcastle Lodge ( No . 24 , Instruction ) . —This lodge was opened on March 25 , by Bro . Loades , AV . M . of the mother lodge , assisted by Bros . C . J . Banister , as P . M . ; Hugil ,
as S . AV . ; Smith , as J . AV . ; Haywood , Sec . ; Scott , P . M ., Purveyor ; Ridley , I . G ., & c . The minutes of the last meeting were read over ancl confirmed , £ 5 being then voted to increase the hooks of the library . In the absence of Bro . Wm . Bryden , who was elected Lecture Master , Bro . Banister delivered the lectures on the tracing boards , ancl instructed thb brethren generally in the three degrees . Bro . Wm . Bryden , P . M . of the Lodge of Industry , was again elected lecture master . The other business over , the lodge was closed in clue form at 9 o ' clock .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Chester , had been founded for very different objects to those they were now appropriated—for instance , we find that the scholars on the original foundation were required that they should be poor and indigent , ancl that if any one of them ( except the founder ' s kin ) should come into spiritual or temporal possession of the value of 100 shillings , he should be expelled . Howdid the case now stand ? They found that instead of the poor and indigentor sons of the middle classesthe scholarships were
, , all filled by the wealthiest classes ; and if the system was adopted in their Masonic schools by admitting boys on the foundation by purchase , their excellent institution , the Boys ' School , would eventually be entirely wrested from its intended purpose . —Bro . NAISU , P . M ., said , in a commercial point of view there was no school in the country where a boy could be so advantageously placed as under the circumstances alluded to by Bro . Sherry in his statement ; ancl whence came the means to
make up the deficiency ? AAliy , from the gratuitous gifts of that ancl other private lodges throughout the country .- —The AV . M . said it would happen luckily for his convenience when the Grand Lodge next met , ancl he should only be too happy to attend and represent the lodge on that occasion , and he certainly fully agreed with the complaint advanced . The subject then dropped . —Bro . NAISH , P . M ., called attention to the fact communicated by Bro . Newman , that the emblematical
monument prepared for the cemetery to the memory of their departed Bro . Cowen was now complete and ready for erection . Some other less important items of business were gone through , and then the brethren adjourned for refreshment . In proposing "The Health of the Queen and the Craft , " after the banquet , the AV . M . said he could not express a better wish for Her Majesty than that all her sons may become Freemasons , and all the royal sons and daughters parents of Masons .
KENT . GRAVESEND . —Lodge of Freedom ( No . 91 . )—This lodge held its regular monthly meeting on Monday , the 17 th inst ., at 7 o ' clock , when Bro . Thomas Nettlingham , W . M ., proceeded to initiate Mr . Payne into the mysteries of the Order , also to pass to the second degree Bros . Hollingham and Jacobs . Several matters connected with the lodge were arranged , and the AV . M .,
Bro . T . Nettlingham , proposed and Bro . J . Everest , P . M . of 91 , seconded that a vote of thanks he recorded to Bro . Dobson , D . Prov . G . M ., for his zeal in Masonry , particularly the efforts he used in carrying out the office as Steward at the late festival for the Boys' School , which was carried unanimously . Bro . Dobson replied in his usual excellent and kind manner , expressing himself proud at all times to have the opportunity of doing good service to the Craft and its charities ; he was very rdeased to find the brethren in the province rally round him in the good work on all occasions .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST . ) LIVERPOOL . —Ancient " Union Lodge ( No . 245 . )—The brethren of this lodge assembled on the 20 th inst . for their monthly meeting , there was a large attendance . The AV . M ., Bro . Crawford , and other officers being assembled the lodge was duly opened in the first degree , ancl the minutes of the last Lodge of Emergency , of March 4 th , read ancl confirmed . The ballot was
takenfor Sir . AVm . Kadcliffe , who was duly elected ancl received first degree . The ballot was taken for Bro . C . J . Bannister , Prov . G . D . C . ancl P . M ., 267 , as a joining member of this lodge , and duly , elected . Bro . Crompton , Sparks , and Low , were raised to the sublime degree of Master Masons by Bro . M . P . Coleborne , P . M . Bro . C . Bramley , P . M ., in accordance with his notice of motion , proposed that the following sums be given to the London charities . He said this was not the first large
sum given by the Ancient Union Lodge , for they hacl voted the sum of £ 200 to the building of the Liverpool Masonic Temple , and in 1860 £ 105 to AVest Lancashire Educational Fund , he had very great pleasure in proposing that the sum of £ 42 he given to the Girls' School , £ 21 to the Boy ' s School , £ 10 to the Building Fund , £ 20 to the widows of Freemason's , £ 10 to aged Freemasons , making a total of £ 103 . Bro . Coleborne , P . M ., said he had great pleasure in seconding the motionancl hoping soon to
, be able to give a like sum from another loelge , it was supported by Bro . Young , P . M ., and carried without a dissenting voice . Visitors : Bro . Lewin , P . M ., 701 ; Merycoek , AV . M ., 701 ; Whitehead , 864 , & c . The business being over , the lodge was closed in harmony ancl brotherly love .
NOETHUMBERLAND . GATESHEAD . —Lodge of Industry ( No . 56 . )—This Iod" -e was opened on March 25 th , by the AV . M ., Bro . AVilliam Bryden , assisted by Bro . E . J . Bawing , S . W . ; Bro . Smith as J . W ., ancl the rest of the officers , and a good attendance of the members . The minutes of last regular lodge were read ancl confirmed . The lodge was opened to the second degree , ancl Bro . C . J . Banister , and Durham *
P . M ., P . Prov . G . S . D . , took the chair . The W . M elect , was then presented by Bro . W . Bryden , AV . M ., and Bro . AVm . Morrow , P . M ., to the Installing Master , who explained the qualifications of every one to that office and duly obligated the candidate . After the lodge was raised Bro . Banister installed Bro . R . J . Banning , M . E ., W . M . of this lodge , in his usual earnest and impressive manner , proclaimed him in due
form-The W . M . invested the following brethren officers of the lodge : —Bros . Wm . Bryden , P . M . and Treasurer ; Josh . Heaward , S . AV . ; AVm . Robinson , M . D ., J . AV . ; J . C . Emmerson , Sec . ; R . S . Bagnall , S . D . ; Nicholson , J . D . ; J . A . Cowan , I . G . ; Trotter , Tyler . The Installing Master delivered the charges to the-AA . M ., AVardens , ancl the brethren , each being listened to with great attention . Visitors present : Bros . Lieut . Col . G . H . "h . Hawkes , W . M . 985 ; Anty Clapham , P . M . ancl P . Prov . G . R .
Durham ; A . Gillispie , P . G . R . Northumberland ; A . Legge , P . G . Sup . AVorks ; Geo . Lambert , P . Prov . G . Sup . of AVorks ; Wm . Morrows , P . M . ; W . M . Scott , AV . M 614 ; Wyergang , P . M . 614 ; Thomas Cumming , P . M . ; Thomas Miller ,. S . W . 614 ; Thos . Smith , Sec . 614 , & c . The lodge was closed down in the several degrees , ancl the business of thelodge finished ifc was closed in due form and with solemn prayer . The bancpiet was presided over by the W . M . of Lodge 56 ,
having on his right Bro , Scott , AV . M . of the Borough Lodge ( No * 614 ) , this being a joint festival for the two sister lodges , the W . M . 614 , being installed at the regular meeting of that lodge ,, also on the right of the two AOl ' s . ivere Bros . C . J . Banister ,. A . Gillispie , A . Legge , G . H . L . Hawks , & c ; on the left Bros . AA ' . Bryden , P . M . ; Wm . Morrow , P . M . ; A . Clapham , Wyergang , G . Lambton , S . Cummings , AVm . Robinson , M . E . ; S . C . Emmerson , Sec , and about thirty brethren . "The Queen , " " Albert Edward Prince of AVales , and the rest of the Royal Family , " " The Army and Navy , " responded to by Lieut Col .
G . H . L . Hawks , in good style ; "The M . W . G . M ., Earl of Zetland , ancl his Deputy , Earl de Grey and Ripon ; " " The Grancl Lodges of Scotland and Ireland ; " "The P . G . M . of Durham and his Officers , " replied to hy Bro . A . Clapham ; " The P . G . M . of Northumberland ancl his Officers , " responded to by Bro . A . Gillespie . —Bro . BRYDEN proposed " The Health of Bro . Scott ,. AV . M . of Borough Lodge , " who replied and proposed " The-Health of tho AV . M . of Lodge of Industry ( No . 56 ) , " in
in a very neat speech . —Bro . HAWKS proposed the health of theimmediate P . M . of Lodge 56 , Bro . Bryden , with true Masonicspirit . — The AV . M . proposed prosperity to the Masonic charities , and never failing good health to Bro . C . J . Banister , whohad served the office of Steward | to the Royal Benevolent Institution ancl the Boys' School , and was now before them as a Steward for the girls . —Bro . BANISTER thanked the brethren most heartily for their kindnessand hoped that the lod
of-, ges the province would follow the good example of Lodge 56 , their AV . M . being a life governor to all the charities so long as the lodge exists , ancl hoped now that he had advocated the cause of fche charities fur the last three years ; other brethren would come forward to assist him for the future in that labour of love . Before sitting clown , he proposed "Health ancl Prosperity to Bro . Hawks , AV . M . 985 , and Prosperity to his Lodge , " which Bro . Hawks responded to in a trulMasonic mannerpromising to
y , aid Bro . Banister for the charities . —Bro . JACOBS returned thanks for the visitors . The evening was much enlivened by various songs from the brethren . The poor and distressed were not forgotten on this occasion , and Bro . Banister added other names to his list of subscribers to the charities . NEWCASTLE . —Newcastle Lodge ( No . 24 , Instruction ) . —This lodge was opened on March 25 , by Bro . Loades , AV . M . of the mother lodge , assisted by Bros . C . J . Banister , as P . M . ; Hugil ,
as S . AV . ; Smith , as J . AV . ; Haywood , Sec . ; Scott , P . M ., Purveyor ; Ridley , I . G ., & c . The minutes of the last meeting were read over ancl confirmed , £ 5 being then voted to increase the hooks of the library . In the absence of Bro . Wm . Bryden , who was elected Lecture Master , Bro . Banister delivered the lectures on the tracing boards , ancl instructed thb brethren generally in the three degrees . Bro . Wm . Bryden , P . M . of the Lodge of Industry , was again elected lecture master . The other business over , the lodge was closed in clue form at 9 o ' clock .