Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . A Committee has been appointed to obtain a portrait of Bro Crew , the late Secretary of the Girls' School , to be xilaced in the Institution . The Committee , whose proceedings ave sanctioned by the M . W . G . M ., have passed the following
resolutions : — " That the portrait of Bro . Crew be painted by Mr . G . P . Everett Green , for the sum of one hundred ancl fifty guineas , he presenting the sum of fifty guineas to the Institution , thereby making himself a Vice-President . " " That the Committee be authorised to receive subscriptions , viz ., 5 s . and upwards from private individuals , and £ 1 Is . ancl
upwards , from Lodges ancl Chapters . " AVe may observe that Bro . Poulton , the photographer of the Strand , has just published an admirable Carte de Visite of Bro . Crew . The likeness is excellent . Bro . M . Eurnell , Prov . G . M . for North Munster , has taken up his residence at North Munster Villa , Sydney Parade ,
Merrion , near Dublin . A movement is being made in Devonshire to obtain from the M . W . G . Master , the appointment of the Eev . Bro . Huyshe , D . Prov . G . Master , as Prov . G . Master . Bro . Hnyshe having made himself justly popular amongst the brethren . Bro . Huyshe has been 40 years a Mason , and 38 a member of the Eoyal Arch ,
having been initiated in the Apollo Lodge , Oxford . He is also an active magistrate of the county , in which he is highly respected .
GRAND STEWARD ' S LODGE . — The half-yearly public night , when all brethren are invited to hear the lectures worked in their pure aud ancient form , was held in the Temple , on Wednesday last , Bro . Hinxman , M . D ., P . M ., presiding , in the absence of the W . M ., from indisposition . There were also absent from the same cause , the Junior Warden , and three or four other brethren , so that the working fell into comparatively few
hands , viz ., Bros . Watson , Secretary ; Warren , P . M . ; Nutt , J . W . ; Smith , I . G . ; and the AV . M ., some of whom showed that they hacl been called upon to take extra duties , almost without notice . At the conclusion of . the working , Bro . LI . Evans , P . G . S . B ., President of the Colonial Board , moved a vote of thanks to the W . M ., for the excellent working , expressing liis regret that only a comparatively few brethren were presentowinghe hacl no doubtto the
unpropi-, , , tious weather . He felt that the brethren were deeply indebted to the Grancl Stewards for these public nights , the beauty ancl accuracy of their work being unexcelled , and it being impossible for the brethren to listen to it without both profit and pleasure , the instruction conveyed being of a very high order . Bro . Eichard Spencer seconded the resolution , which , having been carried unanimously , was briefly acknowledged by Bro . Hinxman , acting AV . M . who assured the brethren that the Grand Stewards '
, lodge was determined to do ifcs best to make the working attractive and instructive to the brethren . The lodge was then closed in due form . LODGE OF SINCERITY ( No . 203 ) . —This lodge held its usual monthly meeting on AVednesday , March 19 th . The W . M . was supported by a large number of its members , and also of brethren visitors . The lod was opened in clue formwith
ge , solemn prayer . After the reading and confirmation of the minutes , Bros . Steel and Thomas were raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason in ancient form , the ceremony being most effectively performed by Bro . Bulmer , immediate P . M . of the lodge , the W . M . having been compelled to vacate the chair through indisposition . A few remarks were then made by Bro .
Thompson , Treas ., in reference to the Eoyal Institution for "Boys , he having kindly filled the office of Steward , at the Festival on March 12 th . This concluding the Masonic business of the evening , the lodge was closed with solemn prayer , and the brethren proceeded to a most liberally supplied banquet . The cloth having been withdrawn , the usual toasts were g-lren and responded to . Some excellent comic ancl sentimental songs were given by many of the brethren ; Bro . Saqui kindly and
ably accompanying them on the pianoforte . Bro . Clark , of High Cross Loelge , rose and returned thanks on behalf of himself ancl brother visitors , for the toast of the AV . M , and the hearty and unanimous response of the brethren . He expressed his groat pleasure ancl gratitude with the liberal reception they had met with , ancl for the kindly feelings that the brethren had evinced towards them , stating that he felt as though he were indeed in commune with " brethren . " A most delightful and
happy evening was spent , the brethren , reluctantly yielding to that severe master , " Time , " separated at an early hour . NEW COXOORD LOCUM : ( NO . 1115 . )—The installation meeting of this lodge was held on Friday evening , March 21 , at the Eosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton . Bio . John Bertram , AA . M ., presided , supported by his officers and a large body of visitors , amongst whom were Bros . Nicholson , P . M . 201 ; Manly , P . M . 201 DaviesP . M . 112 ; SchwabeP . M . 257 ; ShaboeP . M . 812 ;
; , , , Smith , 1044 ; Gate , 1044 ; Madge , 1181 ; Sloman , 25 ; Farthing , P . M . 118 ; Thompson , 206 , & c . Two brethren having been passed to the second degree , and one brother raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., the AV . M . vacated the chair , which was taken by Bro . Emuians , P . M ., who proceeded to instal Bro . Swinnock , the WM . elect , into the chair of K . S . The brethren having given the customary salutes , the AV . M . appointed his officers as follows : — 'Bros . Levisohn , S . AV . ; Osmond , , T . AA . ; ¦
Estwiek , S . D . ancl Treas . ; H . AVild , See . ; Baker , J . D . ; ancl Boyce , I . G . Bro . the Eev . J . AV . Laughlin was re-appointed Chaplain to the lodge . The installation addresses were then delivered by Bro . Emmens , ancl in a style ivhich elicited the greatest approbation from all who hacl the privilege of listening to them . Bro . theiEev . J . W . Laughlin then , in suitable terms , presented Bro . J . Bertram , P . M ., with a jewel which tbe brethren hacl been pleased to award to him as a small token of
their appreciation of his services , dwelling upon tho efficient way in which he had discharged his duties as Master of the lodge during the past year , and his liberal support of the Masonic Charities . —Bro . BERTEAir , P . M ., returned thanks for the honour conferred upon him , expressing the great pleasure be should ever have in wearing that jewel , and said he hoped that the clay might be far distant when he should cease to be connected with the New Concord Lodge .
Bro . The Eev . J . AV . LAUCHILIN then said that he should nofc defer to the banquet , but would embrace that opportunity of returning thanks to the brethren for the high honour they hacl conferred upon him in electing him as the lirst honorary member of the New Concord Lodge . He hacl been unable for some time to be as punctual in attendance at the lodge as he could desire , half of the year from pressure upon his duties , and the other half from illnessbut he trusted for the future he
, should not be absent from the lodge ancl should be able to attend to his duties . The lodge was then closed and the brethren adjourned for refreshment , provided on this occasion by mine host of the Anchor , Cheapside . After the cloth hacl been removed , ancl tbe usual loyal ancl Masonic toasts responded to , Bro . Bertram , P . M ., proposed " The Health of the WM ., " and extolled the many excellencies which he possessed and his great zeal for Freemasonry . The W . M . returned thanks to the brethren for
the vory kind manner in which they hacl drank his health , but considered that he was undeserving of the enloginms which Bro . Bertram hacl been pleased to pass upon him . He was very desirous of progressing in Freemasonry , and if he could at any time give them satisfaction in the performance of his duties that would be to him a sufficient reward . —Bro . Er . nrENS , P . M ., said he hacl the permission of the AV . M . to propose tlie next toast , which was that of " The Alsitors , " ancl his only regret was , that
he could not enumerate their qualities as he ought to do . Bros . Shaboe , Thompson ( G . D . C . for Hereford ) , May , and Sehwahe , returned thanks ; Bro . Thompson congratulating the lodge that at the Festival for the Boys' School the largest subscription on behalf ofthe Masonic charities had been received , amounting to nearly £ 1000 , and although many were unable to obtain admission thoy left their tickets at the door , and also their subscriptions . —Bro . the Eev . J . AV . L AUCTLIN then proposed a toasfc which was most congenial to his feelings
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . A Committee has been appointed to obtain a portrait of Bro Crew , the late Secretary of the Girls' School , to be xilaced in the Institution . The Committee , whose proceedings ave sanctioned by the M . W . G . M ., have passed the following
resolutions : — " That the portrait of Bro . Crew be painted by Mr . G . P . Everett Green , for the sum of one hundred ancl fifty guineas , he presenting the sum of fifty guineas to the Institution , thereby making himself a Vice-President . " " That the Committee be authorised to receive subscriptions , viz ., 5 s . and upwards from private individuals , and £ 1 Is . ancl
upwards , from Lodges ancl Chapters . " AVe may observe that Bro . Poulton , the photographer of the Strand , has just published an admirable Carte de Visite of Bro . Crew . The likeness is excellent . Bro . M . Eurnell , Prov . G . M . for North Munster , has taken up his residence at North Munster Villa , Sydney Parade ,
Merrion , near Dublin . A movement is being made in Devonshire to obtain from the M . W . G . Master , the appointment of the Eev . Bro . Huyshe , D . Prov . G . Master , as Prov . G . Master . Bro . Hnyshe having made himself justly popular amongst the brethren . Bro . Huyshe has been 40 years a Mason , and 38 a member of the Eoyal Arch ,
having been initiated in the Apollo Lodge , Oxford . He is also an active magistrate of the county , in which he is highly respected .
GRAND STEWARD ' S LODGE . — The half-yearly public night , when all brethren are invited to hear the lectures worked in their pure aud ancient form , was held in the Temple , on Wednesday last , Bro . Hinxman , M . D ., P . M ., presiding , in the absence of the W . M ., from indisposition . There were also absent from the same cause , the Junior Warden , and three or four other brethren , so that the working fell into comparatively few
hands , viz ., Bros . Watson , Secretary ; Warren , P . M . ; Nutt , J . W . ; Smith , I . G . ; and the AV . M ., some of whom showed that they hacl been called upon to take extra duties , almost without notice . At the conclusion of . the working , Bro . LI . Evans , P . G . S . B ., President of the Colonial Board , moved a vote of thanks to the W . M ., for the excellent working , expressing liis regret that only a comparatively few brethren were presentowinghe hacl no doubtto the
unpropi-, , , tious weather . He felt that the brethren were deeply indebted to the Grancl Stewards for these public nights , the beauty ancl accuracy of their work being unexcelled , and it being impossible for the brethren to listen to it without both profit and pleasure , the instruction conveyed being of a very high order . Bro . Eichard Spencer seconded the resolution , which , having been carried unanimously , was briefly acknowledged by Bro . Hinxman , acting AV . M . who assured the brethren that the Grand Stewards '
, lodge was determined to do ifcs best to make the working attractive and instructive to the brethren . The lodge was then closed in due form . LODGE OF SINCERITY ( No . 203 ) . —This lodge held its usual monthly meeting on AVednesday , March 19 th . The W . M . was supported by a large number of its members , and also of brethren visitors . The lod was opened in clue formwith
ge , solemn prayer . After the reading and confirmation of the minutes , Bros . Steel and Thomas were raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason in ancient form , the ceremony being most effectively performed by Bro . Bulmer , immediate P . M . of the lodge , the W . M . having been compelled to vacate the chair through indisposition . A few remarks were then made by Bro .
Thompson , Treas ., in reference to the Eoyal Institution for "Boys , he having kindly filled the office of Steward , at the Festival on March 12 th . This concluding the Masonic business of the evening , the lodge was closed with solemn prayer , and the brethren proceeded to a most liberally supplied banquet . The cloth having been withdrawn , the usual toasts were g-lren and responded to . Some excellent comic ancl sentimental songs were given by many of the brethren ; Bro . Saqui kindly and
ably accompanying them on the pianoforte . Bro . Clark , of High Cross Loelge , rose and returned thanks on behalf of himself ancl brother visitors , for the toast of the AV . M , and the hearty and unanimous response of the brethren . He expressed his groat pleasure ancl gratitude with the liberal reception they had met with , ancl for the kindly feelings that the brethren had evinced towards them , stating that he felt as though he were indeed in commune with " brethren . " A most delightful and
happy evening was spent , the brethren , reluctantly yielding to that severe master , " Time , " separated at an early hour . NEW COXOORD LOCUM : ( NO . 1115 . )—The installation meeting of this lodge was held on Friday evening , March 21 , at the Eosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton . Bio . John Bertram , AA . M ., presided , supported by his officers and a large body of visitors , amongst whom were Bros . Nicholson , P . M . 201 ; Manly , P . M . 201 DaviesP . M . 112 ; SchwabeP . M . 257 ; ShaboeP . M . 812 ;
; , , , Smith , 1044 ; Gate , 1044 ; Madge , 1181 ; Sloman , 25 ; Farthing , P . M . 118 ; Thompson , 206 , & c . Two brethren having been passed to the second degree , and one brother raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., the AV . M . vacated the chair , which was taken by Bro . Emuians , P . M ., who proceeded to instal Bro . Swinnock , the WM . elect , into the chair of K . S . The brethren having given the customary salutes , the AV . M . appointed his officers as follows : — 'Bros . Levisohn , S . AV . ; Osmond , , T . AA . ; ¦
Estwiek , S . D . ancl Treas . ; H . AVild , See . ; Baker , J . D . ; ancl Boyce , I . G . Bro . the Eev . J . AV . Laughlin was re-appointed Chaplain to the lodge . The installation addresses were then delivered by Bro . Emmens , ancl in a style ivhich elicited the greatest approbation from all who hacl the privilege of listening to them . Bro . theiEev . J . W . Laughlin then , in suitable terms , presented Bro . J . Bertram , P . M ., with a jewel which tbe brethren hacl been pleased to award to him as a small token of
their appreciation of his services , dwelling upon tho efficient way in which he had discharged his duties as Master of the lodge during the past year , and his liberal support of the Masonic Charities . —Bro . BERTEAir , P . M ., returned thanks for the honour conferred upon him , expressing the great pleasure be should ever have in wearing that jewel , and said he hoped that the clay might be far distant when he should cease to be connected with the New Concord Lodge .
Bro . The Eev . J . AV . LAUCHILIN then said that he should nofc defer to the banquet , but would embrace that opportunity of returning thanks to the brethren for the high honour they hacl conferred upon him in electing him as the lirst honorary member of the New Concord Lodge . He hacl been unable for some time to be as punctual in attendance at the lodge as he could desire , half of the year from pressure upon his duties , and the other half from illnessbut he trusted for the future he
, should not be absent from the lodge ancl should be able to attend to his duties . The lodge was then closed and the brethren adjourned for refreshment , provided on this occasion by mine host of the Anchor , Cheapside . After the cloth hacl been removed , ancl tbe usual loyal ancl Masonic toasts responded to , Bro . Bertram , P . M ., proposed " The Health of the WM ., " and extolled the many excellencies which he possessed and his great zeal for Freemasonry . The W . M . returned thanks to the brethren for
the vory kind manner in which they hacl drank his health , but considered that he was undeserving of the enloginms which Bro . Bertram hacl been pleased to pass upon him . He was very desirous of progressing in Freemasonry , and if he could at any time give them satisfaction in the performance of his duties that would be to him a sufficient reward . —Bro . Er . nrENS , P . M ., said he hacl the permission of the AV . M . to propose tlie next toast , which was that of " The Alsitors , " ancl his only regret was , that
he could not enumerate their qualities as he ought to do . Bros . Shaboe , Thompson ( G . D . C . for Hereford ) , May , and Sehwahe , returned thanks ; Bro . Thompson congratulating the lodge that at the Festival for the Boys' School the largest subscription on behalf ofthe Masonic charities had been received , amounting to nearly £ 1000 , and although many were unable to obtain admission thoy left their tickets at the door , and also their subscriptions . —Bro . the Eev . J . AV . L AUCTLIN then proposed a toasfc which was most congenial to his feelings