Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1
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Royal Arch.
CANADA . SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER . The fifth annual Convocation of the Grand Chapter of Canada , was holden in the Masonic Hall , Albion Buildings , in the City of London , on AVednesday , the 19 th Feb ., ancl continued in session three days . The Throne was occupied bv M . E . Comp . J . C . FranckG . Z . ; R . E . Comp . Edwin HeathfieldG . H . ; ancl
, , R . E . Comp . AV . B . Simpson , G . J . ; a large number of Grancl Officers and Representatives from the Subordinate Chapters being present . The M . E . Z . delivered an excellent address to the Companions at the opening of the Grancl Chapter , wliieh embraced many important questions for the consideration ancl action of that Grancl Body . An address of condolence was adopted by the Grand Chapter , to Her Most Gracious Majesty
the Queen , on the subject of her late bereavement . The following is a complete list of the Grancl Officers elected ancl appointed for the ensuing Masonic term , viz . . —M . E . Companion J . C . Franck , re-elected Grancl Z . ; Comps . G . F . LaSerre , Grand H . ; D . Curtis , Grand . 1 . ; Thomas B . Harris , re-elected Grand Scribe E . ; G . AV . AVhitehead , re-elected Grand Scribe N . ; James Moffatt , Grand Prin . Soj . ; Marcellus Crombie , Grancl Treasurer ; Oliver Gable , Grand Registrar ; James M . Rogerson , Grand 1 st Assist .
Soj . ; E . H . Parker , Grancl 2 nd Assist . Soj . ; James Wilson , Gd . S . B . ; C . W . Matheson , Gd . Std . B . ; C . J . Starling , G . Dir . of Cers ; James Seymour , Grand Organist ; A . Huntington , Grand Pursuivant ; E . Morris , H . P . Brnmmel , George Twomley , ancl E . J . Barker , Grancl Stewards ; James Foreman , Grand Janitor . Grancl Superintendents of Districts : —Comps . E . Heathfield , London dist . ; C . Kahn , AVilson do . ; C . Magill , Hamilton do . ; F . Richardson , Toronto do . ; James A . Henderson , Central do . ; George T . Morehouse , Eastern Townships do . ; Richard Pope , Quebec do .
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . OLD KENT LODGE . —A special meeting of this lodge was held at tbe George Tavern , Commercial-road , on Saturday last the 21 st inst ., at 4 o'clock . Present : Bros . Binckes , as W . M . ; Purdy , P . AV . M . ; Briggs , P . AV . M . ; Peter Matthews , AA . M . ; The Rev . D . Shaboe , M . A ., S . AV . ; Thompson , Elliot , and Williams . The lodge being opened in clue form , Bros . Day ,
W . M . ; McLean , S . W ., ancl Bond , S . AV ., 1163 ; Shuttleworth , P . M . 225 ; Swan , Dromtra , Smith , and Speght , were advanced to the Mark Degrees . The ceremony being most ably performed by Bro . Bincks , G . S . Bro . Shaboe was then unanimously elected W . M . ; Bro . Thompson , S . AV . ; Bro . AAllliams , Treasurer ; Bro . Speght , Tyler . There being no further business before the lodge , it was adjourned until the 7 th of April . A lodge of Ex . and Sup . Ex . Masters was then opened , and the
advanced brethren were passed through tho veils by Bro . Purity , iu that impressive ancl admirable manner which distinguishes that brother in all his Masonic ceremonies . The lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to the banquet , having partaken of which the " Health of Her Majesty the Queen" was given by the AV . M ., followed hy that of the " Earl of Carnarvon , G . M . of the Order , " " Tlie Officers of Grand Lodge , " and "The W . M . elect , " who replied in a few wordsand promised to
per-, form the duties ot his important office to the extent of his ability . Bro . Biggs then proposed the " Health of Bro . Matthews , AV . M ., " who responded fco it , and gave " The Healths of Bro . Binks , " "The newly-advanced Brethren , " "Bro . Purdy ancl Bro . AVilliams . " The brethren severally returned thanks , and the business of the evening was concluded at an early hour . On the 19 th instant , the R . AV . Prov . G . M . of Mark Masons of Devonshiremet the brethren at the Brunswick
, Masonic Hall , Union-road , Plymouth , where a large number from various parts of the province were present . The usual business was transacted and the official appointments made , including the names of Eev . Bro . J . C . Carwithen ( whose honoured father so long presided over the province as D . Prov . G . M ., and O . Supt . of E . A . Masons in Devon ) -, Bros . Rev . J .-E . Risk , G . Chap ., John MackayJohn C . HancockR . RoddSChappie
, , , . , J- G . Richards , Richard Rodda , Henry Miller , Bellerby , and other brethren , while the Grancl Stewardship of the province was unanimously conferred on the A . AA . Bro . C . J . Laidman , whose zeal and assiduity hitherto fully justified the choice the brethren made , as evidencing that the interests of the Mark
Masons of this Province could not have been entrusted to more worthy hands . After the busines of the Grand Lodge had been concluded it was closed with solemn prayer . NORTHUMBERLAND . THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND BERWICK-ON-TWEED LODGE . —
A regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemason's Hall , Newcastle-on-Tyne , March , 26 th . It was opened in due form by the R . AA . M . Bro . H . G . Ludgwig , assisted by Bros . G . Lambton , Treasurer , as S . W . ; C . J . Banister , J . W . ; Sancter , Sec . ; Loades , S . D . ; Tanson , J . D . ; B . Levy , & c . The minutes of last regular meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . W . Evans , P . M . Lodge 114 , being unanimously elected some time back , was advanced to this degree by the R . W . M . The J . W .
delivered the lecture to the candidate . The business of the lodge over , it was closed in due and solemn form , and the brethren spent a happy hour at refreshment , to the instruction of each .
YORKSHIRE ( AVEST . ) SHEEEIELD . —Britannia Lodge ( No . 53 ) . —This lodge met iu the Freemasons' Hall , Surrey-street , on Friday evening , 14 th inst . Bro . AVm . AA'hite , jun ., AV . M ., and J . G . D . of England , presided , and was supported by Bros . Drury , S . AV . ; Stuart , J . W . ; Moseley , Sec ; AVebster , S . D . ; AVaterhouse , J . D . ; Garnett , I . G . ; Primrose , Smith , Arnison , Oxleys , and others . There were
also present as a deputation from the ancient Minerva Lodge of Mark Masters at Hull , which has recently received a warrant of confirmation from the Grand Lodge of England : Bros . Thos . Sissons , AV . M . ; Thos . Walton , M . O . and Lecturer ; M . C . Peck , Sec . ; ancl W . Reynolds , J . O . Tbe object of the deputation was to see the working of the Britannia Lodge , which they had heard highly spoken of , ancl to adopt any portion of it which might appear superior to their own ; ason
acknow-, ledging allegiance to the Grand Lodge , they were wishful to conform to its rules and ritual as closely as possible . There being no candidate in waiting , Bro . Peck offered himself as a substitute , and the ceremony was ably worked by the AV . M . and his officers . Bro . Drury explained the working tools ; Bro . Stuart gave the charge , ancl Bro . AVebster delivered the lecture . The Hull brethren expressed themselves highly pleased with the working of the Britannia Lod which they said corresponded
ge , in its main points with that practised in their own , but was superior in many things , and it was their intention to adopt the Sheffield working in order that there should be uniformity among the Yorkshire Mark lodges . The Sheffield brethren likewise derived some profit from their visitors , and determined to adopt several suggestions thrown out by them . Bro . Capt . Hirst , of Rotherham , who was marked in Dublin , was also present as a
visitor , ancl said that so far as he knew , the ceremony was very similar to that practised in Ireland in the lodge in which he took the degree . After the lodge was closed the brethren partook of a capital supper provided by Bros . Garnett ancl Arnison , the Stewards , who are so unwearied in their attention to the comforts of their brethren . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to ; that of the "M . AV . G . M ., the
Earl of Carnarvon , " was very heartily received , as also was the " R . AV . D . G . M ., Lord Holmesdale , ancl the Grand Officers . " It is the intention of the brethren of the Britannia , ere long to return the visit of the brethren of the Minerva .
PURE WATER . —Few of us understand , or if we understand , do not properly value the importance of pure water . The loveliest face is not always the most innocent ; nor is the brightest stream always the purest . Eoctor Letheby , the medical officer of health for the City of London , in his report to the Commissioners of Sewers , on the sanitary state of the City of London , makes some highly pertinent remarks on the condition of the water we drink . During the past few months he has analyzed the water
from thirty-four of the City pumps , and the results , he tells us , show an enormous amount of saline and organic impurity . In every case the water has been fouled with surface drainage . There is not one of these pumps that derives its supply from the deep strata of the London basin ; and excepting the pump in Glover ' s Hall Court , and that in Guildhall Buildings , none of them furnish water fit for domestic purposes .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
CANADA . SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER . The fifth annual Convocation of the Grand Chapter of Canada , was holden in the Masonic Hall , Albion Buildings , in the City of London , on AVednesday , the 19 th Feb ., ancl continued in session three days . The Throne was occupied bv M . E . Comp . J . C . FranckG . Z . ; R . E . Comp . Edwin HeathfieldG . H . ; ancl
, , R . E . Comp . AV . B . Simpson , G . J . ; a large number of Grancl Officers and Representatives from the Subordinate Chapters being present . The M . E . Z . delivered an excellent address to the Companions at the opening of the Grancl Chapter , wliieh embraced many important questions for the consideration ancl action of that Grancl Body . An address of condolence was adopted by the Grand Chapter , to Her Most Gracious Majesty
the Queen , on the subject of her late bereavement . The following is a complete list of the Grancl Officers elected ancl appointed for the ensuing Masonic term , viz . . —M . E . Companion J . C . Franck , re-elected Grancl Z . ; Comps . G . F . LaSerre , Grand H . ; D . Curtis , Grand . 1 . ; Thomas B . Harris , re-elected Grand Scribe E . ; G . AV . AVhitehead , re-elected Grand Scribe N . ; James Moffatt , Grand Prin . Soj . ; Marcellus Crombie , Grancl Treasurer ; Oliver Gable , Grand Registrar ; James M . Rogerson , Grand 1 st Assist .
Soj . ; E . H . Parker , Grancl 2 nd Assist . Soj . ; James Wilson , Gd . S . B . ; C . W . Matheson , Gd . Std . B . ; C . J . Starling , G . Dir . of Cers ; James Seymour , Grand Organist ; A . Huntington , Grand Pursuivant ; E . Morris , H . P . Brnmmel , George Twomley , ancl E . J . Barker , Grancl Stewards ; James Foreman , Grand Janitor . Grancl Superintendents of Districts : —Comps . E . Heathfield , London dist . ; C . Kahn , AVilson do . ; C . Magill , Hamilton do . ; F . Richardson , Toronto do . ; James A . Henderson , Central do . ; George T . Morehouse , Eastern Townships do . ; Richard Pope , Quebec do .
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . OLD KENT LODGE . —A special meeting of this lodge was held at tbe George Tavern , Commercial-road , on Saturday last the 21 st inst ., at 4 o'clock . Present : Bros . Binckes , as W . M . ; Purdy , P . AV . M . ; Briggs , P . AV . M . ; Peter Matthews , AA . M . ; The Rev . D . Shaboe , M . A ., S . AV . ; Thompson , Elliot , and Williams . The lodge being opened in clue form , Bros . Day ,
W . M . ; McLean , S . W ., ancl Bond , S . AV ., 1163 ; Shuttleworth , P . M . 225 ; Swan , Dromtra , Smith , and Speght , were advanced to the Mark Degrees . The ceremony being most ably performed by Bro . Bincks , G . S . Bro . Shaboe was then unanimously elected W . M . ; Bro . Thompson , S . AV . ; Bro . AAllliams , Treasurer ; Bro . Speght , Tyler . There being no further business before the lodge , it was adjourned until the 7 th of April . A lodge of Ex . and Sup . Ex . Masters was then opened , and the
advanced brethren were passed through tho veils by Bro . Purity , iu that impressive ancl admirable manner which distinguishes that brother in all his Masonic ceremonies . The lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to the banquet , having partaken of which the " Health of Her Majesty the Queen" was given by the AV . M ., followed hy that of the " Earl of Carnarvon , G . M . of the Order , " " Tlie Officers of Grand Lodge , " and "The W . M . elect , " who replied in a few wordsand promised to
per-, form the duties ot his important office to the extent of his ability . Bro . Biggs then proposed the " Health of Bro . Matthews , AV . M ., " who responded fco it , and gave " The Healths of Bro . Binks , " "The newly-advanced Brethren , " "Bro . Purdy ancl Bro . AVilliams . " The brethren severally returned thanks , and the business of the evening was concluded at an early hour . On the 19 th instant , the R . AV . Prov . G . M . of Mark Masons of Devonshiremet the brethren at the Brunswick
, Masonic Hall , Union-road , Plymouth , where a large number from various parts of the province were present . The usual business was transacted and the official appointments made , including the names of Eev . Bro . J . C . Carwithen ( whose honoured father so long presided over the province as D . Prov . G . M ., and O . Supt . of E . A . Masons in Devon ) -, Bros . Rev . J .-E . Risk , G . Chap ., John MackayJohn C . HancockR . RoddSChappie
, , , . , J- G . Richards , Richard Rodda , Henry Miller , Bellerby , and other brethren , while the Grancl Stewardship of the province was unanimously conferred on the A . AA . Bro . C . J . Laidman , whose zeal and assiduity hitherto fully justified the choice the brethren made , as evidencing that the interests of the Mark
Masons of this Province could not have been entrusted to more worthy hands . After the busines of the Grand Lodge had been concluded it was closed with solemn prayer . NORTHUMBERLAND . THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND BERWICK-ON-TWEED LODGE . —
A regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemason's Hall , Newcastle-on-Tyne , March , 26 th . It was opened in due form by the R . AA . M . Bro . H . G . Ludgwig , assisted by Bros . G . Lambton , Treasurer , as S . W . ; C . J . Banister , J . W . ; Sancter , Sec . ; Loades , S . D . ; Tanson , J . D . ; B . Levy , & c . The minutes of last regular meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . W . Evans , P . M . Lodge 114 , being unanimously elected some time back , was advanced to this degree by the R . W . M . The J . W .
delivered the lecture to the candidate . The business of the lodge over , it was closed in due and solemn form , and the brethren spent a happy hour at refreshment , to the instruction of each .
YORKSHIRE ( AVEST . ) SHEEEIELD . —Britannia Lodge ( No . 53 ) . —This lodge met iu the Freemasons' Hall , Surrey-street , on Friday evening , 14 th inst . Bro . AVm . AA'hite , jun ., AV . M ., and J . G . D . of England , presided , and was supported by Bros . Drury , S . AV . ; Stuart , J . W . ; Moseley , Sec ; AVebster , S . D . ; AVaterhouse , J . D . ; Garnett , I . G . ; Primrose , Smith , Arnison , Oxleys , and others . There were
also present as a deputation from the ancient Minerva Lodge of Mark Masters at Hull , which has recently received a warrant of confirmation from the Grand Lodge of England : Bros . Thos . Sissons , AV . M . ; Thos . Walton , M . O . and Lecturer ; M . C . Peck , Sec . ; ancl W . Reynolds , J . O . Tbe object of the deputation was to see the working of the Britannia Lodge , which they had heard highly spoken of , ancl to adopt any portion of it which might appear superior to their own ; ason
acknow-, ledging allegiance to the Grand Lodge , they were wishful to conform to its rules and ritual as closely as possible . There being no candidate in waiting , Bro . Peck offered himself as a substitute , and the ceremony was ably worked by the AV . M . and his officers . Bro . Drury explained the working tools ; Bro . Stuart gave the charge , ancl Bro . AVebster delivered the lecture . The Hull brethren expressed themselves highly pleased with the working of the Britannia Lod which they said corresponded
ge , in its main points with that practised in their own , but was superior in many things , and it was their intention to adopt the Sheffield working in order that there should be uniformity among the Yorkshire Mark lodges . The Sheffield brethren likewise derived some profit from their visitors , and determined to adopt several suggestions thrown out by them . Bro . Capt . Hirst , of Rotherham , who was marked in Dublin , was also present as a
visitor , ancl said that so far as he knew , the ceremony was very similar to that practised in Ireland in the lodge in which he took the degree . After the lodge was closed the brethren partook of a capital supper provided by Bros . Garnett ancl Arnison , the Stewards , who are so unwearied in their attention to the comforts of their brethren . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to ; that of the "M . AV . G . M ., the
Earl of Carnarvon , " was very heartily received , as also was the " R . AV . D . G . M ., Lord Holmesdale , ancl the Grand Officers . " It is the intention of the brethren of the Britannia , ere long to return the visit of the brethren of the Minerva .
PURE WATER . —Few of us understand , or if we understand , do not properly value the importance of pure water . The loveliest face is not always the most innocent ; nor is the brightest stream always the purest . Eoctor Letheby , the medical officer of health for the City of London , in his report to the Commissioners of Sewers , on the sanitary state of the City of London , makes some highly pertinent remarks on the condition of the water we drink . During the past few months he has analyzed the water
from thirty-four of the City pumps , and the results , he tells us , show an enormous amount of saline and organic impurity . In every case the water has been fouled with surface drainage . There is not one of these pumps that derives its supply from the deep strata of the London basin ; and excepting the pump in Glover ' s Hall Court , and that in Guildhall Buildings , none of them furnish water fit for domestic purposes .