Article MASONIC INTELLIGENCE. ← Page 4 of 18 →
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Masonic Intelligence.
which had brought them together , thoush he Avas sure that the M . W . G . M ., would give them every support in his power —( cheers ) . In proposing tho first toast , he was sure that he need only mention the name of Her Majesty , to ensure its being most heartily responded to , as she has not only shown that she at all times took tho livliest interest in the welfare of all classes of her subjects , but AVUS the Patroness of the Freemasons Boys School , to which she had that day sent her usual annual donation of £ 10 10 * . ( id . —( cheers ) . He begged to give them the health of " Her
Majesty—God bless her . " The national anthem having been sung by Miss Birch , Miss Poole , Miss Clara Henderson , and Brs . Lawler , King , and Allen , the R . W . D . G . M . said , ihat having met to promote the interests of an Institution established for the education of youth , he Avas sure they would drink tlie next toast Avith the greatest satis / aciion , as they Avould agree with him that no one had shown himself a greater friend K > education , than H . R . H . Prince Albert—( cheers ) . He therefore begged to give them the health of " H . R . H . Prince Albert , Albert Prince of Wales , and the rest of
the Royal family" - —( cheers ) . The R . W . D . G . M . said , the next toast he had to propose was one Avhich , under ordinary circumstances , might be well left out in an assembly like theirs , but Avere they to do so upon the present occasion , they might , perhaps , bo accused of injustice and ingratitude to a large body of men , to Avhom the country Avere deeply indebted , and in whose ranks were to be found very many of their brethren . He alluded to the Army and Navy —( cheers ) . Ho Avas sure that they must all have noticed with admiration not only their gallantry , but the patience and
endurance the troops had exhibited in the East , under the most trying circumstances , and that they Avould , therefore , cordially join him in drinking the toast —( cheers ) . He could not give them Tho Army and Navy upon the present occasion Avithout also coupling Avith it the toast the services of their gallant Allies —( loud cheers ) . He was glad to find that his sentiments met with their approbation ; and , trusting that the two countries might continue , in Avar or in peace , in amity together , he begged to propose "The Allied Armies and Navies of England and France "—( cheers ) . He was glad to see Avhen he attended Grand Lodge , the other dav , that the efforts
of their gallant Army and Navy was appreciated , and that £ 1000 was voted to the Patriotic Fund in Aid of the WirWs and Orphans of those Avho might unfortunately fell in the unfortunate contest in which they were engaged . Ho knew that very many private Lodges had also come forward in a most laudable spirit to support that Jund . He trusted that every success Avould attend the efforts of their Army and Navy , and that very many of them might he spared to return home and enjoy the remainder of their lives in the full confidence that they had earned , the gratitude of
their country . His toast was the "jAllied Armies and Navies of England and France " —( cheers ) . The R . W . chairman , in proposing the next toast , "The health of the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , M . W . G . M ., " expressed his regret that the noble Lord Avas absent from their festival that day—a regret in AA'hich he Avas sure they all deeply sympathised , knowing as they did , from what he had stated in the early part of ihe evening , that the state of the noble Lord ' s health precluded him from attending such festivals as that at which they were then assembled . He Avas sure , however
, that though not present in person , the heart of the M . W . G . M ., the Earl of Zetland , was Avith them , and he held in his hand a note from the noble Lord , expressing his deep regret at being unable to attend , and enclosing a cheque of £ 10 10 * . in aid of the funds of tho Institution—( cheers ) . He Avas sure it Avas unnecessary for him to say much in recommendation of the toast , as they AA'ere Avell aware that the G . M . had at all times been ready to set an example in supporting the Masonic charities and upholding those principles Avhich should distinguish Freemasons . He believed that
MO one could fill the high post to which he had been elected b y the brethren more conscientiously , or so as to give greater satisfaction to the Craft , than the M . W . G . M ., and he , therefore , begged to propose to them the ' - Health of the M . W . G . M ., the Earl of Zetland "—( cheers ) . Br . Bagshaw , Pr . G . M . for Essex , had certainly not expected when he entered that room to have to address the brethren . It Avas the first time he had had the pleasure to meet them since he had been honoured by the G . M with the distinguished position he IIOAV held , aud whilst regretting the absence of the M . W . G . M ., he had the greatest pleasure in proposing a toast with which he had been entrusted , the health of their noble chairman , the R . W . D . G . M . —( loud cheers ) . He
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Masonic Intelligence.
which had brought them together , thoush he Avas sure that the M . W . G . M ., would give them every support in his power —( cheers ) . In proposing tho first toast , he was sure that he need only mention the name of Her Majesty , to ensure its being most heartily responded to , as she has not only shown that she at all times took tho livliest interest in the welfare of all classes of her subjects , but AVUS the Patroness of the Freemasons Boys School , to which she had that day sent her usual annual donation of £ 10 10 * . ( id . —( cheers ) . He begged to give them the health of " Her
Majesty—God bless her . " The national anthem having been sung by Miss Birch , Miss Poole , Miss Clara Henderson , and Brs . Lawler , King , and Allen , the R . W . D . G . M . said , ihat having met to promote the interests of an Institution established for the education of youth , he Avas sure they would drink tlie next toast Avith the greatest satis / aciion , as they Avould agree with him that no one had shown himself a greater friend K > education , than H . R . H . Prince Albert—( cheers ) . He therefore begged to give them the health of " H . R . H . Prince Albert , Albert Prince of Wales , and the rest of
the Royal family" - —( cheers ) . The R . W . D . G . M . said , the next toast he had to propose was one Avhich , under ordinary circumstances , might be well left out in an assembly like theirs , but Avere they to do so upon the present occasion , they might , perhaps , bo accused of injustice and ingratitude to a large body of men , to Avhom the country Avere deeply indebted , and in whose ranks were to be found very many of their brethren . He alluded to the Army and Navy —( cheers ) . Ho Avas sure that they must all have noticed with admiration not only their gallantry , but the patience and
endurance the troops had exhibited in the East , under the most trying circumstances , and that they Avould , therefore , cordially join him in drinking the toast —( cheers ) . He could not give them Tho Army and Navy upon the present occasion Avithout also coupling Avith it the toast the services of their gallant Allies —( loud cheers ) . He was glad to find that his sentiments met with their approbation ; and , trusting that the two countries might continue , in Avar or in peace , in amity together , he begged to propose "The Allied Armies and Navies of England and France "—( cheers ) . He was glad to see Avhen he attended Grand Lodge , the other dav , that the efforts
of their gallant Army and Navy was appreciated , and that £ 1000 was voted to the Patriotic Fund in Aid of the WirWs and Orphans of those Avho might unfortunately fell in the unfortunate contest in which they were engaged . Ho knew that very many private Lodges had also come forward in a most laudable spirit to support that Jund . He trusted that every success Avould attend the efforts of their Army and Navy , and that very many of them might he spared to return home and enjoy the remainder of their lives in the full confidence that they had earned , the gratitude of
their country . His toast was the "jAllied Armies and Navies of England and France " —( cheers ) . The R . W . chairman , in proposing the next toast , "The health of the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , M . W . G . M ., " expressed his regret that the noble Lord Avas absent from their festival that day—a regret in AA'hich he Avas sure they all deeply sympathised , knowing as they did , from what he had stated in the early part of ihe evening , that the state of the noble Lord ' s health precluded him from attending such festivals as that at which they were then assembled . He Avas sure , however
, that though not present in person , the heart of the M . W . G . M ., the Earl of Zetland , was Avith them , and he held in his hand a note from the noble Lord , expressing his deep regret at being unable to attend , and enclosing a cheque of £ 10 10 * . in aid of the funds of tho Institution—( cheers ) . He Avas sure it Avas unnecessary for him to say much in recommendation of the toast , as they AA'ere Avell aware that the G . M . had at all times been ready to set an example in supporting the Masonic charities and upholding those principles Avhich should distinguish Freemasons . He believed that
MO one could fill the high post to which he had been elected b y the brethren more conscientiously , or so as to give greater satisfaction to the Craft , than the M . W . G . M ., and he , therefore , begged to propose to them the ' - Health of the M . W . G . M ., the Earl of Zetland "—( cheers ) . Br . Bagshaw , Pr . G . M . for Essex , had certainly not expected when he entered that room to have to address the brethren . It Avas the first time he had had the pleasure to meet them since he had been honoured by the G . M with the distinguished position he IIOAV held , aud whilst regretting the absence of the M . W . G . M ., he had the greatest pleasure in proposing a toast with which he had been entrusted , the health of their noble chairman , the R . W . D . G . M . —( loud cheers ) . He